• Published 22nd Feb 2021
  • 170 Views, 0 Comments

Passion for Fashion - Kentavritsa

Rarity is hosting a Fashion event, showcasing her fashion on the cat-walk. Several girls apply for the position on her cat-walk, and some will be selected for a moment in the limelight. It will be a prestigious moment for the accepted girls.

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Catching a Bite: 3


On my way home, I stop by the newly opened Food Court; in the hopes, of grabbing a quick bite. The day had been exhausting; much more so, than I had even realized. Not, until now.

Of course, I had not had the time to eat anything; during the show, as I had been changing into the next suit and strutted off up onto the Cat-walk.

“No rest, for the wicked..” I ponder, with a devilish grin spreading over my face.

It had been fun, I had indeed been enjoying to work for Rarity. she is every bit as generous, as I had been told; no complaints there, I’d have to point out.

I will be making a few friends, there. Working for Rarity is a blast. Just a bit hard work.

Hard work, is fine; so long as the Boss is nice and generous!” I ponder, thinking back, reflecting on the day I had just had.

“All this work, has made me hungry; I am ready to enter a Food court, and chew down on a full meal right now!” I mutter, as I continue down the hall of the huge mall.

“Clippity, clop; clippity, clop; clippity, clop..” is heard, echoing down the length of the hall as I continue down towards the center of the mall.

I love, how tall I am; after I have worked an entire day, for Rarity!” I ponder, while it never entered my mind how or why.

While I still do recall, how much taller everything had felt; last time I had been here, without ever realizing why it is no longer the case. Maybe I had been wearing a pair of high heels, on a few occasions; while I had been here before, but not even these brought me up to quite this height. Furthermore; these had been a challenge to manage the balance, as I walk down this hall. I have no issue with the balance, this time. Maybe, just maybe; this is part of the explanation; how, and why it is feeling so natural to me.

I had never been a particularly tall girl, before; just as I had never been particularly athletic either. Now I am starting to develop a liking, to being tall. Not that this does make me any more athletic, than I had been before.

I had started out, as the cute girl; maybe I can become a beauty now, even if it is with Rarity’s help and assistance. How this will change my future, and appearance; I have no idea, I had not been expecting it to change me.

Salads, Hamburgers, Pizza and Kebab, so many choices, but none of these establishments had quite called out to me. If it is in the mood of the local or the people eating, I will leave unsaid. I just never quite found it in me, to stop and frequent either of these I had been passing on my way through.

Cotton-candy Cafe, the Silly Jester and finally the place I had been looking for. Sugar-cube corner.

There is a vibrant spirit to the place, calling out for me to enter. I can’t find it in me to resist, as much as one may wish to. I strut up to the door, stopping; pulling the door up, before I am entering the small space before the counter.

The girl behind the counter is a bright pink, with a deep pink main curling up like crazy.

This room is alive, mainly because this one girl. Her smile so wide, she would put a crocodile to shame. She should have been scary, but somehow this girl is anything but.

A pair of large, bright blue eyes; looking at me, with the joy so bright it could have been a thousand suns.

“Hi, I am Pinkie Pie..” she exclaims, the instant I come into her space; “but call me Pinkie, all my friends call me Pinkie!” she concludes.

“Hi, Pinkie..” I respond.

As I look at her, I notice her uniform is a heavenly pristine white. On closer inspection, it is almost looking like a Maid’s outfit, but the apron is a light pink to cerise.

She does not have a pen and a note pad or any other means to commit notes to.

At first, I had been expecting her to wear headset; but I can’t see as much as a hint, of even the shadow of it.

She just looks at me; with these bright, beautiful blue eyes of hers. Almost, but almost.. My mind stutters.

“What would you like to have, Ms. Roe?” she inquires.

“Uh, uhm..” I respond; “a blueberry muffin would be great.” I respond; “it looks delicious!” I ponder.

Of course, I could not resist her pastries; with my nostrils filled to the brim, with the scents of her sweet and tasty treats. How could I?

“Could I have three Chicken Rice-balls, too?” I inquire.

“Yes, but of course; Ms. Roe, anything else?” she responds.

“A glass of Sparkle Cola..” I respond; “and a pot of Ginseng tea..” I conclude.

That should get me somewhere..” I ponder.

I extend my right hand, placing it on the black hexagonal plaque on the counter; watching the amount slowly ad up as each of the items I had just ordered is appearing on the list, one by one.

The rubbery, black surface is warm and welcoming, just like Pinkie Pie herself. Though there is a momentarily tingling sensation, just as the last item on the list is summoned; which is when the payment had been subtracted, from the savings on my account.

“Step right in, I will be serving you in a moment..” she chimes.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond.

I already feel more energized..” I realize, as I step into the next room.

“Clippity, clop; clippity, clop..” is heard, as I strut into the room and walk over to the table.

I had set eyes on a cozy table in the corner, by the window. The pink glass table-top, adorned by a bright cerise tablecloth. In the middle of the tablecloth, I can see the blue vase with three pink Roses.

I sneak in, behind the table; as I sit down, on the sofa behind the table. Pink leather, of course. I guess I had expected nothing less.

The light in the room is supplied by what appears to be sets of two blue and a yellow balloon. The light, glowing from within each of the balloons; held down by a string, that is supplying the power to each internal lamp. Or, is it indeed just to hold the balloon in place?

A moment after I had sat down, behind the table; I can clearly see the girl, I learned is Pinkie Pie stepping into the room. She is strutting towards me, as if she had known my exact location. Tables and chairs, are no hindrance to her; as she walks towards my table, holding the tray on the palm of her right hand.

As I am watching her, she is placing the plate with the Muffin on the table, then the plate with the three Rice-balls. She is pouring up a cup of tea for me; as she is putting the pot down on the table before, she is placing the glass of Sparkle cola before me.

“Bon Appetit, Ms. Roe!” she chimes, emphatically; meaning this, in the tone of what could almost have been interpreted as a blessing since she already knows they are perfect.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond.

“You are quite welcome..” she chimes.

I watch her back, from behind; as she is tripping out of the room, on her way back to her post behind the counter. She never misses a step, almost as if she had been a dancer in a ballet.

Wait, let me correct myself; she is floating out, as if she had been a Ghost!” I ponder, giggling at the scene.

As she steps out, I am picking up the muffin in my right hand; peeling it, before I move it towards my mouth and take the first bite. The juicy pastry spreads out all over my tongue, spreading the yumminess in my mouth; as if it greedily forces me to enjoy it, all the more.

I pick up the glass in my left hand, moving it to my mouth; parting my lips, as I take the first sip. The sparkling fresh beverage, slowly washing the last of the muffin in my mouth down. It only leaves the fizzing sensation, lingering; teasing me with the aftertaste.

I take another bite, chewing. Washing it down, with another sip. Bite by bite, sip by sip; I enjoy the Muffin and the Cola. Trying to pull it out, prolonging the inevitable. The Muffin and the cola still comes to an end.

I pick up a sugar-cube, slipping it into the tea; picking up the spoon, stirring the tea.

Now I pick up the cup, taking one delightful sip before I move on to the main course.

Feeling the hot tea entering my mouth, over my tongue; before it continues down my throat.

Now I pick up the first of my three rice-balls in my right hand, taking a bite; chewing slowly and carefully, savouring the rich flavour. The chicken afforded just enough of salt; holding up its flavour, to the climax.

Taking the cup in my left hand, lifting it up to my mouth; parting my lips, just before I take a new sip. Washing down the last, of the remainders of the rice and chicken; still lingering in my mouth.

I take another bite, chewing; and followed by another sip, washing it down. Bite by bite, and sip by sip; I enjoy the meal. One rice-ball at the time, one cup of tea, at the time.

Somehow, the tea remains hot, throughout the entire meal. I enjoy the final moments of the bliss; brought on, by the flavours of my meal. Just as I am enjoying the energy, renewed. My belly is full, leaving me satisfied; as I take the very last bite, washing it down with the last drops of tea.

For a moment, I just enjoy the feeling; the reward, earned after a day of work.

I should come back, here again..” I ponder; “and I can afford to enjoy the luxury of her service, with the pay from my work..” I continue.

I could not take another bite. Though I remain in my seat, for a moment longer, lingering just as long as I dare; before I raise to my hooves, slipping out from under the table. Now I walk between the tables, towards the door; passing the counter, where Pinkie still is standing. Should I have been expecting anything less? Of course, she is standing there, waiting.

She is beaming the bright smile at me. She is looking, almost as if it had been she who had enjoyed the delicious meal. Though I can but guess; she is satisfied, with seeing me enjoy myself. She is strange, in her own way; drawing so much pleasure, from simply pleasing me.

Knowing, she had put a smile on my face, make her look as if the joy had been all hers. The arithmetic is just tilted a bit too far for my grasp.

“Hi, Pinkie..” I exclaim, as I pass her on my way out.

“Hi, Ms. Roe; and welcome back, any time!” she chimes.

“Thank you, Pinkie; I am quite sure, I will be back soon!” I respond, as I continue towards the door.

“Clippity, clop; clippity,clop..” is heard, as I walk over the floor.

I open the door, out; only to hear the jolly chimes of the bell, tolling the end of my visit. Though she is still smiling, and I am still satisfied as I walk out. The door closes behind me, as I continue on my way.

“Clippity-clop, clippity-clop; clippity-clop, clippity-clop..” is heard, as I continue, hasting my steps, as I walk out of the mall.

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