• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 3,836 Views, 649 Comments

Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

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Chapter 8

Caleb paused outside Mark’s office. “Know any good places to get a drink here in Canterlot? A beer garden would be good in this weather.”

Willow replied, “I’m not very familiar with the city. I’m sure we could find one easily enough if you don’t want to go back to Ponyville.”

“Not just yet. I need to go over the rest of the contract and mull over what Prince Mark told me.”

“May I suggest the Canter Heights Tavern?” came a voice from the side of the outer office.

Caleb turned and his eyes widened when he saw a changeling queen seated behind a large desk. “My apologies, Your Highness – I did not realize you were there.”

Chrysalis gave the human a smug smile. “A changeling’s greatest skill is to remain unnoticed in any circumstance. One learns a lot more that way. However, today I am here for routine proceedings. As my husband’s Chief Advisor, I work with him on current and future projects, such as the proposed trade school.”

“I see. So you’re aware of what he’s just offered me?”

“Quite. You are wise to consider your future carefully. The Canter Heights Tavern has an excellent beer garden overlooking the valley. Their selection is second to none and their bartenders are the best in the city.”

Willow asked, “Would at least one of them happen to be a changeling from your hive?”

Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed and she spoke with a clipped tone. “Indeed. Which means I know what I am talking about.”

The earth pony mare smirked. “Plus this gives the Triarchy the benefit of intelligence off the street, plus access to a wide array of sources that know who is doing what across the city.”

Chrysalis smiled and shifted her eyes to the human. “This one is both unafraid and intelligent. Have you spoken to my husband about herds?”

Not what he wanted to discuss! Caleb steered the conversation back on topic. “Where can I find this beer garden, ma’am?”

Without any sign from the queen, a changeling Royal Guard stationed by the door walked up to the pair.

Chrysalis said, “Sergeant Vectrix will accompany you.”

“Umm… directions would be fine, ma’am,” the human said with a glance at the Guard.

“Perhaps, but you cannot freely wander through the castle by yourself. While my husband was responsible for you up until now, you will require a Guard to accompany you to the gates. And as you will be returning to the castle later to use the portal back to Ponyville, you will need a Guard once more. Vectrix shall remain with you. I advise taking advantage of his local knowledge.”

“In that case, thank you for your help, Your Majesty.”

“You’re welcome. I hope that you find our offer… enticing.”

Chrysalis gave the man a fang-filled smile and Caleb shuddered a little. He had a feeling that her polite words were more like a strong suggestion to comply. He hastily turned and headed out the door, Willow quickly falling in beside him. He paused, suddenly unsure of which direction to take.

“This way, sir,” the changeling Royal Guard said with a rigid expression.

There were no further words exchanged between them until they exited the castle. Then they were thrust into the hustle and bustle of Equestria’s capital city. Although Caleb had been to the castle twice now, this was his first time experiencing the actual metropolis. While he had been in several Earth cities before, they couldn’t compare with what he was seeing now. Not a scrap of dull grey concrete could be seen. Marble façades were common but white-painted stone blocks with sturdy timber framing brought a European feel to the buildings. Red-tiled roofs were visible both above and below on the lower levels, while multi-hued banners and pennants brought more splashes of color throughout the city. And that was even without the plethora of citizens with their pastel coats adding to the overall effect. After several seconds, the changeling guard walked toward a street that led away from the castle and gradually rose in elevation. The man and earth pony jogged to fall into step at his sides.

“It usually hits most newcomers to Canterlot that way,” Vectrix said cheerfully.

Caleb shot the guard a questioning glance.

The drone chuckled. “Emotion eater, remember? I taste amazement with a strong dash of appreciation of beauty plus just a pinch of feeling overwhelmed.”

The man examined the changeling who now seemed more relaxed and friendly. He raised an eyebrow. “What’s with the change from the stiff guard inside?”

Vectrix grinned. “Gotta be formal within the castle. Right now though, you’re my assignment and I get to be myself.”

“Oh? And why were you picked for this duty?”

“Because, as Her Majesty said, I have a thorough knowledge of what this city has to offer. And, I happen to enjoy a beer or two also.”

Caleb grinned. “Are you allowed to drink on duty?”

“When circumstances call for it, yes.”

Willow spoke up. “I get it! You’re here to help persuade Caleb to agree to Prince Mark’s offer.”

The changeling gave her a wink. “Shh! You’ll give away our nefarious plans!”

“Just what are you up to, Sergeant?” Caleb demanded.

“I’ll explain it in a moment. We’re here.” Vectrix held open the glass door which had “Canter Heights Tavern” in gold calligraphy upon it.

Caleb entered, followed by the suspicious earth pony mare. They made their way through the bar to the back which opened out onto a balcony with the promised view.

“We’re in luck – there are still a few good places to sit. Take your pick.”

Caleb selected a table with a sun umbrella and seats close to the wall. While the chairs were only pony-height, he could still easily see the magnificent vista. The complete lack of any visible pollution let the man see clearly to the horizon. Looking further down, he could make out Twilight’s castle and from there pick out a couple of landmarks in Ponyville. A waitress came along as soon as the other two sat down and she took their orders. Caleb and Willow chose the house lager while the changeling selected a Porter from Vanhoover.

Vectrix took off his helmet and set it aside. “So, time for explanations. First off, there’s nothing underhanded going on. That contract that Prince Mark gave you is genuine, but it only covers the practical side of staying here and heading up the trade school. However, as emotivores, we changelings understand all too well how much emotional turmoil you are going through. My Queen has tasked me with helping you in this regard.”

Caleb snorted with amusement. “So, you’re saying you’re my counselor?”

Vectrix nodded. “In a manner of speaking, yes. My species is uniquely qualified to help you cope with the emotional stresses that you are experiencing. You’re not expected to suddenly dismiss your ties to those you’re parted from. However, the way you deal with those stresses may not always be healthy. It will be my responsibility to watch out for your emotional health and come up with ways to help you that you will find comfortable.”

Willow smirked. “Like being his drinking buddy?”

Vectrix winked. “I did say that I enjoy a beer. And it gets even better. Technically, I’m still on duty. I’m getting paid to share a drink with you!”

The waitress arrived just then with said libations. They each took their drinks and sipped a bit.

Caleb said, “Well, I said I was going to read the rest of this contract, so don’t mind me if I’m quiet for a while.”

“Go right ahead,” Vectrix said with a smile. “Willow and I can chat and admire the view.”

The man nodded and tuned them out while he read the contract thoroughly.

The changeling and earth pony moved over to an adjacent table so they wouldn’t disturb Caleb. After silently drinking for a minute or so, Willow folded her forelegs across her chest and frowned at Vectrix. “Y’know, I’ve already been helping Caleb fit into pony life.”

“I believe you, but what about griffon life? Minotaur life? Changeling life? Caleb will have to deal with every species, not just yours.”

“So that’s the real reason you’re here? I’m not good enough for the task Prince Mark gave me?”

“No, you could be exactly what he needs – a good friend. However, you can’t be expected to be able to teach him everything or know when he needs help coping. The next few days are going to be tough for Caleb. I can tell that he’s holding back a lot already. Sooner or later, that dam wall will burst.”

“He’s a stallion – they’re always emotional. He’ll just have to mare up.”

“Oh? What was it like for you when you lost your fiancé? I believe you had to be medically discharged due to your psychological breakdown.”

Willow slammed her stein down on the table. When Caleb looked up with a cocked eyebrow, the mare forced a smile onto her face. After the man returned to his reading, Willow hissed, “How dare you! How do you know all that?”

“Do you think it was a coincidence that I was standing by at Prince Mark’s office? I’ve been informed regarding everything about you two. If you could not handle your loss, how do you expect to cope when Caleb finally has to come to grips with the fact that he’s never going to see his marefriends, his siblings, his parents, or his relatives? Not to mention his workmates and other friends. You lost one pony but he’s lost his whole world – what are you going to do about it?”

The earth mare scowled at the rebuke, but she had to admit that Vectrix had a point. “I can be there for him.”

“And that will be a huge help. However, you won’t have to do it alone. Work with me, Willow Branch. Together, we can help Caleb build a new life. Are you up to the challenge?”

“I wasn’t expecting this job to be so complicated when I was given it, but damned if I’m going to let Caleb down.”

“Excellent,” Vectrix said with a satisfied smile. “Feel free to call on me whenever you need help.”

Willow nodded and finished off her beer. “I’m going to need another one of these.”

It was several minutes later before Caleb took a deep breath and let it out in a huff. He got up and joined his companions at the other table.

“So, what did you think of the contract?” the earth mare asked.

“Almost too good to be true. I have a question though. What are Gold Bits worth? I have no idea about the relative value of your monetary system.”

“Oh. Well, first you need to know the denominations. We just had a currency switchover a couple of years back. No more apples for a Gold Bit apiece, no matter how good they were! Anyway, only the New Equestrian Bits are in circulation now so everyone just calls them bits. Copper coins are the smallest, and there are a hundred of them to one Silver. Then there are a hundred Silvers to a Gold Bit. The last two are alloys to make them tougher. As for their value, a day’s wage for a Royal Guard is one Gold Bit, for example. Does that give you enough of an idea?”

The man asked, “Do you have a Gold Bit I can look at?”

Willow nodded, fished one out of her purse, and placed it on his outstretched palm. It was about the size of a half dollar but a bit thicker. The weight confirmed that it consisted of mostly gold.

Caleb held the coin up between two fingers. “Let’s say I had this much aluminum. How much would that cost in whichever kind of bits?”

Vectrix and Willow laughed. The changeling said, “You’d have to tell us when you had it for sale. Nowadays, about fifty Copper Bits.”

Willow waved her hoof to point beyond the wall. “But twenty years ago, you could have bought half of Ponyville for that much pure aluminum metal. Maybe the Castle of Friendship, too.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” said the changeling, “you’d have to throw in a dozen books on some new subject before Princess Twilight would jump on that deal.”

Willow smirked. “You don’t know her as well as I do. A half-dozen at most.”

The man stared at his drink for a moment. “OK, so I picked a bad example. How about this beer?”

Vectrix said, “Your beer cost two Silvers.”

Caleb reckoned he could research the value of various items for comparison, but even with a beer rule-of-thumb, he calculated the wage he had been offered. He whistled long and low. Willow raised an eyebrow and he held up the contract that showed the pay offer. The mare’s eyes bulged.

“Holy horsefeathers! Sign that sucker right now!”

The man chuckled. “If Prince Mark is that eager to sign me up, it won’t hurt to wait until I see him tomorrow to clarify a couple of things. But yeah, there’s no way I’m going to mis this golden opportunity.” He grabbed his stein and chugged the remainder down.

““You like Equestrian beer, I take it?” Vectrix asked. “Another round?”

“One more, I think. Have they got any snacks here?”

Willow signaled the waitress. “They sure do.”

They ordered another round of beers and a bowl of potato chips. Then they ate and drank while Caleb looked at the beautiful scenery and asked questions. Half an hour later, the man rose to his feet and gestured to the south.

“Well, Ponyville’s there and so should we be soon if we aren’t going to be late for dinner with Princess Twilight.”

“It won’t take long to get you to the portal,” Vectrix said as he picked up and donned his helmet. “Plenty of time to make one stop before departing.”

“What did you have in mind?” Caleb asked.

“Nobody should ever travel to Canterlot without experiencing the food of the gods. We’re visiting Donut Joe.”

If it wasn’t for the dinner that he was going to spend with Twilight Sparkle, the box of doughnuts that they bought might not have survived the trip to Ponyville. Caleb heroically refrained from eating more than two… okay, three.

There was more than ample time for the man and the mare to freshen up after Vectrix saw them off to the Castle of Friendship. They then made their way to the dining room where they found Spike supervising the servants who were setting the table for the meal. The dragon grinned at seeing them arrive.

“Hey, dude! Looking good!”

“Thanks, Spike,” Caleb replied. “They’re nothing fancy but they’re really comfortable.”

“I don’t think Rarity is capable of making uncomfortable clothing – she’s that good.”

The man gave the drake a keen look. “Sounds to me like the voice of experience.”

Spike grinned. “Heck, yeah. Both this world’s Rarity and the anthro world’s have made suits for me to wear to the Grand Galloping Gala and other formal events. I think they’re in a friendly competition.”

“For a world where the vast majority of the population prefers to walk around nude, you sure love your fancy outfits.”

“Of course, we do! They’re for special occasions and that’s when we dress to impress. The rest of the time, we have natural protection like my scales or ponies’ coats. I get why you dress up in bad weather – you have nothing but bare skin. But on days like this, nopony understands why you don’t enjoy freedom from confining clothes.”

“Spike, my friend, on this subject, I doubt we’ll ever agree,” Caleb said with a grimace. “Put it down to a human quirk.”

“Is there a problem?” came a voice from the doorway.

Caleb turned to see Princess Twilight, but it was the being next to her that caught his attention. He had many similarities to Queen Chrysalis but the resemblance quickly ended with the striking coloration and antlers. He tilted his head slightly and regarded the human with curiosity.

After a few seconds, Caleb found his voice. “Just a difference of opinion regarding the relevance of clothing, Your Highness.”

Twilight smiled in amusement, quite familiar with the human foibles about public nudity by now. “I see. And just call me Twilight please, Caleb. Let me introduce my husband, Thorax, King of the Crystal Changeling Hive.”

At that moment, another being appeared out of the shadows in one corner of the room. He had some of the features of both Thorax and Twilight and looked to be either an older teenager or young adult. “Are you going to block the door all evening, Mom and Dad?” he complained.

The purple alicorn rolled her eyes. “And this is our impatient son, Regis Novellus.”

Caleb gaped. “How…?”

Spike snorted. “He’s a shadow-walker and a show-off.”

“Nah, just hungry,” Regis retorted. “Is dinner ready yet?”

The dragon nodded. “Now that everypony’s here, I’ll have the meal served.” He bustled off in what Caleb presumed was the direction of the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Thorax approached the man. The changeling smiled and said, “Twilight has told me about your unfortunate arrival in our world. I hope that you’ve been coping – I can sense some stress.”

Caleb shrugged. “I’m doing well enough. Can’t say that it’s all been rosy so far, but Willow here has been a great help.”

“Don’t hesitate to ask for help, Mister Awad. My wife and I are invested in your wellbeing.”

“Seems a lot of that going around,” the man replied with a lopsided smile. “Fortunately, I had some doughnut therapy this afternoon.”

Twilight grinned. “You’ve been to Donut Joe’s shop? That was always my favorite place to visit when I was feeling low.”

“Hard not to see why,” Caleb agreed.

“Soup’s up!” Spike announced.

Everybody made their way to the dining table and seated themselves. As usual, Willow took her place next to the human. She still felt self-conscious about being casually familiar with royalty, but while she was tasked with lending support to Caleb, at least she didn’t feel like she was going to be ejected at a moment’s notice.

As the meal progressed, Twilight inquired about the man’s day. He regaled them all with a description of everything that had happened since he had last seen her. Thorax was most interested in his impressions of his experiences.

“I’ve still got a million questions though,” Caleb said. “There are so many things that seem unusual or even weird to me. Like, why do you ponies have pictures on your butts?”

“They’re called cutie marks,” Willow informed him primly.

He looked at her askance. “You’re shitting me! Seriously?”

“That’s their official name,” Twilight confirmed. “As a matter of fact, they are part of the presentation that I intend to give you after dinner. It’s something that I put together for visitors from other dimensions who might not be familiar with our world. I call it An Introduction to Equestria and the World of Equus. You’ll be glad to know I’ve greatly expanded and improved the presentation since I showed version 12.1 to Mark Wells. It was difficult to condense all the important details down to just eight hours, but I’m sure you’ll find it fascinating and informative.”

Caleb noticed Spike rolling his eyes and he began to regret asking.

The human wondered if there was any way to escape this torture. He doubted that the alicorn would even notice if he got up and left the room, she was that engrossed in her lecture. However, Willow had already succumbed to the tedium. Her head had initially leaned up against his shoulder but had gradually slid down his arm until it now rested on his leg where she was making his trousers sodden with her drool. He stroked her mane subconsciously until he noticed himself doing it and pulled his hand away. He envied her state of oblivion even as he cursed his entrapment. Spike came up, offering him a third mug of black coffee in the hope of caffeine keeping him awake. Caleb accepted it gratefully but he felt he was fighting a losing battle.

Somewhere around the Fourth Century of the Celestial Era, Caleb’s eyes closed and failed to open again.

“…and that marked the beginning of the Triarchy and the modern era,” Twilight said almost reverentially. “Tomorrow night, we’ll examine Equestria’s expansion into an empire and a pan-dimensional culture.” She turned away from the screen for the first time in hours. “Have you any… questions…? Oh, for the love of Celestia!”

The alicorn realized that Caleb was sound asleep, his head lolled up against the back of the sofa. His empty coffee mug dangled from one finger, in danger of falling at any moment. And Willow was just as unconscious.

Twilight pouted. How could she get feedback on the presentation if neither he nor the mare stayed awake for its entirety? “Spike! How long have they been asleep?” she asked testily.

The dragon looked up from the comic he had been reading and put it aside on the stack of others he had plowed through during the evening. “I dunno. A couple of hours, I guess.”

She looked at him aghast. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

He shrugged. “You were on a roll and I figured you needed to rehearse the speech anyway.”

“Arrgh! We’re supposed to be helping Caleb learn about this world so he doesn’t feel so out of place.”

“Then don’t drown him in facts. He’s overwhelmed already.”

Twilight glared at him for a long moment but then deflated with a sigh. “You’re right. He’s obviously exhausted, mentally if not physically. We’d better let him sleep. I’ll take him up to his room.” She paused for a moment. “You told me that Willow slept with Caleb last night, right?”

“Yep. She had me fetch him a fresh robe in the morning.”

“Oh, good. That means he must be fine with sharing it with her. I’ll put them both in his bed. Bring Willow’s saddlebags, please.” The alicorn carefully levitated her two slumbering guests and carried them upstairs without waking them.

When she arrived at the room, Spike pulled back the sheets and she lowered the mare onto the bed.

“You’re not going to put Caleb into bed while still wearing his clothes, are you?” Spike asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. A little precision teleporting will fix that.” Her horn glowed brighter and Caleb’s clothing disappeared and reappeared in a pile at the foot of the bed. She then lowered him to join the mare. “Hmm… he does have some more hair. I must get him down to my laboratory soon to give him a thorough examination. After all, he needs to make up for sleeping through my presentation.” She pulled the covers over the two.

Spike shuddered in sympathy for the poor human as they left the room.

As the door closed behind them, Willow yawned and snuggled up against Caleb. With a soft smile of contentment on her lips, she fell back into her happy dream.

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Author's Note:

There's a price to pay for everything, although not always in coins!

Art by Foxenawolf.

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