• Published 18th Sep 2020
  • 1,948 Views, 292 Comments

Magic's Birth: The Sisters' Memories - The Psychopath

Luna and Celestia tell Twilight of the time when their makers were still around, when they were awoken, and potentially discover what the Blue energy that birthed the magic that gave life to the world was.

  • ...

A Polar Sideways?

"Come on, let's go," Biddydee said more angrily. "It's just a parade. You don't need to worry about it."

"A parade of what? Gigantic heavy cubes?" Galah asked.

"Maybe," Biddy responded absentmindedly. "Where was that store again?" she wondered aloud. "It was brand new and the caretakers mentioned it having the best small parts."

Luna looked upwards now that she was within the confines of the city. Where the City of the makers was an organized, consistent place, the city of the caretakers was...chaotic. There were bright screens hanging about the walls in almost every direction she looked, wild images, colors, and people flashing about on them. Words and numbers and wild movements disturbed her optics. Noises, noises, and even more noises! She couldn't comprehend anything! Her head was spinning.

The streets were a bit more muted, however. Many buildings with tinted glass panes protecting the inside of stores, offices, or those other services from outside observers. Didn't help that they all had their own strange shapes and designs, like someone had grabbed a jigsaw puzzle and started forcing the pieces together.

"These buildings are all randomly designed," Celestia noted. "Are there no standardization practices?" she asked.

"The what?" Biddy said confused.

"Standardization practices. Makes building the structures much easier to handle."

Biddy scoffed as she looked around the streets, taking in the sights. "Sounds like your cities are incredibly boring. I bet all the buildings are blue or something."

"Not at all!" Galah interjected. He stepped over a hole in the sidewalk. "The makers ensured that the buildings would fit next to each other, but everything else is up to the owner. Colors are not a problem, nor are decorations or the shape of the interior."

Biddy pondered the thought a moment then shrugged. "Still sounds boring to me. Though I imagine that your skyscrapers are barely even close to having the same height and immensity as our own because of it," she said.

"Incorrect," Luna said. She stared at the skyscraper and roused the attention of caretakers walking down the street. "The skyscrapers and skypiercers are the two types of building that there are no standard designs for. The skypiercers especially have some of the most outlandish and-" She glitched, twitching. "-the most beautiful designs I have ever seen. They represent the epitome of what the blue energy can do just in an artistic sense."

"You okay?" Galah asked in a concerned tone. He leaned towards her. "You twitched there a moment."

"I am fine," Luna acknowledged. "A momentary issue."

There was a slight pause as Galah processed all the information. "Then I can laugh at you." He burst in exactly what he declared.

Biddy didn't appreciate it and stopped immediately, causing the unaware prototype to bounce into her. "Why do you laugh at her?"

"Because nothing bad happened." He shrugged, a smile internally forming. "I learned from observing my makers that as long as a person isn't hurt it's fine to laugh."

Biddy imitated a disapproving snort with her voice box. "Sounds a bit cruel."

"Pfff. Humor is subjective," Galah said. He didn't react when someone smashed a wooden plank into the side of his head and continued moving along. The other three stared in shock. "Some people think things are funny and others don't. Everyone has different tastes, but I personally think if they don't align with mine then they're clearly wrong," he said sarcastically with a hand to his chest. He noticed the three weren't reacting and had stopped, prompting the prototype's curiosity. "What?"

"Didn't you notice...You!" Biddy shouted after breaking through her shock. A stunned caretaker dropped the broken plank and backed away into a group of other people in the road. "What do you think you're doing?"

The female stuttered multiple times before she managed to get a word through. "Isn't it a robot of the blue?" she squeaked.

"Yeah. He is. So?" Biddybee asked aggressively as she leaned forward.

"How did you ascertain he was of the blue?" Luna asked as she floated into view.

The caretakers all gasped in shock and horror. The effect was more pronounced when Celestia appeared.

"This experience is very enlightening," the white robot said as she lowered herself and grabbed a fragment of wood. "Most of the data I've recovered from my data storage is either outdated or completely wrong on the makers of the black."

"What...what are those things?" a male shouted in horror and disgust. "I didn't see any announcement of a new robot being made by those of the blue." He pushed past the first female. "You're here to spy on us then destroy us, aren't you?"

Luna tilted her head. "Destroy? What would this accomplish?"

The male looked back at the group that mumbled to each other. "Getting rid of us and our black energy?"

Luna shrugged. "Illogical. Unnecessary loss of life and loss of an energy source."

The female scoffed. "It's still just a machine of the blue. It has no sentience."

The group prepared to gang up on the three robots, but Biddydee stepped forward, blocking their path.

"Move aside, Biddy," one of them ordered.

"I will not. You all know me very well as well as my sapience." She gestured to the group with a hand. "If I'm with them, what does it mean?" She leaned forward. "And don't say that 'I've been corrupted' or any such stupidity. We're too old for blue technology to function on us, and Rahllup would be furious." On mention of the giant one's name, the caretakers vocally displayed their worry and backed away instinctively. "I'm watching them, and they are accompanying me. If you have any issues then you bring them up with my family." The angry machine pointed at them. "And stop attacking machines randomly. It's rude and dangerous."

"F-fine. We'll leave, but not because you told us to," the male reluctantly accepted more out of fear than obedience.

"Those caretakers are...they were very aggressive, and they did that out of nowhere?" Twilight stated in shock "Why? What could that bring them?"

Luna tapped her head and her eyes illuminated briefly. "Well, because we only knew what the makers looked like, we couldn't determine it, but Biddydee-"

"Or Biddybee," Celestia interjected.

"...Yes, thank you sister," Luna sighed and rubbed her 'temple' with her ring hand. "Anyways, she told us that they were juveniles. Teenagers."

Twilight looked between the projected image and Luna multiple times. "Those hulking behemoths were teenagers?!"

"They weren't that big, Twilight," Celestia berated while shaking her head.

"They look like minotaurs!" the lavender alicorn shouted.

"You're exaggerating because you're excited again," Luna said flatly.

"T..." Twilight looked around as she tried to think of a counter. "N-no."

"They think -or thought rather- that beating on any machine that they think is of the blue is fighting what their home hates above all things, likely filled to the brim with lies filled into their heads before they're able to think for themselves. Venting anger that isn't theirs," Celestia explained. She dragged a hand across the surface. "Something we've done our best to prevent in Equestria."

"I mean, we had the advantage of them thinking we were gods," Luna joked.

Twilight stared wide-eyed at them. "What."

"That's for later," Celestia stated. "We won't be spoiling the story." She floated next to the former student and gently jabbed her a few times in the sides with an elbow. "We'll just keep dropping things like this to torment you, like with cliffhangers in stories."

Luna burst out laughing. "No better schadenfreude for an author than to stop on a cliffhanger."

Twilight frowned angrily.

Once they were out of earshot, Galah spoke to Biddy. "Sounds like Rahllup is a very scary machine," he commented.

"She defended me after I was activated for the first time by Pa and brought into the city to help with gathering a bunch of food for the family. Didn't have any sentience at the time, but the caretakers here thought I was of the blue because of my design and started attacking me."

"That's terrible," Galah lamented. "They should've been attacking you because you're of the black."

Luna smacked him over the head with a shard of wood.

Celestia crossed her arms and shook her head in disapproval. "Should've used a big rock instead."

Biddydee grumbled in frustration but carried on regardless. "Well, I hadn't been fully rebuilt, and so my insides were exposed. They damaged me into a state of non-functioning. Needless to say, had the family not come by Rahllup might have flattened the whole city after she gravely wounded my assailants," the triangular robot stated nonchalantly.

"Are we at our destination yet?" Luna asked.

She caught glimpse of a large, cylindrical vehicle with tank treads in place of wheels parked in front of a large hole in the ground around which there were many caretakers. Whatever they were doing, they were making a lot of noise and producing a lot of sparks. One went in with a large tube in hand, prompting mockery from the others.

"We just got in the city," Biddy groaned. "The Energy Station is still a few minutes away."

The buildings of the black were just as varied as those of the blue were colorful. They seemed to warp and twist even more the closer to the center the group got. What were once simple shapes started to become bombastic pillars of art and style. One of the buildings' central floors were twisted into two thick, intertwining spirals with windows connecting two blocking floors. How this could benefit the tenants seemed to be a quaternary thought to the architect. Another seemed to branch out like a tree, with several flat 'columns' jutting out of a thin trunk of brown bricks with green paint apparently leaking down from the roofs.

The cheering was getting louder, but the thumps were much quieter and much farther away, although there was a consistent sound pattern, like makers clapping together. Hundreds clapping together.

"This is it," Biddy announced.

The three machines of the blue were looking up the whole time and gradually lowered their heads. In front of them was an almost run-down and dilapidated old station. Eight silvery columns stood in front of it, a strange silver ball of light slowly rising and lowering in a transparent column of bubbling black energy within it. The sisters noticed that the energy seemed to be more relaxed in the tubing than when left to the air. The building was flat, short, and with only one floor. It was highly frequented, judging by the black, red, and orange tracks along the floor.

The three followed Biddy inside, where they were met with many rows of produce. Food, cleaning products, beverages, cheap toys, reading material. It was a bizzarety to the sisters. A tall and thin humanoid robot with two dots for eyes and a straight, flat line for a mouth was brooming the floors and taking inventory at the same time.

A fat caretaker was sitting behind the counter, reading a book and leaning against his arm. When Biddy appeared in sight, he nearly fell over but managed to save himself by clutching for dear life on the counter. He took several quick gasps before the panic started to subside. "Biddydee?! What's going on? Rahllup's the one what usually stops by for orderin'."

"Well, she's currently indisposed at the moment." Biddy averted her gaze and twiddled with her fingers. "Kinda lost her arms."

The male stared at her silently then started slamming the counter in laughter. "What in blazes took her arms off?!"

"I did!" Galah shouted in shared laughter.

The caretaker wiped his tear-filled eyes and stared at the prototype before him. "Another?" He leaned over the counter. "And what do you mean you did?"

Biddy pushed him back, or at least attempted to. She found him shockingly heavy when he wanted to be. "His body is weird. Rahllup thinks he's like a military-grade machine."

A snort and slow nod were the colorful responses given. "Kinda does look real he--Woah!" He bounced away when he noticed the two sisters looking at the colorful bags of produce together and throwing them around. "Why are there machines of the blue here?! I thought they were restricted to the air strips."

"You know they're from the blue but not me?!" Galah spoke in disgust. Insulted, he turned away. "Just because they look fancy and they hover and aren't filled with holes and they glow."

The clerk pointed to the prototype silently and looked at Biddy with bulging eyes. "He's a prototype," she grumbled. "Can I make my order before we start this whole discussion?"

It took a moment, but the clerk shrugged. "What do you need, then? I'd rather not be confused for someone of the blue."

"But you are not blue," Luna said as she floated over.

The man spoke to her passive-aggressively without moving his body. "I can figure that out."

"You're much larger than those of the blue," she continued.

The clerk looked down and grabbed his large, protruding belly. "I'm not that l--"

"And you are black entirely," she added.

Confused, the clerk looked at himself. "What? Entirely? But I'm not wearing any black and--"

Biddy angrily slammed her fist onto the counter, denting the metal surface. "My order!"

"Okay okay!" the male shouted in fear.

"We need two full tanks. Harvest season is coming around and Rahllup went and wasted more fuel chasing out what they call pests," she slurred in mockery.

Twilight raised a hoof. "Uhhhh, seems like a more aggressive version of Fluttershy now."

Author's Note:

Yes. That's brand new cover art. All the info can be found in the story's description.