• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 3,113 Views, 72 Comments

Of Plumbers and Ponies: Kingdom Quest - pokerninja2

Bowser's newest plan to kidnap Peach goes haywire, and it merges the Mushroom Kingdom with Equestria. Stuff happens because of it.

  • ...

The Heroes Storm the Gang-Plank Galleon to Save Diddy and the Crusaders

Needless to say, the seating arrangement on Funky's barrel plane was less than stellar. The ones at the bottom of the barrel were squished between each other and the ones at the top needed to hang on for dear life so they wouldn't fall off. And that wasn't even mentioning Rarity dangling off the wagon behind the plane, regretting the decision to ever take it instead of being in the barrel with everyone else. And every turn, rise, and fall the plane took increased the pressure tenfold. Really the only one sitting comfortably was Funky Kong, since he had the only seat on the whole plane.

It only took a few minutes for Funky to maneuver the plane around and get a good view of K. Rool's ship. "Gang-Plank Galleon comin' into view!" Funky announced through the intercom. "Approaching destination in one minute!"

"That's a relief," Spike sighed. "Finally we can get out of this thing!"

"Hey Fluttershy, you're stepping on my foot," Luigi said.

"OH! Sorry about that," Fluttershy said. She did her best to move away from him, but in the process she bumped into Big Mac, who fell over. His weight caused the barrel plane to tilt slightly, making things worse for everyone.

"Them scaly salamanders got mah precious li'l Apple Bloom," Granny Smith sneered. "When Ah get mah hooves on them, Ah'm gonna let them have it, Granny Smith style!"

"Just wait until I get my hands on that K. Rool!" Cranky followed. "I'll turn that dumb gator into a new pair of boots!"

"I really don't think you two should get going down there with us," Twilight said. "You could get seriously injured and-"

"What are you trying to say? That old people can't get their hands dirty!?" Cranky said, beating Twilight over the head with his cane. "This generation I tell ya, no respect for the elderly!"

"Ya darn tootin'," Granny Smith agreed.

"We're close to the ship!" Funky announced. "We're heading in for a landing!"

Mario peered over the barrel and saw the giant ship below them. They were easily over a mile in the air, and they'd be dropping in for a surprise attack. They'd get rid of the Kremling Krew forces, rescue Diddy and the Crusaders, and be on their merry way. It was a plan that should have gone swimmingly.

Until Mario saw a black cannonball flying right at them.

"FUNKY!" Mario yelled. "PULL BACK!"

Funky pulled up, narrowly dodging the cannonball whizzing past them. The sudden shift caused more uncomfort for everyone in the barrel, and more agony for Rarity.

"Looks like we've been spotted, dudes!" Funky said. "We're goin' in for a counterattack!"

More cannonballs narrowly missed the plane thanks to Funky's superb piloting. Grumbling, Applejack got up on the rim of the barrel and stared downward at the ship.

"What are you doing?!" Luigi cried. "Get down from there!"

"Ah'm sick of playin' target practice," Applejack said. "Ya'll heard Funky, it's time fer a counterattack! Who's with me?"

Donkey Kong climbed his way to the top of the barrel and beat his chest, ready for action. He hadn't had a good Kremling Krew beat down in awhile, and couldn't wait to storm on board and take them down.

Mario readied his wings from the Alicorn Mushroom, prepared to take flight. "I'm coming down too!"

"The rest of you stay up here in case we need backup," Twilight ordered. "We'll go down and try to stop those cannons."

"Roger!" Spike saluted. Then he accidentally stepped on Piranha Plant's leaf, getting a bite on the tail in respose.

"Alright everypony, let's go!" Twilight called. With that, she, Applejack, Mario, and Donkey Kong jumped off the plane as Funky tried to get in closer. While falling, the four dodged even more cannonfire. Twilight used her magic to grab one and chuck it back at one of the cannons, taking it out. DK grabbed one and did the same, taking out a hoard of Kremlings in the process. Mario grabbed Applejack by the tail and flew outward with her, dodging another onslaught of cannonballs. They landed on board with flair, and hoards of Kremlings charged at them.

Donkey Kong charged in headfirst, beating down some Kritters. Applejack bucked a Klump in the stomach, sending him reeling back and falling overboard. Mario flew past the assault and used his alicorn magic to grab more cannonballs, flinging them at the crocodile soldiers. Twilight took out a Fire Flower and became Fire Twilight, using her fireballs to dispatch her attackers.

"Whoa nelly!" Applejack said. "Can Ah get some cool transformation like that?"

"Be my guest," Twilight said, offering her another Fire Flower. Applejack took it and became Fire Applejack, turning her orange coat red, her blonde main pink, and her brown Stetson white. Immediately feeling the new surge of power, she pounded her front hooves on the ground, creating a fiery shockwave that incapacitated a whole squadron of Kritters coming at her.

"YEE-HAW!" Applejack cheered. "Now THIS is more like it!" Twilight flew past her and shot some purple fireballs from her horn, taking out more Kremlings. Donkey Kong barreled through them without breaking a sweat. Applejack threw a lasso on the great ape, who caught it and swung it around like a mace. Applejack smacked into the Kritters with fiery force before he flung her forward. Like a fireball, she blasted into a Krusha, knocking him backward and into more Krushas.

Mario flew over and saw the rest of the cannons continuing to fire at the plane above. He grabbed a Klaptrap with his magic and flung it into one of the cannons, backing it up. This caused a chain reaction of explosions that took the Gang-Plank Galleon's artillery out. Seeing this, Funky flew the plane in closer to continue the assault. Funky flew the plane right over the ship, close enough for everyone to jump on board. Unfortunately for Rarity, the rope on the wagon snapped, sending her and the wagon careening into a Klump and knocking both down.

"Kick some crocodile butt, dudes!" Funky announced. Everyone else on board the plane jumped out to help in the fight against the Kremling Krew, while Funky pulled back to avoid getting shot down. Luigi took out an Ice Flower, and use it to shoot iceballs around the ship and freeze Kritters solid. Donkey Kong took one of them in his hand and used it to smash the other ice sculptures to pieces. Spike flew up one of the masts as some Klingers chased him, though he used his fire breath to burn the mainbrace down and the Klingers with it. Big Mac took his front hooves and shoved a Krusha through the lower deck, while Cranky Kong tried to whack another with his cane. It didn't have any effect, but it all served as a distraction while Granny Smith bucked him in the side, causing him to fall overboard.

"These ol' hooves are just as strong as they used to be!" Granny Smith hollered.

"You guys think old people can't fight, don't ya!?" Cranky yelled as he continued to swat Kremlings with his cane. "Back in my day I was the biggest, strongest ape in the concrete jungle! I'm still in my prime!"

Fluttershy clung to a mainbrace to avoid a swarm of Klaptraps trying to chow down on her. A particularly big one was about to take a bite out of her rear before Piranha Plant violently chomped on its tail. He flung it overboard and proceeded to take out the other Klaptraps, intent on protecting his master. Soon enough, all the Klaptraps were dealt with, and Fluttershy flew down to pet him.

"Aren't you just the most ADORABLE thing when you're fighting!" Fluttershy cooed as she scratched her hoof under the plant's neck.

"Fluttershy!" Mario hollered. "Less petting, more fighting!" He swooped in and kicked a Kritter in the chest before it could attack the yellow pegasus. She took Piranha Plant and tried to flee from the action. Rarity got her bearings back from the crash and found herself surrounded by Klumps. She quickly weaved out of the way of their blows, and bucked one in the jaw. She grabbed another with her unicorn magic and rammed it into the other Klumps before chucking it into the sea.

"All this fightin' and no sign of AB!" Applejack said, using her fire powers to take down a hoard of oncoming Kritters.

"They just keep coming!" Luigi said, using his powers as Ice Luigi to slow down some Klaptraps. A Kritter tried to get the jump on him, but Luigi turned around and froze it in a block of ice. He kicked the block of ice at the Klaptraps, and the ice block collided with a wall of the ship, revealing some stairs.

"Guys, I think they're coming from inside!" Luigi called.

"Me, DK, and AJ will go down and look for Apple Bloom," Mario said. "The rest of you stay up here and hold your ground!"

Donkey Kong wrestled his way toward the stairs and quickly climbed down into the ship's interior, Mario and Applejack quickly following. Everyone else continued their fight.

For the amount of Kremlings that were on board, the inside was completely barren of them. There was a long hallway below the deck with some rooms on either side, but they were all empty aside from a few barrels and bananas scattered about. It was quiet, almost too quiet.

Donkey Kong heard the unmistakable calls of his little buddy from one of the rooms further down, and rushed through the hallways to follow them. The others followed suit, but Applejack looked up and saw a small, caped figure enveloped in shadow standing on a large stack of crates, ready to toss a barrel downward. She saw this and tried to catch up with DK, realizing it was a trap.

Before she could even say anything, the barrel came down on the great ape. She managed to push Donkey Kong out of the way, and the barrel trapped her instead. The barrel rolled away toward another figure, this time with a tiny propellerpack who flew its way up and dumped the barrel in a giant box and sealed the top.

Donkey Kong quickly regained his bearings, Mario approaching to try and help him up. All of a sudden, the lights in the room started to dim, and a giant disco ball appeared. Then a strange beat started playing, catching the two off-guard. The singing fillies that followed made them even more confused.

Huh, huh, huh, Here we go!

So yer finally here!
We've been waiting for you!
If you know the words,
Stay for a minute or two!
Put yer hooves together
If you wanna clap!
As we take you through,
This Crusada' rap!

HUH! Cutie! Mark Crusaders!

Ah'm the leader of the bunch,
Ah founded this club!
Mah hooves will beat ya,
'Til yer nice an' numb!
The Kremlings brought us in,
Trained us in their dome!
And promised us,
That we'd get home!

HUH! Cutie! Mark Crusaders!
Cutie! Cutie Mark Crusaders!

In comes Scootaloo,
I'm so cool!
Used to be a fan of Dashie,
Now I'm all K. Rool!
My trigger hoof's itching,
To snipe a couple Kongs,
'Cuz you're taking our bananas,
Like a bunch of hogs!

HUH! Cutie! Mark Crusaders!

Next up, Sweetie Belle,
Hits the stage!
You let this beast,
Out of her cage!
You're beating up our friends,
You all are so mean!
I'll use that fur to scrub the floor,
And make it squeaky clean!

HUH! Cutie! Mark Crusadas!
Cutie! Cutie Mark Crusadas!

She's here for you!
Babs is about to give ya,
The ol' one-two!
King K. Rool,
Taught me some boxin' tricks to use!
You apes better beware,
Cuz I'm after YOU!

After their music number, all four fillies struck a pose, and the disco ball disappeared as the room lit back up. Mario and DK looked at each other in confusion, having just witness something beyond human or monkey comprehension.

"What, no applause?" Scootaloo asked. "We worked so hard on that! You know how hard it is to rhyme with Kongs!?"

"Simmer down there, Scootaloo," a voice came. Donkey Kong instantly recognized it and looked behind himself, seeing none other than King K. Rool. He quickly got into a fighting stance, wanting nothing more than to beat him up and take Diddy Kong back. Mario turned around too, and readied his wings, preparing for any attack he may throw.

"You certainly dropped in unexpectedly, Donkey Kong," King K. Rool said. "I would have thought you'd be flung much further away from here after that strange anomaly struck our world. But I can't say I wasn't prepared."

He walked past Mario and Donkey Kong and went behind the Crusaders, each sporting their cute little outfits based on K. Rool's monikers over the years. "Meet my new Kremling Krew generals," he said. "I was able to train them to become just as good at combat as I am, and they have already captured Diddy Kong. And when we take you out of the picture, the Banana Hoard will be all ours!"

"And we'll be able to go back to Equestria, right?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Y-Yes," K. Rool stammered. "Take out Donkey Kong, and you will have the power to get back home."

"OK I wasn't going to ask this, but what does the Banana Hoard matter?" Scootaloo asked. "Aren't crocodiles meat eaters? Can you even EAT bananas?"

"Yeah Ah was wonderin' that too," Apple Bloom said. "If ya'll can't eat bananas, then all yer really doin' is just bein' jerks."

"We CAN eat bananas!" K. Rool said. "And Donkey Kong is the one thing between us and an all-you-can-eat fruit buffet!"

"But don't bananas grow on trees?" Babs Seed asked. "Couldn't youze just harvest 'em yourself? Why ya gotta steal from apes?"

"Yeah, that's kind of mean," Sweetie Belle said.

"DO I ASK YOU HOW YOU HORSES GET WEIRD TATOOS ON YOUR BUTTS!?" K. Rool roared, getting less and less patient.

As the argument continued, Mario looked over to see the giant crate the barrel that held Applejack was in. Using his magic, he tried to gently pull the barrel from out of the crate, and placed it behind K. Rool, who was too distracted to see what was happening. Mario used his magic some more to bust the country mare out of her barrel prison.

K. Rool turned around when he felt a hoof tap on his back, and he turned around to see the angriest death glare to have ever been conceived. Applejack's breathing was heavy, enraged by how he had tricked his little sister to do his bidding. Before he could even react, Applejack bucked him in the stomach with the burning passion of Celestia's sun, and launched him past Mario and DK and into a wall. Her fire powers were gone thanks to that barrel, but she was still strong as ever.

"A... Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked. "APPLEJACK!? Is that you!?"

"'Course it is, sugarcube!" Applejack said. The little filly threw herself around the mare, happy that she had finally seen someone familiar in this clustered mess of a world. Babs Seed was quick to join the hug, and so were Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"Ah thought Ah'd never see ya again!" Apple Bloom said.

"And hey, if you're here, that means everypony else is here too!" Sweetie Belle said.

The reunion was interrupted by Donkey Kong running past the ponies, busting through the door to get to the other room. Inside, he saw Diddy Kong hanging in a rope net. The little monkey saw his big buddy and cheered. DK ran over and tore open a hole in the net, letting Diddy escape. The Kongs were reunited once more, and the celebrated by taking two bananas and eating them.

Mario had to admit that he found the scene charming, friends and family reuniting after being lost. However, he was interrupted by a grumble behind him. He turned around and saw King K. Rool, armed with boxing gloves. He sucker punched Mario before he could get out of the way, launching him into Applejack and causing him to lose his Alicorn Mushroom powers. DK and Diddy were ready to throw down, and the Crusaders looked nervous, now that they were no longer on the king's good side.

"If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!" King K. Rool snarled, beating his boxing gloves together. "Have at you!"

On board, the raging fight against the Kremlings drew to a close. The last of the crocodiles were thrown off the ship, and the battle was won.

"I think that's the last of them," Luigi said, dusting off his shoulders.

"Thank goodness," Fluttershy said as she flew back on board from her hiding place just below the ship's railings. She set Piranha Plant on the ground, who seemed to be sound asleep.

"Now hold on everypony," Twilight said. "We still haven't found Diddy or Apple Bloom. We'll need to search the ship to-"

The alicorn was interrupted by Donkey Kong being launched through the floor of the Gang-Plank Galleon, whizzing near centimeters past her. He landed on a stack of barrels, but quickly got up. King K. Rool climbed out of the hole in the ship, dead set on defeating DK. He didn't even care about all the non-Kremlings that were on his ship. He charged at the great ape, but Diddy Kong latched onto his head and covered his eyes. K. Rool tried to throw him off, but that distraction let Donkey Kong get a punch in right in his gut, causing him to slide backwards.

"You apes haven't bested me yet!" K. Rool said as he charged at them again.

From the hole also came Mario and Applejack, carrying the Crusaders with them. Rarity saw Sweetie Belle and instantly ran towards her, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh darling, I thought I'd lost you!" Rarity said, quite happy to see her.

"Rarity... tight..." Sweetie Belle struggled.

"Uh... what's with the costumes?" Spike asked.

"It's a long story," Scootaloo said. However, Diddy Kong was thrown right into her, knocking her down.

"We can catch up later, we got bigger issues to tend to," Mario said. He took out a Cape Feather and became Cape Mario. Using his new cape, he flew right into K. Rool, who quickly parried out of the way. Donkey Kong went in for another attack, but K. Rool countered with an uppercut, sending the ape flying into the wall.

"Hey! Ya mess with mah sister, ya mess with me!" Applejack hollered. K. Rool turned around to see the orange mare coming at him. He took off his crown and threw it at her. She ducked under it, but couldn't see the crown boomeranging back to him. It hit her in the back of the head on the return, and K. Rool placed it back on his head. He ran up and grabbed Applejack by the tail, but before he could do anything, Big Mac barreled through and bucked the Kremling king with all of his might, sending him flying into a wall.

He pulled out his Blunderbuss to fire cannonballs at his foes, but they were all frozen by Luigi's ice powers. Rarity picked a few up with her magic and hurled them at him, though he managed to dodge the incoming projectiles. Rarity tried to pick up more, but K. Rool picked up one of the icy cannonballs and threw it at her. Spike tried to fly in, but he grabbed him by the tail and threw him into some barrels. Twilight then came from behind to shoot some purple fireballs, all of which hit him in the back. He turned around and threw his crown at the alicorn, but Applejack bucked him in the back.

King K. Rool got up and saw Fluttershy trying to carry Piranha Plant away from the battle. He leaped up and grabbed her tail, which caused her to yelp and drop to the ground with the sudden weight. Angrily, Piranha Plant dug his teeth into K. Rool's arm, who howled in pain as he tried to shake him off. Mario flew in and spun K. Rool around with his cape, putting him face-to-face with Cranky Kong riding on Granny Smith.

"This'll teach ya to mess with us Apples!" Granny Smith said as she headbutted K. Rool in the stomach. He leaned forward to clutch it in pain, only for Cranky to poke him in the nose with his cane. He was about to grab the old geezer in a fit of rage, but something snatched his tiny crown away. He looked up to see Sweetie Belle, using the propellerpack given to her to fly away with the crown.

"Hey!" he shouted. "Get back here! That's my crown!"

"Then have mine!" Apple Bloom called from behind. She took off her own crown and threw it at K. Rool, using the same boomeranging trick he normally used. He narrowly dodged the initial throw, but it still hit him on the return. He angrily chased at Apple Bloom, but Scootaloo stepped in front of her and used her Blunderbuss to pelt cannonballs at him. They all hit him square in the face. Now having an opening, Babs Seed ran in and threw a flurry of punches at the king with her boxing gloves. She finished him off with an uppercut, sending him to the rails of the ship, almost losing his balance. Donkey Kong swung at him on a rope to deliver the finishing blow, sending him overboard. Donkey Kong beat his chest in victory, having defeated K. Rool once again, and saving Diddy Kong.

"Aw yeah, that was AWESOME!" Scootaloo cheered, posing with her Blunderbuss. "Who needs flying when I can have this thing?"

"Ah bet that'll teach him to tell everypony his tricks," Apple Bloom said. "Ah had no idea you could make a crown boomerang back to ya."

"That was some mighty fine fightin' there, AB," Applejack said, drawing her little sister into another hug. "Ya'll sure showed that croc creep what Apples are made of!"

While everyone congratulated each other over their shared victory against the Kremlings, Funky Kong flew his plane over them and parked on board.

"I saw the whole battle from above," Funky called out. "You were rad, DK!" Donkey Kong flexed his muscles in response.

"I guess we'd better get outta here," Twilight said.

"Well, all of you can stay at Peach's castle," Mario said. "I'm sure she won't mind having you all around."

"Well hop aboard and we'll be sailin' the skies!" Funky said as he parked the plane on the ship.

"I uh... don't think we're all going fit," Rarity said.

"You could always use the VIP seat," Funky suggested. "I managed to fix it and put it back on the plane."

"Heavens no!" Rarity protested. "I'd rather sit with everypony else where it's safer."

"SHOTGUN!" Scootaloo called as she ran right into the barrel. The other Crusaders gave chase, each of them wanting the best seat on the plane as well. Most of everyone else reluctantly followed, eager to get back to the castle and rest for the night... except Piranha Plant. He looked around for Fluttershy, who somehow went missing after the battle. It didn't look like she was anywhere on board.

King K. Rool swam back up to the surface, gasping for air. He swam his way back to shore, and was too hurt to stand up straight. He saw his crown wash up next to him, and he stuck it back in its rightful place on his head. For awhile he just laid there, the water's cold waves splashing on him.

He sighed. Once again, he had been bested by those dirty apes. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to beat them in battle. He was bigger, stronger, and absolutely smarter than them, so what made him inferior in combat? Maybe he should bring out the Blast-o-Matic next time... and this time get competent soldiers to control it so it won't run into a rock and put it out of commission long enough for the monkeys to stop it.

"Um... are you OK?" a gentle voice said from behind.

K. Rool looked behind himself to see that yellow mare from before, floating in the air behind him. He was less than pleased.

"What's it to you?" he scoffed. "You're in league with those banana brains!"

"Sure, they're my friends, but that doesn't answer my question," Fluttershy said.

"Since when do you care about the enemy's feelings?" K. Rool asked.

"I've always cared," she answered softly. Fluttershy kept her voice gentle and quite throughout the whole conversation. "Because you still have a heart and feelings."

In its own way, Fluttershy's motherly voice was stronger than her signature stare. King K. Rool caved in, and used his remaining strength to sit up and stare at the sunset over the ocean. "I've never been able to beat Donkey Kong in battle," he sighed. "He always somehow finds a way to outsmart me, and foil my schemes. Even when it's just combat, I never come out on top."

Fluttershy flew down to the ground and sat next to him. "Why are you so against Donkey Kong anyway?" she asked.

"Because I sent my troops to his island one day to mine minerals," K. Rool explained. "I had them steal his bananas and scatter them around the island to distract him long enough to finish our operation. Not only did he ruin our mining facility and get back the bananas, he beat me in battle and embarrassed me in front of my entire army. From that day forward, I vowed revenge on those monkeys."

"Well... why did you steal his bananas in the first place?" Fluttershy asked. "If you meant no harm, I'm sure he would have understood."

"He's just a dumb gorilla," K. Rool snarled. "He couldn't understand anything. No animals like him can."

Fluttershy had to do her best to keep calm. She took a deep breath and pushed down the anger from that sentence. After a minute or two, she decided she was fine enough to talk again.

"Animals aren't dumb," she said. "Every animal in the world has feelings. From the giant elephants to the tiny spiders. You can make sense of them if you try."

"Oh yeah?" K. Rool challenged. "You saying you have?"

As if on cue, a couple snaps were heard from behind them. Fluttershy and K. Rool turned around to see Piranha Plant, having finally found Fluttershy, running at them, or at least running as much as he could within his pot. The mare turned around and opened her hooves, letting the carnivorous flower jump into her. She embraced him tightly, happy to see him again. The Kremling king just looked at them in confusion.

"Mr. Piranha Plant is a very misunderstood creature," Fluttershy said. "Most think him and others of his kind are just brainless monsters who eat anypony unfortunate enough to pass by. But when you take the time to know him... and be with him... you'll find out that he's a very loyal friend. He's eager to help any of his friends if they're in danger. Like when he attacked you when you pulled me down."

"Yes, I remember," K. Rool grumbled, rubbing his arm, which still had teeth marks in it.

"And back home I have plenty of animal friends," Fluttershy continued. "Angel Bunny is abrasive and sometimes not very nice, but he's always looking for for his friends and wants to do what's right. Rose is a tarantula I keep, and while most would just write her off as a bloodthirsty hunter, she's really sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly. There's also Moe, a newt that lives in the river near my cottage. He's a performer and always does funny tricks to make others laugh. Oh, and there's-"

"What's your point?" K. Rool interrupted.

"My point is animals have feelings too," Fluttershy said. She continued to hold Piranha Plant in her hooves. "They aren't brainless creatures whose only purpose are to fill out a niche on the food chain. They think, they feel, and they know just as much as we do. So perhaps the reason you always lose to Donkey Kong is you always underestimate his abilities and awareness."

As much as he hated to admit it, her words seemed to make sense. He stole the bananas in the hopes DK wouldn't be able to reclaim them, but he managed to do that AND beat K. Rool. He kidnapped DK hoping that Diddy wouldn't be strong enough to stop him, but he and Dixie Kong stormed Crocodile Isle and beat him on his home field. He kidnapped DK and Diddy as well as attempt to take over the Northern Kremisphere, but Dixie pulled through and stopped him once again. He wanted to blow up Donkey Kong Island as revenge, but the apes managed to deactivate the Blast-o-Matic and beat him in battle. Each one of his losses could be traced back to him thinking the Kongs were incapable of standing up to him... perhaps he hadn't been giving them enough credit than they deserved.

Calls for Fluttershy were heard on the Gang-Plank Galleon, coming from her friends in search of her. "I think it's time I go," Fluttershy said, putting Piranha Plant on her back. "Let's go."

"What do you mean 'let's go'?" K. Rool asked. "Are you suggesting I go with you and team up with those apes!?"

"Well um... I was talking to Mr. Pira-" Fluttershy said before being interrupted.

"Good, because there is nothing you can do to convince me to become an ally to them!" K. Rool huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Well, suit yourself then," Fluttershy said. "I'll just leave you-"

"You drive a hard bargain, pegasus," K. Rool said. "But I am not budging!"

"I'm not trying to-" she said before being interrupted once more.

"Fine. FINE!" K. Rool bellowed. "You convinced me! I will go on this adventure with you and the Kongs. Are you happy!? Let's go!" He got up and marched right back to the Gang-Plank Galleon, wanting nothing more than to get this temporary alliance with Donkey Kong over with. Fluttershy just stood there motionless.

Piranha Plant snapped five times, as if to say "Did you understand what just happened?"

"I have no idea," Fluttershy responded.

Author's Note:

This should be interesting... :twistnerd: