• Published 18th Sep 2020
  • 1,948 Views, 292 Comments

Magic's Birth: The Sisters' Memories - The Psychopath

Luna and Celestia tell Twilight of the time when their makers were still around, when they were awoken, and potentially discover what the Blue energy that birthed the magic that gave life to the world was.

  • ...

The Before

"What happened?" Rahllup shouted nervously. Her systems were haywire, but she was gradually rebooting and restarting every single one of them. Rubble rolled off her body when she raised herself up. "Where is everyone?"

Looking around, the giant realized that she had been launched quite a ways away from the dome. It was hard to even see said building, or anything of it that was still intact. It looked like something had taken a bite out of it and the rest of the area. The loose bit of damaged roof dangling precariously eventually collapsed, throwing up dust. Rahllup couldn't see it well because of the other damaged buildings in the way.

Biddydee and Galah punched their way out of multiple piles of broken glass panes, wiping the shards off of their hulls.

"You're still active!" Biddy cheered as she scooped the flame-faced giant off and hugged her.

Multiple 'tack' noises resonated all throughout the city. They were hardly alone, being accompanied by screaming, sirens, and loud thumping.

"Where are the sisters?" Galah asked. He started looking around in a panic. "Where did they go?"

The prototype started digging around into rubble while the two machines of the black surveyed their environment. They could see the circles floating above releasing the same massive amount of blue energy onto the world. Dozens of orange lines were flying just beneath the clouds, their forms insignificant in comparison to whatever owned those blue things.

"Galah...Galah!" Biddydee shouted. "If they were around here they would have removed themselves already," she said as she held the prototype in place. "No. They were sent elsewhere. We'll have to join up with them elsewhere." The machine paused. "The engineer's junkyard would be a good place to go."

"Provided it's still there," Rahllup said bleakly. "Where's the other two, then? I can't see the stowaway or the artist."

The charred machine had only flown a few feet rather than multiple kilometers from the impact site. It was damaged but still mobile, although there was a hitch in its left leg now, not that that was important. It had functioned with far worse. It looked around at the results and watched a gigantic cube-machine walking down one of the streets. It didn't know why it was there. It didn't know what it was doing there. The stowaway had no idea what the goal was, and honestly, it didn't care. The two floating things said they would stay by its side the whole way. The flash chased them away. Itself would have to navigate on its own, but could it? Its systems sparked and squealed as it moved forward down the pile of white rocks and onto the new clearing. The ground was still hot with orange patches of varying size scattered here and there. As it looked around for any traces of the sisters, a flash drowned its optics. The cubic thing had been hit by something and was stumbling backwards, the whole right side of its body burning a bright, phosphorous white. It fired a retaliatory shot down the street, demolishing even more of the city. The smaller buildings erupted like bubbles, coating everything around them in debris and shards.

Partially buried machines glitched as they tried to resume their tasks but couldn't free themselves. The charred machine had already spent a lot of time digging through the remains before coming to its current conclusion. It would look around for the group and get them to aid it in finding the floating things. It continued through the crater, vaulting over more destroyed robots and melted foundations. Oh, this machine was leaking red. A strange oil, that. No yellow squishy things like its family had. Definitely a machine. Now, where had the other two gone?

It banged its head with the base of its fists. If they flew far there would be a trace of that stuff left behind when they floated, but now it was all over the place! Where could they have gone? They wouldn't leave it behind. They promised! Of course! They would find it as long as it kept itself visible. It avoided the street with the giant machine fighting an invisible opponent and tried retracing its steps to the colorful place with the comfortable dark hole filled with the tiny family. The blue one already knew that it would be there, so they would find it down there eventually. Another flash.

A white pillar came from the sky, drilling through the clouds and impacting the city. The land shook like it was splitting apart, and windows shattered, accompanied by more screaming in the air. A plethora of vehicles were flying overhead, fleeing from the strike. One of them was cut apart and spun downwards, bleeding a beautiful, glowing trail of blue light before impacting one of the taller buildings around its thirtieth floor. That was a nice scene, whatever it was, but the stowaway had to find safety. Its optics jittered. This seemed all familiar somehow. It quickly ran through the streets, keeping to its new plan of hiding in the tunnel rather than staying out in the open. It caught sight of several PABs destroyed with their parts strewn about the streets. Observing closely, the stowaway quickly entered a nearby building and hid behind damaged furniture.

Several makers wearing strange, bulky clothing and carrying sticks were slowly walking about, cautiously watching anything around them. They stopped where the PABs were located and placed their equipment down. What were they doing? They seemed to be taking their big bags and building a bunch of stuff with them. Oooo, big shiny poles of metal with tinier poles on them. The stowaway shook its head. Black energy containers were being attached to everything. They all crouched and looked around nervously. The buildings shook again after another tremor, and one collapsed in on itself. Some of the makers laughed, but it didn't last. Several CAS had emerged from the corner of the street and froze in place after noticing the makers.

Explosive things and flashes went towards the armored robots who bolted to the place the makers stood. A 'position', was it? The machines ignored what was thrown at them and tackled the makers who started to panic. Since when were makers made of two halves? Oh, their heads come off. That was neat! Could they be put back on? Lots of red oil though. Dirty messy, but good for hiding during sunset. The colorful place was still a trek from where the stowaway was, so it was time for the stowaway to use their skills. It slid out of a broken window and merged into the fight. Moving with the actors, rather than against them. Not processing anything but directions. It laid back-to-back with a maker and rolled and twisted with them.

Low on energy, the machine grabbed the maker's wrist then moved on, rendering them pale and causing them to collapse. It dove between one of the CAS' legs, moved back with one of the makers while staying hidden against their back, and repeated these acts of 'merging' with them until it was free to run through a small patch of burning plant life. The stowaway had gotten through, but it seemed that the makers had lost. Well, better luck next time, it supposed. A bit of fixing and they'd be ready for another round, but that would have to wait.

The stowaway was distracted by multiple bright flashes coming from above. They were bright enough to pierce through the clouds, and they seemed to be coming from one of the blue circles which fizzled in its brightness during the event. Very bright and pretty, but not the floating things. If it kept on its path, the charred machine would reach that comfortable place underground again. Many more buildings had collapsed in this section of the city, and a garden had caught fire. Its dying cries rose to he sky in thick plumes of black smoke as though it were calling for help, but none would come. The charred machine slowed down briefly when it spotted several flying vehicles spread along the road and building floors in pieces, blue wisps wafting off of the remains. Several makers were lying on the floor. Why were they doing that? Some seemed to have overextended their torque and twisted around. That was a shame, but it wasn't something that couldn't be replaced, perhaps. Others had lost their parts. The metal didn't seem too mangled, so at least those could be reattached. The ones with funny spotted clothing were there too, and so were several tracked vehicles. The heads were dented in, making the barrels point upwards. Hm. What were they for?

Images of the field of white mushrooms flashed before the optics of the observer, startling it briefly. It erased the occurrence from its event log and carried on. All it needed was to focus on the tunnel, then wait. The two would either be there or find it, then they could explore to their hearts' content. The machine wanted to bring a bunch of things back to its family at home. The ones with the squishy yellow insides and not the gross, reddish oil. Much of the city was the same, but there were groups of the blue things running about through the streets while others who were spotted and striped and holding big sticks were corralling the rest. Another white flash followed by a tremor. Another beam from the blue circles. The stowaway saw the event occur multiple times in quick succession in the far distance where the bad blue was. Unimportant.

The stowaway slipped past the group using some of the tracked vehicles nearby and continued on. There was more of the same including blue spotted makers set up along the way either in the streets or in buildings. Several more of their vehicles with long noses were nearby. They'd sneeze out sparkling orbs that would break apart in the air then start flying around the buildings. Assisting CAS and PABs had almost spotted the stowaway multiple times, but were always distracted by some plan of the charred machine. Everything being fragile was enough to cause minor bouts of assisted destruction that allowed them to slip by unseen.

Finally, itself was in the colorful district from before. This area hadn't been affected yet, but it had been abandoned. Doors were left swinging open and lights flickered through the windows. The toy store was still in the same rough shape left by the giant ones. No matter. Was it over this hill or that one? Maybe this one? Ah! There it is, the path with a steep incline with no green things. Being back in this darkness was nice.

The charred machine continued downwards, deeper and deeper beyond where it had gone initially, ignoring the sounds of a screaming world behind it. This spot! It would be perfect. There were a bunch of the funny bubbles and blue mist, so the floating things would be able to find their way to itself. It sat down, producing a wet splotch. It leaned against a weak wall of very old bricks that had been gnawed through by roots and water. The machine cozied itself up, eagerly awaiting the return of the floating things. They'd arrive soon.

Tremors rocked the tunnel, throwing down loose dirt and popping several of the bubbles.

Soon they'd be back and the three would go exploring this new place.

Several of the insects started burrowing out of the walls as the hours flew by and crawled all over the charred machine who welcomed them with open arms.

They'll arrive any moment now. They're the first like itself that it met, and they didn't attack it nor its family. They protected itself from those giants and even tamed them.

The tremors became closer and closer, and the charred machine could hear some of the tunnels collapsing little by little.

Soon, they'll be here.

The insects scampered about in a panic, revealing a plethora of them hiding in the walls as a humongous shock wave vibrated the whole of the land, causing the walls to cave in, the bubbles to burst, coating the robot in the blue fluids with the strange creatures within them.

Soon, they'll emerge. The shaking wasn't important.

A bright, pink light came from deep at the end of the tunnel, taking a great amount of rubble with it. It had stopped just a few feet from where the charred machine was sitting patiently. Only a bit of it oozed through the cracks of the now collapsed entrance of the tunnel, mixing with the blue mist just a few inches above the floor.

Soon they'll dig through the dirt

The charred machine looked down, realizing the insect it thought it was holding had multiplied and turned into husks. It probably molted multiple times, scared of the continuous tremors. That was okay. The stowaway wiped off the husks and pulled off some of the plants that had fallen onto it. They were pretty tenacious, though. They had already extended their roots into the walls and ground around.

Soon they'll be here.

One of the plants was particularly stubborn, so the stowaway pulled on it really hard. So many plants falling on them a lot in such a short time, but it seemed like the shaking had ended. The stubborn plant had very long, hairy roots, and took the wall behind the stowaway with it. A large amount of green ooze emerged from the new hole like a volcanic plug erupting. The substance splattered all over the area and engulfed the charred machine.

They'll be here and-and-and cle-cl-ncl They'll be here and clean this-s-s-ss

Suddenly, the ooze had already hardened, but more flowed out. So, the stowaway broke them off of itself and continued to wait, staring at the collapsed wall from which the pink air flowed in. The ooze seeped into the holes of the machine's body, chewing away at the new metal that the engineer had installed.

Th-th-they'll be h-be here soon.

So many plants all over the place, but at least the bugs were still here. The machine really wanted to see its family again. It'd rather be with the gargantuan beasts than these tiny things.

They'll be-be-be here soon.

They'll be here soon.

Th-thh-he-yh-th ll be here soonnnnnoon.

Theeeeeey'll...be here...soon...

The friendsssss will be...here soon...


Biddy and Rahllup watched in shock as Galah tore through the caretakers, using some as shields for protection and bludgeoning others with their own comrades. He had even managed to get their vehicle to explode by punching through its side and damaging the engine. Angry plumes of black energy crackled from its ruined husk as the caretakers fled from the scene. He had even taken out several nearby CAS and PABs using the weaponry he stole from the caretakers. The prototype crumbled the one he held in his hand then threw it aside.

"And that's that," he said casually while legging over a few broken machines.

The giants stared at him in silence. "So ah was right! Y'are a military robot!" Rahllup exclaimed accusingly.

Galah shrugged. "I suppose I am."

He looked back to the path that they had left behind, to the makers strewn about the ground alongside their faithful machine companions. How he started to panic and Rahllup pulled him away. 'They're gone, Galah. You cannot help them' Biddy had shouted while Rahllup pulled him away.

"Next time, you let us help," Rahllup chastised.

The prototype was pulled out of its thoughts, unable to conclude them. "We'll see," he said. Another tremor rocked the land. "We need to get out of here. We need to either find a location underground or a place far away from here." He looked up at the circles and growled. "Whatever those things are, they seem to be firing sparingly. I'm assuming they're targeting those big squares from the black," he said.

"Uh, speakin' of big squares," Rahllup stuttered.

The group turned to see that one of the deployed cubic machines was staring right at them several dozens of meters away. An angry storm of black was coming from its body when a red light came from it and coated the three machines.

"Time to run!" Biddy shouted.

The three quickly followed her advice and bolted around a corner into an alleyway, bumping into fleeing makers that were caught in the blast of whatever that thing produced. The three machines looked back to see if there was anyone left they could pull to safety, but all that remained was a charred, blackened landscape, as though all things organics were incinerated away.

Perturbed, the three watched as something angular and silvery-blue invaded their sights. Its full form was hidden by the buildings, so only a tall sliver of it could be seen. From its side glowed a white light that grew in intensity until it shot off the object's body and impacted the cubic monstrosity from the black. It was met in kind by a shot that tore off the top of its body and sent it careening into the skyscrapers nearby.

"Go go go!" Galah ordered.

The group continued rushing about, doing their best to avoid conflict. Galah's inherent knowledge of military practices was helpful, but it didn't elucidate why he knew all of that information. His only response was a shrug.

"A little help?" someone cried out.The voice came from above, where a certain flamboyant actor was dangling. "I was trying to join up with you but, when I wanted to make a dramatic entrance, I got snagged on this bit of armored stone. I'm dangling precariously above the ground by my legs and would appreciate any assistance."

Without taking her eyes off of him, Rahllup moved to the piece of wall that had broken off the main building and collapsed into its neighbor, and bashed her elbow into it. The wall crumbled and the metal skeleton dropped Dissonance. They were falling down screaming while Rahllup just watched with belated amusement. Said amusement was ruined by Biddy and Galah both catching the actor in the air after a well-timed jump.

"Coulda let it fall, ya know," Rahllup complained.

"I adore being adored by my audience," Dissonance stated sarcastically whilst sliding off the joined arms of the two saviors. "At least these two still value me." The comment was left without a rebuttal as the two weren't interested in arguing. "So, I noticed that the two sisters and that stowaway aren't here," they noticed. Rahllup and Biddydee explained the situation, leaving the actor with a grim expression on their 'teeth'. "I don't like that," they said.

"So now we're just trying to survive and find where they've likely gone," Biddydee explained.

"Figured the black thing would be with them since it was really attached to them for no logical reason," Rahllup complained.

"The engineer would be some time away," Galah said. "We'll need to be really careful on our way. We don't know if the CAS think we're enemies yet or not." He looked to the two giants and readjusted his arm. "Those two should be able to handle any PABs, though." An eye flickered. "How did you survive, anyways? Where were you?"

Dissonance moved their arm horizontally through the air. "I was flown out into a nearby building with its supports looking like melted cheese." They tapped their scarf. "Thanks to this, I was mostly cushioned against the impacts, but I still needed to reboot. Then I saw you and followed you."

"That's...a very fast recap."

"No time for tales, sadly," Dissonance regretted. They looked to the side and flinched when they saw flying vehicles slow down and drop caretakers from its sides behind a building along with large, wrapped up boxes from its rear. "Hey, haven't you been wondering why those of the black are here and why they attacked you?"

Rahllup grabbed the actor by the arm and started running, leaving them to fly in the air like a kite. "Wonder later, survive now. That's what Pa always said!"

The most direct paths to the engineer had been cut off from rubble, leaving the group to choose a random direction to reach their destination. They went left. Another tremor nearly threw them down, but they continued on, ignoring the event as best they could.

"Crap!" Galah exclaimed.

"Newly registered machines of the black present. Timing, suspicious. Apprehend," the robot said.

The group had been cornered by several CAS that slid on the ground from around the corner.

"We can't fight them," Rahllup whispered angrily. "I almost got scrapped."

"M-maybe something convenient will occur and let us escape unharmed?" Dissonance said in a panic. They looked around, hoping, then dropped their arms in disappointment. "Ugh. Of course not. Had to say it. Fine!"

" 'Fine'?" Rahllup repeated.

The artist moved towards the incoming CAS and started dancing in place, using their scarf as an added tool of the craft and to create flowing movements. The machines were unimpressed or simply didn't have the programming to register the act until Dissonance whipped their scarf at them and, with a loud whip crack, reproduced facsimiles of all four of them that ran off to the left. the CAS quickly chased after them.

"Ha ha, idiots," Dissonance mocked.

They wrapped the scarf back around their head and returned to their companions with a 'smile' on their teeth.

"What was that?" Galah asked with a raised finger.

The artist stood proudly before the three machines. "Part of the tricks I can do with the blue energy," Dissonance explained.


Rahllup slapped the two behind their heads. "Yeah yeah, was sparkly, now let's get going!"

Her yelling didn't help that a blue flying craft going towards the one that they had seen drop off the caretakers earlier flew overhead then stopped to hover around them while others continued their way.

"Time to get running," Biddydee whispered. "No allies, only enemies!"

They were chased by rockets burrowing themselves into the ground before detonating and throwing the ground everywhere in a wide arc. It continued like that until Galah snatched a piece of metal twisted off a destroyed vehicle that crashed in the alleyway and passed it to Biddydee who lobbed it at the aggressor. The metal lodged itself in the underside, stalling it just long enough for the group to get away, just in-time to reach another battle zone where those of the blue were fighting against those of the black. Those of the black had a fortified position whilst the blue had to hide behind damaged and overturned vehicles, and debris. The CAS were trying to push forward but were mostly unsuccessful thanks to the heavier equipment bearing down on them.

"Unit of the gray!" one of the machines shouted. "Unit of the gray! Forbidden energy source. Illegal model!"

The makers on both sides stopped shooting and looked to the source of the CAS' ire. Those of the black realized that they were pointing to one of the machines in the small group when one of them shouted.

"Protect the unit of the gray! It's our future that they stole from us!" they fired more intensely onto the position of the blue. "Spare no weaponry! We need to recover it and bring it back home!"

Rahllup's systems didn't have time to read and register the events unfolding before her. Only a still image remained frozen in her optics: Biddydee being accosted by the CAS and flashes of light and explosions filled the area behind them.

"Biddy!" the flame-faced giant shouted.

Sirens were blaring and the only visible light was a terrified red. Makers and machines were bolting left and right in the facility as the walls crumbled around them.

"I need to fix this, or else we're all doomed," a maker shouted. She worked frantically on a machine, watching the many displays pull up warning sign after warning sign. Her colleagues next to her were hard at work trying to rectify the problems as well. "We were so close. It was going to be ready in a month!" she growled under her breath.

Another tremor caused piping in the walls above her and her colleagues to burst, releasing the fluid contents. While the others fled, the female remained and rushed towards the panel directly connected to the containment of the pink energy. The cylindrical tower meant to house the future equipment to drain the pink energy's production was crumbling all around, but another thing had caught the female's eye, causing her to freeze in place.

"The...blue energy seeped into the chamber?" She started tapping furiously on the console. "I should be able to vent it from here then get the drones to seal the cracks and neutralize the p--" A tremor shook through the facility, more violent than the rest. "Those idiots! They're shooting too close to the generator! Are they trying to--"

Rahllup was dragging Biddydee behind her while Galah kept a CAS head clenched in his fist. Dissonance, on the other hand, was having trouble staying active.

"Alright, let's rest here a moment on this dirt pile and check our damages," Galah ordered.

Rahllup carefully lowered Biddydee against the collapsed wall partially buried in the dirt and debris and readjusted her position.

"It's okay,' the flame-faced giant said. "I'll bring you to that engineer or back to Pa, 'n you'll be fixed right up. No need to worry," she said.

Biddy's voice came out as noise before turning into a weak sound. "I figured, but I don't know if you'll even be able to get me back home, let alone us." She placed a hand on Rahllup's multi-colored arm. "I can rest easy, at least." She chuckled. "Who knew that everyone was obsessed with me and those of the black would finally care about us just because I'm of the gray!"

"Figures that something stupid would get them to care about u-" Rahllup caught herself. "Well, to care about you, really." She knelt down. "It's okay now. Deactivate and I'll carry you home when all of this blows over."

Biddy obliged and did just that. She hadn't deactivated in decades, but Rahllup just couldn't bring herself to watch her friend bleed out of their energy. Biddydee likely knew of the dangerous damage she had received from the exchange and them escaping just narrowly thanks to the reinforcements of the black. Ironic, Rahllup thought.

"I think...I'll deactivate too," Dissonance said as they slumped to the ground into a heap. "My energy is running very low. I was never made for...all of this." The actor pulled their scarf over their head and rolled it into a ball to rest their head. "I'm much lighter so I should be easier to carry." They looked up at Rahllup and Galah looking down at them. "I can't wait...to share everything we've seen here...at home. I'll be the greatest actor...they've ever seen. And with the best fashion sense!" they laughed.

The laughter gradually died down then went silent. Dissonance had run out of power. A better situation than Biddybee, perhaps. Rahllup dropped down with a loud and sudden thump, staring at the bright lights coming from the devastated city. Galah remained standing, surveying the landscape.

"We can't go by the sea. The multi-port is either claimed or ruined. We can't go by land elsewhere." Galah hummed. "I'm stuck."

"Then wait. That's all we can do," Rahllup sighed. "Ya know, ah didn't think ya would be capable of anything except bein' distracted and walking through walls."

"I can do much more than that. Seems my underlying software remains dormant while nothing like this is occurring." He scoffed. "I'd spit if I had the glands. Annoying." Galah looked at his limbs and the rest of himself. "I wonder if they upgraded the CAS based on tests with me." He shook his head. "A deus ex machina that went nowhere. Pfff. What kind of story telling is that?"

A tall, cylindrical tower in the distance that rose as high as the skypiercers began to crack when another beam hit the ground near it. Pink lightning erupted from it and snaked through the clouds almost instantly, taking on the appearance of frozen lightning or roots.

"Ya know," Rahllup started as she looked at the scenery. "Ah'm gonna survive all of this, 'n then ah'll get back to mah family's farm. Maybe Pa'll be able ta fix ya too," she said.

"Not if I make it first," Galah challenged.

The tower burst apart, its pieces floating in the air, attached to each other by thin, waving strands of pink energy. The land shook more violently, and the buildings around the tower disintegrated into multiple crystalline shards showering down on all below.

"Ya know, that kinda looks like cotton candy," Galah said pensively. "I bet Luna would love to touch that."

A bright pink light started mixing in with the surroundings and rapidly expanded outwards.

Rahllup's flames dimmed to almost nonexistence, then she slowly turned her head and looked up at the prototype. "Your last words are about the clouds looking like cotton candy?" She shook her head in disapproval. "You stupid fu-"

"Here, princesses," Twilight announced impatiently.

She had brought in a small cart to their throne room, asking for a simultaneous audience with the both of them. Still unused to her position as princess, she nervously gestured the guards to leave, something the sisters allowed for some reason.

"What is so urgent that you wanted to speak with both of us at the same time?" Luna asked. She yawned heavily and wiped her eye with a hoof. "I am meant to be sleeping at this hour, Twilight Sparkle," she said.

"I am also curious as to why you had our guards leave," Celestia said. "Is it because of that little cart you brought us?" She leaned forward in her throne and rubbed her chin. "I imagine it has something to do with that cart you brought in. Awful tall thing you're hiding behind that dark cloth."

They stepped down from their thrones, taking the few steps from the podium to join up with Twilight on the black marble floor. The mare was bouncing up and down happily.

"She reminds me of the pink one," Luna whispered to her sister.

"So, I asked Rarity if she could help me make this carving, she's the fashionista at our town of Ponyville, and she said no, but--"

Celestia put a hoof on Twilight's mouth. "Don't do that thing where a pony has too many details in the story and then it drags on and on, my faithful student. Focus." She gave Twilight a downwards glance, implying for her to be more serious.

Twilight obliged. "Sorry. So, long story very, very short Rarity helped me find somepony skilled in wood sculpting to make this gift for you. A legend in it, actually. Rainbow Dash brought it back to me once it was finished, and then I enchanted it." She covered the dark-blue drape in her magic. "See, I realized that no pony ever really celebrated your actual birthdays, so I went ahead and did this!" she shouted when she tugged the cloth off.

Celestia and Luna were taken aback. It felt like the air had just left their lungs. For a moment they forgot they were in organic bodies and didn't breathe. They were lookingg at a painted sculpting of the skypiercer Luna had seen so long ago. An image that she only ever saw through her data storage when she reminisced.

The lavender alicorn got up on her hind legs and pointed to a curved, semi-transparent block behind the moving sculpture. "See the dots here?" Twilight announced. "They're in a black resin block. Using a magic spell for simple movement in inanimate objects, you can make it look like the night sky!" she exclaimed cheerfully. She reached underneath the tray and grabbed a large amount of cotton painted night blue. "You can put this on top of it too. It also has little dots on it so you could place it somewhere high and it'll look like a cloudy night sky."

Twilight looked at the princesses with a giant, hopeful smile as she tapped the cotton on the tray, but the smile gradually faded into a saddened furrow as the melancholic stares of the princesses slowly consumed her.

"I-is something wrong?" Twilight asked. She started to sputter her words. "I-I-I thought that-that-that if I made something a-a-about the past, that y-you might like-Did I do something wrong? Did you not want to see it? I can take it back home with me to Ponyville s--"

She was caught off by the two princesses strangling her in a deep, very tight embrace. Twilight was startled at first but gradually calmed down.

"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle, for bringing a piece of our old world to the new," Celestia weeped.

"What started with the tower ends with the tower," Luna chuckled between her tears. "Dissonance would have found that a fitting phrase for one of their pieces."

Author's Note:

This is officially the longest story I've ever written, and as you can see, I've written many. It's longer than the book I wanted to get published which is 83k words long. Good grief.

Oh, what a run. An idea that started out rather awful gets written because I was bored and becomes the second story of mine to reach first place in the featured box. I wrote this for so long that I genuinely feel a pain in my heart to end it. I hate it when things end, but I hope that you all managed to enjoy this story.

11k words in two days.

My hand hurts.

Comments ( 34 )

Indeed it is. And it was good. It was a really good end. Thank you.

I noticed how the pink was pretty key there and the grey was too. Probably part of what sparked the events leading to the end. And the blue was actually magical the entire time, apparently. Kept that one mostly up your sleeve huh? Except not quite. Lots of hints and half-revealed answers. And, of course, the oft-discussed similarities of the sisters' friends to other characters go mostly unexplained. I wouldn't expect less at this point from ya.

It was wild, confusing, and only gave me a piece of a world I wanted to learn of. But dang, was it worth it in the end.

Thank you, Psycho. It was excellent. Now, go rest those typing hands of yours lol.

So many unanswered questions irks me greatly, but interesting world building... I can't say great though, but as it's from the perspective of two newly awoken AIs, it's definitely appropriate.

Thanks for the story I hope this gets a sequel in the future

If you went to my patreon through the links, you'll see that there were two sequels as choices.


I know there would be unanswered things, but it was still necessary to do since it was indeed from the perspective of the awoken AIs. It was a sacrifice to make a character-driven story (and something of a new perspective with writing for me) with some information tidbits sprinkled about here and there. Was also kind of difficult to have the characters express themselves without any facial features. A nice little challenge.


Actually, now that the story is over, I can answer some of your questions regarding the universe.

Honestly, now that it's over, I don't want to know the answers. Let me wonder. And hey, if you do make a sequel, you'll have mysteries to dangle in front of us.

The half-answered questions style of writing did work really well for the characters you were writing too.

There's meant to be two sequel stories (for the time being): The one with Bug Person and the one with Chaos 2, both which were available during the voting.

Right now it's the Nightmare Moon story (going to use it to continue experimenting with the turn-of-age where gunpowder was introduced, among other things).

There are many different gradations of AU stories that I have read. Some change only one slight occurrence and base the story around that whilst keeping most of the world fairly intact. Others still change everything drastically but there is still a lingering thread of that familiarity from the show and the characters. This story, on the other hand, flips the script entirely and really touches on what it truly means to be considered AU. It is so far removed from MLP, based on nothing that the show itself could have even hinted about, yet it has its connection to the MLP universe (as seen in the Princesses' interactions with Twilight and the second to last chapter). It redefines pretty much everything we learned about Ponyville and Equestria and reshapes it in the picture of a world full of robots and weird, but creative, creatures. It's a world that is so much bigger than any one character in the story.

One of the most intriguing parts of this story at large is just how important the events in the background are to the main plot. As we follow our group of robotic misfits, whose only purpose seems to be to find others like them, larger events take place in the background. These events are at first minuscule and possibly nothing more than just passing bits of lore that might catch the wandering eye. However, as the story reaches its crescendo, these events inevitably bleed into the foreground. It starts off with reports of pink energy that crystallizes people, strange machinery in the blue and black that the characters know feel 'off', and it builds off from there. The first signs of trouble and the events that showed the reader how much the background had bled in is when we see Biddydee's and Rahllup's town in flames. At that point, it becomes obvious how destructive the background had become and that everything will change from then on. And this is only emphasized that much more in the final confrontation where the background/lore fluff becomes so pervasive that it inevitably changes the lives of the main group completely shattering the almost happy reunion with Luna's previous owners. By the end it is simply impossible to divorce the two which can lead some to reread the story itself, hunting for more clues and hints to the larger story.

The open-ended nature of the story itself is nothing shy of brilliant from where I stand. It provides a lot of detail in its description, amazingly vivid in its execution, but never overbearing, but it also leaves a lot of blank spaces open allowing the reader to interpret the world as they see fit. There is so much power behind the words left unsaid in this story that it simply makes the mind wander to all sorts of conclusions, some less pleasant than others.

There are also a lot of events occurring throughout the story that one could interpret as something more (the toxic environment of the black could be seen as reminiscent of the industrial revolution and the usage of powerful, but very unclean energy, which caused the environment to shift whereas the futuristic complexes of the blue energy could be seen as a comment on cleaner sources of nuclear energy while the constant expansion in the name of 'progress could be seen as a comment on the modernization process that risks the environment in the name of humanity). Whether or not these themes are truly present is irrelevant as the open-ended nature of the story allows many many more conclusions to be made.

I do find that the author uses quite a fair bit of dramatic irony throughout the work, some of it perhaps even hinted at by Dissonance. Notable examples could be seen in Galah's and Rahlupp's relationship (to see the two who rarely got along and were always at each other throats be the last two still aware as the world around them crumbles) and especially ironic was this usage of energy. The comments made by the group and the ship captain when they noticed the corrosive sludge of energy left behind by previous makers is especially ironic when juxtaposed against the new pink energy source that is just as volatile or against the final scene of the war between black and blue). It is incredibly fascinating how the author implemented this into the story and it's something you don't often if ever, see in fanfictions.

The characters themselves were also marvelously done. Luna's progression towards full autonomy was endlessly fascinating to follow and seeing the world through her eyes, living through these same experiences that she was showing Twilight, and taking in this bizarre new world at the same time as she was taking it in was incredibly well done. It worked amazingly to introduce the new setting without making it feel as if I am retreading the ground that others already paved. The old cast of Twilight and Celestia was also excellently done while the new characters brought their own flavor of intrigue, fun, and charisma. They all carried traces of other characters we are already familiar with but they were also still very much their own characters. From the flamboyant and expressive Dissonance to the both headed Rahllup and her faulty, but tough, rival Gallah and her caring, but also fascinatingly constructed 'sister' Biddybee and even the charred machine that clung to Celestia and Lun (I assume it was Chrysalis considering the constant references. I also found its perspective in the final chapter to be extremely well done and particularly sad considering how child-like its view of the world truly was. They were all wonderfully done and even the background characters were amazingly done such as the grumpy mechanic and his colossus, Pa and his family of giant makers, and the tired, but helpful ship captain. They all built the story up so much and it made it that much harder to get through the ending.

In the end, this was an amazing and truly unique journey. I found myself thoroughly engaged with each new chapter and with each new part I wanted to learn more and to see more of this world that the author has given us. I doubt there will ever be another story quite like this one on this site and it's truly something I highly urge anyone to read that comes across. Amazing in execution, brilliant in its characterization and storytelling, and truly inspiring in its allegorical nature. What else to say other than fantastic job.

Didn't the chapters used to be shorter?

What do you mean? The last three? No.

I finally got round to finishing this.
It's a great story... but those intentionally painfully loose ends.. oof

So many questions :raritydespair:

Like? Maybe some I can answer now.

I feel, getting them answered, would ruin the exp right now. And well and potential squeal
But thank you

I really want to see more of this! Maybe even see how Celestia and Luna were doing during they're interaction in Equistrias early history

That *was* a thought I had. Even had a thought of doing an 'interperiod' to show the world after the incident, but I think That's best left to the imagination of the reader. If I do as you think, then that would just be a short story.

Fair enough, i just love the idea of the story you made. I even love your other stories!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Thanks a lot! I love seeing people enjoy my works.

No problem! I even enjoyed Left Behind stories. Really nice work! I always been wondering what it'll like if Luna/NM ended in modern Equistria

I also love the concept of Modern Equistria which i can imagine what that be like

It took awhile but I finally finished reading this.

Hurray! What'd you think of it?

Bueno mi profesor de la universidad (de la materia administración de proyectos) sigue sacando el tema sobre como el proyecto del tren maya fue mal planeado, así que definitivamente soy de México eso es seguro jajaja

so, while they think everybody is lot
.. they've been interacting repeatedly with some of their "old" friends even in Equestria.
We certainly have Discord & Queen Chrysalis

The blue doesn't exactly produce waste in the classic sense, so they don't notice it. That's why those from the blue think they're not producing any waste (which isn't true as I hinted to it with the strange creatures that were near the spaceport and the size of the city) while those of the black think they produce a lot of waste (Which is true. It's just that they notice it more since it has a more pronounced effect on the environment and the creatures within it).

It wasn't. It's here that it was revealed.

Well that was fun. Stowaway is our spirit robot in this fic!

How'd you like the ending of the Blue and the Black?

It's fair. Many many loose ends that naturally can't be tied up, but sometimes that's just how life is.

There's a huge review comment on this story somewhere beneath your flood of comments.


beneath your flood of comments.

Haha yeah sometimes we end up having that happen... 😅

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