• Published 26th Sep 2021
  • 7,578 Views, 761 Comments

Left Behind - The Psychopath

The spell trapping Nightmare Moon within the orbital satellite is tampered with, pushing her release past a thousand years into a time where alicorns are myth, technology has somewhat stagnated, and nobody knows who she is.

  • ...

Towering Legacy

"Where do they live?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Wh-wh-why do we need to see them? I don't want to pressure them with this!" Sunny sputtered frantically. "This is too much stress! I'm going to end up all pruned like the mayor!"

The alicorn briefly felt a twinge in her mind. She had already forgotten about the mayor. "It is nothing insidious, Sunny. Being a prince has many advantageous positions." She looked around at her keep and frowned. "Even if they can't be taken advantage of just yet."

"Then you just want to--"

"Offer many benefits to your family, yes."

Sunny heaved a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground. "Well, as long as it's only that." His worry came back, but not with the same intensity. "If they refuse, will you leave them be? I'll take the mantle without any arguing," he asked Moon. He saw from her eyes that she was going to force the position onto him, but after his request and offer started to mull things over. He dreaded the fact that he was getting too used to a literal god's mannerisms.

"I will mull it over," Moon stated. She walked around the empty space, thinking to herself and smiled. "I have an idea of how to make it work, however." She remained silent for a few seconds. "Would you be able to guide me to the domicile of your parents? They're more important in the immediate."

Sunny thought a moment. "Um. I think? They're next to the forest of the thestrals in a village northeast of where we went."

The strange, wispy blackness surrounding Moon's body flickered angrily, but she took a deep breath and forced it back to normal. "My anger is going wild. I wasn't interested at the time," she thought to herself. "You will guide me from above," she ordered in his language.

Sunny nodded. "It should take almost the same amount of time to reach them as it did the forest. Maybe a few extra hours?"

Once more, the young unicorn was grabbed like a doll in the alicorn's magic and held aloft as she left the keep, but not before telling the guards that she would have the old castle properly renovated on her return. The king was going to adore the sudden expenses thrown his way. Well, if he and the queen chose to pay them.

The sun was already high in the sky when the two departed. The landscape hadn't changed in the short time the two had returned, and Moon had something she had forgotten in the excitement.

"The mayor is dead," she said bluntly.

"He what?!" Sunny shouted from below. "Is it too much to ask that I not have to be traumatized by every bit of information that comes out of your mouth?!" he bellowed angrily. Moon looked at him from the corner of her eye but remained silent. Sunny still averted his gaze. His fear overpowered his anger. "H-how did it happen? Old age?"

"He was assassinated."

The unicorn's eyes widened. "As...Is it because he was related to you?"

"Potentially," the alicorn answered. "There are too many potential factions that could be doing this, but I have an idea of who the main culprit could be since both of you were directly related to me and your mere existence promoted mine." She huffed. "There was one after you as well."

"What happened to them?"

Moon smiled. "I took care of it," she said slowly and methodically.

The stallion shivered and swallowed what felt like a lump of lead that choked his words from leaving his throat. "Is that what the ball was?"

Moon said nothing. "It was one of the weird new species of pony that looks like it is attached with floating thread."

"A dullahan?" Sunny pondered. "But they tend to keep to themselves and don't really care about others."

"Unless it affects them personally," the two said in unison.

Sunny looked up at the alicorn.

"It's obvious how they think. I would know," Moon explained.

To prevent himself from being dropped, the stallion kept his comment to himself and looked down, watching the grassy lands whizz by at high speeds.

"How are the twins going to react when they come back from their vacations?" he worried.

"They will adapt, or I will find replacements. Somepony had the audacity to attack my vassal. They will not be able to blink another time once I discover who it was," Nightmare Moon stated firmly.

The two kept quiet for most of the trip, mulling over their own thoughts. When the sun began to set and the sky was turning purple, Nightmare Moon called out to her passenger.

"Where is the village?" she asked him.

"Oh! Um..." The young stallion looked around, doing his best to spot any landmark from above that he might recognize. "The treeline is here...the giant tree...we just passed it. Keep going forward from here and you should spot it somewhere on the right. It's nestled between two large, gray hills."

It took about another hour of flying, and thanks to the ensuing darkness, Moon was able to spot a bright halo of light coming from just what Sunny had said. The village was an oddity, as was its location. The hills were just gigantic stones polished by wind, but they were spread far enough apart that a village was able to shape itself within the protective confines. There were farmlands around, but the fields had not been tended to yet. It was still just grass and weeds. The homes were made of wood and reminded the alicorn of the ones of her time. There were a few street lamps illuminated by a process Moon could not figure out, but the technological advancements she had seen in the city were not present here. Regardless, each house had light coming out of its windows, and each house was separate from the rest. They hadn't been organized in their positions when being built. They were all placed about haphazardly, wherever there was room, leading to a misshapen mess of houses placed diagonally to each other and big empty spaces being left betweeen several houses where another could have been built.

"This place is a mess," Moon grumbled as she let Sunny free.

"Why? It's my home? These are simple ponies, your highness. They don't want to suffer through the hustle and bustle of city life. Even the hills isolated us from the rest of the world." He narrowed his eyes at the street lights. "These weren't here before, either. I guess they just brought in oil lamps now."

"Oil lamps?' Moon asked.

"Yes. Flammable liquid. Viscous like oil. Put into glass containers to hold them and prevent the flames from spreading and burning everything."

Moon hummed. "In my time oils would just douse fires and were used for foods and mechanisms." She looked around, noticing that no one was on the streets. "And where is your house, nephew?"

Sunny cringed. Hearing that title was something he would take a long time to get used to. "It should be over here. It was built against the hill, and my family had dug a hole in it, so we even have a cave!" he stated cheerfully.


She followed the tiny stallion, ignoring most of the scenery around her. The alicorn felt a twinge of frustration building within her. All those idiots who proclaimed themselves as descendants of hers were nobles, but the ones actually related to her were peasants. It made Moon wonder what families in her time were once acclaimed nobles or royalty and found themselves tending to the land to feed those on the positions they once held.

Sunny Dimples called her over. Moving between some of the houses revealed an opening where she could spot the stallion. He was standing in front of a house built with width in mind instead depth like most houses and buildings. It was closer to a soldier's barracks than anything. Much like the rest of the buildings, it was made of pale-tan wood, but its shape was very disturbing.

"Why is it shaped that way?" she asked Sunny.

He shrugged. "I don't know. It was built that way, but most of us live in the cave. more space and we don't have to annoy each other when we want to get somewhere that way since everything is built as a line."

It seemed obvious to the mare that this place wasn't supposed to be a home, or at least not for a whole family, but that wasn't a detail that interested her. The mare in the moon was more interested in the ponies living within it.

The unicorn took a deep breath when the two reached the door. A rug was placed in front of the door that slid when Moon's large hoof stomped on it.

"Okay, I haven't spoken to them directly since I went to Snowfege for my studies." He looked at Moon then to the door then Moon. "Please don't get angry at any comments they make. No pony is used to you, and they'll have you directly here in front of them and in their home." He turned away and looked at the ground. "Even I'm not used to you. You're still very scary," he mumbled to himself.

The alicorn lowered her head next to Sunny's. "What was that?" Moon asked him.

"Ha ha nothing! Timetomeetmyparents!"

He knocked on the door and waited impatiently with a giant, nervous smile on his face while sweat started dampening his fur. After a few seconds, the door was opened, revealing a grayish stallion with brown spots on his body. His eyes were a gray-blue and his mane had been shaved on the sides, making it look like he had a brown mohawk. He was covered in dust and wiped his eyes to see Sunny in front of him. His face brightened up.

"Sunny Dimples!" he called out. He jumped out and hugged the young unicorn. "How is my colt doing? Wait, why are you here? We didn't receive any news from you. Did the letter not get through?" His face darkened and his tone became darker and strained. "Did you get expelled?"

"No no!" Sunny was quick to correct. "Nothing like that. I just have someone who wanted to meet with you. She's a very..." He cleared his throat to keep his voice steady, but it still ended up cracking. "She's a very important pony."

He smiled at his son. "Oh. A she. Hm hm!" He raised his eyebrows several times at his son who started blushing. "I see. Started mining for some precious ores, I see. Looking for a ruby." He winked at his son who facehoofed and groaned in embarrassment.

"It's not like that..."

"Sure it isn't." The stallion winked unabashedly. "And where is she? Did she come with you?" he asked.

Sunny wanted to disappear into a dark corner somewhere and die. "She's right there." He pointed towards Nightmare Moon.

Sunny's father looked to the side, a bright smile on his face until he met legs. Then he looked up more and more, and his smile faded with every centimeter raised, until his eyes met with the unamused and glowing orbs of Nightmare Moon.

"Ah..." He started balancing himself awkwardly back and forth on his hooves, producing a variety of strange noises. "Honey," he called out into the house. "Our son is here. He brought an indescribable horror from the corner between corners!"

The three heard the sound of metal clanging together along with a large amount of rocks rolling around. Quickly after they saw a mare poke her corner out from the side of the door frame. She eyed Sunny then Moon and focused on her.

"That is not a horror," she started. "That's a mare."

Sunny's mother was a pegasus who was shorter than his father. Her coat was also a darkened gray, but her mane and tail were both bright pink colors with the rare dollop of blue here and there, similar to her eyes. To Moon, this was a sign that she was the one who passed Celestia's genes onto Sunny Dimples.

"That's what I said," the father confirmed.

Sunny's father started laughing, and the young unicorn kept a hoof to his mouth to muffle himself as best he could. His mother smacked the old stallion upside the head. He was startled when Moon did the same to him with a limp flick of her ankle.

"And who did you bring with you, Sunny?" the elder pegasus asked.

The young stallion was rubbing the side of his head, doing his best to not shoot a glare at the alicorn. "This is Nightmare Moon: Alicorn of the night and the moon."

"A-a-ali..." the mother stuttered.

"Whbahumo," the father blathered.

Moon stepped forward. "I am here to announce that you two are part of royal lineage and are, thus, part of the royal family. You have the right to land and to live with me in my castle as the first family to serve me from now on and into the eternity that comes afterwards."

The old ponies collapsed almost instantly, much to Sunny's horror. "Mom! Dad!" he cried out to them.

Nightmare Moon had a feeling she was going to have some fun here.