• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 6,540 Views, 234 Comments

Pulling Through - Noponythere

The story of how you get through High school with the help of your friends...

  • ...

Extras (3)

YAY! somehow, I actually managed to get another chapter out. Maybe I, myself was feeling a little hormonal while writing this? I don't know...

The end of the chapter is really decided on how imaginative (or dirty) your mind is.

Meh. Enjoy anyway.


Extras (3)


You find yourself dozing off to a rather boring lecture on pegasi history. The teacher has just finished the section on the pony Renaissance, a topic you have little interest in. Sitting near to the front but up against the window gives you a commanding view of the courtyard below. You let out an audible yawn; ponies in the class catch the contagion and yawn themselves. The hot afternoon sun in the springtime almost blinds you as you look up into the clear deep blue sky. It reminds you so much about Dash.

In your right ear you catch few sentences about political relations between griffons and pegasi. You slump over your desk, too preoccupied with your after-school plans. History is one of the few lessons you have without Rainbow Dash, or any of your other good friends for that matter. You let out another yawn, accompanied with a heartbreaking sigh.

Somehow, you've been ever so depressed when you're not around her recently. You've only been away from her for hours at most but a gnawing melancholy in your heart forces another heavy sigh from you. Although you haven't been particularly active with Rainbow Dash in recent weeks, you find yourself just enjoying having her company. You race much less with her after school or even try out new tricks, yet you seem to cherish quiet flights with her in the afternoon even more so. You reminisce that fuzzy warm feeling of just spending any sort of time with her.

Fuck you, Hormones...

Peering out the window again, you spot a lone colt sneaking around the courtyard. He walks cautiously past the central fountain rather than fly; probably because he has no genuine reason to be wandering around at this time. He looks carefully around himself, hoping nopony notices him. His eyes meets your stare, locking gazes with his. A look of shock and guilt spreads across his face. You smirk, winking to him. His look of terror instantly gives way to a cheeky smile. As you watch him, he makes it into the clearing towards the other buildings, breaking into a swift gallop, away from the view of the humanities building.


You remember the last time you snuck out of a lesson. It was some personal development class, something you also have a clear disinterest for. It was Rainbow Dash who convinced you to sneak out with her. She was craving a sweet treat and couldn't wait a few more hours to quell her cravings.

Impatient bitch

Your few flaws is that you give in too easily for other ponies, something Rainbow Dash has learned to effectively utilize.

I really hate myself.... And Dashie too.

Although you both got to the corridors undetected, you were quickly spotted by a passing teacher. You shoved Rainbow Dash ungracefully out a window before turning back and facing now pursuing staff member. You ended up spending the rest of the day in detention. Writing the teacher a sterile essay about citizenship and good morals. You barely squirmed out of a permanent mark on your record, not least for your charming way with teachers.

Your only consolation was the leniency of the teacher. She has a pleasant disposition, if not slightly strict with punishments. She had let you out at 4:00; a good hour past the last bell. You made it a point never to get caught like that again. As Rainbow Dash put it "you didn't fly fast enough, silly."

Zoning back into your history class, you feel a gust of wind as the teacher walks past you. As he does, he passes back the test everypony had completed the previous lesson. You read the red ink at the top of the paper.

41/50 (A)


You hardly studied for the test, and judging by the disappointed groans coming from your fellow classmates, you've actually done pretty well for yourself. You turn around and spot a certain somepony. His name is Rain Chaser. You know him to be quite a try hard in class. He truly does care about everything he does in class and could possibly be bordering on being a perfectionist.

Right now, hes in almost absolute tears. You make it a point not to talk to him and instead peer down at his score.

48/50 (A+)

Screw You. Little Mr Awesome

You hear one of your favorite sounds. The last bell of the day. Being a Friday, the school day ends early, something both staff and students alike enjoy. You promptly stuff your papers and other textbooks into your satchel, anticipating a relaxing weekend ahead. You feel a heaviness in your stomach, you still feel somewhat incomplete without Dash.

The teacher call out to the class before leaving the room.

"OK little troops, Have a good weekend, don't get into any trouble now."

You file out with the rest of the class, each parting your different ways to dorms, cafes or even to town. You make your way down the busy halls, heading towards the lockers. In due time you reach a memorable and familiar locker. On the grey metallic door your eyes are immediately drawn to the logo and incidentally, cutie-mark on it. A puffy white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt stands this locker apart from the rest to you. You peer around, looking for her but without success.

After what seems to be an infinity, you sadly make your way towards your dorm room. You think to yourself that she may have just gone back to her room earlier or went straight from class. Either way, you decide you're not going to find her anywhere near her and make haste towards your own accommodation.


You stare in silence at your door. Unlocking it quickly, you make yourself comfortable inside. Dropping your loaded satchel you find a familiar yellow sticky note posted on the cork-board by the door. Reading it briefly, you make it to say that Thunder has gone out for the Friday evening; probably spending it with his other mates.

You drag your belongings with you to the kitchenette; inside the fringe you find it well stocked with leftovers and food for the weekend. Without the need to go out, you are content with staying on campus this entire weekend. Anyway, you never really enjoy going out to town, clubs and pubs don't interest you as much as the other ponies.

You continue dragging your things into your bedroom, thinking hard about your weekend plans. You hope to have a nice refreshing shower before heading off to find Rainbow Dash. Maybe you could even enjoy a nice dinner with her tonight. Your little daydream almost has you walking headfirst into the door frame. A quick intervention saves you from a bruised forehead.

Inside your room you dump your stuff into a corner by your desk. Looking around you spot nothing out of the ordinary: your shelf is tidy as always, your desk is clean and in order, your bed as it should be is made and neat. However, a certain aspect of the room catches your attention. The bright, hot afternoon light fills your room. An odd occurrence, particularly as you left your curtains closed this morning.

Interestingly enough, had the curtains been opened much earlier, possibly when Thunder left, the room would be boiling and stuffy by now. In contrast, you find it to be only slightly warm inside. You bite the bottom of your lip, confused at this anomaly. You take a step towards the window before suddenly hearing a distinct unfurling sound behind you. Your right ear perks up, turning to the sound. You also turn your head in curiosity.



you feel a body pounce on top of you, making you lose your footing. You fall to the floor with a heavy thump. A pair of hooves wrap tightly around your neck. You gasp for breath for a second before trying to make sense of your situation.


You try and stand back up, only to be stopped by two legs pushing down on yours. Again, the pair of hooves wrap tightly around your body, preventing any sort of effective movement. Looking up at your attacker, you notice their bright, cyan blue fur. Against yours, it feels indescribably fluffy and unbearably soft. You know it to belong to only one pony.

"What. The. Hell Dashie?!?"

You call out in slight annoyance and confusion, even if you feel almost ecstatic to have her with you once more.

"I caught myself a cute little pegasi here. I'm gonna call him huggles, cuz he's that awesome."

You almost blush at her compliment, feeling nothing but delight in being with her. You try and move again, only to be stopped by her. You try and move any appendage without success. In return you get a cute giggle from Dash as she continue to subdue you.

"You looked SOOO sad and depressed coming here Lightning. Something on your mind?"

You chuckle in response. Unable to find anything to say to her. Finding it futile in trying to stand up, you quickly lean over and roll onto your back. This unexpected manoeuvre clearly takes Rainbow Dash by surprise who quickly releases her grasp of you. However, not quick enough to evade your roll. You subsequently pin her down on your back, quickly turning over to face her.

Whilst restraining both her hooves, you stare closer at your now victim. Her wider, bright eyes gaze it you, reflecting her similar excited mood. You lean closer to her, going for the kiss. Your lips lock in a passionate encounter, pressing against each other with unrestrained fury. Being the stallion you are, you go deeper, slowly sliding your tongue into her mouth. She returns the favour, now ruthlessly going at yours.

Somehow, you managed to manoeuvre your hind legs into such an enticing position. You push her legs, spreading them apart. She lets out a surprised gasp, somehow only edging you further on. You feel an overwhelming urge just to do her right her and now, with only your annoying sensible conscience impeding your primal urge.

Nonetheless, you feel a distinct damp spot down below you,knowing fully well the source of it. you peek down just to confirm your suspicions before turning back Rainbow Dash's face. What you see is a hungry, lustful look on her face. A faint blush rosies her cheek and her mouth is agape, tongue hanging out.


And I though I was going to do this in the most celibate way possible...

"Fuck Lightning. Why do you have to draw this out for sooo long?"

You smile at her deviously. She replies by grinding herself closer to you. You let out a gasp, taken by surprise. But instead of going for fourth base, you quickly let go. Lifting yourself of Rainbow Dash before pulling her up with you.

She isn't amused.

"Come on Lightning, you little pussy. Too good for the floor?"

You childishly stick a tongue out, replying playfully.

"Nope. Just knowing how we like to do it, I don't want cum stains on the carpet."


You let out a chuckle, turning to Rainbow Dash. Looking at her, you can just guess shes trying to picture the scene in her head.

"Aww. You're such an adorable thing Dashie."

"You are the worst tease ever Lightning."

You brush a hoof through her hair, whispering something into her ear. Her eyes quickly light up, clearly excited and supportive of the idea. You feel a sense of accomplishment, smiling brightly. You head towards the bathroom, Rainbow Dash in hot pursuit. You look at her in bewilderment, unsure of her plans.

"Hey, I said after my shower."

"Tough shits Rookie."

She shuts your mouth with a hoof, ushering you into the bathroom. You can't help but wonder what shes up too. She pulls you by the neck, eagerly wanting your company in the shower. Behind her she shuts the bathroom door with a firm kick. Just to make sure, she turns back and locks the door. Instantly, she turns the shower onto full, soaking you both in a delightfully warm downpour.

"Now don't forget to get under my wings Lightning."

Dear Celestia, shes irresistible when shes wet.


You sit quietly at the dinner table, poking whats left of your near finished dinner. Looking straight ahead, you watch Rainbow Dash stab pieces of mac and cheese on her plate. You can only judge by the sour look on her face that she was not at all satisfied with your abstinence in the shower. You, being the big meanie you are, just love winding her up.

She's so cute when she doesn't get what she wants...

"You're such an asshole Lightning."

"-And you're such a horny bitch Dashie. Seriously, you're unbelievable."

She shoots you a fiendish smile.

"You know you can't tame me Lightning; I'm just way too cool for that."

You shake your head in disbelief, collecting up both yours and her plates. You stick them into the sink, rinsing them off lightly. you finish your glass of juice before heading back into your bedroom. Rainbow Dash, being a step ahead of you has already bailed and rushed into your room.

Walking into your room, you find Rainbow Dash lying seductively on your bed. She puts on her best bedroom eyes, hoping to get you to join her. You try your hardest to avert your eyes, hoping to instead distract yourself with some work. You grab a textbook, dropping it on the empty desk. You flip it open to a relevant page. You get down to hard work, trying your best to complete your assignments for the weekend. However, your work session is constantly interrupted by a certain somepony.

"Hey Lighting?"

You pause.

"Yes Dashie?"

"I wish you would treat me like your homework." She lets out deep sigh.

You ponder the thought for a moment,

"With great time and attention?"


You swivel round on your chair, looking at Rainbow Dash. She's still lying down, cuddling a pillow between her legs.


"-By slamming me on that table and doing me all night."


She giggles at her own dirty joke, rolling around in your bed. You turn back, finishing up your work. Soon, you shut your textbook, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Finally! Jeez, I could have done that in like, ten seconds flat."

"Really? The amazing Rainbow Dash finishing a history assignment. Fat chance."

She rolls her eyes in disgust, cringing at the thought of doing history work.

"OK, fine. Maybe 12 seconds. But yes, I am that amazing."

"You're such a compliment whore..."

She bounces up on the bed, still taking that as a compliment.

"I have trained you well Lightning."

You sit there on the chair, facing the wall, full of notices and sticky notes. Behind you, Rainbow Dash stares at you in slight anxiety. She calls out to you.


You don't respond. Instead, you sit there motionless and in silence. She calls your name out again, this time with more urgency.

"Lightning? Hello?"

You swivel around. Jumping off your chair, leaping the gap between your desk and your bed.


You pounce on Rainbow Dash, still caressing your pillow between her legs. She's taken by surprise, letting out an extremely cute and un-Rainbow Dash like scream.

"You -Are the most heart-stoppingly adorable pony I know Dashie."

You wrap her in a tight hug, diving under the thick covers. grabbing her from behind, you spoon her amorously. Her silky mane rubs in your face, occasionally poking your eyes out. lying on your pillow, you feel a moist, warm spot, located on the center. You quickly remember just where your pillow had been; trying hard not to imagine what was going on between those legs.

Is this Dashie's-

"You're really warm Lightning..."

She snuggles closer to you, enjoying your warm bottle effect. You lie back on the damp pillow, ignoring your previous thoughts. You wrap a leg around hers, keeping her as close to you as physically possible. You slowly run your tongue down her neck, sending a tingle down her spine. A gasp from her only encourages you more.

"Enjoying yourself Dash?"

She's trying her hardest not to show it.

"What do you think?"

A feathery push tingles your chest. Her arousal is almost impossible to hide. Somehow, she still manages to keep her wings furled, allowing you to continue spooning her.

"I really just love how hard you have to try Rainbow."

"Oh really....?"

She pushes against you, grinding herself hard against your crotch. You pull the covers over your heads, shrouding you two in complete darkness. In this time, you grab both her hooves, pushing her down onto the bed. She lets out a helpless moan, surrendering to your touch.

"Stop it with your teasing. Just screw me Lightning!"

"But that would just make you happy. Why don't we try something new this time?"

A silence fills the void. Both of you can't think of something to say. Throwing off the cover, you feel much less steamy; you look at each other with a lustful stare, unable to tell who has the sicker mind. She whispers quietly to you.

"OK, but I'm not taking anything up the ass. You would just tear me apart."

"I'm flattered at your compliment Dashie, but I'm not making any promises."

You rip the covers back over the both of you, shrouding both of you in complete darkness once again. You silence any response from Rainbow Dash with a hoof to the mouth.

Celestia, I'm probably gonna go Hell for what I do.


Author's Note:

BUT SERIOUSLY GUYZ - Season 4, Flight to the finish: At the start of the episode with Dash and Ms. Harshwhinny. You know what part I mean. COME ON!!! That was just screaming 'IWTCIRD'.

No? Just me? OK...

Jeez, maybe I should go into writing clop... Still a better love story than Twilight. XD

Comments ( 7 )

I find it funny that when I was choosing a name for my OC I was going to call him Lightning Strike.:pinkiesmile:

I wanna know what they did!


Surprise butsecks. Nuff said :rainbowwild:

... alternatively, they ate crisps in bed. Total Bad-asses :pinkiegasp:

3710581 Hopefully the continuing of 'Reunited' will be just as awesome!

right her and now

her? her? HER?! I think you mean here

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