• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 3,199 Views, 172 Comments

Product of Friendship - AzuraKeres

With the defeat of Chrysalis and her allies, peace was finally achieved amongst many creatures. All creatures were given the choice of happiness, except for one creature that was stolen of her mother.

  • ...

13: Hivemind

Author's Note:



A self-proclaimed witch that attends the School of Friendship for the promise of the whereabouts of her mother, Poison Peck.

Trixie Lulamoon

A counselor at the School of Friendship.

Thorax felt his bones rattle when he moved them. As if unmoved for years, they resounded a pop as he rose from his sheets.

He was in his bedroom. The sunlight revealing him atop his giant clam bed and the sight of a shelf collection of seashells made it clear.

They were a mix of gifts and spoils of his trips through the Seaquestria. The wonders beneath the sea had become a growing fascination to the changeling king. And each of his trinkets held treasuring moments with the Princess of Seaquestria, Skystar.

Swapping his sights from his shelf, Thorax noted movement from the other side of his room. Stone counters lined its walls where he would store grubs and refreshment when he lacked the fortitude to leave his bedroom.

But of course, whenever he dared to make that decision, there would always be a certain changeling to coerce him otherwise.

His brother, Pharynx, had finished mixing the soup with a spoon before whisking it off the stone counter with his magic. His luminescent eyes of lavender beamed neutral at the changeling king.

“Good morning, brother,” Thorax greeted him after a yawn. “Or, is the afternoon? What time is it?”

Instead of a response, Pharynx pushed Thorax flat on the bed. The cluster of pearl-like pillows cushioned his head.

“Who said you can move around?” Pharynx questioned. “Stay in bed.”

Thorax frowned at his brother. “You could’ve just said that. You don’t need to be rough with my body.”

Thorax noted a weight over his body. It felt like gravity had fixed upon him, taking more energy than he liked to admit moving his limbs.

“Let this serve as a reminder to have better foresight than to run headfirst into danger,” Pharynx remarked as he sat next to Thorax’s bed. He lowered the bowl of soup atop a nightstand set next to the bed. “Let this be a reminder that being an idiot will reward you your just prize.”

Pharynx manipulated the spoon to scoop the content of the soup. He gestured the spoon for Thorax to consume. And despite Thorax’s gripe with his brother’s insult, he resigned to take a bite.

After all, Pharynx went out of his way to make it for him. A herbal cuisine that Pharynx learned to brew from many of his mentorship across Equestria.

Thorax did not like his brother to be so grounded at home. Though Pharynx’s desire to protect the kingdom was widely respected, Thorax wished for him to find other joys in his life.

For that reason, Thorax convinced Pharynx to set out across the lands under a fabrication to gather intel. Thorax gave no specifics to the mission, only for him to find what he judged to be relevant.

For Pharynx, that was every combative art and customs he could find across Equestria. His meeting with generals and gurus within each race taught him skills and tactics unlike his own.

Another Pharynx aimed for were medicinal mixtures. Thorax was surprised at how calming his brother became with brewing herbs to nurse the sick and injured.

He hoped to share all that he found with his kind to fortify their home. As always, everything he did served to protect the changeling kingdom. Thorax at least took delight in his brother finding a new hobby.

Thorax accepted another spoonful of Pharynx’s soup before he spoke, “So, how long have you been taking care of me?”

“I do that on an everyday basis,” Pharynx remarked. “But in this instance, two weeks.”

Thorax lurched from his bed in shock. “What do you mean two weeks!?”

Pharynx immediately pushed his brother back on the bed and gave a glare. “I went through a lot of trouble fixing you up. Move about again and next time I won’t cool the soup.”

“How can I not be?” Thorax craned his head. “I didn’t think the Devil’s Dust could incapacitate me to this extent.”

The circulation of the Devil’s Dust had become a growing issue for his kind. Incidents of magic outbreaks and assaults from hysterical individuals had cast over them.

Thorax hoped their union with the other leaders would result in a swift resolution to the problem, as did with others. However, there were too many mysterious and few answers to arrive at a solution. And from Thorax’s recent experience with the drug, he did not like how things were faring.

“I’m worried that the Devil’s Dust has grown more potent over the years,” Thorax said. “The number of incidents continues to wave back and forth, but the extremity of each gradually increases. I don’t like where things are headed.”

“Things do appear hectic,” Pharynx said. “But I promised that I would get to the bottom of it. The Sisterhood can’t hide in the shadows forever from us.”

“And I recognize your efforts. However, I hope you let it consume you.”

When incidents of the Devils’ Dust became a pandemic across the lands, Thorax enlisted Pharynx and his trusted squadrons to abet its spread. His brother had been a play against the Sisterhood and third-parties possessing the Devil’s Dust for years. Constant reconnaissance and response to any magic outbreaks.

For many, it seemed like a conflict that would have no end. And Thorax held a slight concern that his brother would enjoy that.

His strategic battles against the Devil’s Dust held reminders of the old times when he would infiltrate settlements for the Queen. Thorax could sense anticipation within Pharynx. A thirst for violence and lurking in the shadows as he did under the brand of Queen Chrysalis.

Pharynx prodded another spoonful of the soup to shut his brother. “Those witches have the cunning and resource to become a serious bane to Equestria if left unchecked. With how long it’s taking us to end their little cult, I can’t help but feel that our pride as changelings is being tested.”

Thorax swallowed down the soup and gave his brother a dirty look. “This is not a contest, Pharynx. Our priority is the safety of changelings and all creatures.”

“And to preserve the pride of the changelings, I will make that so,” Pharynx countered. “So, the next time you come in contact with that changeling queen, I suggest you bear that in mind.”

Wisteria. The young and wicked changing queen proclaimed herself as a witch.

Memories of her reckless acts across Equestria had frustrated Thorax. And for her to Thorax against his friends and the innocent pang his heart. Not out of her manipulating him, but for how far she would go to neglect the well-being of others.

Thorax frowned. “She’s young and arrogant. I don’t know where she came from, but fall upon us to guide from her destructive ways.”

“You’re chasing a fool’s errand, brother,” Pharynx said. “Your endless desire to see the good in others will result in the harm of more creatures.”

“We know nothing about her,” Thorax said with more determination. “You’re too quick to assume the worst of others.”

“We know that she’s a queen.”

“Pharynx, you can’t base your perception of all queens on one.”

“Do you have evidence of why I should think otherwise?” Pharynx questioned. “Who’s to say that not all questions inevitably fall in the mindset of a conqueror?”

“Please Pharynx. I just asked for you to have faith in me.”

Pharynx paused at his brother’s pleading eyes. He then averted from them and picked another spoonful of the soup. “I can’t, brother. I truly believe that we should nip this danger now before it worsens. However, as the king, I must respect your decision.”

“Hold on, we don’t have to involve rank into this.”

Pharynx drops the spoon in the soup bowl and sighs. “Regardless, I leave the fate of that changeling queen to your hooves. In the meantime, I think it’s prime time you found a partner to birth an heir to the throne.”

“Not this again,” Thorax grumbled. “I’ve already told you I am not duty-bound to spawn a child. We live by new rules.”

“Don’t you realize that the other leaders will have heirs in mind as well? You won’t be sitting on the throne forever.”

“Then why not you birth an heir since it matters to you so much,” Thorax argued.

Pharynx quirked a brow. “Is that a serious question?”

“Look, brother, if we were to find a loving partner to devote our lifetime, I would like it not to be because of our job. It should be something genuine and desired from our own volition.”

“Then why not Flurry Heart,” Pharynx suggested. “She appears to take a liking to you.”

“What!?” Thorax gaped at his brother. “Ew, no! Flurry is like a niece to me!”

“Don’t let sentimental blind you. A creature with a vast source of love like her is more than suitable to be the partner of the changeling king.”

Thorax sighed and buried the back of his head into his pillows. “Is that all you see love as? Well, it doesn’t matter. If you ever paid attention, you would already know that she has her eyes set on Sunburst.”

“You mean that oafish vice principal,” Pharynx said, surprised.

“It’s a love that’s been dormant inside of her all of her life. It’s aged and amplified its potency like a fine wine.”

“I see, my condolences for your defeat,” Pharynx sighed. “I did not know of your rivalry.”

“It wasn’t a contest, Pharynx!” Thorax shouted and then groaned. “You know what, I give up. I’m going back to sleep.”

Thorax turned over and tried to return to his slumber. However, an olive hoof stretched over him and turned his body back over to Pharynx.

“Not before you finish this soup,” Thorax said in a gruff voice.

Pharynx pushed the spoon into Thorax’s mouth through their struggle against each other. Thorax coughed from its contents shot into his throat.

“Hey! Quit it!” Thorax said as he tried to push his brother away. He pushed against his brother’s face, but Pharynx’s overwhelming strength laid Thorax’s own to waste.

“Stop being a baby,” Pharynx said before shooting the spoon through another opening to feed Thorax. Even with Thorax at his keenest, his brother could get past his defenses.

Pharynx his strength clear when he climbed atop Thorax and restrained his hooves. Thorax tried to pull his hooves out of Pharynx’s hold, but he couldn’t so much budge against his brother’s grip.

“Don’t you think you’re taking this too far,” Thorax said. “I thought you wanted to handle my body with care.”

“That all fares upon your compliance. But I don’t mind getting rough if you force my hooves.”

Before Pharynx could chuck another spoonful of the soup into Thorax’s defenseless mouth, a door to the bedroom slammed open.

Ocellus had entered with her eyes closed and a blush of deep blue. “What are you two doing!? Brothers shouldn’t fondle in such ways.”

“Huh?” Thorax eyed confusingly at the blushing visitor. But he soon noted the sign of his brother strapping him down in his own bedroom.

“Wait, Ocellus,” Thorax hurriedly said with a blush. “It’s not what it looks like.”

“Who gave you permission to burst in the king’s bedroom?” Pharynx asked in a displeased tone. His glare sputtered Ocellus to a bow.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just that—”

“Why have you come here?” Pharynx asked. “Shouldn’t you be educating the young minds at the school?”

“I have permission to have days to come here. I wanted to see King Thorax was doing well.”

Ocellus’s eyes opened and immediately she blushed when she noted the compromising position of the brothers.

Thorax tried to slip from his brother’s hold, but Pharynx’s grip was overwhelming. “I’m doing better now,” Thorax grunted. “It won’t be long when I’m back on my hooves.”

“That’s great here,” Ocellus stuttered, casting a hoof over her eyes to block the sight of the brothers. “In that case, there’s another matter I would like to share.”

“Out with it then,” Pharynx demanded. “The soup is getting cold.”

“Soup?” Ocellus then glanced upon the bowl sitting on the nightstand and the spoon in Pharynx’s magic that prodded against Thorax’s cheek. “Oh, so that is what’s going on here.”

“I’ll finish the soup, brother,” Thorax promised. “Now can you please get off of me so I can talk with Ocellus? This is a bit too comprising.”

Pharynx narrowed at his brother for a moment before straddling off from the bed. “Try not to be difficult next time, will ya?”

With his brother out of the way, Thorax stretched his heavy hooves. Though, he remembered to keep his body sprawled on the bed to not earn another of his brother’s aggression.

“So,” Thorax began. “What is it you wish to share with me?”

“It’s regarding Wisteria,” Ocellus said. “For the last few weeks, she has enrolled in the school of friendship as a student.”

Thorax couldn’t help but rise from his bed again before being pushed back in by his brother. After a sigh, Thorax looked at Ocellus. “Please tell me everything you know.”

Trixie began her session with Wist minutes ago. It was quiet. It was tense.

Trixie was silent and anxious. Not because of Wist, of course. Trixie had survived a whole week with this lunatic. That was enough time for Trixie to adjust to her presence. However, Trixie may need months or years for the little beast coddled on her student.

“You’re such a baby,” Wist chuckled at the miniature Ursa Minor. It sprawled on Trixie’s couch, resting its head between Wist’s hind legs.

Wist groomed the Ursa’s neck as it shot licks on her belly. His owner did not seem to mind.

If not for the Ursa’s presence, Trixie would have been taken with awe at the genuine smile on Wist. Trixie could tell the difference between a fake and a real one.

Well, ponies say a dog is a pony’s best friend. Guess that now applied to Ursa. Minors.

“Um,” Trixie started. “Trixie understands that you have grown an affinity for the beast, but we have a session to hold.”

Wist batted an eye at her. Trixie saw the wicked grin forming on the changeling. “Whatever you can say to me, you can say in front of my cutie Snowflake,” Wist said.

Trixie arched an eyebrow. “Cutie Snowflake?”

“You sound confused. Do you not agree that he’s a cutie?” Wist rubbed on Snowflake’s chin. The Ursa let out moans and repetitively kicked its hind leg in the air.

“That’s not why we are here today, Wist. We are here to discuss your time in school.”

“How selfless of you,” Wist commented. “Choosing to ground your own pain for my sake. But don’t you think it’s unhealthy to burrow down those negative emotions? You’d stand to hurt yourself down the line.”

Trixie gave Wist a dirty look, anxious of a scheme sprucing in Wist’s head. Trixie readied her hooves on her desk. “Wist, don’t do anything funny.”

Wist shushed Trixie calmly. “It’s okay. Just trust me. You’ll thank me later for this.” Wist glimpsed into the eyes of Snowflake and lit an emerald glow in her eyes. “Snowflake, assure my poor counselor that there’s nothing to—”

“Okay!” Trixie shouted, putting a pause on Wist. “Yes, Trixie is afraid of Ursa Minors. I’ve had an unpleasant experience with their kind and it’s never left me.”

“Well,” Wist started, resuming her brush on Snowflake. “That was surprisingly honest. I figured you would have too much pride to admit.”

“Trixie has learned to humble herself over the years,” Trixie sighed. “It was Trixie’s first time at Ponyville when an Ursa Minor led to a falling Trixie’s career. It spiraled me to a dark place Trixie never thought she would come out from.”

“A dark place? What skeletons do you have in your closet?”

“You’re not the only one who’s challenged Twilight. Trixie fancied herself as a magician unmatched to all except the alicorns.”

“Then why challenge Twilight? You know she has a horn and wings, right?”

“Twilight was once a unicorn like Trixie. And when Trixie met her at Ponyville, she showed me up when she stopped the attack of Ursa Minor when Trixie could not.”

Wist had stopped brushing against Snowflake’s coat. Her emerald eyes fixated on her glum counselor.

“Her perfection riled a darkness in Trixie she never thought existed,” Trixie continued. “Never had Trixie thirsted for vengeance so much that she devoted to evil items just to even the odds. Looking back now, that had only exasperated Trixie’s insecurities.”

“Oh, wow,” Wist said with a flat gaze. “I didn’t think Snowflake could make you give up something like that.”

“You tend to push boundaries when you don’t have your way,” Trixie said. “But maybe that’s for the best between us. Trixie wants you to know that you can trust her. So, since Trixie has shared a bone from her closet, it’s only fair that you do the same.”

Wist blinked at Trixie and then sighed. “Way to reverse it on me.”

Wist resumed again on stroking Snowflake’s coat, sending the Ursa into gleeful moans and rewarding her with licks.

“Okay,” Wist breathed. “... So, I don’t think I’ve talked about my mother, have I?”

“You refer to her as your home, right?”

Wist confirmed with a slow nod. “She wasn’t one to show love for others. In fact, she could be mean and demeaning. But, even as harsh as she appeared to be, I could always find love in her.”

“When you say harsh, do you mean it in the physical sense?”

“Well, I have earned a few of her mighty chops on the head before,” Wist chuckled. “Though to be fair, I was probably the most troublesome brat any creature had ever seen.”

“Trixie can believe that. You’ve already spread so much chaos in one week to earn Discord’s respect.”

Wist gawked at Trixie. “I thought the point of a counselor is to make me feel good about myself?”

“We both know it wouldn’t be genuine.”

“Whatever.” Wist rolled her eyes. “But no, I’d never think she ever abused me. In fact, she gave me all the comfort and protection I could ever ask for.”

“Trixie sees. And whatever happened to your mother?”

“I... I don’t know. One day, she sent me to forage the forest and when I came back that night, she had disappeared. She and our home were gone.”

Trixie held an intense gaze. “You mean she left you?”

Wist shook her head. “That couldn’t be it. I’ve spent so many years with her and knew her love for me was genuine. I had figured she blew up our house, which wasn’t as rare as she would like to admit. I thought she would come back with wood for us to make a new one, but she never returned.”

“You mean to tell Trixie that you waited at that destroyed home? It’s not safe for a young bug to be on her lonesome for such a long time.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I knew how to take care of myself. Mom may be sure of that.”

“Even so, Wist, no child should be alone defending themselves.”

“I don’t believe she left me on purpose,” Wist argued. “I never saw her as the type to do that to me. So, when I inevitably left, I knew in my heart that something bad must have happened to her. I had to find and rescue from whatever that bad thing was.”

“And when you wandered off, you ended up in Abyssinia,” Trixie presumed.

“Well... yes. How’d you know that?”

“You say it pretty often,” Trixie answered. “How could anyone not make that link? So, did you find anything in Abyssinia?”

Wist grimaced. “I don’t want to talk about it. Maybe some other time.”

The whim on Wist ran low when she exited the School of Friendship. No ploy or prank could wound a wicked smile on her face.

And yet Snowflake tried to beat the odds by warming him with a brush of his ivory fur. Wist rewarded him with another rub on his chin and a small smile. But they both knew it was forced.

Wist eventually wandered into the streets of Ponyville. There was no purpose in being here. Her shift at the candy shop was tomorrow and Pinkie had taken her son to visit their family at a rock farm, whatever that’s supposed to be.

But even with these thoughts, her mind would wander back to the tale she told Counsellor Trixie. Of her mother, whom she longed to see again. Whom she wanted to spend another nostalgic time in the forest.

But Wist no longer knew where that forest was. And neither her mother, who was the only pony that made it whole.

Wist stared at the passing residents of Ponyville. Ponies dined outside a restaurant with feigned confidence. A griffon and pony pair lulled atop a rooftop, staring at the sky. Wist could see them going about their lives in this strange town of trusting creatures.

What shocked her was how none were taken aback by her presence. A week ago, she had assaulted their beloved princes and ripped the love of countless Equestrians. How was it so easy for them to pass that?

She found it so odd. But then again, it saved her a lot of stress to doubt them. It was strange.

If only mom could make sense of this for me. She wondered.

Wist perked to a call from Snowflake. His paw crawled onto Wist’s side, beckoning for her attention. Wist stopped and grabbed it.

“You’re such a baby,” Wist chuckled. “I’ve already told you I’m fine.”

Wist lowered Snowflake’s paw to the ground and then groomed his neck. He purred softly, like a cat.

As pedestrians walked past her, she made brief glances around her. She could still find no source of contempt fixed upon her.

However, she noted a light blue changeling walking among the crowd. Wist honed her sight upon the changeling.

“Ms. Ocellus?” Wist said.

Ocellus paused at the mention of her name and found Wist. After a surprising gander, Ocellus approached her student.

“I didn’t think I would find you in town,” Ocellus said. “Did you have a shift at the candy shop today”–Ocellus jumped back when she noted Snowflake at Wist’s side–Is that an Ursa Minor? “

Wist grinned. “Pretty neat, huh?” Wist took a step back and waved her hoof presenting at her pet. “I’d like you to meet Snowflake, my powerful and adorable familiar.”

Ocellus tilted her head. Her eyes fixed upon Snowflake as if she was piecing together an artwork.

Ocellus smiled. “I can see he loves you quite a lot. You must have showered with attentive care.”

Wist’s proud grin dulled into a frown. “Really? That’s what intrigues you? Not the part that I have a pet, Ursa Minor? Come on, you have admitted it’s an impressive feat.”

Ocellus crouched before Snowflake. The Ursa gave a growl at her, but Ocellus’s warm smile swung him perplexed.

“Oh my,” Ocellus said. “You’ve had such a hard life. I’m so glad that you found a pleasant home with Wist.”

Wist raised an eyebrow. “Huh? Did you do something?”

Ocellus raised before Wist and brushed her leg of dirt. “You know changelings can read the emotions of others. However, if one trains hard enough, you may have them tell stories about its owner.”

“Hold on, you mean to tell me you looked into his memories? You gotta show how to do that.”

“One day, maybe.” Her answer earned a pout from Wisteria. “But, for now, we have another matter to settle regarding your apology.”

“Seriously? And here I thought you would forgive me out of the kindness of your heart.”

“Favors are valuable resources to take advantage of, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Why would you think that? Because it’s something you think I would abuse?” Ocellus responded with a flat gaze. “Okay, so maybe I would!”

“Wist, I would like for you to meet with someone. All I ask is for you to be fair and open to him. Once you have done so you can consider my forgiveness earned.”

“That’s it?”

“That is it.”

Wist shrugged. “Fine by me. At least this one is straightforward.”

Ocellus guided Wist to a place out of town. Hidden behind small hills, an expansive lake laid before them.

But they were not alone. Wist found two changelings of odd stature standing near the bank. Among them held olive skin and antler-like horns. And the other…

“Hey,” Wist called. “Aren’t you the one I drugged into a dragon?”

The two changelings swiveled back and laid their sight upon Wist. The olive appeared peeved, and the other widened at her presence.

“Wisteria,” Thorax said. “You really are here. I’m so glad we get to meet again.”

Wist raised a brow. “I didn’t take you for a masochist. Do you not remember our last encounter?”

Thorax gave a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I guess that would be strange, would it? Um, how about we start over with introductions?”

Before Thorax could begin, the olive changeling stepped past Thorax and approached Wist. Thorax reached his hoof for the changeling, but he long passed Thorax’s reach.

“Hey, Pharynx,” Thorax called. “What’re you doing?”

Wist recoiled a step before the changeling’s approach. His face looked unfriendly and bore a presence of authority. Things on the bottom of Wist’s favorable list.

Snowflake growled at Pharynx. However, a simple glance from the changeling scared Snowflake behind Wist’s hooves.

Pharynx stood a few inches taller than Wist, however his presence felt overwhelming to Wist. If Wist didn’t know any better, she would’ve figured him for the king of changeling rath than the sappy one behind Pharynx.

Wist rattled her brain about how to respond to this. There’s no way she was going to rando jerk her about in a frenzy like this.

Wist waited for Pharynx to provoke her. She was ready to put him in his place with a hex.

But instead of a threat from Pharynx, he bowed and spoke in a soft voice, “My queen.”

Her expectations were so disillusioned that couldn’t help but crook her head. “What?”

It took a moment for Pharynx to realize what he did. He quickly raised himself with a blush. He coughed into his hoof before speaking, “I mean, I am Pharynx. I’ll give you only one warning not to try anything funny. Else you will have to deal with me.”

“Um, okay?”

“Don’t mind him,” Ocellus said. “He works as a general of the changeling kingdom. He may come off threatening but he’s a really sweet bug when you get to know him.”

“I resent that comment!” Pharynx protested. “I’m nothing like my wimpy brother.”

“Thank you for the compliment, brother,” Thorax deadpanned.

“Is this why you brought me here?” Wist asked Ocellus. “To talk to these dullards?”

Thorax joined his brother’s side. Snowflake noted his approach and jumped out from behind Wist to snarl at the Changeling king. Thorax flinched back from Snowflake, a rising proud grin on the Ursa Minor.

“Is that an Ursa Minor!?” Thorax asked. “Why is it so tiny?”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Wist assured. “He doesn’t bite… maybe.”

Thorax’s face soured at the provoking face of Snowflake. However, he repressed his pride. “Wist,” Thorax started. “I have come to Ponyville to confirm Ocellus’s claim that you are attending the School of Friendship. I am glad she spoke the truth. Tell me, how are you experiencing Ponyville?”

Wist gave a flat gaze at Thorax. She then looked to Ocellus, who gave her a nod. “It’s manageable,” Wist said.

“I see,” Thorax said. His face riddled with disappointment. Perhaps he hoped Wist to share more than just two words. “Well, I’ve also learnt you have employed yourself at a new candy shop in town. That must be nice.”

Wist rolled her eyes. “Oh please. The only reason I’m doing it is to get back into potion making. Well, that and I find my boss okay to hang around.”

Wist then neared her face to Ocellus to give a glare. “Have you been relaying my activity to him?”

“I told him everything when I met him back home,” Ocellus confessed. “You have nothing to worry about, Wist. He’s very understanding. You can trust him.”

“You should already know by now that trust is I don’t play with naively. Besides, why should I even bother with them.”

“We’ve heard that Princess Twilight agreed to find your mother in exchange for your attending at the school,” Pharynx said. “You should know that changelings are adept spies that can place their eyes in every crevice across the lands. Nothing would escape us.”

“Aren’t you guys already looking for her?” Wist asked. “You work under the orders of Princess Twilight, right?”

“Our relationship with Princess Twilight is of friendship and respect,” Thorax explained. “We changelings govern ourselves.”

“Then what’s even the point of us meeting here?”

Ocellus patted Wist’s shoulder. “Easy now, Wist. They’re here to offer you help.”

“To be specific,” Thorax said. “With your knowledge of changeling culture.”

“Why?” Wist questioned. “I already have Ocellus for that.”

“Yes, but I think a more practical approach with your kind will expand your mind. Which is why I dub thee citizenship at the Changeling Kingdom.”

Wist narrowed her eyes at Thorax. “Oh, I see. You're trying to butter me up so you can manipulate me, aren’t you?”

“What I’m trying to do is provide you with knowledge of our ways. As a Changeling queen, you have responsibilities to uphold.”

“I’ve already told you before that I’m a witch! I’m not this queen thing you’re speaking of.”

“I don’t speak it necessarily from status,” Thorax explained. “This is based on your biology.”

“I don’t follow.”

“Every changeling has a way of sensing the role of each other. And because we recognize you as a queen, we know that once you reach an age of maturity, you will give birth to a new hive of changelings.”

“… Huh?” Wist’s body stilled. Her body felt heavy and shaken within. She wondered if she heard Thorax correct. She played his words back over and over, hoping to extract different information. But they all came back the same.

“Thorax,” Ocellus said. “Don’t you think it’s a bit soon to tell her that?”

“She has a right to know,” Thorax said. “It’s better to not keep secrets from her.”

“I’m going to be a mother!?” Wist shouted.

Wist looked upon her body. There was no doubt she looked nothing like these butterfly creatures that claimed to be of her kind. But to think that her body possessed some strange nobility to grant her this hardship was unimaginable. Who made her this way!?

Wist didn’t notice her heavy heaving until her body stumbled onto the ground. She felt her stomach would burst open at any moment.

To her surprise, Pharynx was the first to come upon her. His hoof lifted her chin as he spoke. “Everything will be fine. I know this may be a lot for you, but trust not just us but everyone will do everything in their power to help you see this through.”

His hoof felt warm on her face. Wist could’ve fallen asleep in them, but she pushed them back and rose back up on her hooves.

Pharynx gave her space, though keen to catch her again if she fell. Thankfully, Wist composed herself.

However, Pharynx noted a beaming smile from Thorax and Ocellus. “What?” he asked.

“So,” Wist started. “This birthing thing. Is it possible for me to avoid it?”

“I’m afraid there’s nothing that can stop nature from taking its course, Wist,” Thorax said. “Like it or not, you will be the mother of a new generation of changelings.”

“Well, that blows,” Wist complained. “I want to be a witch. Not some mother of dozens.”

“Hundreds, actually,” Pharynx corrected.

“But there’s a way for you to do both,” Thorax added.

“Alright,” Wist sighed. “Let’s hear it.”

“We’ll share all that you need to become an effective mother of the new changelings. You will be provided knowledge of our history, our cultures, and all your abilities as a queen.”

“I have unique abilities besides being a birthing machine. That’s the first good news you’ve told me so far.”

“Please don’t describe yourself like that,” Thorax urged. “Anyway, a Changeling queen has abilities such as establishing a hivemind and creation of changelicites.”

“Never heard of those before. But why are you so willing to teach me all of this? What’s stopping me from using them against you?”

“Wisteria, I want to make my intentions clear. I want to ensure the safety of the new generation of changelings. Because they are your children, I need to ensure that you have everything in your resource to care for them. It may be rash to trust you with all of this, but I’m willing to take a chance of faith with you.”

Wist frowned. “I swear, nearly every creature here in these lands is far too trusting for their own good.”

“But it’s quite refreshing, isn’t it?”

“… Fine then. When can we start?”

“With me at another time,” Thorax said. “I have duties at home I need to attend to because of my long absence. Which is why I will leave you with Pharynx to offer you guidance and protection.”

“What!?” Pharynx and Wist said.

“I promise you that Pharynx will not impede on too much of your regular activities. Only the ones that would stir more chaos than acceptable.”

“Wait a minute, brother,” Pharynx said. “Since when was I supposed to be her bodyguard? I have a cult to chase down.”

“Think a change of setting would do good for you,” Thorax reasoned. “Think of it as a break.”

“This is already turning out to be a hassle,” Wist complained.

“I know this is a lot,” Ocellus said. “But you can believe they only wish to benefit you.”

“Not like I have much of a choice. You’re the one holding the cards here.”

Wist then noted Pharynx gave many glances at her through his argument with Thorax. His eyes stuck upon her longer than Wist deemed comfortable.

“What?” Wist asked him. “You got something you want to say?”

“Huh?” Pharynx said. His face blushed again. “Uh, no. I’m just… I just need to walk for a bit.”

After making his awkward excuse, Pharynx flew off over the hills.

“Hold on Pharynx,” Thorax called. “We still need to talk about this.”

Thorax flew off and chased after his brother. Ocellus, Snowflake, and Wist were now alone at the lake.

“Those two are a lively duo, aren’t they?” Ocellus chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll like them. “

“I still don’t get why all of you are so quick to trust me,” Wist complained. “I’ve given nobody a reason to think so, yet you give it so easily.”

Ocellus tapped her chin. “Hmm, how should I put it? When you see someone look lonely, you’d naturally want to accompany them.”

“Not for me. That kind of weakness will get you into trouble.”

Ocellus surprised Wist with a hug. Wist’s hooves rattled under the warm grip of her teacher. “But you must agree that it feels nice, right? To know you have someone at your side that truly cares for you.”

Wist felt intoxicated by the love Ocellus showered her with. And it was genuine. None of it was forced or feigned with ulterior motives. Wist knew Ocellus truly loved her.

But why? And why did Wist let Ocellus hold her for as long as she liked?

I don’t get it.