• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 3,201 Views, 172 Comments

Product of Friendship - AzuraKeres

With the defeat of Chrysalis and her allies, peace was finally achieved amongst many creatures. All creatures were given the choice of happiness, except for one creature that was stolen of her mother.

  • ...

04 - Looking For Home

“Thank you for guiding me here, Headmare Starlight,” Luster Dawn acknowledged as she took her seat before a table. “I think it would've taken me hours to find this place on my own.”

“I can understand,” Starlight Glimmer nodded as she took her seat on the opposite end of the table. “Ponyville was never this large years ago. It would be overwhelming for any newcomer that isn’t familiar with our home. I imagine would be the same for a pony on their first visit in Manehattan”

“Each of these buildings must have a lot of stories to tell,” Luster said. “Some of which the Princess must have taken part in. I hope that I can learn all I can from them.”

“Then how about we start by taking our orders, shall we? I like to try this new entree the Hayburgers have recently made. It’s apparently a burger with mixtures of vegetables and pineapples.”

“Pineapples in burgers?” Luster raised a brow. “Well, that sounds...extrinsic.”

“Come now Luster,” Starlight chuckled. “You should open yourself to new things while you’re here in Ponyville. Think of it as an opportunity to engross yourself to new cultures.”

“I guess that’s one way to look at it,” Luster said. “Okay then, I would like to order this special pineapple burger as well.”

“...What in Abyssinia are they doing?” A green mare took a seat at a far off table from the two unicorns. The sight of her befuddled the green mare. She doesn’t believe she has ever seen this mare before, but the green mare couldn’t shake this feeling of familiarity she had with her.

The green mare unfolded the menu that was on the table to mask her face as she frequently peered out of it to catch glimpses of the two unicorns. The mare perked her ears at the sound of their voice. “What’s a burger?”

“Hello miss,” the green mare was startled when a blue mare, garnered in a black apron, approached her. “I’m so sorry miss," the blue mare apologized. "Were you still selecting your order?”

“No, no,” the green mare assured. “I think I know what I want.” The green mare skimmed through the menu, but she couldn’t understand the dishes that were written. Many, if not all, appeared completely foreign to her. “Umm, I think I’ll go with the pineapple burger.”

“The new special,” the waitress said. “Coming right up. And would you like any drinks?”

“Just water,” the green mare groaned. She wanted this conversation to end already. There was only one that she was fixated on at the moment.

Once the green mare was finally left alone, she gazed her sights on the two unicorns again. She tried to recall her memories if she had ever met either of them. To her dismay, her mind could only go back to her mother and those...unpleasant memories that came after her disappearance.

But she did feel an arousing emotion. It was so strong and intoxicating, but the mare couldn’t figure out what exactly it was. What is this strange emotion she’s feeling?

Through her dine at the Hayburgers, the mare attempted to ruminate on these emotions and hoped for an answer to come her way. Sadly, she was still confused and the unicorns seemed to have concluded their stay at the restaurant.

The green mare smacked her teeth when she noticed the two leaving the restaurant. This place was ideal to grasp as much information about them. Them going to this “school” will surely complicate things for her.

The green mare left as many bits as the older unicorn had left on her table and followed the two unicorns out of the building. The green mare was a bit rattled when the waitress voiced her gratitude for her payment. Not like it mattered to the green mare; it's not like it was her money.

Regardless, the green mare exited the restaurant and saw the two unicorns walking through a small crowd of creatures. The green wasn't concerned. As long as she held the scent of that mare, she was guaranteed to find them. Better to let them distance themselves from her; just as a precaution to not draw any unnecessary attention.

“Hi there,” the green mare craned her head to a blue changeling that suddenly greeted her. “You must be new here, right? You have those eyes of a newcomer.”

“I do?” the green mare wondered.

“Not really,” the blue changeling admitted. “It’s just a saying of mine. But, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before. Are you visiting some creature?”

“I guess you can say that,” the green mare said.

“I don’t mean to pry, but who might this creature be? I could be of some help.”

“That’s awfully nice of you,” the green mare raised a brow. “Is there a reason for that?”

“We’re all neighborly here in Ponyville,” the blue changeling smiled. “I definitely won’t be the last to give you a helping hoof.” The blue changeling’s smile weakened as she continued, “Well, if you want it at least. I don’t want to force you into telling me if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“...I’m looking for a mare. Her name is Starlight Glimmer. I think she’s the Headmare of a school, right?”

“Headmare Starlight,” the blue changeling said. “The Principal of the school of friendship?”

“There’s even a school for that nonsense,” the green mare cringed. “

“Why do you want to meet Starlight?” the blue changeling asked.

“That is between me and her,” the green mare said. “So then, can you tell where to find this school?”

“I can take you there if you like,” the blue changeling offered. “Though, we would have to take a quick detour first. I have an errand I need to finish.”

“A detour? Why is that?”

“Well, I happen to teach at the school of friendship,” the blue changeling revealed. “Oh, we haven’t even introduced ourselves yet. I’m Ocellus. Can I ask your name?”

“No,” the green mare blankly answered.

“Oh,” Ocellus was drawn back by the mare’s answer. “...okay then.”

“It’s Wist,” the green mare answered.

“What? Then why did you say no if you were going to tell me?”

“Why not?” the green mare shrugged with a grin. “You looked so depressed by my rejection; I couldn't resist.”

“That’s not very nice, Wist. You shouldn’t play with the emotions of friends.”

“Well, maybe Starlight Glimmer can enlighten me then.”

“Wait, do you intend to enroll in the school? Is that why you wish to meet her?”

“We should really attend to that errand of yours, Ocellus,” Wist said. “I don’t want to miss my chance to speak with the Headmare.”

“I promise it won’t take too long,” Ocellus sighed. “But, this could also be a good opportunity to give you a tour around town. It couldn’t hurt to be more familiar with Ponyville if you become my student.”

“What do you mean your student?” Wist raised a brow.

“Come now Wist,” Ocellus smiled. “We should really finish my errand before it’s too late.”

“Oh,” Wist grinned. “Trying to be witty, are we?”

“I want you to know that I didn’t agree to this tour idea,” Wist voiced as she followed Ocellus. The errand that the blue changeling promised to be short turned into a whole field trip across parts of the town, presenting places to Wist that she could care less about right now.

Wist was at first elated when Ocellus guided her to a schoolhouse but felt egged on when the blue changeling revealed it to be a separate campus from the main school building. Ocellus explained that it once was an independent school that educated young foals of Ponyville, but merged with Starlight’s school a few years back that welcomed all juvenile creatures to develop their bonds at a young age. However, since Starlight Glimmer wasn’t there right now, this was all useless information to Wist.

Their next mark under Ocellus's errand led them to a flashy building with a large gamepad placed atop it. Strange how Wist could've missed this. Then again, all these buildings appeared exotic in their own excessive way.

Ocellus pointlessly informed Wist that this building is a renowned game corner that many young creatures of Ponyville gather to play in. The owner happens to be dating one of Ocellus's associates at the school. Wist would find it more enjoyable to meet this mare at that school then gush about her relationship.

…Why is an adult showing a minor a nightclub? Wist had to admit that the place looked tempting, but she had other things on her mind right now.

Is this really turning into a field trip? So what this place was founded by a famous DJ that hosted parties across Equestria and beyond? What does that have to do with the errand?

"Are we there yet!?” Wist voiced behind the blue changeling. “So far you’ve been lugging me around this place instead of finishing this errand you mentioned.”

“Don’t worry Wist,” Ocellus. “It’s just around the corner.” Her words proved truthful as Wist awed at a surreal building that looked to be made of literal pastries.

“Is that a house?” Wist wondered.

“It’s also a bakery,” Ocellus added. “The Sugarcube Corner to be exact. Let’s go in, I’m sure the Cake twins have prepared the cake. Since you were patient with me, I think I'll buy you some sweets.”

“You better,” Wist voiced. “I didn’t ask for an overview of the whole place.”

Ocellus was kind of enough to open the door to the building for Wist, but before the green mare could enter the building, a sudden yellow blur lurched upon the mare and toppled her to the ground. Wist immediately lifted the figure off her with her hooves and bore her fangs. Though, her ferocity abruptly quelled when she realized that she was holding a yellow colt above her.

The innocent colt giggled atop the befuddled mare, which earned the colt a chuckle from Wist.

“Lil’ Cheese,” Ocellus voiced. “That’s not a normal way to greet creatures.”

“It’s okay Ocelli,” Wist perked to a new voice. A pink mare emerged from the building and then grabbed hold of Lil’ Cheese when the yellow colt reached out for her. “He doesn’t seem to mind the surprise, don’t you?”

“I'd be lying if I said I didn't find any amusement," Wist admitted as she raised back on her hooves. The green mare then glanced at the happy colt gazing at her and then the pink mare. "Um, is he yours?"

“Yuppie,” the pink mare confirmed with a smile. “His name is Lil’ Cheese. He's always brimming with energy. Kind of work the nerves of his foal sitters, but I wouldn't want him in any other way.”

"I think my mom is the same way," Wist smiled. "Though, she made it difficult for herself to admit it." Wist's eyes met the colt again, which prompted the colt to extend her hooves toward the green mare.

Pinkie noted her son's movements. “You want to hold him?” the pink mare offered.

“You sure?" Wist raised a brow. "I mean, I'm just a complete stranger to you. Aren't mothers supposed to be defensive against creatures they don't know?"

"I don't see why not," Pinkie shrugged. "Lil' Cheese likes you; that's all I need to know."

"Well," Wist started. She was a bit taken back by this mare's forwardness. "Since you're offering…"

Pinkie brought her son to Wist's hooves as the green mare seemed shaky with her hooves. Ocellus seemed befuddled by this and felt compelled to ask. "Is your first time holding a child?"

"He…feels more fragile than I imagined." Lil' Cheese pecked her snout upon Wist's, goading the green mare the press his in return.

Ocellus couldn't help but chuckle at the innocence between the two creatures. But then a thought came back to her, "Oh, that's right. Pinkie, do you have the cake Starlight ordered?"

"Starlight?" Wist perked her ears at the name.

"Well of course I do," Pinkie confirmed and then suddenly disappeared into the building and back out in a span of a second. The motion looked so unnatural from what Wist has ever seen. "Still fresh and boxed like I had it an hour ago. I can't wait for Luster's First Day of School party, I'm going to pull all the stops for her."

"I wouldn't go that far," Ocellus said as she floated the boxed cake before her with her magic. "Despite how spirited she shows herself to be, I can tell Luster is anxious around others. If I heard right, she didn't have that many friends back at her previous school."

“Now that’s a surprise,” Pinkie voiced. “You figured Twily, the Princess of Friendship, would have students do friendship, don't ya think?”

“I think it’s because the curriculum at her school did not change much from how Princess Celestia managed it. I mean, the School for Gifted Creatures is only limited to creatures that excel in magic.”

“That’s nice and all,” Wist voiced as she lowered Lil’ Cheese to the ground. The colt then hopped and skipped around the field. “But I do have a meeting with Starlight that I need to go to.”

Pinkie gasped and spoke, “Are you a new student as well?” Before Wist could answer, the pink mare lifted her and gave her a bear hug. “That means I got two first day parties I got to host. Oh, and two welcome parties. Maybe I should put them together and make a first-day-of-school-and-welcome-to-Ponyville party.”

“Title too long,” Wist gasped for air. “Also, can’t breathe.”

Pinkie let go of Wist and said, “I’m sorry about that. I’m just so excited to welcome so many new creatures.”

“You’re always excited though,” Ocellus voiced.

“Well duh,” Pinkie said matter-of-factly. “Cause it’s always nice to meet new creatures. There’s always new smiles and experiences to have with them.”

“New experiences…” Wist strangely pondered on those words. However, her thoughts were interrupted when Lil’ Cheese again leaped upon her and landed atop Wist’s head. “You really are brimming with energy. Maybe I should tucker you out.”

Wist lowered the colt before her and gave a devious grin. “I’m giving you a five-second head start. After that, I’m gonna get ya.”

The yellow colt smiled gleefully and galloped away from her. Seeing that the small foal was faster than Wist initially expected, cartoonishly, in fact, Wist decided to take back her promise and sprint off after her. “Come back here!” Wist cried as she chased off after the yellow colt.

“That Wist sure has a thing for Lil’ Cheese,” Pinkie commented. “Maybe I should have her foalsit her on occasions.”

“Pinkie Pie,” Ocellus's demeanor became serious. “Something is off about Wist.”

“What?" Pinkie wondered. "You mean the fact that she's a changeling in disguise?"

“...Yes,” Ocellus didn’t bother to ask how Pinkie knew. It’s just a Pinkie thing; something you don’t bother questioning. “But her magic is far more unusual from changelings. A normal changeling probably wouldn’t notice it unless they were searching for it hard enough. That’s probably why no other changelings have been looking her way.”

“Really? What’s so weird about Wist?”

“I’m not sure,” Ocellus admitted. “Her magic just feels to have some sort of great malevolence and darkness. It honestly spooked me when I took notice of it. But when you look at her, it doesn’t really seem to be the case. At first, I thought she was just putting up an act. And yes, she is lying about her identity, but I don’t think she’s faking her attitude.”

“Woah, that is kind of strange." Pinkie admitted but smiled. "But I’m sure that she’s not here to cause trouble...well not that big of a kind.”

“You think so? Why do you say that?”

“Just take a look at her.” Pinkie pointed at Wist and Lil’ Cheese that appeared to be laughing about as they ran across the street. Wist finally managed to catch Lil’ Cheese and the green mare goaded in triumph. “Doesn’t she seem like a good bug in her heart?”

“I hope so," Ocellus sighed. "Things have been peaceful at Ponyville for quite some years. I would like for all of us to just stay happy like this."

"Oh Ocelli," Pinkie chuckled. "You're so adorable when you're serious."

"But this is serious," Ocellus voiced quietly for Wist not to hear. "She's unlike anything I've sensed and I don't mean it in a good way. There's obviously something dark within her. I just hope she doesn't direct it at any creature."

"Then it's a good thing she has you for a teacher." Pinkie noted her son and Wist laughing loudly as the green mare hoisted the colt high. "Lil' Cheese really does like her. Hey Ocelli, think I can borrow Wist on occasions?"

"Um, maybe when she's no longer a potential threat to the town."

"Hey," Ocellus perked her ears to Wist's voice. The green mare returned to her with the yellow colt bouncing on Wist's back. "Are we going anytime soon? Starlight isn't going to stick around at the school forever, is she?"

"R-right," Ocellus said. "I did get what I came for, so our next stop would be at the school."

"Finally," Wist voiced. "For a moment there I thought you were stalling for time."

"What?" Ocellus widened her eyes. "Me? Noooo…" Pinkie couldn’t help but chuckle at how badly Ocellus was trying to feign ignorance. You'd think all changelings would be adept in deception, but apparently, Ocellus was too innocent for those sorts of things.

"... So, are we going?"

Starlight entered her office with a sigh and took her seat before her desk. She was happy to hear how Luster was ecstatic to learn all the complexities of friendship that turned Starlight's life for the better. And it's an honor that her mentor and Princess entrusted her to teach Luster those valuable lessons. But…she was hoping for more.

Starlight wondered if she was being too selfish. But it felt only right to follow in Princess Twilight's hoof step; just as she followed from her mentor, Princess Celestia.

"Peers, huh," Starlight sighed. She knew that Luster said it with good intentions, but honestly, it was disheartening to her hope. If only Starlight could have one of her very own--

The door to the office suddenly opened and a blue mare garnered in a formal attire appeared. "Starlight," the mare voiced. "There you are. Trixie has been looking for you."

"If it's about Luster, she's in class with Applebloom. I think I've bought enough time for Smolder and Silverstream to prepare the surprise."

"Hm?" Trixie tilted her head. "Oh, that! That's not what Trixie is here for."

"Can it wait then?" Starlight asked. "I need a moment alone."

"Trixie cannot allow that. It's rude enough to have the Princess wait this long."

Before Starlight could ask, her mentor and Princess, Twilight Sparkle entered the room. "I'm sorry if this is an inconvenient time," the Princess apologized. "But I'm here for a serious matter."

"Princess Twilight!" Starlight immediately raised from her seat. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Yes, please, come in."

"We can skip the formalities, Starlight," Twilight said and took a seat on the opposite end of Starlight's desk. “We have a far more important matter to discuss.”

“Well, I hope that important matter justifies having the humbled and generous Trixie to serve as an errand filly,” Trixie said as she walked to Starlight’s side. “We already have Ocellus for that, today.”

“Where is Sunburst?” Twilight asked. “I was hoping he would be with you so I can tell the three of you at once.”

“He’s been called to the Crystal Empire again,” Starlight informed. “Flurry Heart is falling behind in her studies in magic again. And we both know how productive she gets when Sunburst is her tutor.”

“But why only him?” Twilight complained. “When I offered my assistance, I really hoped it would give me more time to bond with my niece, but she ended up spacing out during our session.”

“C’mon Twilight,” Starlight grinned. “You know why she’s more focused when he’s around.”

“...No,” Twilight said. “I don’t approve of that. She should be looking for ponies of her own age.”

“That’s for Flurry and her parents to decide," Starlight said. Besides, it’s not like Sunburst is aware of her advances. He may be one the smartest pony there is, but he’s also really dense when it comes to complicated emotions.”

“Trixie can’t see it,” Trixie sighed. “Flurry Heart is a princess. Any stallion would fawn over her. Why would she be fixated on a pony as plain and nerdy as him?”

“We can gossip about that later,” Starlight said. “What’s this important news you needed to tell us, Twilight?”

Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled to calm her nerves. “There’s been the arrival of a Changeling Queen in Equestria. She says her name is Wisteria. She’s very young, but has a destructive personality that has already harmed fractions of creatures in Equestria.”

“A changeling queen!?” Starlight was alarmed. “I thought there was only one.”

“As did I and Thorax,” Twilight said. “But her existence shows that there may be other hives across the lands. But more importantly, Thorax and I have teamed our forces to find her, but she has managed to elude our guards and even us. And now, there’s a possibility that she may be here in Ponyville.”

“Here!?” Trixie slammed on Starlight’s desk. “You’re saying that this fiend is already sneaking about in our home? No, no, no, Trixie can’t do this again.”

“Calm down Trixie,” Starlight placed a hoof on Trixie’s shoulder. “I’m sure Twilight has come up with a solution.”

“I’m doing my best,” Twilight said. “But she’s been frighteningly clever in avoiding my reach. I have reinforced Ponyville and nearby settlements with platoons of guards to find her, but I’m afraid they won’t have much luck.”

“Are you telling Trixie that there’s no hope!? Trixie needs assurance to calm her mind.”

“If this Changeling Queen can hide from Thorax’s guards," Starlight started. "Then there has to be particular magic she’s coating herself in to prevent herself from being sensed.”

“Then that’s it,” Trixie made a hopeful smile. “We figure out the spell she's using and then flush her out for the taking.”

“Unfortunately, that won’t be possible if I don’t have a single clue what her magic is. We’d have to find her first. Unless...Twilight, do you have any idea what magic she may be using?”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight said. “I didn’t get the chance to study her magic. She caught Thorax and me by surprise when we cornered her. Thorax might have an idea, but he’s in recovery right now.”

“Thorax is hurt?” Starlight widened.

“Thorax was drugged,” Twilight answered. “But he doesn’t have any injuries. He just needs some rest.”

“What did this changeling drug him with?”

“With Devil’s Dust.”

Starlight sighed. “So, we have a Changeling Queen in Equestria that’s also in possession of the Devil’s Dust.”

“Until she’s in custody, I need for you and other trusted creatures to stay vigilant. Don’t tell every creature about this else it will raise hysteria. The royal guards will help the best they can.”

“And what about you, Twilight?”

“I have to visit the other settlements. They’re in a similar danger as Ponyville.”

“I get it, the Princess has to protect every creature of Equestria. Not just Ponyville.”

“Which is why I need you to do so in my place if I’m not here on time.”

“This is rather inconvenient news,” Starlight said. “But I promise that I and our friends will do our part to protect Ponyville.”

“I know you will,” Twilight said. She then raised back to her hooves and began her exit from the room. “I’ll be heading to the town hall to share this news with Mayor Pip Squeak. I hope for your safety, Starlight.”

Starlight nodded as Twilight left the room. A bright purple light that flashed from the opening of the closing door indicated to her that Twilight had left the building.

“Starlight,” Trixie voiced. “What’re we going to do? Trixie can’t deal with rabid changelings again. Trixie still hasn’t gotten over when they swarmed Trixie when they were following under Chrysalis. It was so dark and prickly!”

“We can only do what we can,” Starlight sighed. “Tell all of our teachers of what’s going on. They may be able to pick out any students that might be acting out of character.”

“Trixie guesses that’s a start,” Trixie admitted. “Okay, Trixie will inform every teacher as fast as the speed of light.” Trixie hurried out of the room, leaving Starlight in her lonesome.

She remained before her desk, contemplating why this changeling has come here and what she could possibly do to stop her. Inevitably, nothing useful came to mind. Only memories of her bout with Chrysalis. The only Changeling Queen she thought to exist that rejected her hoof of friendship.

Twilight mentioned that this changeling was young. Perhaps her ideas are not as stapled as another queen she knew. Maybe this time may be different. Perhaps all that changeling needs is a little guidance. Maybe she can be her...

Starlight frowned at herself. “I’ve become so desperate over these years. I may be a Headmare, but maybe I was never meant for my own pupil. I should be happy with what I have now…”