• Published 25th Jun 2020
  • 1,063 Views, 9 Comments

The Fall and Rise of Prince Blueblood. - KittyrinnAiko

This story follows Nova, Sunshine, and their friends during a tumultuous episode that brings about Princess Celestia's need to Keep the young Lord Prince Blueblood close to her side.

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7: A traditional garden needs stone.

Princess Celestia looked out one of the windows in the Keep. Down below she could see a rather fine estate going up in flames, and she was fairly sure it was the Blueblood estate. “Kibitz,” Celestia said with a cold fury in her tone. “Are all our special assets safe?”

“Princess, all reports indicate that they are indeed safe and have not fallen into the hooves of the traitors.”

“Anything else to report?”

“It seems that for whatever reason the Night Kin the Archduke had hired has switched sides and are presently freeing the hostages with the help of the Castle Guard.”

“And is the Archduke aware of this?”

“It appears that he’s been left in the dark with a number of his supporters quietly slipping away.”

“Very well then. Inform him that I will grant him the immortality he so desires.”

“Your, your highness?” Kibitz wasn’t too sure he could believe his own ears.

“Have him wait in the Bailey along with any who still support him,” Celestia instructed with a grim look of determination on her face. She then went to a cabinet, opened it, reached in with her magic, and a moment later the wall opened up. Beyond the doorway, there were a number of boxes. She pulled out an old battered box and retrieved a finely crafted crown made of gold and festooned with many fine jewels. She stepped out of the room with the crown floating in her magic. She shut the door and made her way down to the bailey where she found a rather pompous Archduke Blueblood. The Archduke smiled malevolently on seeing Princess Celestia assured in his victory.

“Your Highness.” Celestia offered while bowing to the stallion. He beamed with satisfaction. All his scheming had paid off. After all, he held all the cards, or so he believed.

“Ah, I see you’ve brought me my crown.”

“This crown belonged to Gaius Cassius Platinum,” Celestia informed him with cold hatred in her tone. “Kneel to me so that I may place it upon thy head. Your Majesty.”

“Yes, yes, of course.” Archduke Blueblood replied with considerable smugness. He bowed down exhibiting a theatric flair, the crown floated over, landed not so gently on his head, a look of annoyance followed by dread as Celestia’s stream intensified. It took but a moment, but at that moment the Archduke had turned to stone. His fellows now seeing their own folly and doom attempted to flee, each being turned to stone in their turn. Each with looks of horror.

“Round up the rest of the traitors, and bring me the young prince unharmed, or unblemished in any way,” Celestia ordered.

“They’re dead.” One corporal said softly. Her guards looked shaken.

“No, not dead.” Celestia offered reassuringly. “They are in stasis. In time I will free them, and when they’ve matured like a fine wine, their names are forgotten, I will turn them into foals, and give them another chance far from Canterlot.” Celestia’s anger subsided, and she let out a sigh. “Now go, and restore order to Canterlot.”


“I can’t help but wonder if I have it the easiest?” Nova offered as Fluttershy, Aria, and Nova went in to dinner that night. “All I have to do is sit here and wait.”

“And is waiting while not knowing any easier?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sunshine, Spitfire, Dash, and Princess Cadance are out there somewhere. Maybe holed up like ourselves wondering what’s going on, or perhaps they are on the run.” Nova offered as they turned into the ornate dining room where a number of adults had gathered. She was surprised to find a number of leather wings who bowed to her as she entered. She returned the bow out of courtesy. Doctor Showers was there to include two mares.

“Princess.” One of the leather wings offered.

“Please, Miss Nova will be sufficient. I’ve a desire to stay out of the public eye for as long as I may. Or at least till I’ve sufficiently grown-up that I can defend myself.” Nova offered with a smile as she was directed to a seat.

“Concerns about how Princess Celestia might react?” One of the Gentle bats asked. “The name’s Stengel. My friends are Bingo and Dingle.”

“Princess Celestia knows I’m here, at least here as in here in Cloudsdale. She invited my class to have lunch when we were touring Canterlot Castle.”

“It was, interesting, but everything turned out alright.” Flutter-bat offered.

“Interesting?” Minister Grey asked.

“The guards thought my adopted sister was Sunset Shimmer.”

“In their defense, we were wearing school cloaks.” Flutters pointed out.

“You forget that our wings stick out in the back.” Nova countered politely as every pony sat down. “Kind of hard to miss.”

“Mr Stengel and his companions are part of the group who volunteered to help our ponies in Canterlot.” Minister Grey informed Nova just as a yellow pegasus with a magenta mane was shown in.

“Rioters took one look at us and ran for it.” Stengel offered.

“Hi, Mom!” Flutters called.

“Fluttershy… hang on, you haven't switched back?” Mrs Shy asked.

“Um, ya, I guess.” Flutters offered. “It’s alright for me to be like this here.”

“I may be a bad influence.” Nova teased.

“Come have a seat.” Minister Grey offered. “My wife, Camilla, Doctor Showers, and his wife Sakura.” Camilla was a golden fox pony with a light blond mane and black ear tips, while Sakura was light blond with a pale pink mane and tail and lacked any black. Both mares had white undersides and boots.

“Pleased to meet you.” Mrs Shy offered. “My name’s Flutter Butter.”

“We’ve got an open seat if you care to join us?” Minister Grey offered.

“Yes, thank you.” Mrs Shy replied and went around to their side of the table. She paused momentarily to give Nova’s main a muss and check for her horn. She had seen the horn on previous occasions and was a bit perplexed. Sure enough, it was still there, she just couldn't see it.

“She’s using some kind of spell.” Mr Stengel offered. “No I can’t see it, but I know how to spot a hidden horn. And don’t worry about Blueblood’s spies.”

“And how’s that?” Camellia asked as Mrs Shy sat down.

“We are, or rather were his spies. It’s the young Miss’s doing. The moment we realized one of our targets we’d been sent to look for after the ponies originally tasked with nabbing certain ponies failed to return, was a night Princess it changed everything.”

“I’m glad.” Nova offered. “I know Princess Celestia wants Princess Luna back. It’s just a matter of freeing her from the shadow that took her. - And as every pony knows I’ve a horn there’s no point in hiding it.”

“Just don’t use your levitation, use your hoof fields.” Doctor showers cautioned. “You are going to need to take it easy. No more battling strange unicorns, or sending out global messages.”

“Strange unicorns?” Mrs Shy asked.

“Summer says I don’t need to worry about that. We won’t see her again for a long time.” Nova offered.

“How can she be so sure though?” Mrs Shy asked.

“Afraid I can’t really explain it. It’s just that sometimes she knows what’s going to happen.” Nova offered as a way of explanation. “Recent events have taken us both by surprise though.”

“I’m afraid it’s taken us all by surprise.” Minister Grey offered as the food was brought out by the staff and served. “Let us hope things get back to normal quickly.”

That night Nova had a sleepover with Aria and Flutters who’d returned to her pegasus form shortly after relaxing enough to go to sleep. The next morning Nova and Fluttershy were the first to be told that it was safe to go back to normal activities, and normal activities meant going back to school. Fluttershy and Nova returned to their prospective homes, picked up their school books, assignments, and went to school accompanied by escorts. Mrs Shy in Fluttershy’s case, and members of the Wonderbolts, Colonel Mustang and Wintry in Nova’s case. Dash and Sunshine hadn’t shown yet.