• Published 25th Mar 2020
  • 1,720 Views, 21 Comments

The Storm Dragon Returns - ShowShine

When Spike finally gets his happily ever after, he realizes he isn’t as happy as he thought he was

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Not So Happily Ever After

Author's Note:

If you haven’t read the Storm Dragon, I recommend you read that first


Spike hummed to himself, kicking his legs. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, feeling the cool breeze on his scales. That day he had helped Fluttershy pick flowers for her animals, help set up Twilights School of Friendship, and helped Grubber with grocery shopping. He had a very eventful day and was just relaxing.

He watched the sunset which was beautiful shades of dark blues, oranges, and pinks. Spike closed his eyes and let his head fall back. It felt as if he was floating when he was this high up. He wished that he could feel like he was floating forever.

“Spike, dinners ready!” Tempest exclaimed from her bedroom window. Spike looked down at Tempest to see her head poking out of the window. He gave her a thumbs up and started to slide down the roof, letting his claws dig into the tiles for support. He shifted he left foot, making him stop in place. He laid above his bedroom window, slowly lowering himself so he wouldn’t fall on the ground. Spike slid through his bedroom window, landing on his side with a loud bang. He laid on the floor for a few moments, not wanting to move. Patches walked over to Spike in concern, pressing her nose against his cheek.

“I’m okay Patches.” Spike reassured, rubbing her head. Patches let out a happy purr and swished her small tail nub in the air. He stood up and brushed himself off before walking towards his open bedroom door. Patches followed him, happily purring behind her owner.

He walked down the hallway with a little skip in his step. He passed a room, making him stop and look into it. The room was completely empty and dark. Everyone in the house had a room which left a spare room. Tempest and Grubber never set the room up as a guest room so it was just there. Spike couldn’t shake off the feeling that someone was supposed to be there. He shook his head and continued to walk down the hallway.

Spike smelled the air. It smelled like Grubber had made lasagna. Spike approached the staircase and looked at the railing, which was shiny and clean. He sat down on the railing and started to slide down at a fast speed. Patches galloped down the steps, trying to keep up with Spike. He jumped off of the railing and landed on his feet.

“Hurry up or I’ll eat your dinner!” Grubber shouted from the kitchen. Spike playfully rolled his eyes and made his way to the kitchen.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Spike said, walking into the kitchen. The table was already set up and Tempest sat in her seat, already eating. Grubber sat on the other side of the table, eating his food. In the middle of the table there was a fresh tray of lasagna. Spike sat down next to Tempest and reached across the table, cutting himself a small piece of lasagna. He dropped the lasagna on his place and picked a piece off of it. He dropped the piece on the floor, letting Patches eat it.

“Did you hear that Storm King’s statue got destroyed today?” Tempest asked. Grubber shook his head.

“He had it coming, he was a dick.” Grubber said. Spike continued to look down at his food, not paying attention to what his family was saying. He was lost in his own thought. He didn’t want to hear anything about Storm King ever again.

“There were a few witnesses. They said that he was destroyed with a metal baseball bat.” Tempest said. Grubber gave a sly grin.

“It should’ve been a sledgehammer.” He stated. For some reason, Spike felt guilty about destroying the statue. Storm King hurt him for years and he felt bad about hurting him back for once.

“Spike?” Tempest asked, making Spike snap out of his train to thought. He looked up at Tempest, who stared back at him in concern.

“Are you okay, you barely touched your dinner.” Tempest said in concern. Spike looked down to see that he had only taken a few bites. His food was completely cold. How long was he spaced out?

“I’m fine, I’m just not that hungry.” Spike said. He scooted his chair away from the table and stood up.

“I’m going to bed, goodnight.” He said, walking away. Patches jumped on Spikes chair and took a bite of lasagna before running after Spike. Tempest and Grubber exchanged glances of confusion. It was only eight o’clock.

“I’ll go check on him.” Tempest said, standing up from her seat. Time to find out was was wrong.

Spike laid in his bed, staring at the wall. Patches was curled up against to his stomach, sound asleep. There was a small knock on the room door, making Spike glance to the door.

“Come in.” Spike said. The door opened, revealing Tempest with a concerned look on her face. She closed the door behind her and walked over to his bed. She sat down next to him, putting her hoof on his arm.

“Are you okay?” Tempest asked. Spike let out a sigh.

“I guess. I just feel bad about Storm Kings statue being destroyed.” Spike said. Tempest gave him a sympathetic look.

“Hey, it’s not your fault. You didn’t know this was going to happen.” Tempest reassured. Spikes heart sank when he heard that. He knew he had to tell her what he did or he would live with that guilt for life.

“You’re right Tempest, I feel better.” Spike said with a smile. Tempest gave a smile back and gave him a kiss on the head.

“That’s good. I love you Spike, goodnight.” Tempest said while walking out the room. She gave one last look at Spike before closing the door behind her. Spike let out a groan of frustration and facepalmed himself.

“Why didn’t I just tell her the truth?” Spike whispered angrily to himself. Patches sat up sleepily at Spikes sudden movement. Spike quickly let her head, making her lay back down.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go to sleep baby.” He apologized, stroking Patches. Once she fell back asleep, Spike let out a sigh of relief.

“Maybe I should go to sleep too.” He muttered to himself. Spike closed his eyes, holding Patches close to his body. Within a few minutes, he quickly drifted off to sleep.

Spike stood in a dark void, looking around. He was covered in bruises and his heart raced in his chest. A loud stomping came from behind him, making him turn around in fear.

Storm King toward over him by sixty feet, staring at him with a sly grin. Spike trembled with fear, his eyes filling up with tears.

“You’re pathetic, thinking you could get rid of me. Don’t you know I’ll always be with you?” Storm King asked, his voice booming. Spike dropped to his knees and started to beg.

“Please don’t hurt me, I’ll do whatever you want.” He begged. Storm King let out a loud laugh, making the room shake.

“You’re a coward.” Storm King said, lifting up his hoof. Spike closed his eyes, feeling his hoof getting closer to his body. This was the end.

Spike sat straight up in his bed, gasping for air. He clutched onto his chest, hyperventilating. He looked around to see that he was in his room.

“It’s okay, it was just a dream.” Spike mumbled to himself. He shakily pet Patches for comfort.

“It was just a dream.”