• Published 2nd Nov 2021
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Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed - extremeenigma02

A year after the events of their last adventure through the multiverse, the Mane Six and Spike are back again for another adventure. This time they reunite with Mystery Inc to help them solve the biggest case of their entire lives.

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Monster Hive

Back along the Coolsville docks, the ‘Crime Solving’ goofs were still cleaning garbage off themselves after narrowly escaping the Faux Ghost. Spike picked off old eggshells off his scales, Flurry tried removing a mustard stain from her coat, while Scooby, Shaggy, and Scrappy picked old food off themselves. To say they were all grossed out beyond belief would be the biggest understatement of all time.

“Ugh, I smell like a gas station toilet,” Spike cringed.

“How would you even know what ‘that’ smells like?” Flurry nearly gagged.

“I had to use the bathroom at some point during these last few adventures. And I learned something about myself during those times: I… hate… gas station… bathrooms!”

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie bounced up alongside the rest of the group without a single shred of trash anywhere on her.

“Wowie, wow, wow!” She exclaimed excitedly. “That was so much fun! It was even better than the time Cheesy and I threw that huge party in Baltimare. We danced with Songbird Serenade from dawn till dusk!”

This caused both Spike and Flurry to face her with confusion.

When did you do that?” Flurry asked her.

“Oh, it was in the timeline expanse between the last Cinematic Adventure,” Pinkie answered.


“Oh, come on!” Pinkie looked up. “Someone or some pony had to talk of events of the previous year.”

Grr… you are SO lucky you’re adorable!

You do know she’s married, right?

Not what I was talking about but thank you.

Anyways… the group continued walking along the docks when suddenly they heard a rather loud commotion from further down the trail.


Everyone jumped when they heard the loudness (And anger) in the person’s voice.

“Yikes! I wonder what’s going on,” Scrappy spoke curiously.

“With how loud their yelling, I don’t even want to know,” Flurry responded hesitantly.

Slowly approaching, ever more closely, the crew noticed two people in what appeared to be a scuffle as one man had another presses against a wall, as he was more or less demanding than the other.

“Now I want you to question all your scum-bucket friends. Find out what they know about those stolen costumes. Or else you’ll be known as the Soiled Underwear Ghost! I want answers. Now, go! Now!”

“Y-es, sir, yes, sir…” The other man stammered, walking out in fear.

The group looked on with wide eyes as the other man soon turned around and dusted himself off. Looking into each other’s eyes, they were all surprised to see it was none other than… Patrick.

“Patrick?” Shaggy spoke shocked.

Even Patrick himself seemed shocked seeing the others looking at him.

“Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, and uh… what were your names again?” He asked Spike and Flurry.

“Spike,” Spike waved nervously.

“Flurry Heart,” Flurry added.

Then Pinkie popped up behind Patrick and tapped him on the shoulder, which made him jump in alarm.

“And I’m Pinkie Pie!” She said excitedly. “Cupcake extraordinaire by day, secret agent at night. All sweet, all secretive!”

Patrick took a moment to get over his initial shock before chuckling awkwardly.

“Oh right, so what are all you guys doing here?” Patrick asked, adjusting his glasses.

Everyone looked at each other nervously, wondering if it was such a good idea to respond.

“Well uh… we just came down here to be undercover and stuff,” Shaggy responded.

“But then we heard you yelling at that guy,” Spike added.

“Oh… you heard that?” Patrick asked awkwardly.

“I think the whole dock heard that buddy,” Scrappy said seriously.

Then everyone nodded and it only made things slightly more awkward.

“Well, you know, my museum got broken into again, so I had to come here and try and get some answers,” Patrick replied innocently, lightly chuckling. “Gotta put on the tough-guy act, or these guys will eat me alive.”

“Oh…” Scrappy, Spike, and Flurry chuckled.

“You believe me, right?” Patrick asked, sounding grimly serious.

“Oh! Uh, yes, of course… uh…” Shaggy stammered nervously.

“I’m kidding!” Patrick chuckled. “I’m kidding, that’s the thing, that’s the tough guy act.”

“Oh, right!” Spike smiled nervously. “Of course… had us fooled for a moment!”

It was then the gang could see Old Man Wickles walking down the dock just behind Patrick. They knew they needed to follow him now or risk losing the trail.

“Look Patrick, we could stay here and do this all night,” Shaggy informed him. “And something tells me that you would, but we gotta make like your personality and split!”

“Yeah, we really need to go,” Scrappy nodded.

“Okay…” Patrick spoke, a bit suspiciously.

Patrick then watched as the group ran off in the opposite direction. He couldn’t possibly understand why they were out here by themselves looking to dig up information. He squinted after them before walking off to Celestia knows where.


A little while later, the small group followed Mr. Wickles to wherever it was he was going. But they soon found themselves by the Old Time Mining Town in Coolsville. The town was so old and abandoned for many years, which made it more suspicious that Mr. Wickles would come all the way here. In order to disguise themselves from Wickles seeing them, Shaggy and Scooby hid themselves in two big bushes and slowly followed close behind.

In the meantime, Scrappy, Flurry, Spike, and Pinkie Pie followed except they slunk and snuck their way behind an assortment of old junk littered all throughout the place.

“Why do Shaggy and Scooby get bush disguises and we don’t?” Pinkie pouted.

“Because I refuse to do anything to make me look ridiculous!” Spike rolled his eyes.

“Uncle Spike, you’ve seen real-life monsters, ghosts, protoplasm, and even a six-foot-tall zombie chicken,” Flurry pointed out. ‘The ridiculous train has long since left the station for us.”

“She’s got a point there,” Scrappy nodded.

Spike merely rolled his eyes as they continued to slowly sneak alongside Shaggy and Scooby before the entire team came to a halt. Shaggy and Scooby procured two tin cans on a string which they began to use to communicate with each other.

“Scooby Doo!” Shaggy called quietly. “Scooby Doo, cane you hear me?”

“Rello Raggy!” Scooby spoke through his can.

“Pinkie Pie reporting here Shaggy!” Pinkie spoke in another can.

Spike, Flurry, and Scrappy faced Pinkie Pie completely confused as to how she ended up with a can phone and they didn’t notice it before.

“Aunt Pinkie, when did you get that can?” Flurry asked.

“You really think I’d let Shaggy and Scooby play can phones without me?” Pinkie responded. “I may have been left out of the shrub game, but not ‘this’.”

All three young ones face-palmed/hoofed and groaned in irritation.

“Like I said, ‘long’ passed ridiculous,” Flurry sighed.

“No kidding!” Spike and Scrappy said in unison.

“Like focus you guys!” Shaggy called to everyone. “Wickles has led us into a terrifying ghost town!”

“Rhost rown?” Scooby asked.

“Yes, a ghost town!”

Hearing the confirmation, Scooby gave a huge holler that rang through the air. Scooby and Shaggy both hid back in their bushes, while Pinkie and the three little ones quickly hid behind an old car. And right on time, as Wickles turned back to look at whoever just screamed.

“Darn bushes yowling at me again,” Wickles muttered to himself.

The old man went on till he was officially out of sight. Shaggy and Scooby climbed out of their bushes, while the others came out from behind the car. Slowly, they quietly snuck off in search of him.

“Where do you think he went?” Spike asked.

“Like I have no idea dude,” Shaggy shrugged.

“Maybe we should look around here,” Flurry suggested. “I’m sure we’ll find him somewhere.”

The group entered an old mining storage building that seemed to be falling apart at the seams. They looked around but it seemed Wickles vanished into thin air.

“Like, where did Old Man Nutjob go?” Shaggy wondered.

“He has to be around here somewhere,” Scrappy responded.

“Ooh, I know!” Pinkie guessed. “Maybe there’s a super-secret passage somewhere he used to escape!”

“Considering our luck, like that might just be true,” Shaggy nodded.

The group quietly snuck through the warehouse, where they were only visible whenever they passed a series of windows allowing moonlight upon them. Passing the first window, all seemed normal as the group crept along. Passing the next window, Shaggy held Scooby in his arms in terror. Passing the third, the entire group held each other in a pile with Spike carrying them all along his shoulder.

“Now I know how Twilight felt back at the Castle of the Two Sisters!” He groaned, beneath the weight.

As they passed under the next window, things got a little spooky. Scooby now carried Shaggy, only he also carried one of the two skeleton men now completely alive. Shaggy and the monster both screamed at each other and fell. The monster tried going after them but fell on the floor and seemed to fall apart.

“Everypony, run!!!” Flurry yelled.

“Run, guys, it’s a ‘skelly’ thing!” Shaggy added, in panic.

“Hah! I’m not scared of skeletons!” Scrappy said determined. “Come on bonehead, put up your dukes!”

But Scooby picked Scrappy up and placed him on his back, as the entire group ran in panic. Unfortunately, Scooby didn’t pay attention to where he was going and tripped on something which caused both him and Scrappy to fly through the air and crashed near an old pickaxe. But the weird thing is how this pickaxe seemed connected to the ground and when leaning the other way, a secret compartment in the wall opened and revealed an old elevator.

“AH-HAH!!!” Pinkie pointed. “I knew a secret passage was here somewhere!”

“Wow, I did not expect that to happen,” Scrappy said confused.

“Relevator!” Scooby said.

“Wow Scoob!” Spike congratulated. “For once your clumsiness actually saved our lives!”

“Good work pal,” Shaggy spoke quickly. “Now let’s skedaddle!”

They quickly rushed through the door into the open elevator. Spike pressed the button quickly and it proceeded to go down. Where it would take them, none could possibly fathom. But anywhere away from those skeletons would be good enough for them.



The Mystery Machine, with the rest of the gang inside, rolling into the mining town and pulled to a complete stop. Stepping out, they all looked around at the deserted old joint.

“The place reminds me of Appleloosa,” Rainbow remarked. “Except this looks more like a dump!”

“Normally ah’d be one tah disagree,” Applejack nodded, looking around. “But this time, ya really do have a point there hun.”

“So, what’s your assessment Velmster?” Fred asked Velma.

“This place seems harmless enough,” Velma responded.

But it was rather clear from the tone of Velma’s voice that she seemed ‘out of this world’.

“I mean regarding whether the masked figure would be getting his randomonium here at the mines,” Fred clarified.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Velma apologized. “I’m just worried about Patrick. He seemed so upset when he left.”

“Well, I’m not surprised,” Fluttershy spoke up. “His museum was robbed twice after all. Poor guy put a lot of hard work into it. It would make any pony feel upset.”

“And… he doesn’t like me,” Velma frowned.

“O-kay…” Fred spoke awkwardly. “So your assessment is?’

“Love stinks!” Velma sulked.

Hearing her say this made Cadance shake her head, as she slowly trotted alongside her.

“Velma, it only didn’t go well because you tried being someone you’re not,” She spoke calmly. “I told you if you want Patrick to like you, you should’ve just been yourself. He asked you out back at the museum not because you’re a mysterious jetsetter. It’s because you were just being… you.”

For once in her smart life, Velma Dinkley actually felt stupid for not listening to the wisest advice she probably ever got.

“I don’t know why I didn’t just listen to you Cadance,” She sighed.

Cadance hovered off the ground and gave Velma a reassuring pat on the back.

“Don’t worry now Velma,” She smiled. “There will still be opportunities to make this right. Just make sure to be yourself next time.”

“Fred?” Daphne frowned. “Do you think I’m just a pretty face?”

“No… I mean, yes. I mean, not fat!” Fred stammered. “Definitely not fat. Is this sort of what you’re looking for?”

“Please just stop!” Shining warned. “You keep talking, it’ll get worse.”

Fat?” Daphne frowned. “Why would you even use that word?”

“I’m staying out of this,” Rainbow muttered.

Fred soon looked over and came toward the window, as he saw Old Man Wickles talking with someone. Rainbow soon came over the window and saw what he saw.

“Never again will they underestimate us,” Wickles informed. “That’s right. I’ve gathered you here today for something big. At last, all these years of careful planning have culminated in this one glorious moment.”

So… he’s the man in the mask,” Rainbow thought to herself.

Turning toward Fred, they collectively nod their hears and approached Wickles along with the others.

“Aha!” Fred yelled. “Old Man Wickles, caught red-handed in your foul monster-making scheme. With your ugly, evil henchmen.”

The others stepped out of the shadows, revealing themselves to be… plain, old men in suits.

“Hecnhmen?” One man replied. “Young man, we’re investors, and we’re listening to his pitch. Shh!”

“What the--?” Rainbow asked, out of confusion.

She looked over and saw Wickles preventing some form of model to his investors.

“So as I was saying, the Old Tyme Mining Town, a summer camp for kids where they can have an authentic mining experience,” Old Man Wickles informed. “They can dig for eighteen hours straight, just like in the golden days of yore. They have the time of their lives, and we get free miners!”

“Oh, he cannot be serious…” Rarity grumbled.

“Shh!” The men shushed her.

“Hmph!” Rarity pouted.

“All right… Mr. Wickles, we need to ask you a few questions,” Twilight questioned. “We know you have something to do with these monster attacks.”

“I don’t know nothing about no monsters,” Old Man Wickles defended.

“Then how come there was randamonium on the floor of your mansion?” Daphne questioned.

“There’s randamonium all over the place,” Old Man Wickles explained. “I come home with it in my shorts.”

“Are you continuing the work of your old pal Jonathan Jacobo?” Fred inquired.

“Old pal? Jacobo? We hated each other!” Old Man Wickles replied. “In the prison cafeteria, he used to steal my Tater Tots! And he got the lead in ‘My Fair Lady’!”

“This is getting’ mighty awkward,” Applejack said.

“Anything else?” Old Man Wickles asked.

“Well… any reason why there was a monster book at your place?” Rarity asked nervously.

“Wait a second… you’re the runts what vandalized my home,” Old Man Wickles accused. “Which one of you stole my toilet brush?”

This now seemed like a waste of time for the men.

“Well gentlemen, I believe we’ve seen quite enough,” The man in charge said. “I’m sorry, Jeremiah.”

The men picked up their briefcases and proceeded to leave.

“What happened?” Wickles asked confused. “I haven’t finished. Wait, fellas!”



Back in the elevator, the Goof squad continued their descent further into the Earth. As they went further down, they took notice of a giant room with tables filled with test tubes, beakers, and all assortment of scientific materials.

“Wowee, you guys!” Shaggy beamed. “I think we’re onto something. It’s like a huge laboratory.”

“Wow, and I thought Aunt Twilight had a huge science lab,” Flurry marveled.

The elevator finally hit the ground, and soon everyone emerged from it. Just as they did, it sprung to life and made its way back up.

“There goes out way up,” Spike pointed out.

No one really seemed to mind though, as they were too fixated on the massive amount of scientific research before them.

“Jeez… there’s so many chemicals…” Scrappy observed.

“Yeah, this place is like Clue-topia!” Shaggy added.

“We better not mess with any of them,” Flurry warned. “We don’t know what might happen.”

Scooby passed by what looked like a mirror, until he saw a handle and stood upon his hind legs to open it.

“Refrigerator!” He said excitedly.

Quickly pulling the refrigerator open, his eyes quickly caught sight of a yellow substance in a beaker on the top shelf.


Scooby quickly took a taste of the yellow stuff and the moment he did, a strange metamorphosis took place which no one else took notice of, as they were preoccupied with observing the large vault door on the wall before them.

“Well, whatever’s hiding behind there, someone really doesn’t want anyone getting in,” Spike observed, testing the door.

“I wonder what’s back there,” Flurry pondered.

“Maybe it’s their private candy stash!” Pinkie smiled.

Both Spike and Flurry looked toward Pinkie with ‘Really?!’ looks.

“What? That’s what I’d do if I wanted to keep my candy a secret.”

“No offense Aunt Pinkie, but I think someone’s hiding something more important than candy in that vault,” Flurry told her.

“More important than candy?” Pinkie said offended. “I don’t believe such a thing even exists!”

“Check it out!” Shaggy smiled, before facing his best friend. “Look at those weird letters, Scoob.”

Everyone turned around and their eyes immediately went wide soon as they noticed Scooby Doo had changed into an obese monster with two large eye stocks and tentacles.

“Raggy?” Scooby asked.

“Scooby… what did you do now?!” Spike groaned.

“He must have found something in that fridge and drank out of it,” Scrappy rolled his eyes.

“You don’t eat stuff that glows,” Shaggy told Scooby. “Like, there’s got to be an antidote in here somewhere.”

“You’re right!” Flurry nodded. “Let’s find it!”

“Here… try this Scoob!”

Shaggy offered Scooby a beaker with a dark blue substance.

“Looks medicinal to me,” Pinkie replied.

Scooby tried some while Shaggy spotted some on his fingers and licked it off.

“Hmm… tastes like strawberries…” Shaggy commented.

Just then, they both began to spasm uncontrollably as even more transformations took place.

“I don’t think that’s an antidote,” Spike commented.

“You don’t say,” Flurry rolled her eyes.

“I’m okay, guys,” Shaggy sighed thankfully.

However, soon as he looked at his reflection, he was horrified to discover he now had a woman’s body. The young ones looked at him with wide eyes and their jaws dropped.

“That’s disturbing…” Scrappy muttered.

“Yes, yes, it is,” Spike and Flurry spoke in unison.

“I got a chick’s body!” Shaggy exclaimed.

Scooby then appeared to be transformed into a certain Looney Tune.

“Rime the Razmanian Revil!” Scooby whimpered.

“Oh hey, I like that guy!” Pinkie smiled. “He’s so funny…”

“No time for fangirling, Auntie Pinkie Pie!” Flurry exclaimed. “We must help them!”

The three quickly raced over to the fridge and started rummaging through every shelf for the right vial. Spike grabbed hold of a light blue one and handed it to Shaggy. Shaggy quickly threw some toward Scooby and drank some more before hurling it over his shoulder. Unfortunately, some of it dropped onto Scrappy, Spike, and Flurry in the process. The results caused Spike to take on his own… pony form?

Flurry Heart assumed her own human form....

And Scrappy took the form of a giant, monster dog.

The three of them looked in horror over their new forms, while Pinkie looked on with interest. As Flurry waved her new hands in front of her face, Spike clopped his little hooves on the stone floor.

“Well… I always wondered what it be like as a pony,” Spike remarked.

“Is this how it feels to be human?” Flurry asked.

She took a brief step, but nearly lost her balance… luckily Pinkie was able to catch her before she fell.

“Take it easy there slugger!” Pinkie smiled. “First steps are not easy when it comes to being a ‘people’ person. Trust me… I’ve had practice.”

This is not the kind of Puppy power I had in mind,” Scrappy spoke, looking at himself. “Can this day get any stranger?

Suddenly, Scrappy’s abs instantly plopped into a beer gut, and he looked down with annoyance.

Aside from ‘this’?

“Check it out, dudes!”

Another deep voice drew the gang toward Shaggy… only now he looked like a high school wrestler with the most massive arms and shoulders they’ve ever seen.

“I’m buff!”

“We can see that,” Flurry smiled nervously.

Meanwhile, Scooby shifted from a looney devil into some form of an intelligent scientist, complete with an Einstein-style haircut.

“My God! It seems as if I’ve become ludicrously intelligent!” Scooby spoke, normally. “It’s awful! I long for the blissful ignorance of my former self. Chasing cats, licking my own rear end, eating my own vomit. Oh, those were wonderful times.”

Uh… yeah…” Scrappy spoke awkwardly. “Whatever you say Uncle Scoob.

“Check out my pecs, little man!” Shaggy smirked to Scooby.

“Suddenly, I miss the old Shaggy,” Flurry pouted.

“So do we…” Spike agreed, studying the chemicals.

“Please, allow me,” Scooby replied, handling the chemicals responsibly.

“What are you going to do with those?” Spike asked.

“This is a highly combustible synthesis,” Scooby replied.

“A what…?” Shaggy asked.

“He’s going to change us back to normal,” Spike translated. “Well… was fun being a pony while it lasted.”

“I don’t know…” Pinkie replied. “I wouldn’t say this would be the ‘last’ reference… wink-wink.”

“No way, geek!” Shaggy shouted.

All of a sudden, Shaggy reached for the antidote vial much to everyone’s shock.

“What’re you doing?!” Flurry exclaimed.

“I’m gonna stay this way forever!”

HIT THE DECK!!!” Scrappy yelled.

Monster Scrappy tackled Flurry and Spike to the side of the room, as Pinkie quickly ducked into the refrigerator to hide, as Shaggy chucked the vial toward a wall and…



The remainder of the Scooby Gang, along with the Equestrians, heard the commotion. They quickly went to check it out, as Old Man Wickles looked toward them. As for their friends, well…

“Luckily that wasn’t the antidote,” Flurry coughed.

“Ugh…” Rainbow coughed, waving the smoke. “What happened in here?”

“This ‘Schwarzeneggian oaf’ almost destroyed us,” Scooby replied, logically.

“Go boom!” Shaggy chuckled.

“Oi!” Spike groaned.

“Oh, you are an embarrassment!” Scooby added.

He made his friend drink the antidote and gave himself some, changing back to… somewhatnormal. Scooby grunted once he fell on the floor with Scooby.

“That was almost exactly like my freshman year in college,” Shaggy grunted.

At least you two are back to normal!” Scrappy said.


The three youngsters turned around and their eyes widened in shock when they saw Twilight Sparkle and all the other ponies were staring in complete shock of their transformation. Flurry blushed heavily as she tried hiding behind her hair (Like a certain pony), while Scrappy rubbed his arm awkwardly. As for Spike, he chuckled nervously while scuffing a hind hoof on the ground.

“Uh, heh-heh… uh, hi… Twilight!” Spike smiled awkwardly.

“What are you guys doing here?!” Daphne asked. “You’re supposed to be sick, Scooby!”

“It’s… a miracle?” Flurry shrugged.

“I invented a potion!” Scooby smiled.

“You guys are in serious trouble!” Shining spoke sternly. “And where’s Pinkie Pie?!”

Suddenly, the refrigerator door came open and a moan was heard from inside. The group peered deeply into the fridge and their eyes widened as a figure emerged. Pinkie Pie came out before the group… only she was ‘not’ quite herself.

“Hiya guys!” Pinkie Pie greeted. “Boy, you wouldn’t believe what just happened—”

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” The group screamed, wide eyed.

“What? What’s everypony screaming at?” Pinkie asked confused.

She closed the refrigerator and soon spotted her altered reflection on the door.

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!” Pinkie screamed. “That’s the most hideous creature I’ve ever seen… oh wait, that’s me. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

“Turn her back! Turn her back!” Rainbow muttered. “TURN HER BACK!!!”

Twilight quickly went into action and cast a magic beam toward Pinkie Pie, exploding her with a great *POOF!!!*. Seconds later, Pinkie Pie was back to her… somewhat normal self.

“Aw… sweet, sweet comic relief!” Pinkie smiled, hugging herself. “I’m never letting myself go again!”

“Well, least that solves one problem…” Spike replied.


The three youngsters were also hit by Twilight’s magic spell which reverted them back into their original forms… much to Spike’s chagrin.

“Ah, rats!” Spike frowned.

“We will talk about this later Spike…” Twilight warned.

“Pinkie Pie, you said that you were going to watch the kids!” Shining argued. “You promised you’d be responsible!”

“But I have been!” Pinkie argued. “I’ve had my eyes on them the whole time… from the potions mishap, finding this dirty mining town, the trip to the ‘Faux Ghost’…”

“You went to the Faux Ghost?!” The Scooby Gang asked, in shock.

“Uh… oops!” Pinkie smiled.

“Oh boy…” Scrappy shook his head.

While their friends gave the goofs the scolding a lifetime, Twilight Sparkle and Velma discovered some writing and walked over to investigate.

“You lied to us!” Fred scolded. “We’re a team. You don’t just go off half-cocked doing whatever you want.”

“Team?! Is that what we are?” Flurry asked, losing her temper. “Because you sure don’t treat us like part of the team… in fact, none of you have treated us like teammates since this whole mystery began!”

“You watch your tone young lady!” Shining Armor warned. “You know better than to go wandering off in some place you don’t know! This only proves you’re not ready to go off on one of these crazy adventures…”

“Now, now, let’s just calm down!” Cadance cut in. “We’re all together now… let’s just live in the now…”

“You know what Dad!” Flurry argued, ignoring her mom. “Just because you’re the Captain of the Guard, doesn’t mean you know everything! You tell me I should be safe, but you don’t teach me to defend myself!”

“Don’t you dare speak to me that way, little filly—”

“I am not the same baby alicorn who blew up the Crystal Heart, Dad! I know you still secretly blame me for that incident; I know why you still won’t let me use my full powers! Why must you still treat me like a helpless filly?”


Shining Armor immediately gasped and blocked his mouth… but it was already too late. Flurry Heart stared in shock toward her father, her eyes widened with surprise. But she said no other word but turned her face away in shame. Of course, she wasn’t the only one appalled for some of the ponies (Especially Applejack and Cadance) looked on with shame… mostly toward Shining Armor. Before tensions continue to rise, Twilight Spoke up.

“Guys… you better take a look at this.”

This made everyone turn over and drop the subject… for now.

“’Beware who enters the Monster Hive’,” Velma read aloud, approaching another secret room. “’Inside your fears will come alive’.”

“You can read all that?” Rarity asked.

“You know me, I can read just about anything,” Velma replied, adjusting her glasses.

“Look!” Fred pointed out. “It’s the costumes from the museum!”

Sure enough, low and behold, all the stolen costumes were there by some weird mechanical contraption.

“They’re all here!” Fluttershy said.

“Zombie,” Velma muttered.

“Miner 49er,” Daphne added.

“Captain Cutler,” Shaggy gasped.

“The Tar Monster,” Scrappy said.

“He must have used the costumes to make real monsters,” Velma began. “Which implies—”

“He needs the costumes to make the monsters,” Fred added. “Which implies—”

“He already had a Pterodactyl Ghost costume somehow,” Daphne added. “Which implies—”

“Patrick’s the one,” Velma mumbled.

“Aw, Velma’s in love,” Daphne sighed, misunderstanding.

“No! I mean ‘the one’. The bad guy. That’s why he wanted to go out with me. To see what we knew!”

“I seriously doubt Patrick’s the villain behind this mystery,” Cadance spoke up. “He doesn’t exactly seem like the type of person to mastermind an army of monsters.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure,” Flurry muttered. “Not after seeing him when we left the Faux Ghost.”

“Flurry’s right,” Shaggy vouched. “We just saw Patrick at the bad guys’ hang-out. He was working both sides of Psycho Street.”

“And he seemed a little aggressive,” Scrappy added.

“Not to mention kind of scary,” Spike concluded.

“I don’t know who’s behind this, but we don’t need him transforming more costumes,” Fred informed the others. “Let’s find a way to shut down this monster-maker for good.”

There was a flashing red light just behind him, but he didn’t even notice it.

“There’s something over there!” Shining said, noting the red light.

Everyone else looked over and followed the strange light. Scooby and the others were about to follow, albeit slowly, when Shaggy stopped them.

“Psst! Guys!” Shaggy whispered. “We’re the ones that found this place. Score one for the big guys! Now we need to keep acting like mondo-groovy detectives. Come on.”

“Rokay,” Scooby nodded.

“We’ll need to find out how this think makes real monsters,” Scrappy said.

“Could be anything,” Shaggy shrugged.

The young detective nearly tripped and stepped on something. All of a sudden, a machine to come down as a couple costumes began to move. The group looked down and noticed Shaggy had stepped on some trigger of sorts.

“I may not be the smartest dragon around, but I think this might be the thing!” Spike observed.

“Great… all we need to do is take this thing off,” Flurry declared. “Last thing we need are more real monsters.”

But unfortunately, they spoke too soon when Shaggy and Scooby came to the machine.

“Shaggy! Scooby! NO!” Scrappy panicked.

But as he knew, somehow those blokes would find a way to mess up somehow… and boy was he right. Soon as they started pushing several buttons on the panel, they messed with it so much that every sound it made generated some form of music. The three could only watch as they started doing their own ‘theme song’ to this slightly catchy beat.

“I’m starting to wonder who’re the ‘real’ adults between us,” Scrappy face-pawed.

As the trio watched their pals mess around, what they failed to notice was that every costume put through the machine soon generated into real monsters, slowly coming together ready to terrorize Coolsville shortly. Shadowy silhouettes began to form over the group, Spike turned around for a brief second only to catch the growing mass of monsters before them.

“Uh… guys?” Spike spoke up.

“Like, what is it, Spike?” Shaggy asked.

“M-M-M-M-Monsters!” Scrappy stuttered.

“Huh?” Shaggy asked, turning around with Scooby.

“You’ve plagued us all!” Flurry cried out.

“We have… to remain… calm,” Shaggy smiled nervously.

But the monsters slowly stalking toward them was more than enough for Scooby to scream.

“Calm, Scooby-Doo!” Shaggy spoke. “You’re not being calm!”

Scooby then proceeded to slap Shaggy.

“I needed that.”

Scooby slapped him again.

“I needed that, too,” Shaggy smiled.

Then Scooby slapped him yet again… though more like punched him.

“You’re pushing your luck, Scoob!” Shaggy glared slightly.

Soon the monsters began their slow approach, which worried Shaggy, Scooby, and the rest of their friends. Scrappy began to growl toward the monsters, doing his best to come off as intimidating. But one look from all the monsters and they all laughed at him. Seeing them make a mockery out of him, Scrappy sighed in defeat.

“There are times I wish I was slightly taller,” Scrappy frowned.

“Did you guys find any—”

Fred had just begun to ask, as he approached with the others, before the monsters came into his sight. He froze as all the monsters glared at them.

“… thing…?”

“H-H-He did it…” Scooby pointed to Shaggy.

“The good news is: We found out what makes the monsters real,” Spike informed.

“Disconnect the control panel!” Velma suggested. “Maybe it’ll stop the machine!”

Fred soon raced to see what he could do to help and slid along the stairway railings.

“We’ll keep the monsters from getting closer,” Rainbow called out.

While Rainbow and the ponies handled some of the monsters, Fred grabbed for the control panel. Fred barely ducked a breath of fire emanating from one of the ghosts. Captain Cutler unsheathed his own weapon and reached to strike Fred. Luckily for him, Applejack caught his weapon with her lasso providing Fred enough time to pass the other ghosts after grabbing the control panel. Twilight, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Rarity used their magic beams to keep some of the monsters at bay, but they knew this would not last forever.

“Every pony, run!” Twilight yelped.

Fred dodged some crossbow arrows hurling toward him, racing as fast as he could from the monsters. Soon the two teams are on the run with monsters of Mystery Inc.’s past on the hunt.

“Come on, this way!” Shaggy called out. “Quick, the elevator!”

They kept running as fast as their legs could carry them. All of a sudden, a ghost made entirely out of electricity stops them at their feet.

“Sweet Celestia, what is that?!” Rarity yelled.

“The 10,000 Volt Ghost!” Scrappy gasped.

“Go, go, go!” Twilight cried out.

They quickly rushed around the ghost into the elevator for a hasty escape.

“We’re gonna die!” Shaggy gasped.

“Think positive!” Daphne told him.

“We’re gonna die quickly!” Shaggy replied.

“That’s not positive!” Fluttershy called out.

“Waaait for me!” The 10,000 Volt Ghost chuckled.

With his electrical abilities, he fired a few electric shocks sprouting a few explosions around them. They were soon back outside shortly after escaping the elevator. They just reached a dumpster when the one-eyed skeleton monsters emerged.

“Oh, come on!” Rarity complained.

“Ooh, my life just keeps better and better,” Twilight muttered.

Soon everyone was running off in different directions trying to escape all the monsters.

“Come on, guys!” Fred called out, midrunning.

“We’re comin’ ya’ll!” Applejack yelled.

“An exit!” Shaggy gasped.

“Shaggy, wait!!!” Spike yelled out.

But Shaggy already opened the door only to find… nothing. He fell out with Scooby, as Scrappy Doo jumped behind them with Spike and Flurry flying toward them. Shaggy and Scooby landed hard on the ground, while Scrappy landed nimbly on his feet and the other youngsters hovered over them. Flurry and Spike lifted their friends to their feet, and they proceeded to make a break for it. The skeletal monsters raced after them, though they had it harder than the cowardly duo themselves.

STOP THEM!” The evil masked figure commanded. “Destroy the city if you have to but get me that control panel! With it, they can destroy everything I’ve set out to do.

Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, Flurry, and Spike were racing out of the mining town only to find themselves at the edge of a deep cliff.

“Just our luck!” Scrappy gasped. “Trapped between a cliff and a pair of living dog bones!”

“Spike and I can just fly down to the road easily,” Flurry pointed out. “But how will you guys get down?”

It was then Shaggy spotted some trashcan lids and quickly grabbed one.

“Let’s rip it, Scoob!” Shaggy called out. “ZOINKS!”

With a daring leap, Shaggy hopped over the edge and skid along the rocky surface on the lid like snowboarding off a dry surface. Scooby proceeded to grab another lid, as Scrappy hopped upon his uncle’s back. With a mighty holler, Scooby jumped off the cliff while Scrappy held on tightly around his uncle’s collar. Spike and Flurry flew behind their friends without hesitation before the skeleton men got close.

But not willing to give up, the Red-Eyed skeleton turned to his confused, Green-Eyed companion and with one swift kick instantly transformed his gullible compatriot into a make-shift bone-sled. And with that the Skeletons were in hot pursuit of the Goof squad, who were having a heck of a time on this down-slope ride.

“We’re getting rad!” Shaggy called out.

“You could say… this pipe’s ripping!” Spike added.

“Please… stop!” Flurry muttered.

“Heads up guys!” Scrappy looked back. “Over there!”

Sure enough, the skeleton men were gaining on them with the red-eyed member using a set of arms to peddle down like skis. Scooby, with Scrappy hanging on, back-pedaled like a swimming form while Shaggy sled down another path, hopping over a slope for extra speed. At some point, the skeleton men were trying to reach for Scooby by any means with Scrappy doing everything he could to defend his uncle even as one skull held onto his uncle’s tail.

Eventually, Scooby and Scrappy found themselves in a position where they were riding the lid like a unicycle dodging trees and boulders they’d risk crashing into. Eventually, through this zany turn of events, Scooby grabbed onto a branch and swung over the skeleton beasts so now the doggy pair were following the skeleton people instead.

“Hiya boys!” Scrappy waved.

Distracted for a brief moment, the skeleton men failed to dodge a tree in their path and crashed violently shattering into pieces. One of the skulls ended up in Scrappy’s paw.

“To be or not to be, that is the question…” Scrappy quoted. “And… I’m bored!”

Scrappy hurled the skull aside and the dogs quickly hopped off the lid right on the edge of the cliff, watching the lid fall.

“SCOOBY!!!” Shaggy and the others called out.

By the time the dogs turned around, Shaggy barreled into Scrappy and Scooby. The trio flew through the air screaming with Flurry and Spike struggling to reach them. In the nick of time, the Mystery Machine pulled up right in front of them, the van door opened, and they barreled into the vehicle with a heavy crash.

“Are you guys okay?” Cadance asked, concerned.

“Sure, as long as you define ‘okay’ as in ‘massive agony’,” Shaggy whimpered.

“Reah…” Scooby groaned.

Shining and Cadance both tended to Flurry Heart, who still refused to look at her father. Twilight helped Spike back into a seated position.

“So… what’s the plan now?” Spike asked.

“We should get back to headquarters,” Fred suggested.

“No!” Velma told him. “That’ll be the first place they’ll look for us.”

“Then where do we go?” Twilight asked.

“I think ‘I’ know where to go.”

Soon the Mystery Machine drove off, hoping to find someplace safe away from the monsters. But little did they know, with an army of monsters now loose and set to be unleashed upon Coolsville… this night was about to get very worse.