• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 3,840 Views, 649 Comments

Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

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Chapter 18

Sky began looking through the fridge and pantry for suitable ingredients for a meal. The way she bent over allowing Caleb to observe her rear was obviously deliberate, but the man realized something despite the distraction.

“You’re going to get a backache working at those low workbenches,” the man observed.

“Not a problem,” Sky replied before lighting up with green magic fire. Butterfly replaced the anthro mare, but as a pegasus once again. She wiggled her hindquarters. “See?”

“Yeah, but now you don’t have hands anymore.”

“I don’t? We’ll see how much that hinders me.” She opened her wings and used them to pick up a carrot with one and a peeler with the other. The feathers curved around the handle of the tool in an impossible manner and the mare got to work.

“Oh, come on! That’s cheating with shape-changing magic!” Caleb complained.

“No, it’s not,” Willow contradicted. When the man looked at her with a sharply lifted eyebrow, she added, “All pegasi can manipulate their feathers like that.”

“Really?” he replied incredulously. “I hadn’t noticed before now.”

“A hoof grip is stronger,” the earth pony admitted, “but for fine manipulation, pegasi will normally use their feathers.”

“The more I learn, the more I’m boggled about how magic shapes you ponies.” Then a thought occurred to him, and he turned back to Butterfly. “Wait! If you have such fine control, then you could use a keyboard. However, you walked up here as an earth pony and stayed one as an anthro. Why?”

The pegasus gave him an innocent smile. “I told you that I was still working on this identity.”

Caleb gave her a flat look. “How convenient that it left me with an anthro office manager who likes to flash her boobs at me.”

“Yes, and now you’re stuck with Sky because of your edict that she stays that way,” Butterfly replied smugly even as she continued to prepare the food.

The man leaned back into the sofa with his arms folded, a grumpy look on his face. “I’m being thoroughly manipulated by pony mares.”

Willow chuckled. “Don’t worry so much, Caleb. We only do it because we know what’s best for our stallion.”

“The fact that I’m a human and not a pony makes no difference?” he retorted.

“Hasn’t so far,” Willow replied with an indulgent smile before laying her head in his lap.

Caleb wanted to argue the point but found it difficult to do so with the pony whose head he had automatically started scratching. The coos of pleasure completely derailed his chain of thought. He sighed. “You win this round, ladies,” he murmured.

Butterfly Sky had certainly proven that she could cook. Despite the unplanned nature of dinner, the mix of vegetables and pasta had been tasty and nutritious. Caleb and Willow cleaned up after the meal and the three sat down for coffee and conversation. They discussed how the first day of the trade school had gone and their impressions of the students. Then the changeling said goodnight and headed back to the hive. The man and the earth pony spent an hour or so reading before heading off to bed for an early night.

As before, Willow snuggled her back into Caleb and he put his arm around her. As they lay there, the man had some thoughts that rose to the surface now that there were no more distractions.



“Doesn’t it bother you at all that another mare is essentially horning in on me right here in your home?”

Your home now too,” she corrected. “But to answer your question, putting aside the fact that the mare in question is actually a changeling, no, I don’t.”

“Why not?”

Willow was quiet for a moment before squirming around to face Caleb. In the darkened room, the man could see moonlight shimmering in the mare’s eyes as she gazed at him. “We’ve talked about this on our first evening together. We mares are always doing everything in our repertoire to make ourselves attractive to a stallion we fancy. It’s a normal part of our lives.”

“But surely it irritates you that she’s doing it right under your nose?”

“No. And before you ask why not, it’s because she isn’t a threat to me.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“First of all, she’s a changeling. She’s trying to forge a Companion Bond with you. Just because many of the tactics she’s trying are the same as flirting by mares looking for a mate doesn’t mean that she’s competing directly with me. Secondly, you heard me remind her who’s the number one mare here, right?”

“Yes, I did,” Caleb acknowledged.

“Butterfly did not dispute it, did she?”

“No, she didn’t. So – that makes you the alpha mare, right?”

Willow bopped him on the nose with her hoof. “You better believe it!” She then turned over again and snuggled back into him.

Caleb didn’t know if he should be relieved or worried. On one hand, there wasn’t going to be an outbreak of bitter rivalry between the two. On the other hand, it seemed that he had two mares firmly determined to fit themselves into his life in the only ways they knew how. It was a dilemma, albeit not an unpleasant one. He nuzzled the mare who whickered softly in response. There were worse fates, he figured. Right now though, sleep was the more important priority.

The remainder of the week was similar to Monday. Caleb and Willow would get up, shower, and make breakfast. Sky would arrive about then and all three headed off to the trade school. Lectures and practical lessons were given and then the three would go back to the cottage. Only a few things changed.

On Wednesday, the trio returned to the house to find the shower modified and drier installed. Willow told the surprised human that nopony locked their house doors in Ponyville and it made more sense to get everything done while they were away at work. Caleb was able to stand under one of the shower heads while the other was on a hose and mounted at a height to suit Willow. The mare could now unhook it to move it around her body to reach some awkward areas.

The second addition was a small steel workbench welded together as practice by some of Caleb’s students. Willow carried it home after class was finished. Now he had something far better suited to his height to prepare food upon without having to bend over constantly. It was very durable but not attractive, although a coat of paint would certainly help. That was put on the to-do list for the weekend.

Butterfly stayed for dinner each night but the others shared the preparation and cooking duties with her. As Willow did not seem to find the changeling’s uninvited presence unusual, Caleb just shrugged it off as a pony thing. He liked the mare even as she continued to flirt with him shamelessly, regardless of which form she was in.

Friday afternoon came and the school closed for the week. Caleb locked the door before turning to Willow and Sky.

“Well, ladies, I believe we’ve earned ourselves a night off from kitchen duties. Let’s go to a bistro for a meal and a few drinks. Any preferences?”

“How fancy do you wanna be?” Willow asked. “I need to freshen up at least first.”

“Something informal this time. I know you mares would prefer to dress up for the occasion if we went to a high-class restaurant. I just want to unwind and relax in good company.”

The two mares looked at each other and grinned. “The Bucking Mare!” they chorused.

Caleb gaped before lifting a finger as if to raise a point. “That’s not what I meant by… oh, forget it. I really stepped in it this time, didn’t I?”

Sky grinned and replied, “Maybe, but I think this works for all of us.”

The changeling was right. Everyone could let their hair or mane down there and all three needed to relax. They ate a good meal and consumed just the right amount of alcohol while enjoying the entertainment. They then walked leisurely home. When they arrived, Willow went inside but Caleb held back.

“I think I’ll sit outside for a while and enjoy the night air. The stars are particularly pretty tonight.”

Willow’s eyebrows rose and she glanced at Sky. A few moments later, she shrugged. “Okay. I’m going to make coffee. Want some?”

“Yeah. Give me a yell when it’s ready.” Caleb wandered over to the sole piece of outside furniture – a simple two-seater park bench – and sat down. He leaned back to gaze at the stars while Sky quietly sat beside him.

After a long moment of silence, Sky said, “Something is bothering you – I can taste it.”

The man turned to look at the anthro mare’s eyes which gleamed in the moonlight, reminding him of Willow’s. He gave Sky a lopsided smile. “You could say that. I’ve been in Equestria a couple of weeks now and my life has been turned upside-down. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve got it good so far. I could have died out in that desert or been left to fend for myself. I could have had many other things go wrong. However, here I am with a good job, a nice place to live, and two mares determined to make me part of their lives. It’s all a bit much to take in so quickly.”

Sky bit her lip before replying. “I’d offer to stop my flirting if it would help, but I know you like it, even if you won’t admit it.”

Caleb shook his head. “No, you’re right. Despite being disparate species, I do find you attractive – sexy even. Not sure how that works but my ape brain likes what you’re doing in spite of my rational mind pointing out our differences.” He sighed. “It’s just you’re doing it right under Willow’s nose and that is making me feel conflicted. I like her and it has been surprisingly pleasant to go to bed with her each night. But I think she wants more too. I don’t know how to feel about that, and I certainly don’t know how to deal with two mares wanting a piece of me.”

Sky put her hand on the man’s and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We both want what is best for you because that is best for us too. Willow is undergoing a huge change in her life also. She spent years merely existing after her fiancé died but you awakened her zest for life once more. Of course she’s going to want more. And you already know my motivation. We’re closer than ever, Caleb, but I sense that you won’t ever bond with me until you resolve your conflicts.”

“How am I supposed to do that, Sky? This whole world is so different from mine. I’m not used to so many things that you take for granted. I had a conversation with Willow in bed a few nights ago and she tried to make our situation clearer. However, knowing it empirically and feeling it are two different things. I’m a product of my Earth upbringing while you two behave in Equestrian ways. And you’re both totally different species on top of that. If this was back on Earth, I would be called a pervert for some of the thoughts I’ve been having, and yet here, it’s so normal that you’re surprised when I bring up the subject.”

“I could be a human for you if it mattered,” Sky said. Magic fire flared and Vicky replaced the anthro mare. “But no – that’s not the answer. You know what I am behind this façade and that changes nothing. And it still leaves your feelings about Willow unresolved. If it helps, I sense that you two are a very good match despite your physical differences.”

“But where does that leave you?” Caleb asked.

“You still don’t understand the nature of a Companion Bond. What it means is that we would be so in sync with each other that we would both desire the same things. I know your feelings for her because I feel them too. And Willow has spent much of her life in an era where having a changeling partner has become normalized. She may see us as a package deal. However, she also has to deal with someone who doesn’t explicitly understand her needs and desires because his background is so different. She struggles with your gung-ho… masculinity is that how you say it? – while her mare instincts are telling her that you need to be protected and nurtured.”

Caleb grimaced and snorted. “The problem for both of us is that I’m not a pony stallion.”

“It doesn’t need to be a problem. Take it from someone who could be anything she desires – it’s not the physical things that make for a successful relationship. If it was, I would have had a partner many years ago.”

“I notice that I haven’t seen your male form since last weekend.”

“Oh, Vex will be around again, but we both prefer when I’m female.” She shifted back to anthro mare form. “And you like Sky best.”

Caleb chuckled. “Yeah, you got me there. A tad more exotic than Vicky. Best of both worlds, right?”

Sky grinned. “I like to think so. And I’d like to emphasize that I don’t merely look feminine in this form. I very much am female and find your masculinity as attractive as you find my boobs fascinating.”

The man laughed. “Nice to know. Any more words of wisdom before Willow comes looking for us?”

“She knows we’re having a serious talk and has been giving us privacy. But, yes, I do have one more piece of advice. You should seek counsel from an expert. I suggest you make an appointment to see Princess Cadance.”

“What?! You want me to bug a princess over my personal issues?”

Sky nodded. “Yes, I do, and she would want you to. She’s not called the Princess of Love for nothing.”

“I’m not seeking marital advice!”

“Love comes in many different forms, Caleb. Go see her – you’ll be glad you did.”

“I’ll… think about it.” He shivered. “It’s getting a bit too cool out here for me. How about we go inside for that coffee?”

“Now that’s another example of how we think alike. Let’s go!”

As Caleb settled down in bed for the night with Willow, the mare asked, “Did you have a good talk with Sky?”

The man was silent for a moment before replying. “She gave me some food for thought.”

“Good. I think I might have a chat with her too. I suspect she’s going to play a big part in our lives.”

“I reckon you're right. I just hope that we can work things out to our mutual satisfaction.”

“Me too. But for now – snuggles?”

Caleb gave her a smile she couldn’t see. “Gladly.”

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