• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,592 Views, 969 Comments

They're EVERYWHERE! - Nameless Narrator

No one really knows how many changelings were present during the invasion of Canterlot. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, it also means that the love explosion scattered them all over the surface of Equus. These are stories of some of them.

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65536: 9

“-and… finally... add a… pow-de-red man-ti-core horn… to the coo-ling mix-too- mixture,” 65536 wipes its forehead and puts the book down, “That wasn’t so bad,” it stands up and its vision blurs, “Wowza… maybe I did overdo it a bit but Sharp said he’d show me how to make noodle bubbles as long as the underground mouth burrowers are,” it shudders at the memory of yet another horror living in the deep tunnels under the hive.

It hums to itself, unsure what to do next. Maybe it should go to bed early? Over the past two days, it’s gotten used to Luna’s rhythm of life and it knows it’s bound to have enough time to sleep through the day once Luna comes back from the dreamscape. Still, it’s almost morning, neither Luna nor Sharp have come to check on it since last evening, and 65536 has done everything it deemed necessary for tonight - some drawing, read a few pages from one of Luna’s books at random, and even taken a bath completely on its own and totally without slipping and bumping its nose this time! Even though it still filled the bath only a quarter full.

“Oh right, the cleaning stick must be dry now!” it walks over to the bathroom where it left a strange, long, rubbery stick mounted on a short metal pole with a button that made it buzz and go back and forth a little. It was an amazing find in a large box inside one of Luna’s numerous drawers filled with many things 65536 couldn’t identify and only knew they all had a lingering aura of lust around them. Being the clever drone it is, it immediately stripped a fuzzy cover off of a bar of soap, pulled it over the rubber part, and started cleaning its leg holes with it.

It tickled.

Once it hides the cleaning stick into Luna’s box of confusing stuff again, it stops and ponders its next move again. Princess Sunbutt hasn’t shown up to visit in the past two days either but 65536 hasn’t been using up much love at all and her previous visit topped the drone off completely which, in conjunction with Luna and Sharp, has kept it full so far.

It doesn’t like one thing, though. Luna has been coming back battered and bruised, barely able to even talk to 65536 before collapsing on the bed and falling asleep. She sometimes kicked and screamed afterwards but always stopped when 65536 hopped into the bed as well and curled up under her wing.

65536 doesn’t doubt it’s going to happen again today and, with its tasks finished, it will be ready to administer its full range of cuddlery right from the start. Luna deserves a proper rest. Anyway, with nothing better to do and not wanting to miss Luna’s return, it buzzes over to its cot in the corner, wraps its forelegs around Not-Blue, and simply waits. Drones are great at doing nothing when there’s nothing left to do… which, admittedly, didn’t happen often back in the hive. However, that just means that drones turned resting into a form of art.

Roughly an hour and a half later, the now familiar swirling black and blue portal appears in the air and Luna stumbles out of it, barely able to remain on all fours but with her eyes still darting around, scanning for threats.

“Luna!” 65536 darts towards her and catches her as she collapses forward. She’s huge in comparison to a drone but still lighter than what drones carry on a regular basis, so 65536 easily at least keeps her in a sitting position. She sighs and wraps her wings around the changeling.

“You sure are a welcome sight, little one,” she whispers, voice strained but relieved. Her horn flashes faintly in a way which 65536 knows means that Sharp Biscuit will be coming to check on her.

“I’m so happy you’re back that my brain is making noises!” 65536 hugs her as far as it can reach, “Look! Do doo dododooo dum dum dudummm… dunno why.”

“Finally, this is real,” mumbles Luna, only wrapping her wings around the drone tighter.

And, as on cue, the door opens without knocking and the expected bat pony arrives, carrying a sheet of paper.

“Luna!” he puts the paper on a small table by the door and rushes to the princess, immediately checking her all over and touching the scorch marks, bruises, and cuts.

“I’m fine, Sharp, I’m fine...” lies the princess.

“I’ve seen plum puddings that were less black and blue than you,” says Sharp.

“That blue is all natural, I’d like you to know,” Luna forces a joke.

“That’s not funny! These three nights have been worse and worse-”

“Sharp!” Luna finally raises her voice, “I know.

That gives him a pause.

“That bad?” he asks.

Expectedly bad. The trauma from the invasion is too much. At first, it was just a few bad dreams, few rough awakenings, but as the shock is fading and the news are spreading over Equestria, the tantabus is worming its way into the consciousness of ponies and making things worse and worse even for those who haven’t seen a changeling in their life. I’m no longer able to stop it from spinning its nightmares so I’m doing my best to lessen the impact.”

“In that case, the news I’ve got can wait until-”

“Sharp, I knew what was going to happen. Every major catastrophe tends to follow the same fallout. This time, it’s simply worse than usual but nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”

“Fine,” Sharp bites his lip, takes a deep breath, and says in a carefully measured tone, “I brought the guard report. A unicorn in lower Canterlot murdered his wife and two foals before killing himself in a bout of paranoia. He hasn’t been able to sleep since the invasion and thought his family was replaced by changelings. He locked them in a cellar and-”

A whimper not coming from Luna stops him. 65536 is staring at him, eyes wide, its mouth wibbling.

“We- we caused that...?” it breathes out.

Luna pulls the drone back into a hug.

“I’m sorry you had to hear about death in this way, little one.”

“Pfff, death,” 65536 gently but irresistibly pushes her away, “It’s not the death that got me, it’s… it’s the… it’s how unnecessary it was.”

“Unnecessary?” Luna raises an eyebrow at the drone’s choice of words.

“Yes,” 65536 nods, “Changelings died back home all the time, us drones mostly, but there was always a reason. Lack of love, being the first to survey a new digging site, accidentally slipping and luring a melty leg grabber… I could go on for a loooong time, but never someone just snapping. Even when high ranks played drone ball it served to bring some fun to almost everyone involved and if you were a good ball, you could even get a small helping of love or a shiny,” 65536 shakes its head, “Or maybe when a high rank wanted a snack, but even that was just to keep the stronger hive members healthy. No one just came in and started killing, especially killing the few lings they really liked unless it was a penalty for some huge failure and the queen didn’t want to send the ling to the crusher. This is just… sad,” 65536 hangs its head.

Luna and Sharp exchange suddenly extremely uncomfortable glances before Luna says:

“We knew this was going to get worse before it got better. We must power through it. As much as my sister would love to shoulder all burden for her ponies, that’s impossible. They must do their part as well.”

“That was the nicest way of saying ‘those weaklings have to step up’ I’ve ever heard,” comments Sharp.

“You know I didn’t mean it in a derogatory manner,” Luna frowns, “It’s simply the truth. We can’t do this alone, not without many many more unnecessary victims. Anyway, was that all, Sharp?”

“No, that was just the worst news. Luckily, the next thing I’ve got is better, although not by much.”

“I suppose that anything would be better than a dead family.”

“Yeeeeah, let’s not celebrate too soon,” he sighs, “We’ve got several changelings in the dungeons. Nightguards are on patrol there to make sure nothing happens to them anymore. Didn’t you think it was weird that 65536 here survived the explosion so close to the source, crashed through your magically-enhanced door, ended only with a heavy concussion, and yet we haven’t had a single official report about survivors within the city limits?”

“I see...” Luna’s frown turns into a dark scowl as she immediately comprehends what the bat pony is trying to say, “Somepony has been taking ‘justice’ into their own hooves.”

“Yep,” Sharp nods, “and that somepony would be half of Canterlot citizenry including the Royal Guards, it seems.”

“Oh yes, the old ‘died of their wounds’ excuse so that they could get even,” Luna nods.

“Exactly. So, with Tender Feather’s help, we found several ex-hive changelings who managed to save some badly hurt hive changelings from the streets. Unfortunately, the love explosion stripped their disguises and did something to them that prevented them from reapplying those. The less lucky ones got noticed by their neighbors...”

“Like me,” 65536 taps its forehead. Sharp taps his hoof on the carpet in thought.

“Maybe, but probably not. They said the disruption lasted only for several hours. If I hazard a guess, I think you just hit your head too hard.”

“Heheh, yeah,” 65536 scratches a spot on its head, “It still stings.”

“Stop picking at it,” Luna gently pushes the drone’s hoof down, “It’ll get better sooner.”

“Okay!” 65536 puffs out its chest and mumbles, “...doesn’titchdoesn’titchdoesn’titch...” each repetition followed by a quick twitch of its foreleg, “Hah!” it suddenly looks at Sharp with the intensity of the sun.

“Umm, yes?” the bat pony tilts his head.

“I’ve got a ton of love! I can share with the other changelings. Sun-” it pauses, recalling that princess Sunbutt told it not to tell anyone, and harmlessly bends the truth a little, “No changeling deserves to die just because they didn’t have a choice in obeying the queen. You’re all really nice here and they’d be too if they knew you.”

“Spoken right after hearing about changelings being executed in the streets...” mutters Sharp to himself.

Here here!” 65536 waves its foreleg.

“I know, I’m just messing with you,” Sharp gives it a soft smile, the first one since he arrived, “Just be careful. You got lucky you landed with Luna. Most of us in the Nightguard remember full well how it felt to be called a blood-sucking night monster before her return. I doubt the ‘prestigious’ Royal Guard members would give you the same opportunity to breathe that we did.”

“Indeed,” Luna frowns and shakes her head, “For the first months after my return, Royal Guards as well as the servants kept tensing up whenever I walked by. I couldn’t even count the amount of times I heard ‘traitor’ whispered my way,” she looks at Sharp, “Now, I’m going to have my hooves full in the dreamscape as usual but I don’t see a problem in you taking 65536 with you on your mission. If nothing, it should help persuade other changelings to cooperate. However, I doubt that a disguise consisting of crayon drawings and streamers mimicking my mane will be enough.”

“I’ll ask Grimmy if she has something inconspicuous and covering that her filly isn’t wearing anymore,” Sharp bows and turns to leave as he sees the sun rise up behind one set of curtains previously cracked open by 65536 who wanted to see the shiny blots occasionally flying through the night outside eventually identified as guards carrying lanterns or wearing glowing helmets, “Have a restful day, Luna. How about you, 65536?”

“I was awake all night! I did all my drawing and even reading. I don’t like writing that much, though...”

“Think of it as a very precise drawing. Or drawing a picture inside your head with words.”

“Huuuh...” the drone’s eyes go wide. A secret revealed!

With a snicker and a shake of his head, Sharp Biscuit leaves.


After nightfall, Sharp Biscuit leaves the castle via the servants’ entrance and heads across the open castle gardens towards the main gate separating the castle proper from the rest of upper Canterlot. The Nightguard on watch salutes him and says:

“They’re waiting outside.”

The portcullis is closed but the small, magically-operated, reinforced door next to it vibrates a little as Sharp approaches and, with a shimmer, a keyhole appears into which Sharp sticks a key from an already prepared keyring. He passes through and the Nightguard closes it behind him.

Three figures are already waiting outside as announced - a changeling-unicorn, a pegasus, and a bat pony.

“What’s that?” asks Blazing Light, nodding to a bundle on Sharp’s back.

“Shhh! Imma backpack,” 65536’s head rises up, revealing two glowing teal eyes under a dark green hood. As an explanation, it waves its forelegs wrapped in rags and fastened with a knot going through a leg hole before clamping them again around Sharp’s sides.

The bat pony mare next to Blazing squee’s, darts forward, and starts poking the bundled-up 65536.

“That’s adorable!” she beams.

“Stop that, Darky,” Sharp rolls his eyes and backs off.

“Can I get one too?” she gives him puppy eyes, “Pleeeease!”

“Don’t you already have somepony who needs your full attention?” he nods towards Blazing, who frowns and looks away.

“Not anymore, he’s finished his potty training and we’re moving on to simple commands next week.”

“I can fetch!” replies 65536 with excitement, “And back in the hive, I was all about simple commands.”

“See?” Darky glances Blazing’s way, “He’s already outperforming mister doom and gloom here.”

“It,” Sharp corrects her, “As far as I know, 65536 is genderless.”

“Really? Let me-”

“How about you don’t molest one of the few friendly changelings we’ve met so far,” says Blazing dryly, “Or have you literally run out of ponies in Canterlot?”

“Says mister ‘halfway to thirty and never gotten dirty’,” she sticks her tongue out at him in response.

“Thanks for the reminder. I’ll just take that short set of stairs leading to the city walls and proceed to jump down. Who wants to see me do a flip?”

“I’m not explaining to the recruits why their favorite drill sergeant is now tenth of a hoof tall and covers the entire lower third of the mountain, so we’ll have to postpone. How does Saturday sound?”

“Deal, bring a camera and a laugh track,” Blazing shrugs, “Now, if we’re done screwing around...” he rolls his eyes.

“Oh thank Luna,” Sharp breathes a sigh of relief.

As they start walking through upper Canterlot itself, Tender Feather shuffles closer to Sharp and asks:

“Is this… normal for you? I can sense emotions and that unicorn-”

“Is a very difficult pony to be friends with,” Sharp finishes with a smirk and a glance at Blazing walking in front of him, “And yet...”

“I can sense emotions and I work in a brothel that serves both genders,” she looks meaningfully at Sharp, “I know that look.”

“Heh,” the bat pony chuckles quietly, “It’s not that simple. Let’s drop that topic, shall we?”

“Your call,” Tender shrugs, “I’d just like to say that we do get a surprisingly high amount of customers who spend most of their time with us… just talking.”

“What’s a brothel for anyway?” asks 65536, “Is it for brothers who can’t spell properly?”

“How to explain-” starts Sharp.

“Lust gathering place, sometimes even love,” says Tender simply.

“Ohhhh! Gotcha,” 65536 nods.

“Huh,” Sharp blinks in surprise at how easily the situation was explained, which makes Tender Feather smirk.

“During the interrogation, you asked a lot about myself and changelings in general,” she says, “but there’s too much intricacy to cover in one sitting. The drone here, 65536, isn’t a foal, at least not in a way you think of them. Besides, do you think a changeling wouldn’t know about sex?”

“Well, I...” Sharp sighs, “I must admit I put a little too much stock in appearances in this case.”

“Appearances… regarding a changeling.”

“Blazing might be getting some company on those Canterlot walls next Saturday, ehm.”

“Hah!” Tender Feather laughs openly, “Don’t feel bad, it’s not like 65536 was deceiving you or anything. I’ve been away from the hive to realize how different the conditions even for the least fortunate of you ponies are in comparison to the life back ho- in the hive. You were right, drones are genderless. They don’t need to have any sexual characteristics, their genetic material isn’t of any value to the hive and their work is… I don’t think you can even begin to understand that calling it dangerous just isn’t enough. It’s lethal. Drones die, it’s only a matter of time. The fortunate ones can sometimes manage to live up to a year-”

“A YEAR?!”

Both Darky and Blazing turn their heads at the outburst. Only Darky has seen Sharp genuinely angry before but never like this.

Sharp’s voice is carefully controlled but still trembling when he asks:

“How old are you, 65536?”

The “backpack” reveals its head again.

“24 days, 11 hours, and 34- no, 35 minutes. Neat, eh? I’ve almost made it to a whole month,” is smiles proudly.

Sharp’s jaw drops. He continues walking, staring blankly ahead in horror.

“Are you okay?” 65536 nuzzles the back of his neck carefully.

“Doesn’t it bother-”

“Mister Biscuit,” Tender Feather interrupts his question, “I told you, we are different in ways which would take too long to encompass in their entirety. One of those would be an excellent internal clock. You see, your foals learn over time and mature. Changelings get knowledge sort of… forced into them right after they hatch. Everything we need to know is inside the hive mind and you can only access what you’re supposed to. 65536 is a fully mature changeling drone but in terms of world experiences outside of the hive, it is less than a foal. And yet, treating it like one would only make it act like one. As far as danger and death goes, I’d safely bet that 65536 has faced more than both of us put together.”

“But colors… crayons… bubbles...”

“Are all new and frankly amazing things. Hole, I used to spend whole nights just walking around Canterlot whenever I had the energy to spare. I still do, sometimes. The light of the firefly lamps reflecting off of the gold foiled, white marble buildings. Magical explosions from the Orders of Wizardry or the School for Gifted Unicorns. Everything here still is amazing to me. The hive is dark and mossy green. Tunnels underneath are black or brown unless someone happens to find a seam of materials or gems which get immediately confiscated to allow infiltrators a new approach to missions. If it’s of any value, drones aren’t allowed to have it. They have no need for it.”

“That’s not true!” 65536 objects, “9999 once bit off the end of a dead Ba-nnngh... we said we wouldn’t say where the hive is, did we?”

“Mhm,” Tender Feather nods.

“Well, 9999 once bit off a poisoned stinger off of a dead scorpion and saved 24498 from a sizzling chitin cruncher. They let it keep the stinger and it was super valuable. That drone is going to go places one day. I hope it’s okay.”

“...how do I explain this to Luna…?” Sharp shakes his head.

“Do you have to? Does the past really matter that much?” asks Tender Feather, “65536, how do you like it here? Use your own words.”

The drone finds this intriguing enough to sit upright for the first time and furrow its brows in thought for a moment.

A moment that grows longer and longer until...

...65536 beams and spreads its forelegs as far as they go.

“GABLONK!” it exclaims loudly.

“W-What?” asks Sharp.

“Tendy said to use my own words, which was smart because I couldn’t think of a word you ponies use that’s enough, so I made one up - gablonk! It means so much that even ponies who live here have no word for it.

Tender Feather covers her mouth with a hoof and says:

“There you have your answer, mister Biscuit. I doubt it’s the answer you were looking for but it’s an answer. Gablonk.”

Sharp Biscuit sighs.

“Gablonk it is then...”

Author's Note:

This entire mission was supposed to be in one chapter but I just keep filling it with banter.
**ominous trailer music**
Bed bugs, bed bugs,
whatcha gonna do, whathcha gonna do when the come hug you?
Bed bugs, bed bugs.
**music stops**
Next week on They're Everywhere!:
Beer, bugs, monsters.
Familiar paladins.
Bleeding of nightmarish monsters into reality.
So yeah, the "comedy" this was supposed to be.

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