• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 3,514 Views, 336 Comments

Sonic Forces: Into the Mania - GreenS21

In a familiar world, tyranny and madness now rule all. Will friendship rise again?

  • ...

Don't Call It A Comeback

The stolen prison transport broke through the clouds above the ocean, the craft leveling out once Trish and Techni could see the water. The flight back to Earth had gone surprisingly well; whatever Techni had done on the Death Egg had essentially granted them free passage, seeing as not one ship in the fleet had opened fire on them. Now that they had completed the bumpy re-entry, the communications with Resistance HQ were coming in clear again, allowing Knuckles to check in.

"That sounded like a rough return. Everyone still there?" Knuckles asked.

“Everything’s good up here, Commander. It’s not one of our fighters or battleships, but it’s holding together just fine,” Trish replied. She looked back over her shoulder and called, “How’s everyone doing down there?”

“We’re fine, Trish,” Espio called back.

Rarity checked her mane with a hoof and looked over at Fluttershy, who was huddling under the bench while Applejack, Pinkie, Vector, Charmy, and some of the other Resistance members looked at her, before uttering, “Well, more or less…”

Tempest remarked, "I've had rougher." She looked over at Sonic, who had his head bowed down as he sat forward. During the flight back, he had been filled in on what had happened on Earth since his capture and recent events in Equestria and he hadn't said anything yet, the re-entry not helping anything. "What about you?" she asked, catching everyone's attention.

Sonic raised his head and looked at her, "Oh, I'm great. As if I didn't have enough reason to kick Eggman in his wide behind before. It's not just a professional butt kicking anymore; now it's personal."

Knuckles' voice came through Vector's Miles Mobile, "Glad to hear it, Sonic. Learning you were alive was some of the best news we've had in months. Word's already starting to spread around HQ; between you and the girls coming back, there's a lot of hope here now."

Rainbow spoke up, "Well, that's no surprise. We're almost back to full strength! Once Twilight recovers and we find Tails, that creep's gonna see some major changes around here! Of course, we're going to have to do what we can while we wait, but you know…"

Knuckles replied, "I'm glad you brought that up, Rainbow. Sonic, I know you're technically not back yet, but I've got an assignment for you. We’re spread thin right now and we need to start filling in the holes.”

Sonic nodded, “Sure thing. My legs could use a little more stretching, and I think these shoes will hold together for a while before I need to fix them again.”

Sona spoke up, “Ah. In all the excitement, I completely forgot.” Everyone turned to look at her as she stood up and walked over to Sonic. She knelt down and placed the red backpack on her back on the floor. “There are a few essentials in here that everyone in the Resistance carries, Sonic: Miles Mobile, radio, the basics. But Hip, one of our members who helps make clothing and footwear for the Resistance, included a special gift for you.” She started unzipping the pack’s main pocket as she finished. She reached her hands inside, “He mainly makes footwear that anyone can wear, but he made these specifically for you.” She pulled out a pair of red sneakers that were white on the bottom and had several short white lines running across the top and a white stripe that ran towards the front of the shoe on each side, each shoe having a white sock sticking out of the collar. “He saw what they were making you wear and thought your feet could use a ‘refresh’ as he put it.”

Sonic took the shoes as he said, "Really? Thanks! I'm going to have to thank Hip when I meet him too." Sona stood up and took a step back while Sonic used his feet to push off his shoes, kicking them to the side.

Sona looked over at the worn-out shoes and leaned over to pick one up, holding it up to examine it. While she was doing this, Applejack commented, "Hoo-wee! Now there's somethin' that hasn't seen a lotta love."

Rarity cringed, "So inelegant! Those do not match you at all, Sonic."

Sona mused, "Well, they're not much to look at, but they can go back to HQ anyway. Seems like they at least cover your feet." She walked back to her seat after grabbing the other shoe as well.

Sonic slipped the second shoe on as he replied, "Yep. It's no fun walking barefoot on cold metal. Those are the best shoes they gave me; had to take care of them somehow." He finished getting the shoe on and stood up, doing a little dance and making a few poses while looking down at the shoes. "Yeah! This is more like it!" he said before sitting back down a second later. "So, what do you got for me, Knuckles?"

Knuckles responded, "During the rescue mission, we learned that Eggman has set up a weapons plant in Green Hill. We can't have him producing new weaponry if we're going to take him down, so I sent a team to destroy the factory. Looks like they ran into trouble because we just received an SOS from the factory's coordinates. We need you to make a rescue of your own and help them complete their mission. Take the rookie with you." The red wolf's ears perked up at being mentioned.

Vector asked, "You sure that's a good idea? The kid helped, sure, but he was still shaking like a leaf on the Death Egg."

Charmy piped up, "That's because we were in space, Vector, and it's cold in space! The factory will be nice and warm!"

Pinkie asked, “Was it cold? I had no idea! I must’ve been too focused on trying to help Sonic!”

Knuckles said, “Well, the factory will definitely be warm when it’s burnt to the ground! Sonic, you take the lead. Rookie, just try to keep up and take good notes.”

Tempest asked, "What about the rest of us, Commander? There's nothing we can do to help?"

Rainbow added, "Yeah, I could totally help out with a rescue mission!"

Knuckles spoke in a slightly firmer tone in order to keep an argument from breaking out, "I know that, but as I've said before, we're spread thin right now. Besides, I already have assignments for the rest of you."

Pinkie squeaked, "Ooh! So, what are they, Knuckles?"

Knuckles replied, “I’m glad you asked, Pinkie. I’ve got a mission for you, the Chaotix, and Terv.”

Terv heard his name and stopped his rounds to come out of the holding area, poking his head out of the entrance and holding himself up with his hands. “Me?” he asked while Pinkie squirmed excitedly in her seat.

Knuckles explained, “I’m going to have Trish drop you off near Adabat before returning to base. We’ve been hearing rumors that there have been a lot of visitors spotted around the surrounding coastline and going into the jungle. They think they might be members of Eggman’s Battle Bird Armada, but I need you to go there and find out for sure.”

Terv blinked when he heard the name of the group, but a fixed expression settled on his face as Knuckles finished speaking. He reached his right hand up and adjusted his goggles as he pointedly said, “I’ve got a few more former prisoners left to see. I’ll be ready, Commander.” He then dropped back down into the holding area.

Before anyone had time to wonder about the way he reacted, Knuckles went on, “Tempest, Rainbow, I’m sending you two with Aventura, Matka, and Techni to Eggman’s old Scrap Brain base. Seems he didn’t take us shooting down one of his transports too well; intel indicates he’s gathering forces of his own there. Not just robots, but other allies as well.”

Rainbow asked, “Wait, you mean like other animals? That guy who dragged us here is one thing, but why would regular animals join up with Eggman?”

Knuckles replied, “I’m sure they have their reasons, but that’s all the more reason to stop them. We can’t have them messing up our efforts when we’re starting to gain some real ground in this war. Trish will drop you off as close as she can, and Techni will help you get into the base. Eggman may have abandoned it, but it looks like the systems will still work. Once you’re in, take out the robots, subdue the others, and see what you can find out about Eggman’s operations. Now…”


Sonic and the Rookie stood in front of the shuttle’s bay door as it opened, Sonic stretching a bit while the wolf adjusted the backpack Sona had given Sonic. The shuttle was currently holding position a short distance above a part of Green Hill that hadn’t been engulfed by the desert sand yet, the grass and flowers on the hill still actually green. As he looked out the opening door, Sonic said, “Oh yeah, I’m gonna have these shoes broken in by the time this mission’s over. I’ve got six months of payback I’ve been waiting to spend, and this’ll be the perfect way to start.”

Tempest came up behind the two and asked Sonic, “Are you sure about this? You wouldn’t rather have someone other than the ‘Silent Omega’ watching your back?”

Sonic and the Rookie looked back at her, the hedgehog replying, “Don’t worry. The two of us will be more than enough. We’ll blitz the place and get the members of the Resistance out of there!” He looked at the Rookie, “Right, partner?” The wolf nodded a bit hesitantly in reply. The bay door finished opening and Sonic ran forward and jumped out, landing neatly on the grass below. The Rookie followed a moment later, firing his grappling hook up at the ship to slow his descent as he fell and landed beside Sonic. Tempest regarded them both from above as the bay door closed again, the ship flying off to its next destination once it had closed completely.

Sonic and the Rookie watched the ship fly away until it was just a red speck in the sky. Sonic looked at the wolf and said, "Hey, don't worry about it, pal. Whatever happened up on the Death Egg, now's a great chance to make up for it. We'll convince Tempest you have what it takes." The wolf nodded softly and, a moment later, they both turned to look at Eggman's weapons factory.

It looked like a large metallic pyramid with a circular depression on the sides near the top, the structure built away from the surrounding hills to make it difficult to approach. Even though they were some distance away from it, they could see that there was a metallic walkway running diagonally up the side of the pyramid, leading to the top of it. Sonic pointed to the walkway, “Let’s use that to get to the top, see if we can get in from up there. Probably the best way we can get in, especially if they’re trying to make sure the Resistance members don’t get outside.” The Rookie nodded and they began making their way towards the pyramid.

It didn’t take them long to get to the end of the green part of the hill they were on, and it didn’t take much longer after that to reach the end of dried out part that followed. They encountered some Egg Pawns near the end that Sonic Boosted through to get them out of their way and the Rookie used his grappling hook to swing them over to a structure composed of metal and pipes, the pipes dumping sand and likely the factory’s byproducts into the environment. “Just another reason to shut this place down, as if building weapons and making everyone work like robots wasn’t reason enough,” Sonic thought to himself as they made their way across the structure.

The Rookie held on tight as Sonic led the way across a narrow curve and used his grappling hook to get them both across a chasm to the walkway they were aiming for. They started running down it, but soon came to a stop when they saw a large number of Egg Pawns and Swat Bots up ahead, all of them noticing the two. Sonic just smirked, “They think they can force us from the straight path onto a detour? I don’t think so!” He backed up a few steps to get closer to the Rookie, “Grab onto me.” Although he was a bit hesitant, the wolf wrapped his left arm around Sonic’s midsection. The hedgehog then bent forward slightly, causing the wolf’s feet to lift up off the ground. “Hang onto your glasses! I’m gonna go really fast and push right through them. I’ll worry about what’s in front of us; you handle the sides, okay, pal?” The wolf gave a more confident nod, securing his Red Wispon to his belt and squeezing a bit more to tighten his grip.

After taking a moment to brace himself, Sonic started running forward for a second before he rocketed into an unexpectedly fast Boost. Rookie reeled back from the sudden force and reached up with his free hand to secure his glasses. Looking forward afterwards, he saw the robots getting closer fast and remembered what Sonic said, grabbing his Wispon and pointing and firing it to the sides to take out any missed robots. The sensors in his glasses helped him aim a little bit, but they also picked up on something unexpected. The tailwind was nothing unusual, but the sensors were picking up minute sparks that seemed to be coming from his body.

Sonic kept pushing through and kept going when the walkway inclined upwards, going up the side of the pyramid. It only took a matter of seconds to reach the top, which, unlike most pyramids, was flat with three spires around it. Upon landing and separating, they found a circular metal grate in the center covering an entrance. “Looks like we can get in this way,” Sonic remarked. He turned to the Rookie, “We just need to weaken this grate a little.” The wolf nodded and held his left hand up to his glasses, scanning the grate for several moments. He then began to run around its circumference, using his Wispon at a number of points to heat them up until they were starting to glow red. As they began to cool off, Sonic moved in and spun into them several times until they broke. It didn’t take long before the grate broke loose and fell down the opening.

With the grate out of the way, they could see there were lasers in the shaft, pink beams stretching across at several points. They were likely intended to deal with intruders, but they would also do a good job of keeping anyone from trying to get out as well. That didn't concern them, though; they had their way in. Sonic took the Rookie by the hand and they both leapt in, diving down the shaft. Sonic steered them around the lasers and, when they got near the bottom, the Rookie used his grappling hook to hit the shaft wall and swing them to a softer landing.

Their entrance had put them on the walkways above the main factory, nestled amongst the large gears and other machinery. As they fought their way through the Egg Pawns that had been dispatched to stop them, they began to hear what sounded like fighting off in the distance. The noise was coming from the main factory floor, where the teal bird, pink cat, and a couple more Resistance soldiers were pinned down by Egg Pawns. The cat and the bird were keeping the pressure on the robots, but only a few of the soldiers were able to help them. Some were wounded had to be looked after, forcing the others to divide their attention. The situation was looking bleaker by the second.

The cat ducked back behind the cart she was using for cover and put her left hand to her ear, “Can anyone hear me?! We’re still pinned down on the factory floor! We thought we caught a break, but more Egg Pawns showed up and we can’t hold out much longer!”

A voice came through her earpiece, “This is Amy. Stay put and try to hold out a little longer! Sonic is on his way with backup! He should be there soon!”

The cat looked over at the cart next to hers at the bird as he stood up to shoot while replying, “He’d better be putting that famous speed of his to good use! These robots are getting a little close for comfort!” He ducked down as a wave of shots flew past where his head had been, “Won’t be long before they start knocking us on the head!”

A new voice came over their earpieces, “Think it’s about time they found out what it’s like to be knocked around! Heads up!” The bird and the cat looked up and saw Sonic and the Rookie swinging down from the walkway high up. The Rookie let Sonic go at the bottom of the swing and he immediately went to work, slamming his feet into an Egg Pawn and sending it flying into a group. The Rookie, meanwhile, broke his line and twisted around to fire another hook at an Egg Pawn to pull himself towards it. He managed to knock it down and used his White Wispon to blows its head out before switching to his Red Wispon and turning it on the Egg Pawns around him, Sonic’s confidence giving his a much-needed boost for this situation. The two of them stuck to the back of the horde of Egg Pawns while the reinvigorated members of the Resistance, even the injured ones, went on the offensive against the ones closest to them. It didn’t take long for them to clear out the Egg Pawns. “Huh. So much for their reinforcements!” Sonic remarked while looking at the Rookie.

“See? I knew he wouldn’t let you down,” Amy said over the radio.

“I guess so, Amy,” the cat said. She came out from hiding and walked over to Sonic and the Rookie, the bird coming out as well while the other Resistance members returned their attention to the wounded. The cat walked up to Sonic and shook his hand, “Thanks for saving us, Sonic. It’s an honor to meet you. I’m Fuchsia.” She gestured to the bird, noticing him come up beside her, “And this is Corvin.”

Sonic took Corvin’s hand and shook it, “Nice to meet you both.”

Corvin replied, “Same here. You sure saved our bacon, Sonic.”

As their hands dropped, Fuchsia pointed at the Rookie as she said, “And you sure helped us out too. So, thank you.” The wolf looked at her for a moment and nodded before he started looking around.

Corvin didn’t seem as impressed. “Yeah, he also has that Red Wispon, Fuchsia. Anyone could help out with one of those once they figure out how to point and shoot it.”

Sonic looked at the bird, “Hey, he did a good job. Both here and on the Death Egg.”

Corvin replied, “I’m sure he did since he’s still around after going into enemy territory like that. It’s just that a few days ago, he seemed more scatterbrained, wandering around without a clue what to do.” He looked back at where the Rookie was standing and realized he wasn’t there anymore. He glanced back and caught sight of the wolf walking over to one of the carts. “Seems like that’s still the case to a degree,” he remarked.

Sonic walked over to the Rookie, watching him raise himself up and start sifting through the cart as he got closer. “Whatcha doing there, bud?” he asked when he was standing a short distance behind him. The wolf pulled his head out a few moments later, turning it to look at the piece of tech he was holding in his right hand. “Hm. Something you can use?” Sonic asked, the wolf turning to him and nodding. “All right, see what else you can grab and fit in that pack. I’ll start working with these guys on how to take out this factory.” He turned and started walking back over to Fuchsia, Corvin, and the gathered Resistance soldiers while the Rookie tucked the piece away and went back to digging.

As he got closer, Fuchsia said, “I’m not sure destroying the factory is the best idea, Sonic.” She pointed past where they’d been hiding earlier, “We found a room on the other side of that wall that’s making some rather sizeable bombs. And if their destructive power is equal to their size…”

Corvin finished, “Destroying the factory might just leave a massive crater here in Green Hill. Might give all the sand a place to go, but who knows what other destruction it would cause.”

Sonic said, “Hm, yeah, that would be a problem. Especially since I was planning to make a stop on the way back to base.”

Fuchsia asked, “What do you mean by that?”

Sonic replied, “Nothing, don’t worry about it. It’s not important right now. Okay, let’s figure out what we’re going to do instead.”

While they were working out the finer details of what to do with Eggman’s weapons plant, further inland, Rainbow and Tempest had arrived at the Jungle Zone with Aventura, Matka, and Techni and were making their way through. As they were walking, Tempest looked around at the foliage and noted, “A lot of these plants have been cut down. Eggman’s supporters?”

Aventura replied, “Probably Eggman’s robots, maybe even him. He took over part of the jungle months ago, built a base in its depths and started putting his own touches on it. He’s been referring to that part as the Mystic Jungle.”

Rainbow said, “I bet that’s not really the right word for it.”

Matka replied, “Not really. It’s very bright, and it looks more like a casino. Definitely not what I would call mystic.”

Tempest asked, “How come it hasn’t been destroyed yet?”

Techni answered, “Shadow was supposed to have destroyed it months before the war even started. Maybe Eggman rebuilt it, or something stopped Shadow from destroying it, I don’t know.”

Rainbow asked, “You think that might have something to do with why he changed sides?”

Aventura replied, “I don’t think so. Nothing about Shadow suddenly joining Eggman seems to make sense to anyone. It just happened out of nowhere and…”

She was cut off when Tempest suddenly said, “Wait.” Everyone looked back at her and saw her glancing back warily, standing in a battle-ready stance as her eyes looked around. After several long moments, she blinked and shook her head, relaxing.

“What’s up, Tempest?” Rainbow asked.

The unicorn turned to her, glancing back briefly as she said, “I thought I heard something. Let’s keep going.” They resumed their journey through the jungle as a familiar biscotti-colored wolf continued to follow them at a distance, watching over them.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. Not much to say here. Just wanted to add a little something to this part of the game. Also, I'm glad to post something after being silent for so long. Sorry, everybody.

And if you're wondering what Sonic's new (possibly temporary) shoes look like, look here:

That's all I've really got for this one. Hope to see you all again soon.