• Member Since 16th Feb, 2013
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Anything can be awesome when it's made of Lego.


This story is a sequel to LEGO Equestria Girls 9

In an alternate world where everything and everyone is made of Lego, the Equestria Girls of Canterlot City's LEGO Team are forced to flee when an alien army known as the Changelings suddenly invade their home city.

Forced into hiding, the girls must rely on any assistance they can get, from an old friend from Equestria, to a team of ninjas, and even possibly one of the Changelings who desires a change of heart for his kind. But as a result of loose Equestrian Magic, Queen Chrysalis, ruthless leader of the Changelings, has obtained a special advantage.

When facing off against a shapeshifting army from outer space, their struggles will take them to distant places they could have never imagined. What exactly are the Changelings and their queen hoping to achieve? Can the Equestria Girls succeed against their greatest foe yet, or will they have finally met their match?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 27 )

This should be intresting, seeing what convoluted complexity of chaotic interactions will lead to resolution.

Just how small a duct can the various parts of a minifig pass through, if the dusct is too small for a whole minifig?

And it's here, new story with a new adventure.

Honestly if you're struggling with a chapter per two weeks schedule then just drop it and update when the chapter is ready, we're patient we'll wait.

Changelings troopers are diagnosed with stormtrooper syndrome, replacement of the soldiers is recommended.

Interesting. Now we're heading into uncharted territory.

The way this starts off makes one believe that this is yet another "Equestrian magic reeks havoc on the world and creates a new supervillain" story, but what actually happens turned out much more complex than that. I like it.

I must say that I'm rather impressed that, despite posting only the prologue, this story managed to remain somewhat high on the list of hot stories for the past week. I even saw it on the list of "Popular Stories" on the front page just yesterday. If it's already receiving this much attention, then I'm looking forward to what'll happen once the story really gets underway.

10703554 The way I see it, the main reason I try sticking to such a schedule is because I fear that once I start delaying my progress, it'll become easier and more tempting for me to delay it even further, eventually reaching the point where almost no further progress is ever done at all. I don't want to be one of those guys who seemingly abandons a story for no obvious reason (I'm sure you've seen at least some fanfic writers who ended up like that), which is why I'm so insistent about avoiding any delays as much as possible. Also, the "stormtrooper syndrome" is actually not that severe among these Lego Changelings (they did manage to hit that guy in the leg before he could escape), though there might be some instances for the sake of humor, so you'll just have to wait and see in later chapters whether such a label would be accurate.

10703669 Hey, I haven't seen a comment from you in a while. :pinkiehappy: I honestly didn't think you were still following this series of fanfics. Nice to see you're still around, especially since things really will start getting interesting soon.

10703810 Yeah, the incidents we did witness in the official series were essentially similar reactions of someone deciding to selfishly exploit their newfound magic to the point of becoming an evil threat that must be stopped. For this one, I decided to instead have someone be a bit more responsible in recognizing that such magical artifacts should not be abused and would instead try to get rid of it. Unfortunately in this case, the preexisting bad guys managed to grab it before he could destroy it.

For those of you who might be wondering when the next chapter will be posted, I'm very sorry to say that I won't be able do that today as I had hoped for, because I'm still working on it. Despite spending nearly all of my available time every day for the past two weeks on writing it, the next chapter has turned out to be so long that it remains incomplete. There's only so much sleep I can forgo every week, and it seems I'm now forced to admit that I've hit my physical limit for writing progress in a certain period of time. :fluttershyouch:

The current word count is just over 8000, to give you an idea of how much progress I've already made by this point in time. If not for my new writing method (where I skip over parts and come back to them later so that the parts I have already got ideas for can be written while I still remember them), the current word count might've been as little as only half of that by now. Believe me, I will post the next chapter as soon as it's actually finished, but I'm afraid it just won't be today. :ajsleepy:

An episode that would be hilarious and worrying to watch, but has LEGO animation moved away from Everything is Breakable and Buildable, to Everything is Special Superglue? Id expect Applejack at least with those impact to literally Diasarm armoured invaders? As it is though, its more Mel Brooks movie, than Mel Blanc cartoon?

Still quality though. Instant gateway to anywhere? like tiny ones with a delay for getting through vault walls or letting the contents of reactors into the rest of the enemy ship etc?

As the troop transports landed and the Changeling soldiers disembarked, they quickly moved out to follow their commands. With panicked civilians screaming and running for their lives, the alien troops made sure to overturn tables and chairs, uproot and toss aside small street fixtures, smash several windows by either tossing various things into them or simply shooting them with their laser blasters, and spill the contents of trashcans out onto the streets, causing several motorists to skid out of control and collide into each other. One Changeling even confronted a helpless child by extending his wrist-mounted blade and using it to pop the balloon that child was holding, then he swiftly moved on, leaving that poor child to cry in sadness.

Why don't they just kick puppies while they're at it?

“Oh-no! Runaway wheel!” exclaimed Pinkie while pointing at that wheel as it rolled away.

There it is.

Ah, Thorax. There's always gotta be that one guy who screws it up.

Yeah the humor was on the spot (runaway wheel and that portal reference:)

I have to give changelings some respect they were mostly competent out there.

10734975 Now that you mention it, I suppose I've kind of forgotten about how easy it is to rebuild things in this Lego World. :twilightblush: I'll blame that on a combination of having few opportunities for it in the more recent stories, along with having watched the first ten seasons of Ninjago within only a month (a series where almost nothing seems to be made of Lego, surprisingly enough). As for the "instant gateways", I don't understand what you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure I've tried my best multiple times to explain the Jump-Gate system ever since it was introduced way back in the third main story (Twilight sometimes describes it as "one-fixed-point teleportation" where a built and powered gateway structure located at certain bases must always be either the departure or destination point). For the purpose of this story, it's one of the few advantages our heroes currently have against the Changelings, so they will probably try not to use it too excessively to avoid the risk of letting that technology fall into enemy hands.

10735927 I'll admit that some parts of this chapter took a little inspiration from the opening scenes of the Lego Ninjago Movie. Huh... it just occurred to me that I seem to be making tons of Ninjago references with this story already. :rainbowderp: Hopefully, that'll clear up significantly after the next three chapters are completed. :twilightsheepish:

10736778 It only made sense to me, considering where his Equestria counterpart apparently once stood among the pre-reformed changelings in Equestria. Believe me, he's going to have quite a journey ahead of him throughout this story.

10739799 I told you these Changelings weren't going to be just Stormtrooper copies. :ajsmug: They've got plenty of experience with conquering planets, so they know what needs to be done and how to get the job done efficiently (even if some individuals occasionally make some silly mistakes).

Lego Spike cant send messages like usual? That certainly sounded like a setup with Twilight going out on her own like that. They forgot about, or it was more subtle, the secret words or phrases Twilight and the girls agreed to?

Let's hope the attack on the base goes as planned.

One week had passed since the Changelings invaded Canterlot City. The alien army had struck so swiftly and decisively against the defenseless city that there was practically no notable resistance left by the end of the very first day. With their first foothold on the planet virtually secured, they quickly initiated the next phase of the invasion, which involved using their transforming abilities to easily blend in with the locals of every region and subtly gather information that would prove useful for their main assaults on each region that would come later. Fortunately for the inhabitants of the Lego World, all of the former Shadowbolt agents who lived among them had anticipated this global covert operation, so they sent out warnings to everyone to be very careful of who they trust to limit the risk of unknowingly providing information to the alien forces. As a result of this, almost every region decided to take the most extreme security measures by initiating a full lockdown, where everyone was ordered to stay within their homes and not go anywhere else — except for essential tasks like shopping for food — to minimize the risk of encountering disguised Changelings. Some regions believed such measures went too far and chose not to implement such strict protocols, but the Changeling armies were quick to exploit the relaxed security of these particular regions and were swiftly confident enough to launch invasions to seize total control of those regions, which ultimately justified the lockdown measures utilized by the regions that had yet to be confronted by a Changeling assault.

Darn you, COVID-19! Okay, I just read your author's notes. It's a pretty remarkable coincidence though.

“Okay, I am getting so lost in all of this banter,” confessed Starlight. “I feel like I’ve missed out on reading an entire series of books just from all the references that are being thrown around left and right.”

I know how she feels.

This is a pretty slow chapter, but I can see why it's necessary. Although, I do believe that you went a bit too heavy on the Ninjago fanservice bits.

So I'm guessing this takes place before season 11 of Ninjago?

Sorry for not replying for a while. I got distracted by other things again. (Hopefully, I can still meet my goal of completing this story before the end of the year.)

10795456 Once again, I'm really struggling to figure out just what you're even trying to say. :unsuresweetie: My best attempt at an answer for this one: Spike is only a child, and despite surviving quite a few battles, there's no way Twilight is going to allow him to be brought into what she knows will likely be the middle of a big ninja fight, despite how much of a huge fan he is of Ninjago. (Also, I kind of took an unexpected break in the middle of writing this chapter, so I might have simply forgotten to demonstrate the use of secret codes to prevent Changeling infiltration. By the time I got to read through the completed chapter, I couldn't think of a good place to insert such a thing, though I'll admit it did provide an opportunity to possibly make readers think the girls were walking into a trap before the Ninjago ninjas revealed themselves.)

10797298 Ninjago is one of the biggest and most popular Lego themes in recent years, and since it's not a licensed theme, it was really only a matter of time before I eventually gave them a more significant role in this Lego World than simply a brief mention. (Of course, I wasn't really able to do so until after I eventually got around to actually watching the series. Heck, if I had been born ten years later, I could've likely become a huge fan of Ninjago instead of Bionicle.) Sorry to make you feel lost in the Ninjago lore (just be glad I'm not doing Bionicle instead), but I can assure you that Ninjago's role in this story will last for only two more chapters before the Equestria Girls move on to the next area.

10799126 Yes, and I thought I had made that clear in the author's note (takes place between Seasons 10 and 11). In fact, when I finally got around to binge watching the entire Ninjago series earlier this year, the streaming service I used had every episode up to the end of Season 10, which was fine by me, because according to the synopsis of some of the first few episodes of Season 11, there's a significant time of peace between Seasons 10 and 11, so I felt that would be a perfect time to insert the events of this story. I still haven't had a chance to watch any Ninjago episodes after Season 10, so whatever happens in those most recent seasons, I honestly don't know anything about them (except that Clutch Powers apparently makes an appearance early in Season 11, for which I've got a little something planned for next year's story).

Well, let's just say the Ninjago version of Clutch Powers isn't as... noble as the original.

It's good to be back after my break with reading non pony fiction.

Nice chapter, poor Thorax, he met the anvils well.

What a chapter! So much unfolded. But the Rainbooms worked well with the ninjas.

Lovely extended fight and escape by a hair.

Somehow, I never got around to replying to comments on this most recent chapter, so I might as well take the time now to do so.

10999497 Not only is that part going to have a significant impact on Thorax's journey throughout this story, but it also gave me an opportunity to make a callback to one of my Starlight Glimmer short stories.

11001364 11006313 After how long this chapter came out to be (and how long it took me to write it all), I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Hopefully, it won't take me too long to move on from the ninjas and onto the next major fight sequence.

That took me a while to read through, but it was worth it. I can see why you had so much trouble splitting it. All that action just kept coming and coming and coming.

Calling Murphy, calling Murphy, clean up in server room 1,3,4 and 5.

Didnt you miss something?

Oh, right, clean up in that server room too.:pinkiecrazy:

LEGO Chrysalis right now, basically:

“I see little reason to consider that unwise,” agreed Zane. “These digital copies of the Changeling documents have been saved onto Cyrus Borg’s personal database, one of the most secure server systems in the entire Lego World. We can come back at any time and all of this information will still be fully accessible for us.”

I had a feeling this was going to bite them in the butt. :ajbemused:

“Besides,” remarked Jay, “It’s not like they have anything that can somehow bypass Doctor Borg’s super encrypted digital security to find out about how we’re planning to stop them.”

Does this qualify as a jinx? It sure feels like a jinx to me. :ajbemused:

While I usually would have replied to comments not long after posting the chapter, I decided to wait until I actually started writing the next chapter... which is pretty much right now, due to how distracted I got by other things this summer... :twilightsheepish:

11595054 :rainbowhuh: I have literally no idea what you're trying to say here...

11596336 I've never payed any attention to anything Sonic, so I have no idea what that reference is supposed to be. :unsuresweetie:

11657377 I will say the idea for those parts came only once I finally got around to actually writing this chapter. If I had made an effort to continue working on this story much sooner as I had intended, well, who knows if it would've been included? But now that it's in, I certainly have in mind details for later chapters that will reference the consequences of that part.

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