• Published 25th Mar 2020
  • 1,720 Views, 21 Comments

The Storm Dragon Returns - ShowShine

When Spike finally gets his happily ever after, he realizes he isn’t as happy as he thought he was

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An Apology Pt.1

Spike sat at the kitchen table with Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow had a mug of hot coco in her hooves. She took a long slow sip of the coco and hummed in satisfaction.

"Mmm, this coco is delicious!" She exclaimed. Spike sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. He had gone all out again for his guest. He had found a recipe of coco in the attic. The people who used to live there must have left it.

Cozy Glow looked over at Spike with a serious expression. A chill ran down Spike's spine. How did she just go from happy to serious in a split second? He could do that but that was because he spent years lying to people. She put her hoof om Spike's hand.

"I came here to talk about your past. It seems to stress you out." Cozy Glow stated. She was definitely right about that. Spike would try to avoid anything that had to do with Storm King. He would have to talk about it eventually.

"It stressed me out a lot. I've been having a lot of nightmares about Storm King lately." He admitted. That was the first time he had said that out loud.

A frown spread across Cozy Glows face and her ears flattened.

"That sounds terrible! Have you told anyone?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Nah, I don't wanna worry anyone with my problems." Spike answered. He hadn't told Tempest or Grubber about his nightmares because he didn't want to worry them. They had worked for the Storm King way longer than he had and they were fine. He was probably just being dramatic. Cozy Glow put her hoof on her chin, thinking for a moment.

"Well is there anything you can do to stop the nightmares?" She asked. Spike thought to himself. He wanted to be forgiven by the people he hurt in the past.

"I want to apologize to the people I hurt." Spike stated. He put his hands on the table. "You know what, I won't just apologize. I"ll give all of them an apology gift!" Spike exclaimed. He got up and flew out of the kitchen. Cozy Glow looked around the kitchen. Should she leave? Spike flew back into the kitchen with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry, that was rude of me. Do you want anymore coco?" Spike offered. Cozy gave a smile and pushed her mug across the table.

"Yes please."

Spike walked through the outskirts of Ponyville, holding a cart with him. The cart had a pickaxe, a shovel, and a headlight in it. He had bought those items that day. He was near the Everfree Forest. Spike heard that this area had really good gems. He was looking for a nice amount of gems he could give to Ember as an apology. Spike sniffed the air, catching a spicy smell.

"That's definitely a ruby." Spike thought out loud. Ember would be the type of dragon to like spicy food. He continued to sniff the air, following the scent. He approached a dark cave, not being able to see ten feet in front of him. Spike reached into the cart and placed the headlight on his head. Spike tapped a little button on the light, turning it on. He entered the cave, dragging the wheeled cart behind him.

Spike walked through the dark cave, continuing to sniff the air. He walked farther into the cave, making sure to be quiet. He didn't want to scare any bats. Soon, he stopped at a cave wall. The smell of ruby was very strong from that wall. Spike reached into the cart and pulled out the pickaxe.

He held the pickaxe tightly in his hands before swinging it into the stone. The stone chipped away as he swung the packaxe, hitting the hard ground. Spike spotted a little bit of a red shine from the stone. His eyes lit up and he started to swing the pickaxe faster. There must be dozens of ruby's in this area. He could give Ember a lovely assortment of gems. Spike broke out into a grin when he saw a part of a ruby, This was going to be perfect.

Spike walked through the Dragonlands, wheeling a cart behind him. The cart obviously had a large mass in it that was covered by a white tarp. Spike entered a reddish brown gave, knowing that was Dragonlords Ember castle. He saw Ember sitting on a throne made of pink and purple crystals. Two large dragons protectively put spears in front of Ember, making sure Spike wasn't going to attack. Ember at straighted in her throne and glared at Spike.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Spike bowed, putting his arm across his chest. He had did some research on etiquette on different cultures the night before.

"I know that I wronged you in the past but I want you to forgive me." Spike stated. Ember eyed him suspiciously. She crossed her arms.

"How do I know you're not going to trick me?" Ember asked. Spike got up from his bow and pushed the cart forward.

"I brought you a peace offering. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." Spike explained. Ember looked over at her guards and gestured over to the cart. Both dragons flew over to the cart, sniffing at it and poking it with their spears. One of the guards ripped the tarp off and his eyes widened at what he saw.

There was a large ruby filling up the entire cart. It had smooth edges and was nicely polished. Spike had searched for hours to find a gem worthy for Ember. He had spent an even longer time properly cutting the gem and polishing it. He stayed up all night making it perfect.

"I hope you like it." Spike said. Emner started to drool and licked her lips. She looked over at Spike and crossed her arms again, puffing out her cheeks.

"You're forgiven, just don't pull something like that again." Ember stated. Spike broke out into a grin and turned around, leaving the cave. Next, he had to apologize to Thorax.

Spike stood outside the Changeling Kingdom, holding a small bag with him. He opened the bag which and pulled out some marigold and daffodil seeds. He placed the bag on the ground and flew up towards and opened the packages of seeds.

He poured the seeds onto different parts of the entrance, letting them fall and topple wherever they pleased. Spike made sure that none fell too close to the entrance. Once he finished pouring the seeds, he flew back to the ground and reached into the bag.

Spike pulled out a clear bottle that had some green liquid in it. He had found out how to make a growth potion and spent some time making it the night before. Surprisingly, the potion needed a lot of ruby's, which he still has some scraps of.

Spike poured a few drops of the potion onto the seeds. Within seconds, the flowers started to bloom. The entrance was covered with beautiful shades whites, yellows, reds, and oranges. Spike put his hands on his hips and smiled happily to himself. Thorax walked out of the hive and gave a look of surprise when he saw all of the flowers.

"Woah..." Thorax marveled. Spike smiled.

"I heard that there's a Maulwurf problem so I planted some flowers that repel them." Spike stated. Thorax put his hoof on his chest and gave a touched his chest.

"Aw Spike, you didn't have to do that." Thorax stated. Spike gave a sheepish smile.

"Well, it's sorta an apology for ratting you out to Storm King." Spike apologized. Thorax gave Spike a sweet smile.

"You didn't have to apologize. You were forced to do that. I know that isn't the real you." He said. Spike blinked in surprise. Thorax was surprisingly forgiving about this. Spike smiled and backed away from Thorax.

"I need to go. I have more things to do." Spike stated. He turned around and walked towards the train station. He had more people to apologize to.