• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 3,105 Views, 72 Comments

Of Plumbers and Ponies: Kingdom Quest - pokerninja2

Bowser's newest plan to kidnap Peach goes haywire, and it merges the Mushroom Kingdom with Equestria. Stuff happens because of it.

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Rarity Becomes a Glitz Pit Fighter and Spike Cheers Her on Way too Hard

The sun only just rose when the team of heroes woke up. Peach prepared them breakfast to help get the day started, and wished them farewell when they continued their quest. They hit the shops, restocked with new power-ups, and set out. Luigi now increasing their numbers from five to six, the adventure could only go smoother from here on out... or so they thought.

"So where do we go?" Luigi asked. They had walked aimlessly in one direction for a solid hour.

"How should I know?" Mario asked. "It's not like we have a map or something to follow."

"Man, if only there was some convenient way for us to know where one of our friends are," Spike pondered. Silence fell on the group for a short time.

"Seriously?" Spike asked. "I thought for sure that would work!"

Just then, the wind picked up. Mario and Luigi held onto their caps so they wouldn't blow away in the gale's increasing power. When it got so powerful that they were starting to be pushed back, everyone ran into a nearby cave for shelter. Now free of the violent winds, they decided to rest a moment and regroup.

"What in the world was that?" Mario asked. "Winds like that aren't nearly as strong where I come from!"

"Oh dear, it's probably because there's nopony controlling it," Fluttershy said. "In Equestria, the pegasi control the weather, putting rainclouds in the right places, making sure there are the right amount of clouds in the sky, and other things like that. But with nopony controlling it, the weather becomes really unpredictable and starts doing whatever it wants."

"Weather just... happens back in our world," Luigi said. "Sometimes it helps us, sometimes it doesn't."

"I still remember the time that wind pushed you off a platform and you were dangling for life," Mario reminisced. "You were screaming like a little girl before I came along and pulled you back up!"

Twilight and Fluttershy giggled a bit at that, and the Piranha Plant was smiling in Luigi's misfortune.

"Not in front of the girls," Luigi complained.

"I mean, you aren't alone," Spike said. "There was that one time Fluttershy was so nervous about flying with other pegasi to create a hurricane that she almost chickened out!"

Fluttershy blushed and hid behind her mane, while the Piranha Plant growled in anger. Not wanting to be eaten alive, he quickly tried to save himself.

"B-But then Fluttershy trained hard and became the best flier on the team!" he said. The Piranha Plant seemed to nod in approval.

"Well, I guess we're stuck in here until the wind clears up," Twilight said. Just then, a stray piece of paper carried by the wind flew into the cave and right in her face. She swiped it off but could see something written on it, so she read it aloud.

"Come see the Championship Bout between the new runner-up, Lady Lariat and-" Twilight read before gasping.

"IT'S RARITY!" she exclaimed. She put the picture in front of Spike and Fluttershy so they could see the picture of Rarity on the ad. She seemed to be wearing a blue jumpsuit, a carnival mask with feathers decorated on the top, and magenta sparkling boots.

"It IS Rarity!" Fluttershy cheered as she clapped. "She's OK!"

Spike said nothing as he drooled, clearly enamored for Rarity's new outfit. Mario walked over so he could see the the ad for himself.

"Hey, I know where this is!" Mario said. "It's Glitzville! I've been there before!"

"Glitzville?" Luigi asked. "You mean the flying city that has a fighting ring and the richest people in the world bet on the bouts?"

"The very same," Mario nodded.

"Well at least we now know where to look for- Hey, wait a minute! How the hay can a city be flying!?" Twilight asked.

"How can flying ponies touch and move around clouds to control weather?" Mario countered.

"Touche," Twilight said.

"Did you say fighting ring?" Fluttershy asked. "Did Rarity become a fighter?"

"Looks like it," Mario said.

"Even when she's fighting she likes looking stylish," Twilight said. She turned around to see Spike now in a puddle of his own drool.

"Uh, Spike?" Twilight said. "You mind uh, not doing that?"

Spike instantly snapped out of his trance and looked around, noticing he was in a puddle of his own saliva. He giggled sheepishly and blushed.

"Well, uh, TO GLITZVILLE WE GO!" he said before flying out of the cave, only for the harsh wind outside to throw him back inside.

"When the wind clears up of course," he said, trying to look as cool and collected as possible.

The wind finally calmed down enough for the band of heroes to venture out of the cave. It didn't take long for them to spot the floating town of Glitzville in the distance. Mario explained that he himself was a fighter there, under the name of The Great Gonzales, which got a laugh out of Spike. He also said he would take a blimp to go there, but since there was no such thing around at the moment, they decided to just fly there.

Luigi tried to get on Fluttershy's back so she could take him there, but was viciously bitten in the rear by Piranha Plant. He leaped nearly a mile in the air and rubbed his sore behind.

"Um... Mr. Piranha Plant says my back is reserved for him," Fluttershy said. "He... doesn't like the idea of sharing with plumbers."

"Figures," Luigi said, trying to ease the searing pain of the plant's teeth.

"Hey, I can carry you," Spike said as he took Luigi's hands and lifted them in the air.

"Thanks, Spike," Luigi said.

"I guess that just leaves you and me," Twilight said to Mario before lowering her back. "Hop on."

Mario plopped himself on the alicorn's back, shuffling to try and get in a comfortable position and making sure his legs weren't in the way of Twilight's wings. "Way more comfortable than riding Yoshi," he commented.

With that, the group took off for Glitzville, flying straight up. The trip wasn't too tiring, though Spike was having trouble carrying around Luigi, and the green plumber's constant jittery movements and his fear of heights wasn't helping. Fluttershy held Piranha Plant in her hooves to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"C'mon," Spike complained. "If you're gonna carry him in your hooves like that why won't you take Luigi on your back?"

The Piranha Plant snapped once. "He says he doesn't want me to have trouble while flying," Fluttershy translated.

"We're not that far," Twilight said. "Just hang in there."

Eventually, the team landed on the edge of Glitzville. Spike instantly laid on Twilight's back, out of breath from carrying three times his weight for 10 minutes straight. Mario looked around and absorbed his surroundings. It had been quite awhile since he visited this place, and the bright lights and constant chatter among fans brought a sense of nostalgia to him.

Mario lead the group into the Glitz Pit, its interior design not changing in the slightest since Mario first came here. Twilight noticed a bunch of posters of Lady Lariat on the wall.

"Hey, that's Rarity!" she called out.

"Looks like she's pretty popular around here," Luigi commented.

Just then, several Toads, Lakitus, and Doogans wearing merchandise themed after Lady Lariat ran through the main hall and piled inside the stadium, screaming and cheering for the next match. A strange, orange-colored reporter with a tie then came in and started filming with a Lakitu cameraman.

"And just listen to all those roaring fans!" the reporter said into his microphone. "We are mere moments away from the title match between Rawk Hawk and Lady Lariat, and I think we have a clear sign who the majority want to take home the championship belt!"

He then walked backwards and put an arm over Fluttershy, pulling her into the camera's view.

"You, mystical horse creature!" he said. "How does it feel to have your kind be represented in the Glitz Pit, and that a newcomer such as Lady Lariat could attract hundreds of fans?"

"I-Is... Is this l-l-live?" Fluttershy gulped.

"Yes, we are live!" the reporter answered. "Thousands and thousands of our viewers are looking at you right now! Now tell me, what are your comments on the match?"

Fluttershy tried to say words, but nothing could come out. Before she could literally break, Twilight stepped in front of her.

"We were just on our way to see the match," she said. Fluttershy quickly crawled away and hid behind Mario and Luigi. She held Piranha Plant tight, doing her best to not break down in embarrassment.

"Well you better hurry! The bleachers are no doubt packed for today's match!" the reporter said. "This is MKTV News, signing out!"

With that, Mario, Twilight and the rest followed the fans into the stadium. They managed to find seats near the top of the arena, giving them a bird's-eye view of the ring. A Toad announcer stepped up and tapped on the microphone to get everyone's attention.

"Who's that?" Spike asked.

"That's Jolene," Mario answered. "She announces all the fights."

"Welcome one and all for today's main event!" Jolene called. "What will probably be the greatest bout in Glitz Pit history is about to take place right here, right now! It's hooves vs. hands! Fur vs. feathers! Style vs. raw power! We have a championship bout, ladies and gentlemen!"

The fans roared in approval.

"In this corner, we have the current champion!" Jolene said. "The Feral Nuclear Reactor, give it up for RAWK HAWK!"

"Ugh, this guy," Mario said as Rawk Hawk entered the ring.

"What's wrong with him?" Twilight asked.

"He's this big shot who things he's invincible but really only got where he is because of the fans," Mario answered. "During my time as The Great Gonzales, I beat him in five minutes."

"Now then, Rawk Hawk," Jolene said as he walked up to him. "What are your thoughts on the match? Any words you have for Lady Lariat?"

"What, that little wuss?" Rawk Hawk laughed. "Since when were we calling tiny horse girls an actual threat? Maybe after the battle is over, she can give me a ride back to my champ's room!"

"WHAT!?" Spike called. "How DARE he say that about Rarity!"

"Settle down, Spike," Twilight said.

"But she's risen to where she is now faster than you have!" Jolene said. "Remember The Great Gonzales, the only one to ever steal the title from you? Lady Lariat beat his records! What do you think about that?"

"What do I think?" Rawk Hawk said. "PPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHHHPPPPPPPPT! That's what I think! There's only one of us that's gonna feel the RAAAAAAAWK, and it ain't gonna be me!"

"Big words coming from the champion," Jolene said. Just then, the other door opened, blue smoke coming from it. A figure in black robes ran out and leaped into the air, landing on the arena opposite of Rawk Hawk. The fans went wild.

"And here she is, everyone!" Jolene called out. "The challenger who aims to take the belt for herself! She's stunned everyone since she entered the ring, fans and opponents alike. It's none other than LADY LARIAT!"

The black robes quickly vanished, revealing Rarity in the same getup she wore in the poster. The fans continued chanting "LADY LARIAT", and couldn't wait for the fight to commence.


"SPIKE!" Twilight called. "Chill out! You're almost as rabid as the other fans!"

"Hey everyone!" Luigi called from behind, carrying two massive bags of popcorn. "I got two jumbos so we all could share!"

"Good call, bro," Mario said, taking a handful of popcorn. "This is gonna be interesting."

"So Lady Lariat," Jolene said as she walked up to her. "Rawk Hawk said some pretty nasty things about you. He thinks you don't stand a chance against him. What are your thoughts?"

"Humph! I believe it's time for this uncouth bird to learn some manners! That is not how you treat a lady!" Rarity said. "And besides, I've come much too far to stop now. I can't let all of my adoring fans down!"

"Wow, she's so brave in the spotlight..." Fluttershy said as she took a hooful of popcorn and let Piranha Plant eat it.

"Reminds me of my days in the Glitz Pit," Mario said. "Have to admit, the roaring fans were nice to have."

"She's really letting the spotlight get to her," Twilight commented.

"And now, the moment you've been waiting for!" Jolene said. "These two ferocious fighters came into the ring, but only one will step out champion! RING THAT BELL!"

Rawk Hawk opened with one of his signature moves, a leaping cross chop. He dove down to try and strike Rarity, but she quickly countered with a kick to his face. He reeled back a bit, and Rarity took this opportunity to land more attacks with her hooves. She finished with a kick using her high heels, launching Rawk Hawk into the ropes and striking him with a double back-hoof kick while he was propelled towards her. He quickly recovered and shook his head.

"Not too shabby, horse," he commented. "But what do you think of THIS!?"

Rawk Hawk leaped into the air and performed a somersault, landing on Rarity's back and crushing her into the ground. The mare quickly got up, only to be picked up by the tail and thrown to the other side of the ring. Once more, Rarity got up, and before she reacted, Rawk Hawk attacked with a sliding kick in her flanks. Rarity stood up and gasped, her eyes wide.

"TEAR HIM APART!" Spike said, taking another handful of popcorn.

Rarity turned to Rawk Hawk, eyes burning in white hot passion. "You do NOT strike a lady in the rear!" she yelled before charging at him. She picked him up with her unicorn magic and slammed him into the ground. She then leaped and landed on Rawk Hawk with all four of her high heels. The white mare climbed the ropes and leaped off of them gracefully, slamming Rawk Hawk into the ground again while he was trying to get up. She walked to the other side of the ring while Rawk Hawk growled in anger.

"You're even more annoying than that Gonzales chump!" he said. "I should have taken care of you out of the ring!"

Rawk Hawk ran at her to try and grab her, but Rarity ducked out of the way and let him hit the ropes. He reeled off of them before she kicked him in the back, sending him forward and back into the ropes. This caused enough force for him to keep flying back and forth between the arena's ropes. For her finishing attack, Rarity kicked him with both her hind legs, causing him to fly right into the bleachers. The spectators ducked for cover as he hit the wall.

"No..." he croaked. "Have I... Rawk Hawk... been rawked... again..."

The fans went wild as confetti showered Rarity. Jolene ran back onto the ring to her side, practically exasperating.

"That was the most grueling fight I have ever seen!" she said into the microphone. "You couldn't plan a fight more intense! This is absolutely, positively, without a doubt, without question, the most legendary battle in Glitz Pit history! But there could only be one winner, and the winner is LADY LARIAT!"

"WOOOOO-HOOOOO!" Spike leaped out of his seat and cheered for Rarity. Mario, Luigi, and Twilight clapped for her, and Fluttershy released the breath she was holding the entire match, thankful that Rarity was safe and sound. The Piranha Plant simply ate the rest of the popcorn.

"Congratulations!" Jolene said. "How does it feel to be the new champion of the Glitz Pit?"

"Simply marvelous!" Rarity answered. "I would like to thank each and every one of my fans for bringing me where I am today!"

"MARRY ME RARITY!" Spike said before instantly covering his mouth. The others looked at him in confusion, even Piranha Plant poked his heat out of the popcorn bag to shoot a glance at him.

"Did... Did I say that out loud?" Spike asked.

"Yes," Twilight nodded. "Yes you did."

Rarity was sitting in the bed of her new champion's room. It looked absolutely hideous and if she had the resources, she would remodel it in a heartbeat, but decided it wasn't worth it. She was just content that she got what she came for: the champion's belt. Or more specifically, the star that was shining on it.

A knock came at the door. "Come in," she called. Jolene entered the room and adjusted her glasses.

"Ms. Rarity, you have some guests," she said.

"UGH, if it's that creepy Dupree, tell him I want absolutely nothing to do with him!" Rarity sighed.

"Oh no, they say they're you're friends," Jolene said. Rarity's ears perked up, and she practically squealed when Twilight and Fluttershy came through the door.

"Twilight! Fluttershy!" she called out before running over to hug them. "I was SO worried about you two! Why, after I suddenly vanished from Ponyville, I was wondering if I would ever see you again!"

"We were really worried for you too, Rarity," Fluttershy said.

"Oh, and my little Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity cooed as she walked over to the young dragon and nuzzled him. "It has been FAR too long since we met, darling!"

"Yeah... it has..." Spike said, blushing. He still wasn't used to how Rarity looked in that getup.

"So if you don't mine me asking," Twilight said. "Why in the wide, wide world of Equestria did you decide to take up wrestling of all things? Especially after you-know-what."

"Oh, yes, that," Rarity began. "See, after I was transported out of the castle, I was taken to this beautiful city. The lovely Jolene found me and took me in, allowing shelter in the Glitz Pit while I tried to get my bearings. And that's when I saw THIS!"

Using her magic, she levitated the champion's belt in front of her friends. "This remarkable golden material is unlike anything I had ever seen before! I figured that having it would provide brand new opportunities for my dress-making, and I just HAD to have it. Jolene suggested I take up a career in the Glitz Pit and work my way up the ranks to win it for myself. I was against the idea at first, but after all the attention I gained from my bouts, not to mention the prize money, I couldn't stop!"

"Well, I'm just happy you're safe," Twilight said. "We're looking for the rest of our friends and trying to find a way to get back home. Wanna come along?"

"Of course I would love to help, darling!" Rarity said. "After all, you came all the way here just for little old me, it's the least I could do. I must admit, as much as Glitzville is absolutely stunning, I do miss Ponyville. Quite a bit in fact."

"Well, you only came for the champ's belt, so I suppose this was inevitable," Jolene said. "Do be sure to come back and give the fans a little razzle-dazzle, OK? They love you to bits."

"Oh, this shan't be the last time I step in the ring," Rarity said. "Lady Lariat will eventually return."

"You should have heard Spike," Twilight giggled. "We were in the bleachers and he went WILD! He wanted to see you take that Rawk Hawk guy down."

"Aww, how adorable!" Rarity said. Spike just hid behind Twilight and blushed.

"Why did we have to watch Piranha Plant?" Luigi asked.

"Beats me. He seems OK with being around the ponies," Mario said.

The two brothers were tasked with watching over Piranha Plant while the others went to get Rarity in their group. Right now they were outside the bar, staying as far away from him as possible. He had Luigi's cap in his teeth, gnawing on it, and whenever Luigi stepped close enough to take it back, he growled.

They sighed in relief when they saw their pony friends step outside the Glitz Pit, Rarity now out of her fighter suit. They saw Mario and Luigi and walked over to them.

"Mr. Piranha Plant, you spit that out right now," Fluttershy commanded. The Piranha Plant reluctantly released it, allowing Luigi to put it back on his head. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"So I'm guessing this is Rarity," Mario said.

"Yes, Twilight and Fluttershy have told me so much about you two," Rarity said as she walked up to them. "Really, thank you for being generous enough to help my friends in times of need."

"It was no problem," Luigi said. "We're all in this together."

"Oh, and this must be the adorable flower you've talked about, Fluttershy," Rarity said as she got down and stroked Piranha Plant's head. "Such a majestic creature."

The Piranha Plant gave a relaxed purr. "He says thank you," Fluttershy translated.

"It's good to have you back, Rarity," Twilight said. "Now all we gotta do is find everypony else."

"Just one problem with that," Spike said, looking over the edge of Glitzville. "How do we all get down?"

Author's Note:

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is one of the best games ever made and I will always stand by that.