• Published 22nd Feb 2021
  • 169 Views, 0 Comments

Passion for Fashion - Kentavritsa

Rarity is hosting a Fashion event, showcasing her fashion on the cat-walk. Several girls apply for the position on her cat-walk, and some will be selected for a moment in the limelight. It will be a prestigious moment for the accepted girls.

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Cat Walk: 2


“Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I am stepping into the new room.

“Welcome to the Wardrobe!” the girl exclaims.

“Thank you!” I respond.

“In a sense, this is when the fun ends; but this is, what you are paid for!” she points out.

“I like wearing fancy clothes..” I point out.

“That is always a good start!" she chimes.

“I am looking forward, to experience the limelight, too!” I add.

“Since you are here, you could as well change into your first ensemble; the show is about to begin, in just a few minutes!” she suggests.

“Oh, thank you!” I respond.

As I follow her indicated direction, I soon find the door to the cubicle, in which to change into the first ensemble of the event. I open the door and step into the small space.

The floor had been laid with pristine, white stone; polished and lacquered. It is almost a mirror, in and of itself. I appreciate the air of clean, tidy and easy to clean up, it is offers.

The walls had been laid with white beech-wood panels, mirroring her to a T. Rarity is after all white. The wood gives me a generous feeling of life. Maybe this is just me, but it is the sense I have.

Even if I think I know the walls are paper-thin, the wood makes it feel more generous and substantial. Lending an air of privacy and luxury into this small and cramped space.

To the right I have the locker, containing the ensemble I am here to wear, as I am showcasing it on the cat-walk. The stainless steel had been lacquered in a pristine white, to match Rarity’s colours. I can also see the crest of Rarity in the three Diamonds that makes up her Cutie Mark. The vibrant blue contours of the lighter turquoise.

Since I had closed the door to the room behind myself, I can open the doors with ease; only to find the ensemble I am expected to wear, as I am stepping out onto the cat-walk.

“Let’s see, what does she want me to wear?” I mumble to myself, giggling in excitement.

Maybe I am just a little bit too excited, just because it is the first show? However, I am lucky enough to be working for Rarity; so maybe the initial excitement is not misplaced, after all.

Not everyone is lucky enough, to be working for Rarity; I know as much.

As I am opening the wardrobe, for the first time; I am humming “the Art of the Dress” to myself.

For the first event, I find a knee-length skirt in Sapphire blue. I also have a short crop jacket; matching the skirt, I will be wearing. Three buttons up front, seems like just right to me.

I am expected to wear the panties, and the top under everything I will be wearing on the cat-walk; but the rest is supposed to come off, before I put on the suit I am showcasing. Simple, and quite reasonable in my eyes.

As I am still looking into the wardrobe, I pull the skirt down; stepping out of it, hanging it up on a currently unused hanger. Now I pick up the skirt intended for the show; pulling it up, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. With the fit adjusted to comfort, I put the hanger back where I had found it.

Once I had slipped the skirt on, I pull the shirt off over my head and hang it onto a hanger. Picking the jacket and slip my arms into the sleeves, right and left; before buttoning all the three buttons up.

I probably should go out, facing the world; stepping into the limelight, walking the cat-walk!” I ponder.

Since I wear the ensemble intended, or so I imagine; I close the wardrobe and open the door out. From there, I continue along the hall towards the door out.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard, as I move towards the door out to the show.

“There you are, just in time..” Rarity points out, as I enter the stage.

“I am so excited; Rarity; walking out onto the catwalk, wearing your ensemble!” I respond.

“I know; wear it with pride, as you step into the limelight before the crowd!” she offers.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; as I continue past my Patron, on my way out into the limelight.

As I continue out past Rarity, I meet a pink girl with turquoise hair. She smiles at me, as she is continuing past me. At the mark, as she is passing me; she is lifting her right hand, showing metallic bloody red miniature hooves.

I raise my hand in response, showing her the sensitive, cerise touch-pads.

She is passing me by, and I continue to walk along the path; strutting over the cat-walk, as I sway my hips to show off everything for the audience. They had come, to see me; the clothes I am wearing, as I walk along the circuit known as the cat-walk. I make my best effort, not to disappoint them.

Flashes are going off, aimed at me and the clothes I wear; as I continue, following the fairly short path. The path feels like the rail-road, but is merely twenty feet long. While I continue, I flash of my best smile at the people watching; public and journalists alike, I make no difference.

This is the limelight I had been looking forwards to. With Rarity as my Patron, as I wear her clothes; I make the most of the short run, enjoying every instant of the walk across the cat-walk.

After a few minutes, I reach the edge of the cat-walk; making the turn, and walk back towards the exit. I maintain the smile of a winner and a champion.

At the end of the run, I am facing the next girl on my way back; I lift my hand, in a jolly greeting, as I proudly demonstrate my right hand. She sees the inch-long, semi-square nails; just as I see the silicon-white suction-cup adorning the palm of her hand. As opposed to the semi-square nails I had been opted for, hers are curved in the egg-shape.

I smile at her. Her skin is a lusciously spring-leafy shade of green. She has her hair made into a thick, tight braid running all the way down her spine; only to show the deep emerald-green bow between her legs.

She is wearing a tight suit. Maybe a Cat-suit? Maybe I should refer to the hue, as the light blue of a blue diamond? I will go with that, until Rarity is contradicting me. If I ask; and she is answering, that is.

“Good work, I hope you are enjoying it!” Rarity exclaims, as I am approaching the door out.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; “I certainly did!” I continue, as I walk out the door to change.
I continue, walking; until I come back to the door of my chibi cubicle.

Oh, Deer!” I read, as I reach the door, of my cubicle.

The sticker-text had been used; in order to fasten the super glossy poster, onto the door. The Deer, not quite Bambi; but lovable and cute, all the same. Maybe more so, in my eyes; because it is original art, not intended to be anything other than what it is intending to be. Not a style, borrowed from anywhere, or anyone. Still, the work is indeed stunning.

Once inside the space of my private cubicle, I close the door behind me, while the picture of the dear Deer remains in place. Kind of, like a calling-card, depicting me as the owner of this space.

I just hope, the poster will be permitted to stay in place, where it is. Now I can recognize my home, behind the cat-walk of this stage; knowing it is my home, as I change on the set.

Now I am opening the doors, of my wardrobe; to see what is inside, waiting for me to wear. I know, there is something new; something other, than what I am currently wearing.

What is in the wardrobe, could be considered a uniform; not because it is a uniform, technically. Just that it is, what I am paid to wear; as I step onto the stage, strutting along the cat-walk.

I unbutton the jacket, I am currently wearing, before I take it of, hanging it back into the left side of my wardrobe. Now I slip the skirt down, stepping out of it, before I am hanging it, onto a hanger to the side of the jacket.

Wearing nothing but the panties and the top; aside from the Crescent Moon boots, I barely recall I am still wearing. So comfortable, I find it natural to wear them; as I am walking around the room, or strutting along the cat-walk on the stage.

If I have not had a comment, I don’t particularly think of wearing them. I feel the same way, with the high heels I am sometimes wearing, as I am out; if the heels are comfortable to wear, and does not bothering me. Of course; I guess you could say, I am feeling the same way about the panties and the top now.

On the right side, of the wardrobe; I have a pair of reddish brown pants, a long-sleeved shirt and what appears to be a swim-suit. All hanging, on individual hangers in order.

I pick up the pants, stepping into them right and left; pulling them all the way up, before I am affording them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice in order to acquire that perfect fit.

Now I am pulling out the short, pulling it down over my head; slipping in my arms right and left, before I afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

Finally, I am pulling out the swim-suit out of my wardrobe; stepping into it before I slip in my arms right and left, feeling the suit slipping into place as if it had been lubricated fairly generously. Maybe it had been, who am I to say. Just that I had failed to notice it, if it had been the case; as I pulled it out of the wardrobe, before I had slipped into it.

As I am affording the mirror a glance; I notice how my belly is white, and if I am turning around, I would have seen the white dots covering my back.

No gloves?” I ponder, as I am looking into the wardrobe, in search for the accessories I had been expecting to find.

Is this, what the poster on my door was saying?” I ponder.

What I do find, is what appears to be a short and diminutive muzzle fitting a Deer. I am picking up the muzzle, examining it for a moment; before I push it onto my face, feeling it covering the lower half of my face and my lips.

Makes sense, I guess..” I mumble; “but the fit is not quite right!” I conclude.

Muzzle Instructions” reads a label; “Press firmly, bite gently for the desired fit” reads the instructions.

As I read the instructions; I try to follow it as best I can, pressing the muzzle firmly onto my face and biting down gently as it is slipping in between my lips.

“Whoa?” I exclaim.

As I am turning towards the mirror once more; I see my face, with the Deer’s muzzle covering the lower half. Though I guess it no longer is merely covering the skin, now it looks and feels, almost as if it had indeed been my face.

I open my mouth, only to see the muzzle open its mouth to match; and inside, I see my mouth as the muzzle had been a natural extension of my very own physical body. No internal gap, and no visible seams to speak of.

“I hope, I can take off the muzzle; when I am changing, into whatever she has in mind for the next scene!” I point out; as I seem the muzzle acting, as if it had been a part of me.

“Something is missing, and it is gnawing on my ear!” I mumble, as I am looking for, what I think is the final touch.

“Would Rarity give me an incomplete suit?” I mumble.

“No, of course, she would not!” I correct myself, as I find the one missing piece.

Now I pick up the part. It almost looks as if it had been a head-phone; though on the top of my head, I have the ears of the Doe and her tiny stags. I slip it on, carefully correcting its position. I critically observe my face; in order to see if I had gotten it on just right. I can’t see my human ears; maybe it is covering them up, but I can see a pair of dear ears on the top of my head. The colour of the ears is a perfect match of the rest of my suit.

I shiver, for a moment, as I look at myself in the mirror; barely recognizing myself, knowing the suit should not make such an extensive transformation, as I am bearing witness to in the mirror before me.

Since I trust Rarity for good reasons; I soon comes back to myself, closing the doors of my wardrobe. Now I turn towards the door, opening it; before I am stepping out of my changing-room, closing the door behind myself.

With the door closed, I trot off towards the stage-door; prepared to continue my work, she had hired me to perform. Of course, the poster is still on my door, as I leave. Why shouldn’t it? I had left it, where it is plastered onto the surface of my door. Why shouldn’t I? I like the poster, and enjoy the message I am reading into it.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I continue towards the door.

I stop, before the door; opening it, before I am stepping up onto the stage. Rarity is still there, just as I had been expecting. Why shouldn’t she? It is her stage, and she is observing the show from behind.

“Oh, dear!” she exclaims, as I pass her on my way back towards the cat-walk.

I just giggle, knowing. Guess it is amusing me, more than anything.

Guess I am not the only one?” I ponder, as I see a girl dressed up as a Siamese.

I lift my hand, towards her; she is lifting her hand up, towards me. She had apparently been afforded a pair of paw-gloves with the claws and all.

She is exchanging a smile with me, giggling.

“Oh, dear Deer” she ponders, just as I am passing her on my way up onto the cat-walk.

I guess, Cat-walk is given an entirely new meaning; with the girl I had just met, in mind!” I ponder.

What if she had a twin, or was from Siam; but her eyes are a brilliant Sapphire blue, befitting her role. She is after all a Siamese.

I had no way of knowing the girl, beforehand; but I guess, I could get to know her if she is going to work on the same stage as I am on. She is working, as a Model for Rarity; same as I am, even if I don’t know for how long.

Of course, I may never know; unless fate wills it, granting me the situation wherein I am able to learn it.

Maybe this is of no consequence. Maybe, just maybe, this is but a passing curiosity; spurred on, by random chance. Who am I to say.

Once I had passed the Siamese Cat-Girl, I continue out onto the catwalk itself. Strutting my way along the path. I enjoy the limelight, just as I had expected. Flashes, randomly going oFf along the path; in the hands of people, spread out around the crowd. Otherwise, the room is fairly well lit; leaving next to no shadow, on the stage itself.

The light beaming down on me, from overhead; leaves me warm and fuzzy inside, under the benevolent glare of the glow of Rarity’s generous light.

At first, the path is a straight line, only to bell out in a tear drop like shape; before it is turning back, towards the exit. The straight line is fairly convenient, to me. Though I enjoy the edge of the stage, giving the audience a better view of what I am wearing.

Naturally, the light does also show me in the light Rarity had envisioned; presenting me in the best light, so I can shine up on the stage. While it is not a theatre in which I am to act; the Cat-walk is still a stage, upon which I am performing. My role, is to present each of her ensembleS; her fashion, in the light that excites the audience and journalists alike.

Just as intended, everyone is eating me up; swallowing, what Rarity is presenting them with.

One has to be confident, to step out onto the stage. On the Cat-walk, one can not be self-conscious; lest one is accepting the verdict, of the massive crowd watching. They are there to see me, but more to the point; what I am wearing, but I can’t exactly hide behind the clothes.

This pass on the Cat-walk, goes off without a hitch; I strut along the path, make the turn and return towards the exit. Just as before, I am meeting the next model on my way out. I raise my right hand, presenting the palm of my hand to her; in kind, she is raising her right hand and is presenting it to me. I guess one could call it a greeting; or, if you prefer it as a token for passing on the baton on my way out.

The event is going well, nothing special to see. Now I pass Rarity, on my way out. She just smiles.

I open the door and step out of the room, off of the stage; before I am walking back to my cubicle, where I am to change into the next suit.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I walk all the way back to the door of my changing room.

I just smile at the cute noises my hooves are making. Almost as if it had been natural to me, but it had grown upon me; in the manner one gets used to a new home, one had picked out. I had long since forgotten about these Crescent Moon boots I had tried on, just after the pedicure. The pedicure, I had thoroughly enjoyed; right along with all the other preparations, Rarity had offered me.

I enjoy the little noises, of trotting along the hall bare hoofed..” I realize.

If only I had known or realized; but in a sense it is already too late, but I have no idea of it.

At the end of the hall, I open the door to my cubicle; stepping in, only to close the door behind myself. Closing the door to the world, leaving me with the privacy to change into the new suit. Of course, there is a new ensemble, waiting for me.

I take a moment, as I am stepping over to the fool, before I open the doors to my wardrobe.

It is not the fact that I had just seen the Siamese girl, or that I had already forgotten that I am wearing these Crescent Moon boots; yet, I neglect to take the Deer suit off of me, before I am starting to dress up.

However, it feels so good; I could as well have been nude, as if the suit had been my skin all along. Is it a compliment to Rarity herself; or, is it just how I had become attached to the suit and how it made me feel.

Since I feel as if I am nude, being comfortable about it; the suit covering my body feels as my skin. The doors of my wardrobe, swinging up under the fingers, of my hands. I focus, on the content offered me; readily waiting for me, as the suit is hanging in the wardrobe. I look, scanning the content before my eyes.

What I find, seems to be a manner of bikini. For a moment, I am confused. I had been expecting something more, more elaborate. Or, at least I think I had been.

A bikini, is a two piece suit; as opposed to the swim-suit, that is a single piece.

I pull out the top, pulling it down over my head; affording it a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice, for that perfect fit I knew Rarity wanted to see.

Just as comfortable, as I had been expected; from something Rarity would be putting forth, for me or anyone else to wear. While it still is featuring a jewel-neckline, it is still covering my neck halfway up to my head. The sleeves, reaching my elbows; not all the way down to my hands, or a few inches down from my shoulders. This top covers my rib-cage, as it comfortably and competently contains my bust; showcasing the two twin orbs, as the somewhat youthful orbs I can be proud showing.

Now I am pulling out the bottom of the bikini. Though it looks more like a short skirt, reaching down halfway down my thighs. Integrated panties, included; though showing off my hips, with five inch frill, almost as if it had been an over-skirt. Well, rather three of them.

The top and the skirt, both a pristine and pure white; while the accents and the over-skirts all are a deep and bright sapphire blue. Semi-transparent, almost as if it had been made out of actual Sapphire.

As I am wearing the suit, the ensemble Rarity hired me to wear; I close the doors to the wardrobe, after that one final glance at the mirror. With that, I turn my back on the wardrobe; taking the few steps over the floor, to the door of my cubicle.

“Clipety, clop, clipety, clop..” is heard, as my bare hooves are hitting the floor as I walk over to the door.

Only stopping by the door, in order to open; before I step out of my cubicle, closing the door behind myself.

“Clipety, clop; clipety, clop..” is heard, as I continue along the hall.

Apparently the sound of my hooves, hitting the floor had changed. Just that I had not quite noticed, exactly when it had happened; but it could as easily have been a gradual change, I refused to recognize. Should I have paid attention, or is it for the better I ignore it? Either way, now it is too late to care, worry or threat.

I maintain a measured gait, as I continue walking all the way up to the door to the stage; only stopping, to open the door. I close the door behind myself, as I had entered the room.

Rarity either held her tongue, or did not notice I am still wearing the complete Deer suit; she did permit me to pass, as I continue to walk out towards the Cat-walk. Maybe it is, in how natural it was to me; walking onto the stage, still in the suit as if it had been my own skin. I don’t know, because I did not even realize; there was something, I could react on.

With that, I am strutting up, onto the Cat-walk.

As I greet the next girl, on her way off of the Cat-walk, I raise my hand; in turn, she is raising hers. I look at the hand, as she is passing me.

Curious..” I ponder; “but wait, hooves?” I conclude.

While she has a more Equine feel to her, she is nonetheless wearing hoof-gloves. Or, are these considered mittens? I have no idea. Maybe it is not my business. I just had never come across the item before.

I had noticed, her hooves being a stark black; yet, shimmering as if polished up. Trust Rarity to perform such a thing. Everything has to be shiny, glossy and shimmering.

On the other rubbery hoof, who am I to complain?

If I say that she looks Equine; she does have the ears, the muzzle and the tail. Aside from a full set of Equine hooves, of course. She had been walking on her hind hooves, but she is clearly a Horse true and through. I could not deny it. Even if I may have missed, to pick up on the most curious detail; the hooves are a pinkish cerise, and she does have suction-cup hooves.

After the ritualized greeting, I strut on; passing the girl, wearing the Equine suit.

This is clearly Rarity’s stage and I am on her Cat-walk, performing the job on her behalf. I do my very best, to show off the suit I am wearing. I could have done nothing less.

Just as before, I am strutting down the straight path of the Cat-walk; then follow the curved edge and turn back to the exit, where I am meeting the next girl on my way out.

The girl is a light pinkish hue; with her hair in cute bangs and the rest of her hair in a thick, tight braid down her spine. She has Emerald green eyes that almost glows in the dark, metallic bloody red lips in a girlish smile.

As she is lifting her right hand up, in her greeting; I notice the inch-long, crystal-clear, semi-square nails; just as I notice the bright has-mat yellow touch-pads, and the silicone-white suction-cup covering the entire palm of her hand.

She is wearing, what appears to be a rather skimpy top matching the touch-pads; just that it is crystal-clear and reaches all the way up to her shin, half the way down to her elbows and covers her rib-cage.

Her bikini-bottom is naturally matching the yellow and is equally skimpy. Just that under scrutiny; I notice the crystal-clear skirt reaching down to her knees. Furthermore, on her hips, she has the same ruffles I have. Just crystal-clear, with a slight hint of her yellow.

Curious design!” I ponder, as I continue.

On my way out, I can’t help but bump into Rarity herself; only this time, she steps right up to me with a wide grin all over her face. She is obviously beaming with joy and pride. Maybe she has the right to show the pride in her work; after she had seen it going off, without a hitch. The Audience; both journalists and public had enjoyed her show.

“I have a surprise for you, in your changing-room..” she pronounces, in her usual generous voice; casting a brief glance down, at my cervine hooves.

“You would not like to walk out, bare-hoofed; now, would you?” she then inquires.

“Oh?” I exclaim; as I am following what she had indicated with the brief glance, down towards the floor.

I could see, what she had been looking at quite clearly; but I just could not quite see, exactly what she was driving at. So used to these boots, had I become; during the brief hours of wearing them, just in one day on the Cat-walk.

Somehow; the boots, had made me forgetting I am wearing the Deer-suit as well. One is attracting the other; making it feel natural, as if I had been nude as I wear that suit.

People had been looking at me, but that had been expected; had they looked away, would have been a very different matter, altogether. They had all been ecstatic following me with their eyes; as I was strutting down the Cat-walk, like the Model Rarity had hired me to be. Her Generosity, binding me to her, in manners mere pay could never have accomplished.

I continue up towards the door, only to stop and open the door between the stage and the hall; stepping out, before I close the door behind myself. From there, I walk down the hall, all the way back to my cubicle; stopping, only to open the door and step in. Once inside, I close the door; curious to see, what she had prepared for me.

As I had closed the door behind myself, I walk straight up to the wardrobe; opening the doors, before I look into the mirror. While I am fully aware of wearing the suit I had put on, for this last bout on the stage; I barely register, wearing anything else.

Now, I start with pulling the top up over my head; before I am hanging it on the hanger. I continue, slipping the skirt down; stepping out of it, before I pick it up and hang it on the second hanger.

This was fun, I certainly love my job..” I ponder, as I watch my ears perked up in excitement.

I clearly see the reaction, registering; though fail to realize, what is happening. My perked up ears, feeling natural to me.

Bare hoofed, she said!” I ponder, reflection on the words Rarity had spoken, as I stepped off of the Cat-walk.

On the bottom of the wardrobe, I find a package of shoes. I could not call them horse shoes; since they had been intended for a Deer’s hooves. Just as it still sounds odd, to me; referring to them, as Deer shoes. I had found myself in a Middle of the road situation.

The package is containing full sets of shoes, for my cervaine hooves. For that, I am grateful; even if I only have two hooves, my hind hooves.

Gold, Titanium, Cobalt and Copper shoes. While the shoes are thin; they are anything but flimsy or weak, as they may appear at first glance.

“Since my hooves are gold, there is little fun in that; but I guess it is fun, she gave me the option!” I ponder.

While I am continuing to consider, the options before me; I am still oblivious to the obvious, not just the boots I wear but the muzzle and ears.

However, I soon manage to slip it into my head; I am actually still wearing something. If it is the top and panties I wear under the Deer suit; but somehow, it had finally entered my mind. Just that it still feels so natural, so comfortable to be wearing the Deer suit I have on.

After a moment of contemplation; I pull the top up over my head, hanging it into the wardrobe. Once the top is hanging comfortably in the wardrobe; I slip the bottom down, stepping out of it, hanging it into the wardrobe beside the top.

I leave the bikini on, for now.

“Somehow, she wanted me to wear a pair of shoes..” I ponder; “didn’t she want me to wear these beautiful hooves down; or, is she worrying it would hurt if I was walking outdoors on the rough ground?” I continue.

Now I am opening the box containing the Cobalt shoes; picking up the right and left shoe for the right and left hoof, respectively. I hold the shoes in my hands, right and left; considering the situation, while failing to notice the obvious. Or, is it all that obvious?

I put the shoes on. A moment later, I realize how these shoes cling to my hooves; almost as if they had been glued on, or if they had indeed simply fused to me. Though I guess, the proper expression would be bonded to my hooves.

I take a step back.

“Clippity, clop; clippity clop!” I hear the hard, metallic echoes of my now shoed hooves hitting the hard floor.

As I look down, I see the distinct border; between my hooves on the one hand, and the shoes on the other.

If I wanted to take the shoes off of my hooves, I guess it is convenient, she offered me the manicure, lending me long nails.

Something had given me the impression, she was telling me to wear the boots; maybe I am imagining things, but it is in how she told me about the shoes. On the other hand; Rarity is generous, and would not mind me keeping them.

I have a knee-long skirt, in my wardrobe; I step into it, before I am pulling it all the way up. Now I am affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

There is a matching top in the same Sapphire blue, matching the skirt. I pull it out; before I slip my hands through the sleeves, right and left.

Of course, this had been the last suit of the show, at least; it had been my last suit.

The skirt and top does fit me to a T, but I had expected nothing less from Rarity; besides the underwear made it easy, even if I had not realized the trick.

Once I had dressed up, I close the doors to my wardrobe; turn my back on it and walk over to the door out.

“Clippity, clop; clippity, clop..” is heard; as the hard, metallic shoes hit the floor with each step I take.

Only stopping, to open the door; before I step out, closing the door behind myself. Now I look at the door, from the outside of the cubicle; one final time, before I continue on my way out.

The image remains where I had seen it. Just one small difference. It is not a poster plastered onto the outside of the door; it is now the label, marking it my cubicle. I smile, giggling.

“Clippity, clop; clippity, clop; clippity, clop..” is heard, as I walk down the hall towards the exit.

Knowing I will be seeing Rarity again, tomorrow; just as I expect to see the other models, on the next workday.

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