• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 761 Views, 73 Comments

Aspects of Parenthood - xd77

Nathan becomes rather upbeat about being a father.

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Part 9

Things were finally settled with everyone, Twilight apologized and was easily forgiven by Nathan. She had managed to gain trust back from the guards and Zodiac, because they realized from her heart she was truly sorry for what she had done. Now that things were back to normal, it was now time to focus on helping Nate and Apple Bloom with whatever they could. Everyone already knew about the fact that they had twins coming and that was big, it had now been nearly seven months into Apple Bloom's pregnancy. She changed her mind about having the twins in Ponyville and just decided to remain where they were since Nathan had guard duties. The baby's room was already fixed up, for it was filled with carpet block that had A B C's knitted into them, a nice crib that Cadance and Shining Armor saved from when Flurry Heart and Skyla were babies with a mobile hanging in it, and beautiful shag carpeting that was so soft, you'd fall asleep if you fell.

It was now time for the one event Nate and Bloomy had been waiting for, the baby shower. It was being held in the exact same area that they held their reception when they got married. Only it was a much bigger event, this time, it had more ponies and some of Nathan's human friends. Two of such were Lucy who was now 97 years old and Amber who was 102 years old, yet they were both still in tip top shape to move. Even better was the fact that the baby shower was identical to the one that Cadance and Shining Armor had when Cadance was pregnant with Skyla, but now it was a new life ahead. What else was good was that Nathan had finally managed to cheer up and accept his role as a father.

Anyway, here was the entire cast scattered around the gardens in the center of Canterlot. Tables decorated and piled with things like food, games, presents, etc.. Tensile was hung atop the poles, there was country music playing on a stereo system, and ponies and creatures standing or sitting in chairs talking and having fun. Zodiac was there too, he had managed to finally end his anger towards her because he was Celestia's son and holding grudges never does good. So he finally forgave her and reconciled with her as well. Twilight and the family were also there (what family wouldn't be), for they had good gifts and appreciation for Nate and Apple Bloom's achievements.

The first thing that was around happening was a table that contained games for the invited. It contained such fun titles like "Guess the Babies Weight" where they each drew out guesses and whoever won got a pass to see the Wonderbolt Academy. Another table contained darts and boards for the colts and fillies to play, some made it, some did not. It was going all well for everyone as Nathan carried some last wrapped gifts into the yard and put them on the table. Zodiac and Twilight stood beside and smiled as everyone had showed up to adore the coming of Nathan and Apple Bloom's twins. It was such a good blessing since the previous events from Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding to Twilight coronation years ago.

As Nathan got the last of the gifts for the shower into the yard, he quickly joined Apple Bloom, Twilight, and Zodiac.

"All right, that's the last of everything, Ah' hope all of it was worth somethin'."

"Don't worry captain, everything is up and out." said Zodiac, the next one to see the group was Cinnamon Swirl, who was delighted to have attended it, but she approached Apple Bloom and Nathan.

"Thank you for inviting me and my family to your baby shower Ms. Apple Bloom." she said politely.

"Glad you could be here Cinnamon." said Apple Bloom, the next one to approach them was Luster Dawn and Thunder Clash, who was now fully reformed and taking friendship lessons.

"I really got to hand it to you, this is probably the best thing to ever happen to you all." said Luster as she went up to Nathan.

"I sure hope your twins won't mind having me for a first face."

Nathan laughed at this, "Ah'm sure they won't mind at all." Luster then hugged him, Twilight could now see that it was starting to look like Nate was the only other pony she looked up to. After Luster and Nathan embraced, she stepped back sided to Thunder Clash.

"Well, we have good news of our own." said Thunder.

"And what's that?" asked Twilight.

"Luster and I......are dating."

Everyone gasped at this, including Zodiac.

"What do you mean 'dating'?!" Zodi asked in disbelief.

"Luster and I have been learning friendship together for two months now. And ever since we've studied it, we've developed into a blossom of cherishing hearts."

"What we're saying is, we're boy and girlfriend now." said Luster Dawn.

"We're mighty proud of ya' Luster." said Nathan, as he, Apple Bloom, and Twilight congratulated her, Zodiac just stood there in complete shock.

"Zodi, aren't you going to come here and appeal to Luster and Thunder?" asked Twilight.

"Wha...Wha....Oh, sorry." he said as he walked up and joined them, "Um, congratulations on your new relationship Thunder."

"Hey, I never would've thought that defecting to friendship would lead me to this." said Thunder as he and Luster quickly shared a kiss on the lips. Later they all walked away, except for Zodiac, because he still had no one in his life yet. All he had were them and the ghosts of Celestia and Luna to help.

"Zodiac?" asked a voice from behind, Zodi turned to see none other than Ocellus, who had a smile on her face, "Is something bothering you?"

Zodiac sighed in discouragement, "Ocellus, I have been so miserable ever since my mother and aunt died. I mean look at everypony else, almost all of them have loves to help comfort them in their time of need. Nathan and Apple Bloom are happy together, I mean look at them." he said as he pointed to the group of ponies with smiles on their faces. Ocellus looked and saw that most of them were either married, or had daters to call loved ones.

"I see what you mean." she said, "But you know, a loved one for your side could come quicker than you know it."

"What are you talking about?" instead of talking, Ocellus stared at him with a flirtatious expression. Her pupil-less eyes were half-lidded, and she gave a sexy enticing smile.

"W-W-Why are you looking at me like that?" Zodiac asked nervously backing away, but Ocellus followed him all the way out of the gardens to an alleyway. Suddenly, he bumped into a wall of a building, the alleyway was a dead end, and Ocellus kept walking closer and closer until she had him in full view of her.

Ocellus giggled at Zodiac's clumsy bumping into the wall, once she had him, she wasted no time into her flirts. So she raised a hoof and started swirling it around his chest.

"You have a girlfriend Zodi, me." she said.

Zodi was now so relaxed and so enticed over this, that only after a few seconds, did he do the unthinkable.

"Come here you!" he said, wrapping his forelegs around her and twirling her down, then they quickly started kissing on the lips.

Author's Note:

Thunder Clash and Luster Dawn are now dating.
Zodiac has now found his crush, Ocellus.

Now all that is left to do, is get the twins born and get them a foalsitter.