• Published 13th Oct 2020
  • 8,621 Views, 178 Comments

The End Rewritten - Frozen Feathers

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Sunset's hooves clipped lightly across the stone floor. The narrow walls mirrored the sounds back at her, tormenting her with echoes that bounced and distorted until they sounded like voices to her crazed ears.

'Secret stealer!'

'How could you?'

'Get out of here, now!'

'You're not our friend!'

Her tufted ears laid flat against her skull in an effort to block out those words. Why did they cause her so much pain? Who was saying them to her? She didn't remember. She didn't remember much aside from this small cell she'd been thrown into. She paused in her pacing and her ears flicked up as the hoof steps kept sounding. She turned to the thick iron door and waited patiently as the sound of keys reached her. The door swung open and a guard stood before her. His voice boomed from a shadowed face, making her flinch at the sudden volume. Slowly, she sunk to the floor as the words hit her like a stone.

'By the holy order of her Royal Highness Princess Celestia, you are set to be executed at dawn. You will be hung by the neck until dead for charges of treason. This is as her Highness wills.'


Sunset sat bolt up right in bed, cold sweat rolling down her back and only adding to the shivers. Where was she? She didn't recognize her surroundings. Terrified, she leapt from the bed and froze as the crystal floor sent shocks of cold up her legs. The sensation helped ground her and she took a deep breath, forcing her brain to slow down. She was fine. She was safe. She was in Twilight's castle. She was... she was home.

Sunset released the breath and relaxed her muscles, stretching deeply. A peek out her window revealed the full moon shining high in the sky. Sunset gasped momentarily before remembering the lessons Twilight had given her while she had eaten. Equestria was a diarchy now, as Princess Luna had been returned. No more Mare in the Moon. Shaking the fear off like water, Sunset trotted to the door and stared at the handle.

She took another deep breath and forced energy into her horn. A light shimmer surrounded the door handle and it wiggled slightly, but that was as far as she could get. Sunset cut the magic with a sigh. Her magic was getting better, but progress was slow. Instead, she pulled the handle down with a hoof and walked into the dark hallway beyond.

The castle was silent around her, and the weak light Sunset was able to summon was refracted back at her from the crystal walls and floor. Trying to make as little noise as possible, Sunset followed Twilights directions to a well spaced kitchen. Rearing up and nuzzling open a cabinet, she carefully grabbed a glass with her hooves. Turning to locate the sink, Sunset was almost there when a shriek tore through the otherwise peaceful night. Jumping harshly, Sunset whipped towards the sound while the glass fell from her hooves and shattered. Not paying it any mind Sunset rushed towards the door leading outside. She magically gripped the door handle and twisted it, tearing the door open as she ran through. Standing outside, she looked around frantically trying to locate the noise. No matter how hard she listened, no sounds reached her ears. Her breathing calmed as she glanced around. Finally, her eyes spotted a flash of pink in the world of greens and blues. As far as she remembered, bushes didn't have tails in Equestria.

Walking silently towards the bush with her head down, she was finally able to pick up the sound of familiar whimpers. Settling down in the grass next to the quivering bush, she leaned her head closer.

"Hey..." she asked gently. The quivering stopped immediately. "A-are you okay? I heard a scream an- oh!" Half way through her sentence a butter colored muzzle poked out from the bush. Turquoise eyes stared into her own, wide and frightened.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be so loud. I was going for an evening walk and stopped to watch a Giant Woods moth flutter by when a shadow came running at me! I assumed it was a Timberwolf and I... uh... I panicked..." the mare spoke the last part sitting upright with her head angled down so her mane would hide her. This act was what finally connected the dots for Sunset.

"Fluttershy?" she spoke, feeling dumbstruck. Fluttershy cringed, neck going down lower.

"oh... have we met before? I'm so sorry to have forgotten but I'm just awful with names an-" her muttered apology was cut off by a firm hoof pressing into her shoulder.

"No, not at all! You haven't done anything wrong," Fluttershy's ears perked up a bit at that statement and Sunset continued with a smile. "I know you from, er... Twilight! Twilight has told me so much about you!"

Fluttershy seemed to fully relax at the explanation and offered a small smile. She took a breath, readying to speak before she gasped, her eyes falling on Sunset's other front hoof.

"You're hurt!" she cried, reaching forward and gripping Sunset's hoof to get a closer look. Indeed as she said, a small gash marked the tip of her hoof and a bit of blood had been smeared around from being in the grass.

"Oh wow," Sunset said, eyes wide. "I didn't even notice! It must've happened when I dropped my cup."

Fluttershy grimaced. "Ah, I'm so sorry. I'm afraid I live quite a ways away. If you live around here I'd like to help you bandage this. I'm... quite good at first aid. Not to brag though, I'm hardly a nurse or anything and I haven't gone through any formal training an-" She cut herself off at Sunset's chuckles. Her ears flicked outwards and a blush dusted her cheeks. Sunset gathered herself before speaking.

"You don't have to worry about that, Shy. I'm actually staying with Twilight for now. I'm not sure where, but I'm sure we can find some medical supplies!" Sunset stood and trotted back towards the open door, gesturing with her head for Fluttershy to follow. She however stepped lightly on her injured hoof, avoiding leaving any residue on Twilight's floors.


A few minutes later would find Sunset and Fluttershy sitting on the floor of one of Twilights bathroom, the formers hoof held in the ladders gentle grip as she wrapped a clean white bandage around the injured spot. She finally let go and smiled at the Unicorn across from her.

"There you go, uh... Sunset?" Fluttershy cringed slightly at her fumble but Sunset nodded encouragingly. She gently stood and put a bit of weight on her hoof.

"Thanks so much, Fluttershy! That feels so much better." She smiled widely at her friend. Fluttershy returned the smile, albeit while blushing and scuffing a hoof on the floor. Her only response was a small hum. Sunset's smile softened at her shy friend. She slowly lifted her uninjured hoof and placed it gently on Fluttershy's shoulder once more. "Hey, as a thanks, would you want to maybe... get lunch one of these days? My treat!"

Fluttershy looked up wide eyed at Sunset. "Oh no, you really don-" she started but was cut off by Sunset reaching up and slowly bringing Fluttershy into a light hug. The pegasus went stiff as blood flooded her face.

"Does tomorrow work?" Sunset asked gently next to Fluttershy's ear. Fluttershy hesitated a moment before nodding slowly and giving a gentle hum of affirmation. "Great, I'll come meet you at your cottage around noon? I'll get the instructions from Twilight." She once again got the same response and she let go. Fluttershy stood up and stiffly let Sunset guide her back to the side door in the kitchen.

"G-Goodnight, Sunset!" she stammered out, ending in a squeak. Sunset smiled.

"Goodnight, Fluttershy. Get home safe!" she said cheerily. Fluttershy nodded and backed away, slowly turning away. At the sound of the door shutting behind her, Fluttershy gripped her red cheeks and 'squee'ed' quietly to herself. Listening from inside the door, Sunset smiled to herself and rested the tip of her horn against the wood.

"I missed you, Shy." she whispered to herself. Finally, she turned with a sigh to the mess of shattered cup still sitting on Twilight's kitchen floor. She sighed again before sending a bit of mana to her horn, finding it easier than before.

"Guess I can't sleep quite yet...."

Author's Note:

Finally starting work again! Wish me luck yall. Hope you liked the chapter <3