• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 378 Views, 1 Comments

The Tale of Equestria's Holy Knight - PrinzEugen

A Holy Knight in the Adrestrian Empire army gets himself sent to Equestria

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Awaking part 2(Edited)

Cerilio was till shocked, the filly just talked, something that in Fodland wasn't possibe

Okay Sothis I know you said to be ready to be suprised but I think I'm beyond that now. You sent me to a world with talking horses?!

"Are you okay, you look kinda pale," the filly asked him.

"Y-y-yes I'm fine, just a bit shoked. You see where I come from horses don't talk."

"Were ponies and did say your not from here?"

"No I'm form another world all together. I was sent here."

"So your an alien?"

Seeing that this can go forever and it was getting dark he decided to it was best if they continued the conversation as thet try to find a way out of the forest. "Hey listen, it's getting dark and we don't want to keep your family, I presume you have one, worrying about you. Why don't I tell you about myself and you tell me about this world on the way? Also whats your name?"

"Mah name is Apple Bloom, whats yours?"

"The names Cerilio and I'm what you would call a human. And to answer your last question, no I'm not an 'alien'. I don't even know what that means."

"Well Cerilio, hehe wierd name, thank you for saving mah life from those Timberwolves. During the fight Ah saw you use something. Was that magic?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, I did use magic. And for the record Apple Bloom is a wierd name from where I come from, but let's be on our way," Cerilio told her.

"Okay Ah can do that. Lets get go- ow ow ow," Apple Boom was about to say something but was cut off bt a sharp pain in her left front leg.

"Are you okay?" Cerilio asks with worry.

"Mah front leg. It-it was scratch by one of those monster and now it hurts alot," Apple Bloom said, trying to her best not to cry at the pain.

"Okay lay down and show me your injured leg." Apple Bloom did what she was told to do. Cerilio took at look at it and saw the cut. It wasn't to deep but still he could see why it was hurting her. "Okay now hold still, I'm hoing to use some healing magic on it but you must not move it till i'm done with it."

After Cerilio finished intructing her, he closed his eyes and began to concetrate. His hand began to glow white with magic and the wound on the filly slowly began to heal. Apple bloom was just shocked. First her savior was able to cast some wierd magic she never saw before and now here he was also healing her injured leg.

What type of magic is he using? Ah mean, Ah don't know much about magic but Ah never seen nopony with this type healing of magic. Apple Bloom thought to herself.

After a few minutes, Cerilio was done with healing her leg. She looked at it and what you know? The wound was gone and she didn't feel anymore pain.

"There, all healed up. Now with that out of the way why don't we start heading to your home? Your family must be worry sick about you, lets not let them keep worrying about shall."

After regaining herself, she nods and began to follow him. Cerilio sheated his sword and walked towards his lance and grabbed it. Then they started to walk to find the main path out of the forest. At first it was quite between them, but then Cerilio remembered that he needed to know more about this world.

"So," Cerilio finaly said, "what is this placed called anyways? And are ponies the only species that live here or are there others?

"Well, this place is called Equestria and no ponies aren't the only ones that live here. We have dragons, minotaurs and many other. And we ponies are divided by three types. There are earth ponies, like mah-self, that have really good strength and can control the ground and make things grow. There are pegasus that have wing and could fly and control the weather and unicorns that can use magic. There is also alicorns but there are only one that ah know and she is the princess," Apple Bloom tried to explain at best she could.

Cerilio took a moment to think about what the filly just explained to him. Not only did these ponies use magic, but they also control the weather and the land, something the best of mages in the empire tried to do but never could, or so he was told.

Is it magic that allows them to controle the weather and the land or something else? And what is an 'alicorn'?

"You said you have a princess, but do you have a king, queen or emperor? And what are 'alicorns'?"

"Well Ah don't know much about alicorns. The only thing Ah know is that they have wings and a horn and they could use magic. And no, we don't have a king or a queen or an emperor. Princess Celestia is the one who rules over us and is the one who raises the sun and the moon."

Cerlio was once again shocked. Back in Fódlan he learned that the sun and the moon moved by themselves. Aperently in this world, that was not the case. He began to wonder just how many more times this world was going to shock him.

"So let me get this straight. Not only is your princess the ruler of the land but she also moves the sun and moon?!"

"Yup," responded the filly as if it was nothing beyond ordinary.

"Okay I'm just gonna stop questoning this world logic for now, I don't think my head will be able to process everything this world has to show me in one go."

"You said you were going to tell me about your magic. What type of magic was that?"

"Well in my world there are two types of magic. Theres faith, or white, magic that are use for either healing or other support roles. Then we have reason which can be divided by two catergories, black and dark, but both of them are for attack. There are four attack magic in faith and the one you saw me use is one of them."

Apple Bloom was listening with lots a of interest and curiosity. Even tho she was an earth pony, seeing another species that wasn't an unicorn use magic intrigeud her. And all the type of magic she never even heard before.

"Very intresting. Ah'm no unicron but just listsing to the types of magic that you have in your world is most fascinating. But Ah can't help but to notice your armor, were you part of the royal gaurd in your world?" she asked.

"No, I was not part of the royal gaurd, I was in the army as a commander and I'm a holy knight.

"'Holy knight'?"

"Yes, we are thought faith magic and how to use a lance in case the enemy came to close.

"Oh, Ah see." They continued to walk and chat for about half an hour before they came to the egde of the forest. When they came out the forest, Cerilio saw a huge farm with apple trees as far as he could see.

"We're here. Sweet Apple Acres," Apple Bloom said

"So this where you live? Its quite the farm you ponies have," Cerilio said. He never saw farm this big back in Fodland. His train of thought was interrrupted by someone's shout that came from the farm.

"Apple Bloom! Were have you been?! We've been looking all over...for...you," said a orange pony, its eyes falling on him when it saw him. By the look of i, it was a mare and it had a wierd hat on her and had three apple symbols on her flank. First she confused when she saw him but then began to glare at him, ready to attack him. Seeing this, he grit his lance tighter and got ready for any sudden movement.

"What are you and what did you did with mah sister?!" She shouted at him.

"Applejack wait you don't understand, he saved me from some Timberwolves that came to attack me!" Apple Bloom said, standing infornt of him as a way to defend him from her.

"Toimberwolves?! What were you doing in the Everfree Forest in the first place?!" the orange pony said to Apple boom.

"Ah got bored so Ah decided to go and walk for a bit but then before Ah know it Ah was lost in the Everfree and got surrounded by Timberwolves. If it wasn't for him Ah would have been eaten by them," Apple Bloom explained to the pony.

"Is this true?" she asked Cerilio. He confirmed it with a nod, but still held his lance in a thight hold just in case she didn't believed him and attcaked him.

"Well, Ah know when somepony is lying and Ah can see that you aren't. I'm sorry that Ah shouted at you and thanks for saving mah sister but Ah never seen a creature like you. So cared to explained?" the pony asked, waiting for an answer from him.

"Well my name is Cerilio and I'm a human," Cerilio answered.

"Well mah name is Applejack. Why don't you come in and explaine everything to us?" Applejack said. Cerilio nodded and they went inside the house. There Cerilio explained why he was in the forest and that he was sent to this world and how he met Apple Bloom.

"Well that's quite the story Cerilio, but why were you sent here in the first place?" Applejack asked.

"To be honest I'm not quite sure. Yes I was sent to start a new life, but as for the other reason I still need to find out. I'm planning on speaking with your princess, if its posible, to see if maybe she knows something. By the way I can't but notice there many ponies here, a family reunion?'

"Well actually all the apples are here for the Summer Sun Celebration that's being held tomorrow. Hey, since the princess is comming tomorrow here for the celebration there is chance that you could talk to her," Apple bloom says.

"Well the thing is I don't have a place to stay."

"Well stay with us today. Can he Applejack?"

"But ofcourse he can, he saved your life, its the least we can do for him."

"Yay! Ah'll go and prepare the room for him," Apple Bloom says before running to get his room set.

"Are you sure? You don't have to do this, I was just doing my duty as a holy knight," he told her.

"Yes, Ah'm okay with it sugarcube. Its the least we can do for ya. If it wasn't for you, Apple Bloom may have been killed." Applejack reasured him "Ah'll get Big Mack to get you to your room."

"Thank you," Cerilio says. After a few minutes a red pony, who's name was Big Macintosh but some called him Big Mac, came in and lead him to his room. He wasn't much of a talker so the way to his room was quite and the two didn't spoke a word to each other but Big mack had a face that says how thankfull he is that Cerilio saved his little sister. Cerilio could see it, it was as bright as day.

"Well, here your are and again thank you for saving mah little sister," Big Mac said to him

"Your welcome and thanks for having me stay with you people, well in case ponies."

After that Big Mack went back he closed the door and start putting his weapons next to the bed. The he started to take off his armor and put it on a nearby chair. After he took of his armor he went on the bed. The bed was ok, a little small but it was more then to sleep on the ground.

Okay I'm gonna need some normal clothes. Wearing armor all day everyday doesn't sound like a good idea. But on more important matter, tomorrow I'm going to talk to the princess, I think Celestia was her name, and see if she knows something. Anyway tomorrow I will find out, for now i goodnight sleep is what I need.

After he thought to himself, he closed his eyes and ent to sleep