• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 10,662 Views, 137 Comments

Cadere a Gratia (Fall from Grace) - Echo Breeze

Anon-A-Miss strikes, leaving Sunset completely alone. Thinking of ending it all, will she be saved, or will she Fall from Grace.

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Reconciliations Part 4

Pinkie had just delivered our drinks we had ordered, Rainbow receiving a strawberry milkshake, and me receiving a plain old blueberry ice tea. We sat in silence, enjoying each other’s company. She then got a thoughtful look on her face.

“Hey, Sunset?” she said suddenly.

“Yeah Dash?” I asked her in reply.

“Where did you get the forty three thousand, if you don’t mind me asking?” she asked.

“Oh, I don’t mind. I pawned off a few of these after a week of being here.” I said, fishing a Bit out of my jacket pocket. “I used some of it to file for emancipated status, paid the deposit on my apartment, and the rest has been sitting in my bank account gaining interest. I actually have an offshore investment account at the bank.”

“And, purely for interest sake, how much is in the investment account?” she asked me.

“I have upwards of three hundred thousand dollars there.” I said, nonchalantly, causing Dash to almost choke on her milkshake. I just giggled at her reaction. When she caught her breath she spoke again.

"Wow. I never thought you would have that much." she said. The thoughtful look crossed her face again, "What were you gonna do with it if you had succeeded?" She didn't need to say it, for we both knew what she meant.

"I put in the clauses that if I were to pass on, it must be donated to one of the homeless shelters, specifically the one I ended up in." I replied.

"Fair enough. When are Twilight and Celestia gonna arrive?" Dash asked. Just then, the bell above the door rang, heralding the arrival of new people. I looked up to see Twilight walk in, followed by my mother, Princess Celestia. Dash looked over toward them, and immediately made to get up. I grabbed her hand and shook my head. She nodded in return and remained seated.

As Twilight and Princess Celestia approached, I got up, Dash following suit.

“Princess Celestia.” Dash said, dipping her head in a low bow.

“No need for that, Rainbow Dash. In this universe, where I hold no claim to royalty, you may call me Celestia.” Princess Celestia said with laughter in her voice, causing me to roll my eyes, and Twilight's eyes to grow twice their size in astonishment.

“Sorry about that.” Dash replied.

“It's not an issue.” Celestia said. “I assume Sunset has told you of our past?”

“Yes, she did.” Dash said, looking over to me. I could see the gears turning.

“Good. It saves some explaining then.” Celestia said. “Would it be possible to get a few moments alone with my daughter?” She turned to Twilight, who looked like she was about to protest, but thought better of it and nodded. She turned to Dash, who nodded and they both made to leave. I turned to Celestia as she sat down, and it began.

We had just left Celestia and Sunset to talk things out. I decided that it was maybe a good idea to leave the shop entirely and go window shopping. We got to a bookstore, where Twilight started having a geek out session.

“I can’t believe that there is a book shop right next door to Sugar Cube Corner.” she said, causing me to laugh.

“We can go in if you like. Maybe I can slide you some money to buy something you may be interested in.” I said, the mirth from the earlier bout of laughter still in my voice.

A couple of minutes later, we were back on the street, Twilight holding two of the Daring Do books and a chemistry book. I had gotten myself the latest Daring Do. We decided to take a slow walk around town for an hour, and catch each other up on what was happening in our lives, me trying to avoid mine and Sunset’s relationship.

“Now, Sunset. Before we begin, I want you to know something.” Celestia said, interrupting what I was planning on saying, causing a bit of annoyance to flare up in my chest. “*sigh* I truly regret what I did all those years ago, but I felt that it was for the best that you were away from the infamy of being royalty, especially since no one but the royal guards and I know who your father is.” As she said that, the annoyance gave way to anger, and it took all my willpower not to fully explode.

“If that were true, then why didn’t you tell me from my first day as your student?” I asked, barely containing an outburst. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes.

“I always meant to, but I saw too much of your father’s ambition and lust for power in you. I wanted you to learn humility and grace from his mistakes, but it was not meant to be. It’s my fault for showing you the mirror in the first place. The final straw in you leaving was finding out the truth, and I was too late to stop it from happening.” She replied, tears welling up in her eyes. I couldn’t contain it any longer. I jumped up and ran around the table, embracing my mother for the first time in years, tears freely falling from my face.

“I’m s-so sorry, m-mom. C-can you forgive me?” I said through the sobs.

“Oh, my dear. I forgave you from the day you became the pony I feared you would become, but it is not I who should be forgiving, but rather I should be asking yours.” she said, using a free hand to wipe some of the tears that had fallen down my cheek. “Can you forgive me?”

“Y-yes. I’m w-willing to forgive you.” I replied. “Only because you forgave me.” Celestia giggled at that. I pulled away from the embrace long enough to give her a confused look.

“I see the lesson in humility finally hit home.” she said, suppressing yet another giggle.

“Yeah, but it took a literal rainbow friendship blast to the face for it to be drilled into my thick skull.” I replied with a rueful chuckle.

“Well, if my calculations are correct, Twilight and your mare- I mean, girlfriend should be here soon.” Celestia said. I did a double take when I heard what she said.

“H-how did you know?” I asked.

“What, about you and Rainbow Dash or about them arriving?” she asked playfully.

“The former.” I replied.

“Well, it’s simple. I’ve been around for more than a thousand years, so I know the signs of a pony in love. I noticed upon walking in earlier how you grabbed her hand and shook your head. There is a deep understanding of what the other is thinking without talking about it.” she said.

“I see. Just promise me one thing?” I asked.

“And what would that be?”

“Please don’t tell Twilight?” I asked.

“I won’t.” she said. Just then, the bell at the door rang again. I looked over toward it and saw Dash and Twilight walking over to us.

“Won’t what?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“I do believe that is between my daughter and I.” Celestia said with a wink toward me. I could see Twilight getting frustrated, and tried to diffuse the situation.

“Why don’t I take you to the portal?” I asked, Twilight's head snapping up, catching my eye. She sent me a look that said this isn’t over. I gulped in response.

“Why, I think that will be a splendid idea.” Celestia said. I heard Twilight growl in frustration.

A couple minutes later, I parked my car on the curb and we all climbed out. Together we headed toward the statue that housed the portal. Dash and I each gave Twilight a hug and she disappeared through the portal. I then turned toward my mother and embraced her.

“Thank you for coming. It meant a lot.” I said as she returned the embrace.

“Of course. And I promise you, I will never abandon you again. You are always welcome back home, and when you come over again, we can announce everything to the kingdom.” she said, touching her forehead to mine. I felt a surge that could only have been magic. I heard a gasp from behind me, followed by the click of a camera shutter. I opened my eyes to see that Celestia had ponied up. But that wasn’t the only surprise. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a pair of bright, orange wings. My jaw dropped in surprise as she broke the embrace and headed for the portal, promptly disappearing through it.