• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 1,707 Views, 37 Comments

Hero Of Harmony - MattTOB

Spike is accidentally transported to the world of Hyrule, where he must help recover the Triforce in order to get home.

  • ...

[3] Tree's Company

Spike stared up in bewilderment at the two creatures flitting above him. To say that he'd never seen anything like them would be like saying that the sky is blue.

"Well, I'll be..." the mauve one – a male, surprisingly – mused. "Maybe that ol' sprout was on to something..."

The deep blue one nudged her companion. "Of course he was; he's the wisest being in the village!"

Spike, still on the ground, stammered, "W-who are you? What are you?"

The two visibly turned their bodies to look at each other, then turned their attention back to the dragon. "We're fairies," the guy stated as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Spike's jaw somehow dropped further, confusing them. "Haven't you heard of fairies?" The girl asked.

"W-well, yeah, but I never thought they were real!"

The two looked at each other again, for a longer moment than last time...

...and then burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Spike huffed.

The mauve one replied, "If you can exist, then what made you think we couldn't?"

Spike went to rebut, but froze as his brain finally caught up to him. He was in a different world than he was used to, and he had no grounds on which to decide what he could expect to see or not. Obviously, they'd never seen a dragon before; at least, not any like him. Surely he must be as foreign to them as they were to him?

So he relented, "Yeah, I guess you have a point. You've probably never seen anything as strange as me before, right?"

The blue one stopped laughing. "Oh, don't be like that. He didn't mean anything by it; he just doesn't know how to word some thoughts. I'm Nuha, and this is my brother, Hamzah. What's your name?"

"Spike," he heaved himself to his feet and offered out a hand, then quickly realized that the fairy was much too small to–

Nevermind; Nuha shook his index finger. Felt strange, but alright.

"So, what exactly are you, anyways?" Hamzah asked.

Spike stood as tall as he could and proclaimed, "I am a ferocious dragon!"

Another burst of giggles deflated Spike. Nuha noticed and jabbed Hamzah, causing him to stop laughing. "Sorry, it's just that you don't look like any of the dragons around here."

Spike blushed, "I'm not exactly from around here; heck, I don't even know what this place is."

Hamzah gasped. "You don't know where you are?"

He nodded his head, "Not a clue. One minute, I was doing some experiments with my best friend and caregiver Twilight; the next, I found myself at the edge of the forest. I was headed in the direction of that huge castle when I ran into you two."

Nuha sympathetically flew up close, landing gently on Spike's head. "Oh, you poor thing! You must be so confused; we have to help you!"

Spike's expression lightened at that. "You will?!"

Hamzah nodded his glowing body. "Of course! Let's take you to the Elder; he might know what to do."

"The Elder?" Spike tilted his head slightly.

Nuha took off again, doing some loops around the dragon's head in excitement. "He's the smartest guy in these woods, and perhaps even all of Hyrule! If anyone knows how to get you home, it'll be him!"

Spike jumped excitedly. "Well, what're we waiting for? Lead the way, please!"

The two fairies swirled around each other for a moment before they began to fly off, Spike hot on their metaphorical heels.

Twilight, meanwhile, was sat in front of Celestia's throne, her jaw slack. "WHAT!?"

Celestia shook her head solemnly. "I'm truly sorry, Twilight; there's nothing we can do."

The purple unicorn stammered, "B-but there has to be! Maybe if I just re-cast the spell, I–"

"That won't work," Celestia shut that train of thought down. "Even if you had the energy to perform it again, there are far too many places he could've been sent; simply finding his location would take weeks. And aside from that, we don't know if there are any risks to the transportation; you could lose something important in transit."

Twilight continued to stammer incoherently for a moment, tears brimming in her eyes. Celestia stepped down from her throne and hugged her student with a wing. "I know this must be hard, but you must have faith that he can find a way back on his own."

Twilight looked up, bleary-eyed. "How can you be so sure?"

Celestia smiled, "I've seen first-hoof just how far he'll go to return to your side."

The purple unicorn sniffled, reminiscing on everything they'd been through together. "Yeah, you're right... I just need to be brave."

Spike marvelled at the sight before him. After several minutes of travel, the group had finally entered a brightly-lit clearing, and the baby dragon could barely believe his eyes. Dozens of fairies of all sorts of colors peppered the area, going to and from little buildings carved out of mushrooms and logs, although several of them stopped and stared at the unusual visitor.

"Woah," he awed, "what is this place?"

"Kokiri Village," Nuha announced proudly. "The Elder is just down the path."

Spike followed the siblings' lead, being extra careful to avoid stepping on any fairies that passed too closely. They headed down the path, past what seemed to be a market, before arriving at the base of a rather small sapling (it was still much larger than Spike, but it wasn't nearly as big as the surrounding trees).

"Alright, we're here," Hamzah whispered. "Please be respectful and honest in the Elder's presence."

Spike nodded, looking around for any fairies that might be the Elder.

It was to his great surprise, therefore, when Hamzah flew up to the tree and cleared his throat. "O Great Deku Sprout, Nuha and I have discovered a young drake wandering the woods. He wishes to have an audience with you."

Spike gaped as the sapling stirred, small knots on its trunk forming eyebrows and a large mouth. "Thank you, Hamzah. I'll take it from here." The fairy respectfully departed, coming to rest on one of the Sprout's roots. "Young lad, what is your business here?"

Spike, scared out of his wits, hastily bowed. "Y-your Maj– I mean, O Elder D– Great Deku Sprout, I, uh, I–I..."

The Sprout, seeing Spike's fear, softened its gaze. "Do not fear me, young one. I will not harm you."

Spike gulped, steeling himself. "M-my name is Spike the Dragon, I accidentally c-came to this world through a p-portal, and I seek a way home."

Gasps of shock and confusion rang out around him, making Spike realize that a large portion of the populace had gathered to watch. Nuha even commented, "He's from another world?!"

The Sprout sat silent for a while, its seemingly endless gaze boring into Spike's soul.

Then it nodded its face. "Young one, your resolve is strong. I shall assist, if you can assist us in return."

Spike's eyes widened in excitement. "O-of course, anything!"

The Sprout smiled. "Your kind spirit will aide you greatly. I know of a way to get you home, but it must be tracked down first. Have you any knowledge of the Triforce?"

Spike blinked. "The What-now?"

It pursed its lips. "The Triforce is a set of three relics passed down along the generations, said to contain the powers of the Golden Goddesses. One represents Courage; one Wisdom; and one Power."

Spike nodded in understanding, drawing a comparison to the Elements of Harmony.

"It is said that, once all three are obtained, and their wielder has an equal balance of those qualities within their heart, they can grant one wish, whether good or evil. As such, forces of both sides have battled for their control for eons."

Spike silently marvelled at the tale the Deku Sprout was regaling.

"I believe that you, Spike, should retrieve the pieces, for it shall provide your way home."

Author's Note:

Edit (5/17/23): Added more reasoning as to why they can't rely on the spell to get Spike back.