• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,592 Views, 969 Comments

They're EVERYWHERE! - Nameless Narrator

No one really knows how many changelings were present during the invasion of Canterlot. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, it also means that the love explosion scattered them all over the surface of Equus. These are stories of some of them.

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1988, 9999: 11

Things aren’t what they should be. A mind that by no means should be aware of its situation suddenly is. This has never happened before, not only within the mind currently waking up, but also in the living memory of everyone connected to it. A drone who was forcibly hibernated by a high rank never woke up again. Ever.

However, the bringer of the Shiny is, in the minds of every drone currently sleeping on a small pile in the center of the changeling camp, no ordinary drone.

With a confused moan, 9999 wakes up and gasps as it starts sliding down from the side of the pile and lands on the soft ground. Curiously, its descent doesn’t seem to have woken anyone up, and the mental presences nearby reveal that every single changeling who remained in the lumber camp is currently piled up here.

9999 turns away from the pile-

Oh goopy holes!

-and nearly swallows its tongue when faced with a pair of teal eyes staring directly at it. Heart beating like a jackhammer, 9999 smiles at the Silent watching the drone and pats its head.

“What happened here?” whispers 9999, “Why am I awake?”

The Silent only stares, clearly unable to react to the complexity of the questions. After a quick check of the hive mind to see if everyone is okay, 9999 nuzzles its neck and adds:

“Nevermind, buddy. Good job keeping an eye on things.”

It will be easier and vastly less tiring to simply ask why everyone, including 1988, is asleep on one big pile later than to examine the recent hive mind memories. However, an unusual reminder pops up inside 9999’s head - one unfinished task.

Objective: Nightly patrol
Tools: 17070’s helmet
Route: -xn995Dsfaa-4xSS99965-dsew25xx-

9999 scratches its head.

With everyone here, there’s no one left to watch out in case of trouble. Maybe I should wake 1988 up?

9999 tiphooves over to the sleeping infiltrator’s hind legs sticking out of the pile and ponders poking them.

Or maybe not. They all need the rest. Besides, I can do the patrolling myself, I think. It looks like I have enough love to last a few hours, even though I have no idea how I got it, the route coordinates are clear, and- why do we have a helmet?

With a shrug, 9999 walks over to the makeshift changeling helmet stuck on a low-hanging branch nearby, or more likely a charred pot reinforced with goop and with a missing chunk where, presumably, one’s face is supposed to go. When the drone leans in to examine it closer, the hive mind presents a tooltip:

Item: 17070’s helmet
Use: 4 portalling!
Instructions: Put on head, muzzle into hole.

Hive mind knows best and 9999 isn’t going to argue, so it puts the helmet on and whispers towards the Silent who is observing its every move:

“Keep an eye on everyone. We’re drones, we can’t just leave hive mind tasks hanging. That never ends well.”

The Silent doesn’t react but also doesn’t move to either stop or follow 9999, which the drone considers a victory as it leaves the camp behind.


To a pony, the nighttime forest would be a quiet place for contemplation, its silence only broken by the hoofsteps of the patrolling drone. For said patrolling drone who is used to the complete silence of underground tunnels, though, the forest is loud and alive with leaves and grass whispering in the breeze, occasional hooting of an owl and other wildlife noises completely unidentifiable by 9999. Thanks to that, the patrol is taking longer than a casual stroll, as the drone always either freezes and quickly starts scanning the area, or straight up jumps behind the nearest cover.

So far, however, nothing has happened, and 9999’s glowing eyes are illuminating the way, allowing it to see with more clarity that a pony would in broad daylight. Unfortunately, 9999’s excellent ears are working against it, since hearing all the noises around makes it difficult to make out any specific one.


9999 lunges directly forward, because it’s been looking in that direction and its instincts tell it that way is the safest. Only once it’s cleared the jump distance, it turns its head and drone instincts save 9999 like many times back home. When in danger, drones instinctively run, and 9999’s legs push it to the side just in time to avoid a changeling pouncing 9999’s way.

No, not a changeling. It’s one of those fake, changeling-looking things who attacked 1988 and supposedly took the rest of the Riverside changelings away, never to be seen again.

The monster is the size of an infiltrator, though, and its long legs allow it to step over 9999 before the drone can get back on all fours and run again. It opens its mouth beyond what even a changeling can do, revealing a mass of slithering tentacles which start rapidly approaching 9999’s head.

A memory flashes through 9999’s mind.

They didn’t try to directly kill 1988 nor anyone else. The one who attacked 1988 scared him unconscious, and the ones who attacked the rest just nabbed them.

All four of 9999’s hooves flash green.

For the hiiiiiive!

Like a cat lying on its back and scratching the hand rubbing its belly, 9999 flails with all its legs against the attacker.

One hoof easily cleaves away the tentacles which scatter all over 9999 who doesn’t stop flailing, although now rather blindly.

Foreleg number two reaches higher, taking off a chunk of the monster’s head and making it reel back.

Hind leg hits are even less coordinated, but as the monster keels over to the side, 9999 realizes it must have cut off a leg or something.

Pushing itself backwards, 9999 creates a short distance between itself and the gurgling monstrosity, and with a quick look at the monster flailing aimlessly on the ground, the drone starts swatting away monster bits off of itself while shuddering with every wet squelch.

“Ewww...” 9999 whispers.

Unlike a pony would, or anyone else really, it doesn’t gloat, check the monster up close, or do anything foolish. It simply flees along the prescribed patrol path.

Drone power! Woohoo!


9999’s internal clock keeps ticking minutes away. Since the previous encounter, the drone has been wary of every noise, but so far it hasn’t heard anything suspicious.


9999 freezes this time, eyes wide, until it slowly breathes out a moment later and raises its hoof from a branch snapped in half.

“...ooof, just me...” it whispers.

When it raises its eyes from the ground, it sees a strange, dark green bulge rising up from the ground directly ahead.

“Eep! Another spook!” squeaks 9999, pondering its options. Abandoning the mission and running back is a non-decision, so it’s mostly just recalculating the new patrol route.

At the same time, however, the top of the bulge moves back, revealing an earth pony’s head and identifying the ‘big bulge’ as a completely covering cloak with a hood made for almost perfect invisibility in a forest environment. Clearly, the pony was aware of 9999 approaching.

“Damn it, another one,” he says and points his foreleg at 9999, a glowing golden gem held in his hoof.

Those words confuse 9999. The situation requires a clarification.

“Hey, you’re not a spook!” it points back, “Are you from the camp?”

“They can talk?” mutters the pony.

“Sure we can! These days, I can even do it without a high rank nearby.”

The pony lowers his hoof, gasping.

“You’re not one of the monsters, you're a changeling from Riverside!”

“Uh oh...” and that is where 9999 bolts.

Whoever he is, he’s not from the camp. If he knows about Riverside and changelings, he’s looking for us. There’s no way he’s friendly. Goop, I can’t lead him to the camp.

“Get over here!” the pony calls out.

“I DON'T THINK THAT’S A GOOD IDEA!” 9999 yells back, quickly changing direction after the response to throw the pony off of its trail.

9999’s entire body involuntarily lurches forward as something hits its head. It hurts and 9999 quickly feels something dripping down the side of its muzzle, but it’s clear that nothing important is leaking out because it can still keep running.

The helmet!

The pony’s hoofsteps are slowly getting closer. He might not be able to see clearly like 9999, but he definitely knows way better how to move in the forest.

Soon, 9999 begins noticing flashes of light coming through the line of trees to the left, and starts to take in loud commotion and chaos, something it must have missed completely only due to the noise of blood hammering in its ears and the thudding of its hooves against the ground.

“What the hay?” 9999 hears the pony curse from behind before he changes direction and gallops towards the explosions of bright lights.

Finally left alone, 9999 hides behind a thick tree, gasping for breath and trying not to pass out.

I think I’m gonna be sick. Drones aren’t made for running. We’re made for digging and carrying. Bad decision…

With trembling forelegs, 9999 touches the hurting place on its head and finds something that shouldn’t be there. Something is... sticking out of its head? Twisting its body to reach the ‘sticking out thingy’ with both forelegs, 9999 grabs it and pulls.

“Ouch!” it hisses, examining the short crossbow bolt, splattered with green blood, that was lodged in its head, “I thought only unicorns shot things at others. Earth ponies were the ones who smacked hard up close.”

Next, 9999 takes 17070’s helmet off, noticing the hole where the bolt pierced it.

17070, I gotta give you something nice when I get back.

With its breathing calming down, 9999 starts taking in more details of the chaos a short distance away.

Pony voices are barking orders, there’s clanking of metal against… something, and shockwaves occasionally rock 9999’s tree with a loud *whoom!*.

The drone ponders simply leaving and following the set patrol route, but this definitely does seem like something to report to 1988 later, so it peeks out from behind its tree. puts the helmet back on, goops the bolt to its leg hole and, seeing no immediate danger, starts sneaking towards what must be some kind of a battle.

The continuous stream of loud orders means nothing to 9999. However, it recognizes the fake changelings fighting the ponies more than well. Ponies like the one who ambushed and shot 9999 are holding a circle against the monsters, their weapons ineffectively bouncing off of the enemies. Most of the time, that is. Occasionally, a pony’s weapon glows bright yellow in tune with a flash of a horn belonging to one of the three unicorns in the center of the circle, and it hacks through or pierces the monster’s skin. The problem is that while there might be dozens of attackers, there are only under twenty defenders.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light shooting from the sky envelops a heavily armored unicorn, different from all the others, standing in the middle of the circle.

“VANISH, DEMONS OF NIGHTMARES!” cries out the unicorn.

The beam erupts into a slowly spreading golden explosion which evaporates the monsters as it passes through.

9999 can only stand there, starstruck, before the shiniest of all shinies slowly flowing towards it and eventually passing through without any effect. Pretty much on instinct, 9999 vocalizes its amazement:

“That was the biggest shiny I’ve ever seen!”

Despite all the suddenly busy cloaked ponies, the unicorn hears it.

“A real changeling?” he asks, starting to stride towards 9999, “Stay where you are!”

9999’s legs prove smarter than its probably scratched brain as the drone starts running again while replying:

“I already told your friend no!”

Despite wearing the heaviest-looking armor 9999 has ever seen, the unicorn is still faster. That’s probably just the exhaustion. Unfortunately, like before, 9999 can’t afford to run towards the lumber camp.

Digging and carrying, dummy! That’s what you’re for.

I can’t carry that guy and I don’t want to dig him!

Dig a hole, 9999!

9999 slows down, and then makes a sharp turn to the side just as the unicorn lunges to grab it, misses, and tumbles on the grass.

The drone needs only a moment to take a deep breath, dive into a raised bank, its forelegs shimmering green, and pretty much swim into the solid ground, leaving behind a hole and a continuous spray of dirt coming out of it until it makes an impassable barrier.

Bright Star can only call out:

“Changeling, I’m not about to harm you if you give in!”

Unfortunately for him, the only answer are the worried calls from the ranger camp. Since the changeling can seemingly burrow into any direction at unreal speed, there’s not much point in trying to figure out where it would surface. Instead, it’s time to tend to the wounded. Besides, now he knows they’re looking in the right area. The remaining question is - for how long?


Limping and seeing double out of exhaustion after completing the patrol route, 9999 stumbles back into the changeling camp. The pile of drones is still covering 1988, the Silent is still watching them as instructed, with only a single look at the returning 9999. Seeing that everything is safe, whatever tension that was holding 9999 upright finally snaps, and the drone collapses on the ground with a loud ‘thud!’.

“Ow...” is all it can groan.

A moment later, it feels a poke into its side. Another, and another. Straining itself, it turns on its back, only to see the Silent leaning over it with something approaching an expression of worry.

“...I’m okay, buddy...” breathes out 9999, “...just tired...”

The Silent looks at 9999, then at the pile, at 9999, and at the pile again before disappearing from 9999’s field of view.

Shortly after, 9999 hears a confused:

“Ow! Which one of you twerps just bit my leg?!”

1988’s irritated question is answered by a chorus of:

“Not me!”
“I didn’t!”
“Mouth completely closed!”
“What happened? Why are everyone’s mouths opening!”

“...hi, guys...” groans 9999.

Everything goes quiet as the drones all look at 9999 before an explosion of voices.


9999 finds itself looking up at a circle of amazed and smiling faces, and feels warmth flow through its body.

Are they giving me love without knowing?

“Be gentle,” 9999 chuckles, pushing itself up into a sitting position.

1988 pushes 36658 to the side, joining the circle.

He’s an infiltrator, he has to know what they’re doing.

The drones turn to face him.

“See? High Score is the real Shiny bringer!”
“And 9999 is the real High Score!”
“The only drone who woke up on its own.”
“It can do a warrior transformation AND it can’t be stopped by hibernating!”

“Enough!” 1988 raises his voice, ignoring the drones, “Explain what happened.”

“I woke up while you were all sleeping,” 9999 nods towards the Silent now sitting behind the circle around the mighty Shiny Bringer, “I noticed an unfinished objective in the hive mind, so I took the helmet as instructed and left to do it. I… I think we’re in trouble, 1988. I need you to scour my head for everything I saw and anything I might have missed while running, second after second. You’ll understand better than I ever could.”

“No,” says 1988, “It has to wait. You’re too weak and, in case you forgot, you have a hole in your head.

“Exactly, that’s why-”

1988 turns around.

“36658, try your new drug on 99- High Score. 20100, you’re on night watch. Swap with 57999 after four hours. 17070, you’re the best at manipulating small things, you’re helping me with cleaning up and dressing the wound.”

“Before all that-” 9999 takes the helmet off, presenting it to 17070 and saying mentally, “Thanks. Without it, I’d be a dead pile with a sharp stick lodged in my head.”

17070 gasps in disbelief.

“I… my helmet saved the Shiny Bringer...”

”I want you to have this,” 9999 presents the exquisitely crafted ranger crossbow bolt to the other drone, “You earned it.”

17070 wibbles at 9999 while taking the gift. Everyone present knows that, in reality, it could easily be the most valuable item a drone ever had.

“This is amazing...” whispers 17070, looking at the bolt from all sides, “It’s so hard… and sharp… and- I gotta make a new helmet first thing tomorrow! A non-explosive one!”

“Wait, what?” 9999 freezes.

1988 chuckles.

“You just might really be divinely blessed, because if that bolt hitting the helmet or your head made a spark, that Shiny Bringer moniker would be even more literal than now,” he simply leaves the sentence hanging before hissing at the standing drones and saying, “What are you all staring at us and waiting for? I gave you your orders!”

Author's Note:

Not much to say here. Bright Star is closing in. Time is running out.

Next up - 1313 and Zamira explore first clues regarding the assassin who tried to kill 65536.

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