• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 1,707 Views, 37 Comments

Hero Of Harmony - MattTOB

Spike is accidentally transported to the world of Hyrule, where he must help recover the Triforce in order to get home.

  • ...

[10] Between A Rock And A Hot Place

Spike sat under the shade of a large ash tree, eating some of the provisions he'd been provided. While they didn't taste as good as the breakfast he'd had yesterday morning, they were still decent enough.

Nuha and Hamzah, meanwhile, were still talking to Twilight through the gem. "Woah, did you really travel back through time?" Nuha gawked.

"Yeah," the unicorn on the other end sounded embarrassed. "Although I inadvertently caused a Bootstrap Paradox by giving myself information that I learned from myself. It wasn't exactly one of my best moments..."

Hamzah nodded slowly. "Alright, I'm going to pretend I understood that, and we'll move on."

Twilight grumbled, but didn't argue. "Oh, fine. Now, I think I'm done redrawing the map from your description. Just one last thing: how'd you spell 'Kakariko'?"

"K-a-k-a-r-i-k-o," Nuha recited.

Twilight's quill could be heard as she wrote, then it stopped and she declared, "And I'm done! Thank you so much for the detailed description."

Spike muttered under his breath, "Maybe a bit TOO detailed..."

Hamzah replied, "We get that a lot."

It was late the next morning by the time they crossed into what Hamzah referred to as the 'Jaws of Death Mountain'. The air was becoming warmer the closer they got to the looming peak, and Spike was surprised that none of his things were catching on fire.

At about noon, they reached a small quarry. Several rock-golems (the Gorons, Spike assumed) went to and fro, mining minerals and toting them off in metal carts.

Spike looked to Hamzah, who was visibly shaking. "Are you okay, dude?"

The fairy stuttered, "Y-yeah, I just... I forgot just how strong the Gorons are."

Spike nodded, then looked back to the miners. Indeed, they hardly seemed to exert any effort as they swung giant pickaxes, breaking off large chunks of rock with each pass.

Spike made a mental note to avoid them when they were angry.

Nuha cleared her throat, then addressed the crowd. "Excuse me, may I have your attention?"

Every Goron paused what they were doing, then turned to look at the unusual visitors.

She continued, "We've been sent by Princess Zelda to—"

That was as far as she got before the Gorons swarmed them, excitedly chattering amongst themselves.

One particular Goron, a more elderly one, stepped forward. Seeing the green hat atop Spike's head, he smiled. "Welcome, Hero. It has been a while since anyone's seen you, in any form."

Spike nodded absently, recalling how Zelda had mentioned hearing stories of the Hero from her grandmother.

"Come," the elder continued, "the Chief will want to meet you."

Spike had to admit, Goron City was more impressive than he'd expected. Not only was it a well-knit city made entirely of metal and rock, but it was also situated over two rivers of lava, making it rather impressive on an architectural level.

Oh, and there was also the large lava lake on the north side, with an ornate temple-like structure partially submerged in it, but that was neither here nor there.

As the Gorons led them through the village, Spike couldn't help notice that half of the citizens were shivering. The baby dragon found this particularly odd, seeing as they were right next to a VOLCANO, but he didn't think much past that.

Eventually, they reached a small alcove in a cliff face. There was a sign outside, and even though Spike couldn't read it, he used the context clues to assume that it said something along the lines of 'Chief's house'.

"Chief," the elder called out into the cavern, "He has returned."

Within the cave, another Goron stirred. If the one leading Spike was elderly, then this one was ancient. His joints audibly creaked as he stood up; his wizened eyes gazed upon the baby dragon with surprise; and his hulking frame, though weathered with age, still imposed over Spike.

However, a warm smile graced his bearded face as he saw the iconic green hat. "So it seems. Welcome, young Hero — your name is Link, correct?"

Spike blinked, then shook his head. "Actually, it's Spike."

He nodded. "Fair enough. My name is Link of the Gorons, and I have been Chief ever since my father Darunia passed on the title."

Spike instinctively bowed, and the fairies followed suit. Chief Link chuckled, then clapped Spike on the back — nearly knocking him over. "No need for such formalities, friend. If anything, it should be me bowing in your presence."

Spike gulped nervously. "Y-you're referring to the previous Heroes, right?"

He nodded. "I was only a newborn when my namesake saved the Kingdom, but the stories my Father would tell were legendary. Why, we likely would've starved had it not been for his intervention!"

That really got Spike nervous. The last time the Hero was around, an entire race nearly starved? He dreaded what lay ahead for himself.

Chief Link shook his head. "Anyway, I assume Princess Zelda has sent you here on a mission?" The baby dragon nodded, so he continued, "Thought so. We Gorons will gladly help you, if you'll help us with something as well."

Spike was sweating bullets as he nodded, "I'll certainly try my best..."

Chief Link chuckled heartily. "That's the spirit! Now, follow me."

The elderly Goron stepped out of the cave, gesturing to the rest of the citizens. "As you can no doubt see, my people grow colder. It has not yet reached the point of danger, but if left unchecked, it'll quickly reach that state."

Spike asked the obvious: "Why not move everyone somewhere warmer?"

Link shook his head. "We're trying, but the citizens have too many ties here; getting them to uproot, even if temporary, is proving nigh impossible."

Spike nodded, supposing that made sense. It couldn't be easy to get an entire city to up and abandon their livelihoods. "So, what can I do to help?"

The Chief pointed to the Temple Spike had noticed on the way in. "That is the entrance to the Fire Temple, the epicenter of the temperature shift. Whatever is causing this resides in there, though it eludes even our bravest warriors' reach."

Spike gulped nervously. This was sounding more and more like a horrible idea.

As if in agreement, Hamzah wryly commented, "Oh, is that all?"

Nuha limblessly smacked him, getting him to stop being pessimistic for a moment. "Don't worry, Spike," she reassured, "We'll help you as much as we can."

The baby dragon looked up at the fairies, took a deep breath, then sighed. "Alright, I'll go in."

The Chief cheered. "Oh, thank you, Spike! Here, take this; it'll aid you in the Temple." At that, he reached into... Wherever he kept things and produced a pair of silver gloves.

When Spike took the item in his hands, Nuha mimicked a fanfare. "Dah-nah-nah-nah! You got the Silver Gauntlets! With their unique properties, they amplify the user's strength, allowing them to lift rocks twice their size!"

Spike was floored. "Wha— y'know what, I'm not even gonna question it."

Chief Link chuckled. "With those, you should be able to move any rocks within the Temple."

The baby dragon nodded. "Thank you. I'll try my best."

"Good luck." With that, Chief Link of the Gorons hobbled back into his cave.

As Spike started towards the Temple, Hamzah couldn't help but ask, "Why do you keep saying 'try'?"

He grinned nervously, "Because I'm absolutely terrified!"

The fairy rolled his eyes.