• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,876 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Just for Pinks: 13

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV


I had taken my friend, Neko with me home from school.

Since it is her birthday, I had given her a present; even if it is Pinkie Pie, who made it for me to give her. Does she need to know? Would it change anything?

She certainly was happy enough, for the doll I gave her at lunch.

Maybe this doll was a bit much, but I could not take it back now. Now, could I? She will just have the fun, of exploring the gift, for herself. I am not about to take this away from her.

As I am reaching my door, I unlock and open; bidding her to following me inside, just as I had promised. You see, I do stand by my word.

She is closing the door, after herself; before she stops and take her shoes off, placing them by the side of mine.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as we walk over to my door.

I open the door, gesturing for her to step right in; then I follow her inside, before I am closing the door behind myself.

”Neat!” she exclaims, as she enters the room.

”It is not much, but it is all mine!” I respond.

Of course, I could not hide the desk; where I use to do my homework. Just as I could not hide the Stylus before my desk.

However, what is catching her eye; is not the stylus, but the tiny little pony standing on the middle of the desk. This is, of course Pinkie Pie.

”Kon'nichiwa, Neko-san!” Pinkie exclaims, bouncing like an insane rubber ball in excitement.

”Kon'nichiwa, misu Pinku!” Neko responds, taken aback by the welcoming she is just receiving.

”Poni, Poni, Poni!” Neko exclaims, a moment later; as she had gathered her wits enough, to actually see Pinkie Pie herself.

”On second thought; there is one thing you should be checking, Neko!” I offer, suggesting she is taking a closer look at Hitomi.

Of course, Hitomi had not changed her lip-stick accessory; her lips are still the very same red, as it had been at lunch. However; she had put on a pair of white panties, matching what Neko herself had found herself wearing.

”The kimono does not count as accessory, but as clothes, Neko!” Hitomi now explains, giggling friskily.

”Oh..” Neko exclaims; ”what?” she then adds.

”I hope you forgive me, for trying the panties on; just before the end of your class, Neko!” Hitomi now offers.

”No harm done, even if it was a shock!” Neko concedes.

”Your pretty, plump little rump will be safe from unwanted and unwarranted intrusions!” Twilight points out.

Of course, all the Ponies of Twilight Town had arrived, by now. Including the Mayor and her younger sister.

”Happy birthday!” Pinkie exclaims; and the other ponies merrily echoes, a mere half second or so later.

”If you are all ready, sing with me..” Pinkie points out; ”Happy birthday, dear Neko..” she starts out, and all the ponies are singing the song with her.

As the Ponies sing, Neko is quite. Awestruck, in cheer surprise; as she just could not have prepared herself, for what was to come. Even if they had sung the song for her, at the first class of the day.

”Thank you, every Pony!” Neko exclaims, a moment after the song is over and it is obvious to her, the performance had been concluded.

”I take it, you enjoy the gift, Neko?” Pinkie inquires.

Of course it had to be Pinkie Pie asking; not just because she had designed the gift in the first place, but because it was her place to ask as the Party Pony of Twilight Town.

”Yes; thank you, Pinkie..” Neko responds.

”I thought as much..” Pinkie responds, with a snicker and a wide grin.

Her snickers are cute, but how does she manage to grin this wide?” Neko ponders.

”Hitomi..” Pinkie exclaims, as she is shifting her focus over to the doll; ”what if you try out the matching top?” she now inquires, inciting Hitomi to consider.

”Oh, yes..” Hitomi responds; "I guess I should!” she then adds.

Hitomi takes of her kimono, standing in the half nude, only wearing the panties. Pinkie just snickers, as she is watching Hitomi’s reaction. Once Hitomi had taken the kimono off of her; she picks up the chosen top; slipping it on. Once the top is on, she puts the kimono on, once more.

”Like this?” Hitomi inquires.

”Yes, exactly!” Pinkie merely snickers, in response.

Just a moment after Hitomi had finished putting the top on, Neko is experiencing a strange sensation she is eerily familiar with; since it is how it had felt, as Hitomi had put the panties on earlier in the day.

Only Pi minutes later, the top is firmly in place on her chest; leaving Neko with the applied pressure, the fabric of the top is exercising upon her.

”Wait, what..” Neko exclaims, as the sensation is ebbing out.

”Did you put a top on, Hitomi?” she now inquires.

”Yes, but of course I did; my dear Neko!” she merely responds, with a hint of a merry smile on her face.

”Since you enjoy playing dress-up; maybe I could choose something, for you to wear?” Neko inquires.

”Of course; I am after all yours to play with, and do as you please!” Hitomi confirms, matter-of-fact.

”So you will not mind, or protest?” Neko inquires.

”No, why would I?” she inquires; ”It isn’t as if it did any difference, to me!” she then points out.

With that; Neko picks up a pair of stockings, from the package.

”If you want me to wear them; either put them on me, or ask me to do it?” Hitomi suggests.

”Then, by all means; put these stockings on, Hitomi!” Neko confirms.

Hitomi accepts the full-length toe-stockings with eager anticipation. Now she is lifting her right foot up, slipping it into the stocking; sliding her foot all the way down, feeling how her toes slowly slips into their respective places.

”This is fun..” Hitomi exclaims; ”but she will have to wear her own stockings too!” she ponders; ”Thanks for choosing a pair of stockings for me, Neko!” Hitomi exclaims.

”Yes, I guess it is..” Neko responds, as she is watching Hitomi slipping her foot into the left stocking.

While Hitomi is standing on the desk, Neko is standing on the floor. The package Hitomi came in, standing on the desk, mere inches away from Hitomi.

As expected, the stockings slowly make themselves known to Neko; as she is feeling the pressure of the tight silicone material covering her entire legs, feet and toes. The pressure of the stockings, covering her legs as if she had been walking in water; leaving an equal pressure, all over the skin of Neko’s legs.

As Neko is casting a glance down, at her previously nude feet; she can’t help but notice, the tight fitting silicone that makes up her stockings.

”So delightfully tight, yet effeminate!” Neko exclaims, in obvious delight.

”What if I put these gloves on?” Hitomi inquires; as she picks up a pair of skin-tone, full-length gloves.

”Sure, why not?” Neko responds, still grinning.

Does not matter, if the gloves are skin-tone?” Neko ponders; ”It isn’t, as if I need to cover my arms or hands in the first place!” she concludes, in an amused tone.

Of course, Hitomi had chosen a pair of full-length gloves; just as Neko had chosen a pair of full-length stockings. Just as it is toe-stockings, these gloves are part of the matching set; even if the gloves are skin-tone.

While skin-tone and full-length; these gloves only carry a hint of the rubbery sheen the silicon carries. Just enough to be picked up; but I guess one could improve upon it, with a dash of polish.

Hitomi is slipping her right hand into the glove, pulling her hand all the way in; affording the glove a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. From there, she is picking up the left glove; slipping her hand into it, pulling it all the way up.

A moment after Hitomi had put both the gloves on; Neko experiences the effects, of wearing the gloves. The pressure is slowly sinking in; before she notices how her nails grow to a full inch. Semi-square, inch-long and crystal clear; starting just after the final joint, of each of her fingers. Likewise, she soon notice the bright, cerise touch-pads; reaching from just at the final joint of each finger, reaching in to the nail. There is also a silicone-white suction-cup, covering the palm of each of her hands. Other than this, the only outward hint is the highly effeminate emphasis on her arms, hands and fingers in general.

”Oh, oh, oo-ooh!” she exclaims, as the effect is hitting home; ”I had not expected this..” she points out, giggling.

Hitomi casually lifts up her right hand, as she is standing demonstratively before Neko; extending her right index-finger, before she continues to lick the touch-pad in order to incite the desired effect upon Neko. Neko instinctively repeats the act. Her eyes growing wide, as she is experiencing the effect Hitomi incited her to explore; incapable of pulling back, feeling the sensations the wet Neko’s tongue is inducing on the surface of her touch-pad.

Even after Hitomi had effectively stopped lapping, Neko continues; just one touch-pad at the time; right and left hand, in turn.

”Oh, oh, oh..” Neko exclaims; ”I could not help myself, it’s a Neko reflex she triggered..” she concludes, pointing accusatory at Hitomi.

”Feels good, doesn’t it?” Hitomi simply inquires with an amused giggle to her voice.

”Uhm, ye-ee-ea-ah!” Neko stumbles, in response.

”Keep it in mind, remember how it feels!” Hitomi points out.

At this point, the Mayor and her sister or assistant is stepping forwards, approaching Hitomi; since she is the size to be approachable, and because it is easier to give her the gift.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard as the two Ponies trot up towards Hitomi, where she is standing by the side of the box she had come in.

Of course, it is April, the younger sister and Assistant; who is holding the small box, containing the gift. Such is her position, holding things for her older sister who is the Mayor.

Designing the gift, from scratch would have been hard to impossible; but combining the two original designs, is foal’s play after all.

”Yes, but of course!” April responds, as she is hoofing over the small package to her older sister, the mayor herself.

”Thank you, April!” the Mayor responds, as she is accepting the item.

With that, she is trotting up to the doll named Hitomi; even if Hitomi Technically is more, than a mere Doll.

”As the Mayor of Twilight town; I would like to present you with a gift, on Miss Neko’s birthday!” May exclaims, as she is stopping before Hitomi.

”Thank you, Mayor!” Hitomi responds, as she is bending over; accepting the gift, the Mayor is presenting in the name of the village.

”You are quite welcome, Hitomi!” the Mayor responds, grinning generously.

Of course, all the ponies currently living in Twilight town village is gathered around Hitomi at this point.

The only one not present, at this time; is the girl who is known, only by Twilight Sparkle herself. May is sitting in her office, on the second floor.

There is little to no point, for me to be out there among the Ponies right now; when my Pony self is so much better, at this job!” she ponders.

What is it, what is it, what is it?” Hitomi ponders, as she is accepting the gift, the Mayor is giving her in the name of the village.

Only one way, to find out!” Neko realizes, as she is watching the event taking place before her, on the desk.

Whatever it is, the Mayor is giving her; the box is still hiding, what it is.

Neko has to wait, patiently; in order to see, exactly what it is. No pony knows what it is; other than the mayor, and her younger sister April of course. They had dug up the sketches to the original designs; deciding to offer Neko this gift.

Hitomi holds the wrapped box, in her two hands for a moment; shaking it cautiously, trying to discern what it is containing: yet, to no avail. The box refuses to yield its secret; with anything less, than opening the box to extract what is inside.

Combining the two designs is fairly simple.

Now Hitomi unties the string, before pulling the wrappings off of the box; now opening the box, in order to learn its secret.

As the box is open, she reaches forth her right hand; extracting the gift, from within the confines of the box. What she is holding in her hand, is the gift, a brand new head-set, identical to the one Miss May Trotter is wearing. Only smaller, but otherwise identical.

”A head-set!” Hitomi exclaims, as she is holding the gift up before all the spectators.

”Put it on!” Twilight suggests; I hope it fits your head just right!” she then adds.

While Hitomi is holding her head-set in her hand, it is slowly warming up; thus activating, while she is holding it.

As she is putting the head-set on her head, the accessory does its magic; thus Neko is finding an identical piece on her head, snug and activated.

”Whoa!” Neko exclaims.

”If you need me to change clothes, Neko; don’t hesitate, letting me know?” Hitomi suggests.

”I guess; that would be a great idea..” Neko responds; ”then I don’t need to worry, if and when I need to go to the girls’ room!” she continues.

”Exactly!” Hitomi confirms.

”Good thinking, Hitomi..” Neko acknowledges; ”I had not had the time, to consider or worry about this just yet!” she continues.

As I am watching; Neko is absentmindedly licking the touch-pads of her right hand, without even noticing. I just enjoy looking, for a moment; without saying anything. Maybe Hitomi will observe it, and let her know?

What Neither Neko, nor Hitomi had figured; is that they can speak to the rest of us, too!” Pinkie Pie ponders, snickering gleefully.

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