• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 3,514 Views, 336 Comments

Sonic Forces: Into the Mania - GreenS21

In a familiar world, tyranny and madness now rule all. Will friendship rise again?

  • ...

Round Two: Electric Blue-galoo


“You sure you can handle this?” Tempest asked, glancing to her right at the hog gang. They had a long cable wrapped around them several times, keeping them pressed together and unable to move much. Despite that, they continued to struggle against their binding.

Silver looked at them for a moment before turning back to the unicorn and answering, “Sure. I’ve held up heavier things and been able to do perform other things before. Carrying them back to the city shouldn’t be too hard.”

Tempest looked at him for a moment before saying, “Very well. You or someone else will contact us if the interrogations reveal any pertinent information?”

Silver nodded, “Definitely. Hopefully, we’ll find out who they’re working for.” Tempest nodded and he turned back to the hogs. Using his psychokinesis, he lifted them off the ground and then lifted himself off the ground, flying away with them a second later. She watched him for several seconds before she turned and walked back inside.

The entrance they had been near was close to Eggman’s old private laboratory. They moved the hogs, their bikes, and their haul there when they tried to question them. While there had been some actual squealing, the hogs had been remarkably tight-lipped for being so loud and grating. Tempest hoped Gen and the other interrogation experts could get something out of them after having to put up with their annoying voices.

Tempest walked into the laboratory, stepping across the old pistons in the floor to the computer terminal past them. She didn’t find anyone behind it and looked past it, seeing Techni and Aventura examining and dismantling the gathered Egg Gunners. Aventura looked up as Tempest approached while Techni remained focused on her work, so the unicorn addressed her, “I thought you were trying to determine if there was any useful information in that old computer?”

Techni turned her head up to look at her, “I am. That’s being worked on right now.” She gestured to the console with her thumb and Tempest noticed her Miles Mobile was sitting on it. “I’m hooked in and my program is scanning and downloading any files on it. It was almost half-complete last time I checked.” She turned back to the Egg Gunner, “Figured I’d start taking these apart while we waited. These robots are pretty unusual, but they’ve got some good components. We can make use of this stuff.”

Tempest asked, “Where are Rainbow Dash and Matka?”

Aventura answered, “They’re running a sweep of the rest of the base, seeing if there’s anything else we can take and making sure there are no other surprises. They should be back soon.” Tempest nodded and turned around, deciding to go check on the progress of Techni’s program. As she stepped on the platform, she saw that it had passed the halfway point, but it wasn’t quite done yet.

She looked up when she heard a noise in front of her and saw Rainbow and Matka approaching. "Hey, Tempest. Techni almost done?" Rainbow asked.

Tempest glanced down before saying, "We're just waiting for her program to finish. It seems like Eggman left a lot behind." She looked up, "How did your search go? Did you find anything?"

Rainbow replied, "Eh, not much. Found a couple of robots like the ones those guys were trying to take, and some pieces from some that looked older and more broken. Might as well let her know that." She made her way around the terminal to go talk to Techni and Aventura.

Tempest watched her for a moment before facing forward again, flinching a bit when she saw Matka had moved closer. “Did everything go okay with the hog gang, Tempest?” the bear asked.

Tempest looked away while quickly saying, “Yea- Yes. Yes. Silver’s taking them back.”

Matka looked at her, concerned. “Tempest, dear…” she started. When the unicorn’s eyes looked back at her, she continued, “Perhaps it’s just me, but you seem to behave differently around me. Why is that?”

Tempest looked away and said, “It’s nothing personal, Matka. By which I mean, it has nothing to do with who you are.”

The bear took a few steps back and sat down, “If you want to tell me what the matter is, I’ll listen. You can always come to me with your problems.”

Tempest remained unmoving for a few moments before sharply letting her breath out through her nose. “I’m sure you realize by now that the appearance of my horn and this scar are not a ‘statement’.” Tempest turned her head to look at her, "I had an encounter with an Ursa Minor when I was a filly. It was an accident since it involved retrieving a ball, but I was still attacked and the ponies I called friends were scared of me because I couldn't control my magic. I ran away and eventually ended up becoming the Storm King's highest-ranking commander." Her eyes shifted downwards, "It took Twilight showing me kindness to get me to believe in having friends again, but it's taking some adjusting. And I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at any bear and not feel a little afraid.”

Matka bowed her head slightly, “I’m so sorry, Tempest.”

The unicorn sighed and looked up at the bear, saying, “You didn’t do anything, Matka. You have nothing to apologize for.” She looked away with a slight glare, “And I doubt that Ursa Minor would ever even think of apologizing if it knew what it caused.” She glanced back at Techni’s Miles Mobile, seeing the progress bar almost full. “Looks like we’re almost done here. Another minute or so,” she remarked.

A short while later, after ensuring all the data had been retrieved and all the available spare parts had been salvaged, the group made their way back to the base entrance. They stepped outside, Matka carrying the parts in her backpack and carrying the confiscated Extreme Gear bikes under her arms. The bear set them down and remarked, “Well, I think we’ve done all we can here. What do you all say we get back to our own base?”

Before anyone could answer, all of their Miles Mobiles started ringing wildly. Aventura was the first to pull hers out first and she looked at the screen. “It’s an urgent call. Looks like it’s from Silver,” she reported.

As she answered it, Rainbow asked, “Wow, he got those guys back and they got info out of them already?”

Once she was connected, Aventura spoke, “Hello?”

Silver’s panicked voice came through, “If anyone can hear me, I need your help! I’m under attack! It… It’s him!”

Tempest’s gaze darkened, “That guy?”

Silver continued, “I managed to lose him, but I’m sure he’s going to find me soon! My psychokinesis is having little effect on… Ah!” An explosion was suddenly heard on the other end and the signal became distorted.

“Silver! Where are you now?!” Aventura yelled.

Another explosion sounded and the signal distorted further, but they managed to catch “…Mystic Jungle… Eggman’s lab…” before the call dropped.

“Aw man, he needs help! He can’t take that guy alone!” Rainbow said.

“But we have to get this intel back to HQ,” Techni argued.

Tempest looked at Rainbow for a moment before looking at the others and saying, “We’ll go help him. You three, head back to base. We might slow each other down if we all go, and chances are the Commander is calling in more reinforcements.”

Matka set two of the bikes and carried the third over to the two ponies. “Take this one, Tempest. It should allow you to travel faster,” she said as she set it down.

“Hey, what am I supposed to ride then, Matka?” Techni complained.

The bear looked back at her, “Well, you can ride with me, or you can ride with Aventura. You weren’t really thinking we were going to make use of these and make someone walk, did you?”

The cat looked at Aventura when the wolf remarked, “You know I don’t bite my friends, right?”

Techni gave her an odd look before saying, “All right.” She turned and walked over to Tempest, “Let me just check a few things and give you a few pointers. These things take a little practice to really get the hang of them.” After a few minutes, the group set out, Techni holding onto Aventura as they left Scrap Brain behind. For now, they were together, but Tempest and Rainbow would soon split off to go help Silver.


Tempest’s Extreme Gear slid to a stop near the edge of one of the hills in the Mystic Jungle and she pressed her right back hoof against the ground to keep it upright as Rainbow came down and hovered near her. Looking around, they could see bombs falling from the sky both on their and the other side of the gorge, the bombs causing fires when they exploded against the ground.

“Look at this. Are they trying to carpet bomb this entire forest?” Tempest wondered.

“Geez, it’s like Pinkie when she goes wild with her party cannon, only what’s being fired is a lot more dangerous. This is really gonna slow our guys down, and it’s gonna be really bad for Silver if this reaches him while he’s trying to fight that guy,” Rainbow said.

Tempest looked towards the other side of the gorge and noticed something. “Is that…?” she started.

Rainbow followed her gaze and saw a blue streak speeding by on the other side, crashing through robots on the path. “It’s Sonic! Someone must’ve passed Silver’s message to him!” she said. She looked at Tempest, “Let’s keep going this way. If that guy’s up ahead somewhere, we should be able to find a way around and meet up with him!” The unicorn nodded and lifted her hind legs up, both ponies continuing deeper into the forest.

Over on the other side of the gorge, Sonic observed the explosions and flames as he continued to crash through Egg Pawns and Egg Walkers in his way. “The whole place is going up in flames. Not the kind of fireworks I like,” he thought as he returned his attention to the path in front of him. It didn’t take long for the path to veer off and change from dirt and moss to stone. The line of trees along the sides also became less consistent and were replaced with neon poles and palm trees. “What the heck did Eggman do to this place?! Sure, this jungle wasn’t exactly the safest place before, but now he’s built a casino in it? Another thing he’s going to have to answer for!” he angrily thought as he continued past the neon structures, still Boosting through robots as he looked for Silver.

Not long after, while running down a long winding log, his Mobile picked up a call. He used his right hand to click the button on his earpiece and heard the voice on the other end say, “This is Lieutenant Phinny! We’ve arrived at the Mystic Jungle, but the fires are spreading too fast! We won’t be able to continue until we get them under control!”

Sonic responded, “Those fires are going to make things difficult for everyone. Do you want me to head to your location?”

Amy chimed in, “No. Keep going, Sonic. We’ll work on helping our additional forces get the water from the jungle to the fires. We’ve picked up an energy signature in the ruins up ahead; it’s from that unknown enemy. Hopefully, Silver is there as well. We haven’t been able to raise him or get a lock on his position since he contacted us.”

Sonic replied, “Okay, Amy! I’ll be there soon!” He looked to the side and saw a path on the ground below, so he leapt down to it when he got near the end of the log. He didn’t get far, though, before the ground suddenly started shaking. He came to a stop near a grassy area and looked around, “What’s going on?”

Amy spoke in his ear, “We’re picking up a large life form on the radar closing in on your position! Something from the jungle?!”

Suddenly, a large head emerged from the ground in the grassy area followed by an equally large, long, scaly body. It was a giant snake, its forked tongue poking out of its mouth several times after bringing a sizable portion of its long body out of the ground. It soon lowered its head and its red and yellow eyes settled on Sonic. Without warning, its head shot down towards him, its mouth open. Before it could reach him, he dashed to his left, running partway up a tall tree and stopping when he was able to place his left hand on top of a branch near the top, his feet still pressed against the trunk. The snake soon swung its head around and darted at him again and he quickly let go of the branch and used his legs to push off of the trunk, narrowly avoiding the mouth again as he shot down diagonally towards the ground.

All the explosions must’ve riled this fella up. Don’t really want to fight it or have time for one now, but I might not have much choice,” he thought as he landed on the grass and ran under part of the snake’s body that was raised up. A brief chase around the area ensued, the snake shifting its long body around to try to stop him and its head twisting around the surrounding trees and its own body to get him.

Suddenly, it dropped part of its body directly in his path. He was going to stop, but a quick glance to the left allowed him to see the snake’s open mouth shooting straight towards where he would be, so he instead leapt forward and planted his feet on the side of the snake’s body and pushed off. He landed on top of the snake’s head and held on tight as it raised it up and tried to shake him off. It managed to do so while swinging its head forward and, while he was flipping over, prepared to snap him up while he was in midair. He was able to use his momentum to his advantage, however, and managed to reach the snake’s lower lip when it came up at him and placed his hands on it, flipping himself out of its way once again.

As he pressed off and righted himself in midair afterwards, the snake was quick to come up behind him again. He managed to twist and flip himself to the right just enough to avoid its lunge and was able to reach a tree. He used his hands and feet to stop himself and then pushed himself off as the snake was once again in pursuit. It was clearly getting very angry at him since it stopped using its body as effectively and began snapping at him more viciously. It also didn’t seem to be moving as gracefully as before as it began hitting the trees while chasing him around them. The chase ended when Sonic landed on top of a log and leapt off it as the snake’s jaws came at him, leaving it with a mouth full of wood and causing it to hit its head against the ground pretty hard, leaving it dazed. Sonic looked back at it, seeing its long body slump against the ground, and muttered, “Sorry, pal, but I got someplace to be.” He faced forward again, “And you gotta know: there’s food, fast food, and too fast to be food.” He made a left turn and continued on towards the ruins Amy mentioned.

Silver panted as he hovered across from Infinite, both of them levitating just above the top of a nearby totem pole. He had some dirty patches of fur and bruised spots hidden by the fur, but the jackal seemed hardly winded as he said, “This wasn’t part of my agenda, but I’m always happy to crush a hero. It keeps the rabble in line, shows them how fragile hope really is.”

Silver glared, “Do you even listen to your own lies, or do you just say them as they come to you?” He almost didn’t finish his sentence because Infinite suddenly shot at him and he just barely managed to move to the side around him. He then turned and shot off after the jackal. For a few seconds, he seemed content to let Silver chase him around in front of the ruins, but then he turned and began trying to meet him head-on, both of them veering around each other and briefly colliding before they both moved back.

During one of their collisions, Silver managed to not only stop him, but also push him back while delivering a punch under his chin. It didn’t faze him much and they were soon flying around again, but what neither of them noticed was, during the punch, what appeared to be a magenta icosahedron gem fell from Infinite towards the ground near the jungle, the gem rolling several times upon landing and stopping behind some foliage, hidden from plain sight.

Soon afterwards, Silver and Infinite shot towards each other again, but this time, Infinite easily overpowered Silver and sent him flying into the ruins, the hedgehog crashing above the door Eggman had added and falling to the ground on his side, small rocks that had been knocked loose landing around him. He groaned as he tried to get back up, but he was having trouble finding the strength to push himself up off the ground with his hands. Infinite landed a short distance in front of him and asked, “Now do you see that there is no hope? It’s as easy to put out as a candle.” His right hand went behind his back and came back a second later holding his sword, “And now it’s time to snuff out your light permanently.” He raised his sword and leapt into the air, bringing it down as he closed the gap between them…

Suddenly, Sonic shot in from the left and, while spinning, intercepted Infinite and pushed him down to the ground short of Silver. As he uncurled on top of him, he leapt down and planted his feet on Infinite’s right arm, the jackal letting out a pained groan and loosening his grip on his sword. Sonic quickly used his left foot to kick it out of his hand and then turned around while leaping off of his arm and used it to kick Infinite away. Silver noticed the sword land nearby and raised his left hand. He then used his psychokinesis to pull it towards him. “Sonic!” he said after he caught it, looking up at the blue hedgehog.

Sonic glanced back at him, “Tag me in, Silver! I’ll keep him busy while you find a place to hide and get your strength back!”

While Silver raised himself up on one knee, Infinite began to levitate again, a red aura surrounding him as he lifted off the ground and looked down at the two hedgehogs. “Well, look who’s back from the dead. The little blue savior,” he stated. He placed his right hand on the front of his mask, “But what’s this? You appear to be sweating, and you reek of fear. Glad to see I left an impression.”

Sonic replied, “Actually, I ran into a giant snake on the way over here. That’s just drool.” He then shrugged, “And you think you’ve left an impression? I don’t even know your name!”

Infinite crossed his arms, “You may call me ‘Infinite’ in the brief moments that remain to you.”

Silver managed to stand up while Sonic was saying, “Infinite, huh? See, that’s more like it! As long as we’re getting to know each other, what’s your favorite color? Do you like walks on the beach? Ooh! What’s the source of your power? Feel free to skip the first two questions.”

Infinite said, “The source of my power is none of your concern.”

Sonic replied, “Aw, come on! If these really are my ‘brief moments that remain to me’ like you said, then I gotta know your secret. Please, tell me!”

Infinite uncrossed his arms and clenched his hands into fists, “Your pleading is irritating!”

He unclenched his hands and the gem on his chest started to light up as if he was tapping into its power, but he suddenly heard Rainbow call from behind him, “Hey, No-Face!” He glanced back over his shoulder, having enough time to see her flying straight towards him but not enough time to avoid her outstretched hoof, which connected with the side of his face and caused him to fall to the ground. She then flew down and slid a short distance when she landed, stopping near Sonic. “Hey, Sonic! You just get here?” she asked.

Sonic replied, "Something like that. You by yourself?"

Rainbow answered, "Nah, Tempest came with. She just told me to go on ahead while she deals with the water slides back there. She should be here soon."

As she finished talking, Sonic noticed Infinite was getting up. He looked back at Silver and saw he was having some trouble staying up, so he looked back at Rainbow and said, "Why don't you help Silver get out of sight and then come join the party." She nodded and moved past him towards Silver while Sonic turned to look at Infinite again, who had finished standing up.

He started to run towards the jackal, but Infinite suddenly crossed his arms in front of his chest and then held them out to his sides, a red sphere of energy coming from his gem and growing in response as he began to hover. Sonic was brought to a surprising stop as he came into contact with the growing sphere, his surroundings becoming red and distorted due to it. It grew further and reached Rainbow and Silver as the former was about to reach the latter. They all began to lift off the ground along with some loose stones, Sonic flailing his arms and legs while Rainbow found she similarly couldn’t move even when flapping her wings.

“Sonic, Rainbow, you okay?” Silver called. Before either one could answer him, Infinite shot towards Sonic, moving in a downwards arc and punching him from below, sending him flying up over the top of the trees on top of the ruins. Barely a second later, he did the same to Rainbow and kicked Silver straight towards the ground. He considered the white hedgehog thoroughly beaten down, so after looking at him for a few seconds, he turned and shot after Sonic and Rainbow.

Silver wasn’t feeling too good as he lay on the ground, but as he opened his eyes, it seemed that the red and distortions had gone away along with Infinite. He heard something coming closer after a couple of seconds and raised his head to look. It was Tempest; she stopped her Extreme Gear near him and jumped off, running over to him. As she got him on her back and carried him over to the bike, she asked, “Are you okay? Where’s Rainbow Dash?”

Silver winced and grunted as she sat him on the seat. He settled down after a moment and looked at her, “Infinite threw her and Sonic that way.” He pointed towards the trees on the ruins.

“Infinite? Is that that thing’s name?” she asked as she looked. Silver nodded in reply.

He lowered his hand and said, “I think I might have the strength to give you a boost if you want it.”

She looked back at him for a moment before saying, “All right. But you have to agree to stay here until we get back.” He nodded and an aura surrounded him as he began to focus.

A minute earlier…

Rainbow was briefly disoriented from being launched by Infinite's punch, but she was able to shake it off. As she did, she realized that the red distortions in the air had cleared up and her wings were working like they were supposed to. She turned her head and saw Sonic ahead of her, still flying through the air though his trajectory was now angling downwards. She spread her wings to slow herself and then turned around, shooting after him. She quickly caught up with him and gave him a much softer landing in the forest below where the fire hadn’t reached yet. As they reached the ground, she asked, “You okay, Sonic?”

As he set his feet on the ground, he replied, “Yeah, I’m good. How about you?”

She answered, “Same here.” She looked back over her shoulder, “Now which way did we come from? I still got a few words and punches for that creep in the mask.”

They both heard Infinite ask, “Is that so?” They looked up and saw him appear above the treetops a moment later. “Because I have something for you as well.” He held out his right hand and a red sphere began to form in his palm. Sonic and Rainbow leapt back as he fired a beam from it, but he didn’t stop. Rather than try to hit them, he began to sweep it around the area for several seconds, causing explosions that started more fires.

Sonic and Rainbow took off, moving away from the trees that were close together and hoping to get somewhere a little more open. They didn’t really need to look around to know that the fires were spreading fast. “Geez, I figured Infinite was upset after you hit him, but I didn’t think he’d take it personal like this,” Sonic remarked.

“Wait, ‘Infinite’? That’s that guy’s name? Seriously?” Rainbow asked.

“That’s what he told me,” Sonic shrugged. Several burning tree branches fell as they zoomed past. “We need to get on top of this and figure out a way to stop this forest fire before it gets worse,” he said.

“Well, that’ll be easy. I’ll just fly up to the weather factory in Cloudsdale, grab a couple of rainclouds, and bring them here,” Rainbow replied.

Sonic gave her a look, “You can’t do that, Rainbow. We’re not in Equestria, remember? You can’t just jump back, and we sure don’t make rainclouds here.”

Rainbow blinked, “Oh yeah.” She looked up and spotted what looked like a long log that curved around a tree situated above the blaze ahead. “Well, how about we get up on that log and then we’ll figure out what we’re going to do instead.” She raised herself up and let Sonic grab her forehooves before she flew up to the log, landing behind Sonic after he let go.

After they landed, Sonic noticed something off about the log. Not only was it way longer than any tree either of them had seen in the jungle, but the way it curved shouldn’t have been possible for a log. It also seemed to be scaly instead of wooden. “This isn’t a log,” he said. He looked up and, after a moment, Rainbow did too. Looking around, they could see chunks of land, some with trees and some with structures from the casino area on them, floating in the air.

Suddenly, Infinite floated down in front of them, a red aura surrounding him. The left eye of his mask was dark, but it brightened after a few seconds. “Still thrashing around, I see, like the filthy sewer rats you are,” he remarked as he held his arms out and a pink-red vortex briefly appeared behind him.

Sonic and Rainbow both straightened up, the former saying, "Haven't you seen a hedgehog before? Hold still; I'll give you a good look at my spines."

Rainbow added, "And I'm a pegasus, and I'm still gonna smash that mask of yours and beat you down for everything you've done!"

Infinite replied, "Then come. Face your doom." He levitated up and backwards, remaining above the long scaly path as he went. When Rainbow and Sonic shot after him, the gem on his chest lit up, causing numerous red cubes to materialize around him. He raised his left hand and, with a flick of his wrist, they shot downwards.

The cubes congregated around a section of the winding cylindrical path, forming a ring. Sonic leapt over it and Rainbow flew above it as they approached it. The pegasus remarked afterwards, "I don't know what's up with those things, but we probably better avoid them." She then looked forward and saw about half a dozen of them coming down at her. She yelped and swerved to avoid them, both of them returning their attention to Infinite.

As they continued their pursuit, Tempest reached the edge of a nearby ridge and stared for a moment at all the unusual things she was seeing before she noticed Infinite was being chased by Rainbow and Sonic. She saw Infinite get struck head-on by Sonic and barely dodge several punches thrown by Rainbow shortly afterwards. With the way the large snake went around, it would likely take him a little time before he’d notice her. She looked around, “I should be okay here as long as I keep moving. If he wants to have a good shot at me, he’ll have to get close to me, and his close-range fighting leaves something to be desired.

Rainbow and Sonic continued to pursue Infinite, avoiding the cubes he created as best they could while going up the body of the giant snake. Oddly, they both noticed that it didn't seem to be moving at all even though it seemed to be alive. Infinite suddenly came to a stop in midair, half a dozen copies splitting off from him a few moments later. The two came to a stop and looked at the copies. They all seemed poised to attack, but they couldn't tell which was the real one.

Suddenly, a ball of magic came shooting in from off to the side, hitting the head of one of the Infinites and then breaking into multiple smaller balls that bounced up and came back down. Rainbow and Sonic shielded themselves with their wings and arms respectively since there were several falling towards them. Aside from Rainbow feeling some slight burning in her wings, they didn't feel much pain at all. In fact, the bits that missed Sonic's arms and hit him barely felt like they burned a second later.

Despite the little damage the magic seemed to do, it did help Sonic and Rainbow out a bit. The first Infinite that was hit disappeared afterwards and the others flickered when they were hit save for one to the left who remained solid. Rainbow noticed this first and launched up at him, slamming both hooves into the eyes of his mask. Sonic quickly followed up with a Homing Attack, knocking him back further.

While Rainbow helped him get back on to the snake, Infinite looked around for his attacker. He soon spotted Tempest and his gem lit up briefly before he returned his attention to Sonic and Rainbow. On the plateau she was standing on, Tempest looked around, seeing lots of the red cube appear near the edges, forming a square around her. They soon closed in on her and she leapt to avoid being caught. They disappeared when they collided, but she noticed more were coming towards her in rows going sideways, high and low. She figured Infinite was going to keep trying to get her, but for the time being, his attacks weren’t hard to dodge, so she stayed where she was and stood ready to dodge the incoming rows.

Sonic, meanwhile, reached the giant snake's head and had nowhere left to run, so Rainbow gave him a lift over the fire to a spot further down the snake's body, the pegasus dodging a charge from Infinite during the process. After they started going up the snake's body, however, they heard a loud hissing sound and looked up to see the snake Sonic had escaped from earlier, its fangs bared. "Oh boy, this guy again. And he still looks pretty upset," Sonic said.

"Wait, that snake is real? And you ran into it earlier?!" Rainbow asked.

"Oh yeah, you weren't there when I said it drooled on me," Sonic shrugged. Infinite was also eying the large snake, but his mind was already considering how he could make use of it to destroy his enemies.

The snake began moving after them soon afterwards, its long body allowing it to make use of not only the immobile snake but also the chunks floating in the air. It was still angry about Sonic escaping earlier, but it wasn't insistent on only getting the blue hedgehog as well as his rainbow companion. Infinite and Tempest could also be responsible for disturbing its slumber in its mind, so it went after them as well.

This was particularly rough for Tempest since she had to keep an eye on it while avoiding Infinite’s seemingly endless supply of cubes and trying to provide support, which made it harder for her to line up her shots, and now that Infinite knew where she was, hitting him was going to be even more difficult. To add a bit of insult, he seemed to know when she was attacking and not only deliberately dodged, but he also taunted her, angering her further.

Not long after, after dodging another round of cubes, she tried to take a shot while his back was to her and he turned to look moments before it would hit him and lazily rolled his head to the side to avoid it. It kept going and struck Sonic as he was reaching the height of his jump to attack Infinite, only to get knocked back into a floating chunk of stone instead. Tempest gasped, her eyes going wide as she watched his body spark with the magic from her overcharged spell. Rainbow saw what happened and knew it was an accident, so she turned back to Infinite and shot after him, thinking Sonic wouldn't be getting up so soon afterwards. It was only seconds after that she noticed a shadow fall over her and looked up to see the snake going past her and towards Sonic. She wasn't able to stop herself right away and could only turn as she saw the snake's head lunging at him.

Suddenly, Sonic's eyes shot open and he stood up and made a massive leap upwards. What looked like a trail of lightning followed him up, the snake coming into contact with the trail and getting a bit of a shock from it. He landed on the unmoving snake a second later and even Infinite looked more than a little intrigued as he looked at him. Bolts of light blue lightning shot off his body intermittently and parts of his body looked like they were retaining the electricity since parts of his legs, arms, torso, and his quills in particular lit up in light blue lines with smaller bolts traveling to and from them. And when he opened his eyes and narrowed them, they had changed from green to the same light blue color, glowing as if they too were holding in electricity.

Sonic turned his head to his left and his eyes fell on Infinite. It took him another moment to turn the rest of his body and break out into a run, a trail of sparks and small bolts following in his wake. Infinite regained his composure and summoned red cubes behind him, which he sent flying at Sonic. As they got close to him, however, the bolts coming from Sonic's body were drawn to them and pushed them back, moving them out of his path like they were obeying his will instead. “Impossible! There’s no indication of anything like this in your previous data!” Infinite exclaimed.

“Unlike some machines, I can grow and get stronger. I’m changing all the time!” Sonic grinned as he got closer.

Infinite glared as he floated backwards, "I'll teach you to hold your tongue!" He summoned many more cubes and dropped them on the track, laying some in long rows along the snake that seemed like they would be difficult to either jump over or run through even with the addition of Sonic’s surprise lightning protection and others raising up from the snake that would be difficult to weave around.

Fortunately, Rainbow quickly shook off her surprise and moved to help Sonic. She wasn’t afraid, and any stray bolts that came into contact with her didn’t shock her that much as she helped him over and through the blocks that Infinite had created. After a minute, Tempest managed to stun the jackal with a magic shot, allowing Sonic to hit him dead center with a Homing Attack, sending him flying. Rainbow flew around to the side and intercepted him a little further up, bucking him off to the side, though to everyone’s surprise, the giant snake’s head suddenly came up as he was sent flying. It snapped its jaws shut around the jackal and swallowed before it eyed the others, causing them to tense up.

Before it could move, something started happening to the snake. First, there was a sudden swelling further down its neck that went down a moment later. Then there was another, which was quickly followed by another. Several more happened in quick succession, and everyone noticed that not only were they moving up towards the snake’s head, it was jerking around and looked to be in a lot of pain. Sonic’s eyes narrowed, “He’s coming back up!”

Sure enough, the snake’s mouth opened and Infinite came flying out, a dark red aura surrounding him. He stopped and turned to face the snake a moment later; it was dazed and hit its head on the other snake, but that wasn’t enough for the jackal. He summoned many cubes and had them all come together before sending them at the snake, causing it to go flying off into the distance. “Disgusting beast. You deserve this,” Infinite remarked.

“Hey!” Sonic called and Infinite turned to look at him. He leapt towards him, only for the jackal to move out of his way. He managed to reach one of the floating chunks of land and flipped over to press his feet against it and jump off, this time managing to nick him as he went past. He landed and turned to face him again, Rainbow flying by his side.

“You have changed since the last time. But this is where it ends,” Infinite said. He created a red sphere and unleashed its power a moment later, sending a cloud of red and distortions in every direction. It caused both Rainbow and Sonic to be thrown off-balance and the lightning coming from Sonic disappeared, which caused him to feel suddenly drained afterwards.

Infinite then shot towards them, getting in between them and pressed his left hand against Sonic’s chest, sending him sliding a short distance away, and seized Rainbow by the throat with his right hand. He then slammed her against the ground and then spun around as he rose up before throwing her down to a ledge above the fire below, Rainbow too disoriented by the attack and his power to try to catch herself. He then turned to Sonic and held up both hands, creating a red sphere above each. He threw the left one first, it hitting the snake harmlessly as Sonic managed to get out of the way, but the second sphere hit him before he could see it coming, knocking him down to the ledge as well.

“Now then, it’s time to end-” He was cut off when something struck him in the back and he turned to see it came from Tempest, still standing strong despite being caught up in his power as well. Before she could react, he shot towards her and punched her in the chest, knocking her off the plateau to a lower spot on the rock. He hovered to the edge and peered over; she was lying on her side, but despite the attack and the resulting fall, she was still moving. “Not even worth the effort to finish off,” Infinite remarked. He turned around and moved to the other edge, searching for Sonic and Rainbow but he couldn’t see them. “Have they recovered and run away already? Good. If they needed to be taught to fear me, then they only have themselves to blame,” he said. He turned, “We’ll settle this later. My work here is done, but there are still prototypes to locate.”

Rainbow and Sonic emerged from the bush they had fallen in just in time to see Infinite shoot off into the distance, a red trail that dissipated a few moments later marking his flight path. “He’s getting away. I can go after him,” Rainbow grunted as she rolled her neck around, trying to get out the kinks.

Sonic placed his right hand on her shoulder while he rubbed the side of his head with his left hand. “Let him go, Rainbow,” he sighed. When she turned her head to look at him, he explained, “We still gotta figure out what kind of power that guy has and where he’s getting it from.” He then turned his head to look at the forest, “Plus there are still Resistance troops out there battling robots and the fire out there, and Infinite made the second one worse. I think we’d better focus on helping out here right now.”

Rainbow nodded after a moment, “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Why don’t you go try to find them, wherever they are? I’ll go check on Tempest, and then we’ll all meet up to fight the fire.” Sonic nodded in reply and they both went in different directions, Rainbow flying to where she’d last seen Tempest while Sonic ran towards where he could see the light of the fire in the distance.

Author's Note:

Hey. Bit later than I wanted, but it was kind of hard to make the first fight against Infinite interesting. Hopefully, I did all right.

So about Sonic's powered-up form that appears here... Yes, it is inspired by the lightning abilities of Sonic in the movie, but it works a little differently. Due to his exposure to Equestrian magic in FiT, particularly during the final battle, Sonic has become accustomed to it to the point of being able to hold it in his body similar to how Black Panther's suit could build up energy from impacts and release it later. This has not been discovered until now due to him not having any exposure to Equestrian magic since the Time Eater's defeat. When he's built up enough, he's able to unleash it and gain a big power boost for a short time, but unlike Super Sonic, once it runs out or gets cancelled out in this instance, it takes its toll on him and forces him to have to pause to catch his breath before he can resume fighting. Appearance-wise, he looks like he does in "Sonic Colors: Ultimate" when the movie aura is equipped.

As for having the giant snake from Luminous Forest show up during the fight against Infinite, I did that because, looking back, I thought it was a little disappointing to include the snake in the background of the fight but never actually do anything. Maybe that would've been a little difficult to do, but I thought it would make the fight a little more interesting.

I think that's about it. See you next time.