• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 10,658 Views, 137 Comments

Cadere a Gratia (Fall from Grace) - Echo Breeze

Anon-A-Miss strikes, leaving Sunset completely alone. Thinking of ending it all, will she be saved, or will she Fall from Grace.

  • ...

Loyalty and Laughter

Rainbow and I had just gotten back to my apartment. I felt like such a burden, Rainbow having to go home to borrow her dad’s car instead of taking me home on her bike as I was not well enough to. I had been told of my injuries, but the one that worried Rainbow the most was the concussion. While it had gone down, I still got dizzy whenever I stood up, and I would black out for short periods of time. The doctors had said that I should recover with time, but truth be told, I still wished that I had succeeded. We got my floor and Rainbow turned to me.

"Sunset, I know you probably won't like this, but I can't leave you alone. At least for a while. It's your choice, either I stay over here, or you stay over by me." she said, a look of genuine concern in her eyes.

"I don't mind if you stay over, but my place has gotten a bit messy over the last few weeks." I replied, my head dropping in shame at the last part.

"It's fine if it's a mess. I don't mind. We can spend tomorrow cleaning up if you want." She said.

"Alright then. You let Applejack know about it, but how come you haven't told Pinkie or Rarity about it yet?" I asked.

"When I spoke to them last, they were quite adamant that the Anon-A-Miss page was created by you." Rainbow replied. She took my hands in her own, careful not to disturb the bandages and dressings that the doctor had put on my arms before we left the hospital. “I don’t think they’ll take too kindly to hearing your name being spoken.”

“Oh, I see.” I said dejectedly.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that if they see you, they’ll change their minds.” Dash said, turning to enter before me after I opened the door. What she saw made her do a double take. I had warned her about the mess, but she obviously wasn’t ready for what she saw. She walked over to the kitchen island and picked up what was left of my phone, sitting next to my broken laptop. “Did you do this?”

“Yeah. I destroyed my laptop after our last encounter at Sugarcube Corner and my cell phone after I sent you all that text.” I replied, looking away from her to hide the shame on my face, tears burning in my eyes.

“Hey. It's fine, Sunset.” Dash said soothingly. “The important thing is that you are here and are okay. The laptop and cellphone can be replaced. Your life can't.” She turned to me, concern in her features, mixed with something else. She mumbled something in a volume that Fluttershy would’ve been proud of.

“I’m sorry, Dash? I didn’t quite catch that.” I said, the fact of the matter being that I had in fact not heard her.

“It’s nothing.” the jock replied, turning away from me. “How about some food?” The sudden change of the subject left me taken aback.

“Sure. I don't have much here though.” I replied.

“I’ll order us a pizza. I know you don’t eat meat, so I’ll order a vegetarian one.” she said.

“You don’t have to do that for me, Dash.” I said. “I know how much you love meat. Order your favourite and I’ll get a vegetarian sub instead. I’m not all that hungry anyway.” I ignored the mutinous growl of protest from my stomach.

“Okay then. I’m just gonna step outside for a bit. Be right back.” she said, heading towards the door. I watched her leave when a sudden glowing and vibrating from my bookshelf caught my attention. I walked up to it and pulled my journal out. I opened it to a new page and a message from Princess Twilight appeared.

Sunset Shimmer,

Please answer me. I am extremely worried. Like I said, you are more than welcome to come home. You are loved here and would be sorely missed. I am about ready to come through the portal and see for myself what has happened.

Just let me know when you get this.

Your friend,

Twilight Sparkle

Seeing that brought fresh tears to my eyes. I heard Dash come in, but didn’t have time to wipe the tears that had already fallen from my eyes.


I stepped outside without any protest from Sunset.

“Stupid. Stupid Dash. You almost let it slip.” I said to myself, mentally kicking myself. I took out my cell phone and dialled the number for my favourite pizza joint.

“HI, yes. I’ll take a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and a vegetarian sub.”

“Sure. That’ll be $29.28. Will that be all?”

“Yes, that will be all.” I replied. “The address is 2127 Everfree heights, Apartment 3A.”

“Okay. Your order has been put through. Delivery will be in about twenty minutes. Enjoy your day.”

“Thanks. You too.” I said before hanging up. I walked back inside to see Sunset sitting in her small living room, her journal in front of her, tears falling down her cheeks.

“You alright, Sunset?” I asked as I walked up to her.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine, Dash.” she replied. “I just read a few messages that Princess Twilight sent me.” She turned the journal towards me. I read the first few after the last message that Sunset had sent before she tried to take her own life. It was almost enough to make me cry. Almost.

“I see now.” I said, turning to the last page that had writing on it. “Are you gonna take her offer?” I asked, hope flaring in my chest.

“I honestly don’t know. We’ll see how it goes in the new semester.” she replied. I knew exactly what it was she was referring to.

“Alright. On another note, Pizza is on its way.” I said, trying to sound cheerful.

“Cool. Do me a favour and answer Twilight, please? I can’t write at the moment.” she said, holding up her bandaged arms. “You don’t have to answer as me. Just tell her it's you and let her know what has happened. I’m gonna go change out of these dirty clothes.” I nodded as she turned to walk to her bedroom. I grabbed a pen and her journal and started scribbling in my neatest handwriting.

Dear Princess Twilight.

It’s Rainbow Dash. Sunset is fine, so you don’t have to worry about coming through the portal. She did try to commit, but I had managed to save her before she could succeed.

She has suffered through a lot during the past month, mostly because of us. I failed you. You trusted me to be the Element of Loyalty, but I abandoned her. But I swear I will make it right. She started cutting herself before the incident, and due to that, has multiple wounds on her legs, arms and torso. She has also suffered concussion from the fall, but we can cover that in person if need be.

I am currently keeping an eye on her and taking care of her while she recovers, physically and mentally.

If you wanna meet in person, I’ll be at Sugar Cube Corner with Sunset in two days time.

Your friend and failed Element of Loyalty,

Rainbow Dash.

I set the pen down and closed the journal in time to see Sunset walk out of her bedroom with a set of fleece pajamas on.

“You are looking better already, Sunset.” I said, turning to hide the blush I felt creeping up my cheeks. “Where the hell is all this sappy stuff coming from?’ I asked myself.

“Thanks Dash.” she replied, a genuine smile of contentment gracing her features.


“Something is wrong. I can feel it.” I said to no one in particular.

“What was that, Pinkie?” I heard as Mrs. Cake came from the counter where she was serving some of the patrons who had come in to escape the chill winter air.

“Oh, nothing, Mrs. Cake.” I replied. “I’m gonna take my lunch break now.”

“Okay. See you in an hour, Pinkie.” She said as I turned to walk out the door. I nodded and pulled my phone from my jeans pocket. My Pinkie sense was telling me that the weird feeling I had gotten was related to Sunset, and that Dashie was the only one who knew of it. I dialled her number.

“Hey Pinkie, what’s up?” came the dejected reply from the other side.

“Hey Dashie. I was just calling to see if Sunset Shimmer was alright. My Pinkie sense started and I just knew that something had happened to her and that you were the only one who could tell me what was happening.” I said in my usual way.

“I figured that you would be the first one to figure out that something was wrong. Sunset is fine now, but she tried to commit suicide. She was released from hospital yesterday. She was out for a week and kept another week for observation.” Dashie replied. Immediately my hair fell flat with the sound of a deflating balloon.

“O-oh. Oh no.” was all I could say.

“Yeah. I already told Fluttershy and Applejack, but can I ask you to call Rarity and tell her to meet us at Sugar Cube Corner tomorrow. Princess Twilight is gonna be there too.” Dash said.

“O-ok. I will. See you tomorrow, Dashie.” I said, walking back to Sugar Cube Corner. I dialled Rarity’s number and waited. She picked up on the third ring, as always.

“Hello, Pinkie. What can I do for you, darling?”

“Can’t say much. Just that Dash wants us all to meet at Sugar Cube Corner tomorrow, It’s about Sunset, and Princess Twilight is gonna be there too.” I replied, voice devoid of emotion.

Author's Note:


A big thank you to Poofy Poof and Shady Mist for pointing out a major error on my part. I don't order pizza often enough.