• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,886 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Ponyo Introduced: 16

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV



“Yes, I believe I did!” I respond, snickering in poorly disguised delight.

”Just checking; to make sure I got the intent of what you asked for, just right!” she responds, snickering with me.

"Good thinking..” I respond.

”Ding, ding, ding..” I hear the door chime go off, mid-sentence; thus interrupting, what I was saying.

Since I had been interrupted, I am distracted from where I am right now; just igniting my horn, post haste on my way towards the door. The door swings open, just as I had been expected. I step out of the room, closing the door behind myself; trotting to the outer door in the form of the now glistering black Horse I am. No time to prepare, and no time to consider.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I trot through the hall.

At the door, I simply pull it right up; just to find the new friend I had made the day before. I had met her, the day I had come out; even if I may have seen her before, and even been talking to her on occasion. Just that coming out, had changed our mutual relation, inevitably.

Of course, not everyone had been so open and positive about the big reveal of mine; others were just as openly hostile, because of it. Though the great majority were either hiding their reactions, or changed little to nothing in their approach.

”Hello, Miko!” I exclaim; as I can see her face, just outside.

”Hello..” she responds, doing a double-take; May?” she then responds, as it is starting to dawn upon her who I am.

”Yes, that is me!” I snicker; ”But do come in!” I then prompt, taking a step to the side in order to give her room to enter.

”Oh..” she mumbles; ”of course!” she then adds, as she is stepping in.

As I am taking another step backwards, while she is entering the cloaking room; I close the door, behind her. Quietly, almost unnoticed.

However, she does notice how I am blocking the bright light; of the daytime sun, outside.

”Uhm, the door just closed behind me!” she mumbles.

”Yes, but of course!” I promptly respond, without a single thought.

”You, you; you did..” she stammers; ”but, but; how, how could you close the door from all the way over there?” she then inquires.

”The simple answer would be: Magic..” I respond; ”but alas, you did notice my horn; the purple glow, at the tip?” I inquire.

”Your horn?” she mumbles; then her eyes lights up, as she notices what I had been hinting at.

”Magic; there is no such thing, and I am sure you know it too!” she now prompts.

”As I said, it is the simple answer; but there is a deeper explanation, if you are sufficiently well versed with the vagaries and trickeries of Quantum Physics!” I point out.

”I am afraid, I am not; I have heard of the expression, but that is about as far as my understanding of Quantum Physics goes..” she responds, her eyes growing distant and dreamy in the process.

”I can’t truthfully claim, to understand it myself either; but then, who does?” I inquire.

She finally manages to slip her shoes off of her feet, placing them onto the shoe-rack; on my side of the rack, before she is lifting her gaze up to me once more.

”Quantum Physics is a manner of Twilight, a shadow-zone; where nothing could possibly truly be known, but where anything and everything is possible!” I mumble, as she is following me through the hall towards my room.

”Twilight?” she now inquires.

”That name, is kind of a double-edged sward..” I mumble, musing on exactly how to explain it, describing the situation.

”Your eyes.. ”she mumbles, gasping as she makes a double and triple take in the process; ”there is something with your eyes, now the hue of amethyst?” she inquires.

I am opening the door, to my room, stepping in; waiting for her to enter, before I am closing the door behind me. Of course, I am revealing my now old stylus lying on the desk. I had forgotten all about it, leaving it active; as I had been interrupted by her visit, thus leaving it as if nothing had happened. She had not noticed it, at first.

However, there is something else, much harder to miss; a certain Twilight sparkle, teleporting out of her home with a loud pop.

”Greetings, Miko!” she exclaims.

Neko, or Miko just stands there, dumbfounded; not knowing how to react, thus finds herself frozen in place.

”Did I break her?” Twilight now inquires, critically eyeing the now perfectly still girl, standing on the middle of the floor.

”I don’t think so, she is a girl; not a toy..” I offer; ”well, at least; I hope you did not break her, either way!” I point out.

Rarity is opening the door, to her home; stepping out, in order to see what the commotion is all about.

”If she is broken, Twilight; you can fix her, or make a new one and none would be the wiser!” Pinkie just exclaims, from out of nowhere, now standing beside Twilight.

”Could, or should I?” Twilight inquires.

”Either way, we can simply not just let her stand there like this; it is uncouth!” Rarity exclaims, in pure indignation.

”She needs a party..” Pinkie suggests; ”or a new suit?” Rarity offers, generously.

After another moment, Miko collapses in a heap of hysterical giggles.

”Not right now; Pinkie, and Rarity!” I prompts; levitating Miko up onto my bed, leaving her to rest and recuperate; ”Maybe later, when she is getting back to herself..” I then offer.

”Could I sketch up the details and render her ensemble; offering it to Hitomi, for her to explore it in her own time?” Rarity inquires.

”Take your time, Rarity..” I offer; ”she is not going anywhere, any time soon..” I continue; ”but you have everything you need, in your living room; just sketch up what you think would be fitting; then transfer the files, and we could render it..” I conclude.

”Yes, yes, yes..” Rarity responds, galloping in place in giddy excitement, over her new ideas; ”I could do that..” she then promises, before she is galloping all the way home.

Her door quietly slamming up as she is approaching, she steps in and slows down; the door closing, as she is trotting into her living room. With that, she is out of sight; working frenetically on her ideas, sketching for hours.

”If I am going to throw her a party, I would need her to be relaxed; maybe you could help her calm down, and find her way back to herself, Twilly?” Pinkie inquires.

”Yes, I guess I could; what if I were to introduce her, to massage of a semi Equine fashion adapted to fit the Human girl?” twilight inquires.

With that, she is lighting up her horn; lifting the girl up and placing her on her belly. As I watch, I can see Miko lying on her belly, fairly comfortable; her arms and legs folded in under herself as if she had been the Neko or Poni.

Now, Twilight is teleporting over to the bed; before she is stepping up on her back, quietly.

”I hope this is comfortable; for you, Miko!” Twilight offers.

”Uhm, it feels a bit strange..” Miko responds; and I feel a bit strange, lying in this pose..” she then elaborates, but never really finishing what she was saying.

Twilight is putting on a set of boots, for the occasion; right and left, fore and hind. Standing at on her neck, slowly trotting down the length of her spine; making a diminutive hop, as she turns around. Now continuing back all the way along the entire length of her spine.

”Oh, oh, oh; oh, oh, oh; oh, oh, oh..” Miko exclaims, with each hoof-fall; as Twilight is trotting along the length of her spine.

Her hooves are wet and slippery, as if she had use a massage oil; but it is a different wet feeling I can not quite put a finger on..” Miko ponders; ”Yet, how can she manage her balance, on my back; if her hooves are all slippery and wet, without ever falling or even making a single slip?” she then continues.

Wait, I feel a strange tingling sensation, with each hoof stepping on my back; as if her hooves had been electric, or something?” she ponders; ”Are her hooves magnetically attracted, to the bare skin of my back?” she is realizing, gasping in stark realization.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, in the form of sucking wet squeaks on the back of Miko; as Twilight is performing her version of massage, on the back of Miko.

”This..” Pinkie squeals; ”is so entertaining!” she then continues.

For now, I make due; looking at the scene, as Twilight is performing. I guess, I had never expecting her to take this path; but maybe, just maybe a book had given her the idea? I had no idea, I have no idea, and I fear I will never quite grasp it.

Wonder, will there be hoof-print marks on my back?” Miko ponders, musing on the realization, never putting breath to her consideration, or even as much as mouthing anything.

Mouth agape, Miko is ooohing; her eyes, slowly coming alight, as the massage is doing its magic. Slowly crushing the stalemate, dis-spelling the freeze and pushing her back to herself; Miko now enjoys herself, and the highly unexpected treat.

”Wait...” Miko is mouthing, over her consistent oooings; ”I need more of this..” she is realizing in puzzled delight; ”Could you do this for me, again; at some other time, if and when I may need it again?” she inquires, with some hope to her voice, aside from a measure of intrepidation.

”I could..” Twilight responds, while never missing a single beat; as if she had been marching, to the unheard war-drums.

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