• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 379 Views, 1 Comments

The Tale of Equestria's Holy Knight - PrinzEugen

A Holy Knight in the Adrestrian Empire army gets himself sent to Equestria

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Chapter 1 Awakeing(Edited)

Part One

White Clouds


Cerilio felt he was drifting through an endless void. He tried to look around him but only saw darkness surround him.

So, this is what it feels like when you die? he thought.

Then a voice started to speak to him. For him, it sounded like a young girl.

''You, how long do you intend to sleep? Your body is awake. Yours eyes must open now, and you must find the strenght to stand upon those legs of yours. The world of the living still has its needs for you,'' it said.

Cerilio did not recognize the voice, but decided to listen to it and try to stand up. once he was on his feet, he took a look around him again and this time he did saw something. It was person sitting on a stone throne. She looked like a child, wearing blue regalia, had green hair that looked a bit messy in his opinion and had a necklace with a symble that looked familiar to him.

''Ah good, you finaly woke up. it was about time, I thought you would just kept on sleeping forever,'' she said sounding a bit annoyed.

What does she mean? I can't recall ever going to sleep. The last thing I remember is...

He forze. It all came rushing back to him, like someone splashed water in his face. He was at Arienrhod when the explosion started to happen, the panic of the people around him. Then everything went dark and now he's here for some reason

''Where am I?! Who are you?! Why am I here?! What happen to me?!" He wanted answers. He wanted to know what happend to him. Did he died or did he survive and was just having one of the most realistic dreams he ever had.

''Barely awake and the first thing you do is shout at me?! Honestly, talk about being ungratefull," she says, now looking more annoyed then ever. "Look I'm going to answer all of you question if you don't shout at me again, understood?''

Cerilio just nodded and waited for her to answer his questions. What did she meant about being ungratefull?

"Look, its not going to be easy to tell you since what happend before you ended up here. You do remember what happen, right?''

''I remember some of it. There were explosion happing all around, the people were panicking, then I saw a light fall from the sky. Then I heard another explosion follow by an intense heat. After that everything went dark and now I'm here," Cerilio told the girl.

"Well in truth, you were about to die, then I pulled you here in so you wouldn't die. But then you fell into a deep sleep and didn't woke up for seven years. You took more time to heal then a certain blue haired teacher," the girl explained.

Wait wait wait did she just say SEVEN YEARS?! "D-did...did you just say that...that I was asleep for...seven whole years?" Cerilio asked, making sure he heard her corectly.

"Yup, seven years straight."

He couldn't believe it. As much as he tried to he couldn't believed it. He felt like time just stop, as if everything around him stopped

Seven. Seven whole YEARS I was asleep. Did we win the war? Was all I fought hard for in vain? Does the general or the emperor know that I'm here? Did... He had some many more quetion he wanted answer for. Seeing his reaction to the news, the girl try to reassured him.

"If you are wondering, the Empire won the war. Rhea was slain and your friends have been avenge. Yes, I know your other reason why you fought in the war. But thats not why I brought you here. The reason i brought here is because there is a world that needs your help and I'm planning on sending you there. If your willing to go that is."

Cerilio was knocked out of his early shock and was now more confused.

"Why me? Why me of all people? I'm just a mere holy knight that just followed order and fought where ever they send me. I have no crest, I have no special talent, I'm just a commander like any other. Couldn't you just sent someone else? Someone whose more qualified for the job? I was planning on relaxing after war. You know I lost four of my best friends, maybe even all them after what happend at Arienrhod, and now your planning on sending me to an unknow world? And heaven forbid that I have to fight there as well" he told her.

The girl just glared at him for a moment then calm down and smiles sadly at him.

''Your right, for five years you fought a war, for five years you saw your fellow soldier get killed. And then your friends were taken away from you. The only ones who treated you like the brother they, and you, never had. I know you see yourself as unqualified and just as a regular commander. But the reason why I'm sending you is because there is alot in you that you don't see in yourself. And I know that in this world you'll have to fight sometime, but I'm not sending you just to fight, but to start over, to make knew friends and most importantly to start a new life," the girl explained to him.

Cerilio was in deep thought. True, most of his life wasn't the best. His mother and father weren't the best of parents. For the most part, the army felt more like a family then his real family. They were the one who helped him with basic stuff. They were the ones who thought him how to read and write because he wasn't of noble birth so the ones that were, and that agreed with the emperor ideals, tought him. And they were the ones who took care of him and was by his side whenever he was depressed. But then the war happend. Even tho he was all for it, the five brutal years made him questioned the purpose of the war alot. If it wasn't for his friends, the emperor, his fellow soldiers and general Einser, he would of deserted long time ago.

After some thinking he decided to go to this world. Maybe this new world would offer him what Fodland could not, a better life.

"Okay, I'll go. Fódlan wasn't the best time of my life, but maybe this world could offer me a better life. By the way you never told me where you sending me. so care to tell me?" he said

''Oh excellent. Where I'm sending is a world very different from Fodland so be prepared to be suprised. I would tell everything about said world but were is the fun in that? Maybe when youn have settle in."

Cerilio just rolled his eyes at what she said.

Great, send me to a world you know something of but leave me in the dark because its 'fun'.

"But," the girl continued, "you will learn more spell there. I'm sending with all the known spells in Fodland so be prepared to learn more. And just a heads up, they also use magic in that world but its very different. Also expect some weapons when you arrives. Now then, with everything settle, are you ready?"

Cerilio inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

"Okay, I'm ready now. Wait I never got your name.''

''You may call me Sothis. But now is time to go. I wish you all the best and take care of yourself," Sothis told him with a smile.

Before he could say something back, darkness surrounded him again and before he knew Sothis was nowhere to be seen.

Thank you, thank you for giving me a second chance. I wont let you and the people of this new world down, I promise you Sothis

Cerilio felt a sharp pain on his back. That made him open his eyes and see where he was. He was in a large forrest, sorrounded by trees that blocked everything, even the sun itself. He lean forward to take a look at his surrounding. After few second he spotted a few thing that he recognized at first glanced. There was a silver lance, a silver sword, a Levin sword and a magic bow with arrows laying infornt of him. There were also three book infront of him. He got up and grab the first book. It had a white cover and the title was 'All faith magic and how to propely cast them'. He cringed at the title.

Next came a book with red as it cover color. It had almost the exact title as the white one but it was for reason magic. Last came a dark purple covered book. This came at a suprise to him since the this one was for dark magic. While he witness dark magic being cast he never thought himself of using it.

So this is what Sothis meant when she said that I will learn all of Fodland magic. Heh, I never thought I'll be able learn all of this since in the army it was five per each. But I wonder what kind of magic this world have to offer and if I can learn it. he tought to himself

After that he picked up the books and put them in a bag that was conveniently next to them he walked to the weapons. There were sheaths for the two swords so he put them on his waist. He grab the arrows and bow and put it on his back. Then he garb the lance and started to walk in the direction infront of him.

Ok I need to find the nearest place that has civilation, but first a river. Boy seven years of sleep does make a man thirsty as hell. He walked for half an hour in the forest before he started to the hear a current flow of water. He began to follow this sound and before he knew it, he was infront of a river. He bent down and before he took a sip, he stared at his reflection. He still had his brown hair and eyes. His armor was the same as any holy knight in the army, silver colored and with a bright scarlet cape. But something did capture his atention. On his chestplate there was a banner that he did not recognized. It was baby blue with stars all around the edges. In the middle was the double headed eagle he knew of the empire but it had two pegasus with horn circling it. One was white, the other was dark blue.

After looking at the banner for some minute he decided to shrug it of and grab some water in his hand and started drinking. He did not expect the water to be so fresh. Sure the rivers in Fodland weren't dirty, but it wasn't as clean as this world.

Before he could drink some more, he heard a very loud scream. It sounded like a child was being attacked. Whitout any hesitation he dashed to where he heard the scream coming from. As he runned towards the scream, it became more and more clearer, indicating he was heading in the right direction. When he arrived at the scene, he couldn't believe what he saw

There he saw five wolf like creatures made of wood surrounding something. He couldn't make out what they were surrounding but didn't matter to him because the screams of the child came from there.

Is this what Sothis meant when she said that this world was different from Fodland? We never had this type of monsters.

Quickly, his right hand began to glow with magic. Then after a few second he throws the Seraphim at one of the monster. Upon impact, the wolf like creature disintegrates. The remaining wood creatures quickly turn their attention to their new enemy. Cerilio quickly identifies the leaders and begans again to prepare another spell. The wolves stared at him for few minutes before they went to attack him but before one of them could reach him, it was blasted by another Seraphim spells.

''Not bad, not bad at all for a couple a wood creators, but now its my turn,'' he says while smirking at them. He grab his lance and slash it through another of the wolf, destroying it instently. Then, seting his site on the leader of the pack, he pierced the lance in to the ground and unsheated his silver sword and dashed for it. While he runned at the leader, he began to put his magic into the blade and the blade started to glowed yellow.

''Your fight ends here!'' he shoutes, then sliced his sword against the wolf. The wolf was blown to bits after the slice. He glares at the remaing wolves.

''Leave. Now,'' he says in a menacing voice. The wolves, to afriad at what just happend, began to run away from him.

He sighs and look at the place where they had their victim surrounded. He sees yellow fily just staring at him in both shock and fear. He just kept looking at the filly

Seriously? I went through all that trouble just safe a filly? Or did a child accompanied the filly before running away?

"Um, w-w-what are y-ye?'' the filly asked.

Cerilio just froze, did that filly just talked?!

"D-d-did you just....talked?!"