• Published 2nd Nov 2021
  • 7,501 Views, 582 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed - extremeenigma02

A year after the events of their last adventure through the multiverse, the Mane Six and Spike are back again for another adventure. This time they reunite with Mystery Inc to help them solve the biggest case of their entire lives.

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Unexpected Invitation

A beautiful symphony of twittering blue birds graced the clean crisp air on another bright sunny day in the land of Equestria. The leaves on the trees had already turned that beautiful shade of red, orange, and yellow as the season of fall taken full effect on Ponyville. All around the bustling little down, the local residents were doing their best to take up the copious amounts of leaves that fell from the numerous trees of the land and fallen right smack dab in the middle of their dwelling. Now it was not yet that time of year for the annual ‘Running of the Leaves’ so there was not yet a need to keep the leaves around. It was only right that every pony did their part to keep their town clean from the leaves.

In particular, one tiny little cottage right on the brink of the Everfree Forest was rather covered in leaves seeing as how many from the dark trees fell right into the tiny yard. The only one working, trying to take up those leaves, was a lone butter yellow Pegasus with a bright pink mane and triple butterfly cutie mark.

Fluttershy hummed a peaceful little melody to herself as she raked the lawn with great care and precision. The shy, timid Element of Kindness may not be as nitpicky about perfection as her friend Rarity usually was, but she still strived to keep her property in tip-top shape. Finally, she was able to take up the last of the leaves into a perfect little pile at the edge of her yard and turned back to admire her handiwork. The entire yard was all spick and span now without a single trace of leaves. She took a deep breath and released a gentle sigh of relief.

“Perfect!” She smiled.

She turned back to the open front door of her tiny cottage, seeing a miniscule, little white bunny with floppy ears frowning at her and tapping his tiny little foot on the ground like a disapproving parent. This was Angel Bunny, Fluttershy’s faithful companion (Or rather, the constant center of attention). The tiny little rabbit was so spoiled rotten, always taking full advantage of Fluttershy’s kindness. To him, everything either had to be done his way or no way.

“Oh Angel, doesn’t the yard look just perfect?” Fluttershy asked sweetly.

To which the little bunny rabbit just shook his head and crossed his tiny little arms in disapproval.

“Oh dear!” Fluttershy said worriedly. “Did I not rake every leaf? Or maybe it’s because the flowers need watering? Oh, I hope I remembered to clean out the gutters.”

Angel groaned to himself, face palming his little paw at Fluttershy’s worrying.

Okay… maybe she can be a bit nitpicky at times.

Nothing wrong with wanting your yard looking good. I for one take great pride in that.

Yeah right. I’ve been to your house; all I see is crab grass and weeds everywhere.

Moving on!

Angel hopped over toward Fluttershy, jumping upon her back. He pointed his little paw toward a pile of leaves then another section of the lawn, all while Fluttershy’s gaze followed his pointing.

“Oh, I see!” She realized. “You think that the leaves would be better over there, don’t you?”

Angel gave a little smile, nodding in affirmation. With her constant aim to please others, Fluttershy quickly got to work and raked the leaves over the side of the lawn that Angel pointed out. When that was done, she looked back at him for approval. But Angel took one look, shook his head, and pointed to another section of the yard. This went on for the next fifteen minutes before the poor dear collapsed from exhaustion. Sweat ran down her face as she looked up at Angel for his approval and to her upmost thanks, he finally nodded his head in approval. It was only when Fluttershy finally got back to her hooves and looked toward where the pile rested only to realize it was in the exact same place she had finished the first time.

She sighed to herself, as she flopped back down to the ground. But it was short lived when Angel jumped onto her chest. The little bunny rubbed his little tummy and Fluttershy could faintly hear the sound of gurgling coming from him.

“Oh, you must be absolutely starving Angel,” Fluttershy said. “Come on then, we’ll go inside and fix everyone up some supper.”

The little bunny quickly hopped off her chest and hopped quickly back toward the direction of the cottage. Fluttershy slowly got back up, working her way to the cottage and began whipping up meals for all her animal friends. She made a little salad with carrots for Angel, filled all the many birdfeeders for her bird friends, a good amount of honeycomb for Harry the bear, and so on and so forth.

After everyone had eaten, now contently relaxed, Fluttershy made her way into the kitchen to prepare her own food. As she was in the process of making her own salad and pouring herself a nice glass of juice, she heard the most horrible, most frightening sound she had ever heard in her entire life.

Fluttershy was so spooked that she dropped her glass of juice, which shattered to the ground.

“What in the wide world of Equestria was that?” She thought.

Apparently, all the other creatures heard it as well because now they were all running around and made noise in a blind panic. Fluttershy tried her best to calm her animal friends down, but at the moment they were so frightened that nothing was going to ease them. As much as she really didn’t want to, Fluttershy knew she had to investigate the sound.

Shaking like the leaves she had raked a few moments ago, Fluttershy cautiously made her way to her front door and slowly creaked it open. Looking out into the brisk afternoon air, she scanned around the area to see what could possibly be out there. At first, it didn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary, until… she saw it.

Looking toward the mighty Everfree, Fluttershy’s eyes widened in panic when she noticed a dark figure crouching upon one of the branches of the dark trees. The creature seemed to be black as night and stood at least seven feet tall when standing upright. It had long arms, long legs, and two huge wings that folded around its form as it stared down at her. And what ‘really’ captivated her most was the glowing red eyes that stared directly at her.

They were just so red it didn’t even seem possible. When their eyes met, it was thought this creature had a hold of the timid Pegasus. No matter how much she wanted to, she just couldn’t take her eyes off whatever this was. She wanted to understand what she was looking at, she wanted it to make sense. What could possibly have eyes glowing red like that, especially in the daytime?

The creature then stood up to its full height on the branch, stretching out its wings to their full length. It had to have easily a ten-foot wingspan, given how huge the wings and the creature itself was. The creature gave off one last ear-piercing screen before flying off into the darkness of the forest so fast that if she were to blink, she’d have missed it.

When the creature was finally gone, Fluttershy finally let go of a breath that she didn’t even realize that she had been holding onto for the longest time. Unable to speak, unable to scream, she simply bolted off into the direction of the castle of friendship to see the one pony who could possibly know what to do at a time like this.


Princess Twilight Sparkle currently sat at her desk in her office as she scribbled away at a series of fan letters, bills, and other serious papers that required her attention. She sighed to herself because she was so absolutely bored out of her mind with all this work. Looking over to the side of her desk, she noticed a single picture: Of Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. She couldn’t help but shed a tear.

It had been a whole year since their last adventure, one year today since Sunset Shimmer decided to stay behind. It still hurt Twilight immensely that Sunset decided to stay behind. But at the same time, she understood ‘why’ she did. She knew Sunset needed to find her place in the galaxy, but it didn’t stop her from missing her best friend.

Just at the moment, Spike emerged carrying a huge stack of papers that was even taller than he was. The little dragon struggled and wobbled his way as he carried it over before placing it on her desk.

“More letters,” He breathed heavily. “Phew! That’s my tenth load today!”

Looking around the huge stack, Spike noticed Twilight’s sad expression. Just seeing her face also made him a slight upset as well.

“Hey! You okay, Twi?” He asked worriedly.

Twilight gave no response as she just continued to look at the picture. She didn’t say a single word, didn’t blink an eye, not even twitch at all in response. Spike slowly walked around the desk, leapt onto her lap, and cuddled up to her. It only took a moment before Twilight finally gave in and cuddled back.

“You really miss her huh?” Spike asked.

“Yeah,” Twilight nodded. “Sorry…”

“It’s okay. I know how you feel. True I may not have known her as well as you did, but I miss her too. Hard to believe it’s been a full year since we left.”

“I know,” Twilight sighed.

Spike turned toward his adoptive sister/mother, trying to give her a big reassuring smile.

“Come on Twi,” He said reassuringly. “If there’s one thing I know about Sunset, it’s that she wouldn’t want you sitting around moping all day. She’d want you to go off and have many wonderful adventures like she’s probably doing right now. You know she’ll come back and visit anytime.”

Twilight actually had a little ghost of a smile work its way onto her face, as she pondered Spike’s words. No doubt if Sunset were here right now, that’s exactly what she would say. Twilight then looked down toward Spike, with much more of a smile on her face now.

“Thanks Spike,” She thanked him. “I actually do feel a little better now.”

The two then embraced in a big hug before…


Some knocking at the front door of the castle caught their attention.

“Huh! I wonder who that could be?” Twilight questioned.

Spike, meanwhile, gave her a mischievous smirk.

“A little present from your number one assistant.”

Twilight and Spike both got up and quickly raced down toward the main foyer, right toward the front door. Twilight used her magic to open the door and was greeted with a magnificent sight.


Standing before her was her brother Shining Armor, her sister-in-law Cadence, and of course, her little niece Flurry Heart. Although Flurry wasn’t quite so little anymore, seeing she was now grown up. Albeit just a little younger than the Cutie Mark Crusaders used to be.

“Oh… my… gosh!” Twilight gasped. “What are you guys doing here?”

Twilight gave her big brother and her sister-in-law a big hug with both arms around one of them. Then she gave her niece an even bigger hug when she picked her up and spun her around, much to the little filly’s amusement.

“Stop Auntie Twily!” Flurry giggled. “You’re making me dizzy!”

“Oops, sorry sweetie!” Twilight apologized.

Twilight set Flurry down and the little filly nuzzled up to her side, to which Twilight returned.

“We came to surprise you with a visit,” Shining explained. “Hence, ‘surprise’.”

“Spike told us how you’ve been feeling a little down lately,” Cadence smiled. “And since you must’ve been very bored, we figured we’d come visit and we can go out to lunch together.”

Twilight turned toward Spike, who just held his arms behind his back and whistled innocently. Twilight just laughed as she pulled him to her side in a hug.

“Did I ever tell you that you’re the best assistant ever?” She asked.

“Only once or twice,” Spike joked. “But you know me. I never get tired of hearing it.”

Suddenly, Fluttershy burst into the castle at fully speed. Shining and Cadence noticed the incoming Pegasus and took a step to the side as she soared past them and into the castle. She skid to a halt, breathing like a winded rhino and her eyes were almost bugged out of her head. She looked truly petrified.

“Fluttershy, are you okay?” Twilight asked concerned.

Fluttershy, so freaked out and frightened, couldn’t come up with words to describe what she’d seen. She just pointed towards the edge of Ponyville and her cottage. Twilight turned toward the direction of the cottage, then back at her friend.

“Your cottage?” She asked.

Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically as she pointed toward the Everfree Forest and did her best to imitate what she saw. Twilight and the rest of the group watched the frightened Pegasus trying to act out what she had seen. It really confused them, unable to figure out what Fluttershy’s trying to say. After she finished, Twilight thought she could understand what it was Fluttershy was explaining.

“So… you saw something scary-looking in a tree of the Everfree Forest from your cottage?” She guessed.

To which Fluttershy nodded her head rapidly in confirmation.

“Oh my!” Cadence gasped.

“From what she was showing, it looks like whatever it was had to be huge with giant wings.”

“Like a manticore?” Flurry asked.

Fluttershy rapidly shook her head ‘no’. Twilight quickly walked toward her, placing a gentle comforting hoof over her back.

“Okay Fluttershy, calm down,” She spoke comfortingly. “How about you join us for lunch and try to relax a bit. When you calm down, you can explain whatever happened.”

Twilight proceeded to lead Fluttershy, along with the rest of her family, out the main foyer and outward into Ponyville. All the while, Fluttershy’s head rapidly turned side to side as if expecting that mysterious creature to appear and watch them every step of the way.


Sitting at one of the local restaurants in Ponyville, Twilight and the rest of her family sat in conversation. All the while, Fluttershy did her best to try and calm her nerves. As this went on, Twilight was in the midst of a conversation with Flurry Heart.

“So, how have you been doing in school lately?” Twilight asked Flurry.

“Been doing just great Auntie Twily,” Flurry said happily. “I’ve been getting straight A’s. Maybe one day I’ll be just as smart as you.”

Twilight smiled proudly as she reached over and gently rustled her little niece’s head. So young she was, and already showing so much potential. She then looked over toward Shining Armor and Cadence.

“How about you two?” She asked. “Any progress on making me another little niece or nephew to love?”

Shining actually spat out the drink he’d been sipping on when he heard that, while Cadence blushed an even deeper shade of pink than she already was. This caused both Twilight and Flurry to chortle so hard.

“Just kidding you guys!” Twilight laughed. “Oh man! That spit-take was priceless, Shiny!”

Both Shining and Cadence sighed with relief before they too began to laugh.

“Yeah, it was pretty epic, wasn’t it?” Shining laughed. “Though nothing as epic as what you and your friends go through lately, that says a lot coming from your big brother. Especially with that rather ‘handsome’ stud, Storm Shield…”

“Yes he is…” Twilight sighed, realizing. “Uh-uh… I mean yeah! Storm! He’s such a great guy! The fact he knows all those insanely powerful Jedis… having a nice speeder… he’s really cool! Eh-heh-heh…”

“Oh relax, Twily! I know Storm’s good to you. Can’t a big brother mess with his favorite sibling too?”

“Speaking of which, where is Storm Shield anyway?” Cadence asked. “Actually, don’t see much of him around since your last trip.”

“Oh yeah… well, today he decided to spend a little time with his mom, Celestia. They’ve been meaning to have some mother-son bonding time and it’s been a little tough to manage. We all could pretty much use a day to just spend time together and relax…”


In the midst of Twilight’s conversation, Spike leaned over toward Fluttershy who’s hoof trembled as she picked up her cup of tea slowly toward her lips.

“So… how you holding up there Flutters?” Spike asked calmly. “You doing okay?”

“N-N-No, I’m okay little Spike,” Fluttershy trembled. “I-I-I just need to sit quietly, that’s all.”

“You know under most circumstances I would totally understand that. But I know when you’re scared, and whatever you saw today must’ve been terrifying.”

“Oh, I don’t even know what I saw Spike,” Fluttershy moaned. “You’d think with all the scary encounters with stranger, terrifying beasts we’ve met you’d think I’d be numb to it at this point.”

“Probably from all the excitement we’ve been having with these trips lately. Not that it’s all entirely bad. We got to travel, meet new faces, and try new things. Makes you think none of the most dangerous beasts in the universe can stop the thrill of adventure.”


“There are times when there can be too much thrill for adventure,” Twilight spoke with Shining Armor. “Few years nearly getting captured or killed by space creatures, while only a few minutes of Equestria time… there’s just so much that carries with you.”

“I’m not sure if that has anything to do why you haven’t used the television for over a year,” Shining Armor pointed out. “We know you’ve still been thinking about Sunset lately.”

“Hmm… I was at least hoping to at least get ‘one’ message from her letting me know she’s okay. Sometimes I wonder if she’s forgotten all about us.”

“Kind of like how some of those old friends of yours must feel after your last adventures?” Cadence brought up. “They seemed a little sad whenever you girls leave.”

“We always promised that we’d come to visit every chance we could,” Twilight spoke. “It’s just been very difficult to find the time. The television’s been quiet these past few months…”


“Quiet seems to be the last thing on that creature’s mind,” Fluttershy spoke to Spike. “Why that creepy monster would come around near me still f-f-frightens me.”

“Did this monster even ‘try’ to hurt you when you first saw it?” Spike asked.

“T-T-That’s just the scary part… I didn’t know what it was going to do,” Fluttershy explained. “All it really did was just stand around… watching me… I can never forget it. The way it’s eyes glowed bright red… the way it arched its wings… and the scream…”


“EEP!!! The monster!” Fluttershy shrieked.

The yellow Pegasus quickly ducked under the table, much to Twilight and the others surprise. She shivered and shook as that strange sound buzzed around the area. Spike scanned around the area, trying to determine what was going on.

“Doesn’t sound like an animal…” Spike observed. “It sounds more like…”

“It sounds like static…” Flurry Heart spoke. “Like the noise those stereos make sometimes at Discord’s theater thing…”

It was then that something occurred to Spike.

“Hold the phone!”

Turning toward Twilight’s saddlebag, which was right beside the alicorn princess herself. Spike leaned his head against the saddlebag, hearing for the source. Before any pony can reply, Spike clicked open the bag and proceeded to dig through Twilight’s bag. The first things he removed were a bunch of random parchments and quills… like Twilight can’t carry enough. As he dug, he pulled out Twilight’s old Smarty-Pants doll.

“Huh… thought you lost this, Twi,” Spike remarked.

Carefully putting it aside, Spike kept digging until… he uncovered an open music box with a portrait of Twilight & Sunset, playing that same song they sung in their last adventure. The group turned toward Twilight with an incredulous stare.

“What? It’s a catchy song!” Twilight defended, sheepishly.

Finally, after a moment or two of digging, Spike finally found what he was looking for. An old walkie-talkie that had been sitting at the bottom of Twilight’s bag. And by the sound of it, someone was trying to patch through.

“Hey look Twi!” Spike pointed out. “Isn’t this that same walkie-talkie thing that those mystery sleuths gave you a while ago?”

“Omigosh!” Twilight gasped. “The Mystery Inc. gang!”

“You mean like Scooby’s friends?!” Flurry’s eyes widened.

“They must be trying to call us!” Twilight observed. “Lemme just see if I can adjust the setting a bit…”

Though a slight unfamiliar with this form of technology, Twilight worked her magic trying to figure this device out. Until eventually she was able to channel a frequency and a voice was partly able to get through.

“F-F-Fredster to Twilight! This is the Fredster talking!” A male voice spoke. “Can anyone read me? Over!”

“Fred! Fred Jones!” Twilight called out. “This is Twilight Sparkle! Reading loud and clear!”

“Ah, finally! You won’t believe how hard it was trying to get through. Must be a real bad reception there.”

“It’s all right, I hear you,” Twilight chuckled. “Is everyone else with you?”

“We’re all hear Twi!” Velma spoke up.

“And man have we got news for you guys!” Shaggy came in.

“Oh, do tell!” Twilight listened.

“So get this,” Daphne spoke. “Our hometown Coolsville has just opened this totally huge Criminology Museum, celebrating all our mysteries over the years. We’ve been invited to attend the grand opening and we’ve been asked to bring some special guests for the event.”

“In other words,” Velma began. “We’re calling to invite you and your friends to join us.”

“Reah!” Scooby’s voice spoke. “Rand Rurry too!”

“Oh Uncle Scooby, you didn’t have to ask!” Flurry smiled. “Of course I’d love to come!”

“Well Pinkie Pie would always say it’s rude to deny an invitation,” Twilight replied. “I think it would be a great idea for us friends to get together. I’ll start preparing for the trip right now, and we’ll be there soon.”

“Sounds good Twi!” Fred spoke. “I’ve got a good feeling about this.”

Soon Twilight returns the walkie-talkie into the bag and turned to face her brother and sister-in-law.

“Well guys, guess we’re actually going to reunite with some old friends after all,” Twilight declared. “Spike, can you prepare some letters to our—”

But Twilight Sparkle stopped soon as he saw Spike holding out a series of rolled up parchments, all signed and labeled to each of her friends.

“Who should I send the word out to first?” Spike smiled.


A short while later…

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and the rest of the Mane Six gathered around the magical television. Twilight herself was already working on getting it started.

“Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!” Pinkie hopped excitedly. “I can’t believe we’re going to Coolsville to see the old Mystery Inc. gang again! Well, not like ‘old’ old where their hairs turn gray, and can’t walk right anymore… I mean ‘old’ where we haven’t seen them in so long.”

“Yeah, yeah we get it Pinkie,” Rainbow conceded. “But I agree with you, it’s gonna be totally awesome!”

“Ya got that right there sugar cube,” Applejack agreed. “Been a long minute since we last seen Scooby and the gang. Ah fer one can’t wait for the hootenanny.”

Rarity, meanwhile, dragged a cart with a big tarp over it. Everyone looked at her in confusion.

“Um, what’s with the tarp Rarity?” Spike asked curiously.

“Well, we are attending the grand opening of a museum darling,” She pointed out. “For an event as grand as this, one must always have the proper ensemble.”

“Leave it to Rarity to focus on the fashion choices,” Rainbow sighed.

It was at that moment the door opened. Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart all walked into the room, and everyone waved at them.

“I’m ready to go Aunty Twily,” Flurry said excitedly. “I can’t wait to see Uncle Scooby again. I wonder what we’ll do first.”

“Knowing Scooby and Shaggy, first thing them fellers want is an all ya-can-eat buffet,” Applejack joked.

This caused everyone to laugh over the fact that what she said was definitely more likely true. Then Twilight turned toward Shining Armor and Cadence, and all at once an idea popped in her head.

“Why don’t you guys come along?” She suggested. “Flurry’s your daughter after all, and you ‘did’ miss out on the last adventure we had with her. With how much of a disaster that almost was, it be nice to have you guys join us this time.”

Cadence and Shining both looked at each other, contemplating the idea for a moment before smiling and nodding their heads.

“We’d be honored to come along and meet your old Mystery Inc. friends,” Cadence smiled.

“Yeah, besides I think I might really get along with this Fred Jones guy,” Shining replied. “From what you guys told us about last time, sounds like he and I are more alike.”

“Yeah… I don’t know if that’s really a good thing,” Rainbow joked.

Shining sent a playful glare her way, as the cyan Pegasus chuckled silently to herself. Twilight flipped the switch on the machine and the giant crystal portal opened up. Everyone stood side-by-side, as they slowly entered through the portal and back across the dimensions. If only they had taken notice, however, of a pair of red glowing eyes watching from the shadows.