• Published 26th Sep 2021
  • 7,590 Views, 761 Comments

Left Behind - The Psychopath

The spell trapping Nightmare Moon within the orbital satellite is tampered with, pushing her release past a thousand years into a time where alicorns are myth, technology has somewhat stagnated, and nobody knows who she is.

  • ...

Red Silver

"I just need to find where I put the keys," the mayor said. Candy and Candied Cane both popped up near him with saddlebags on, scaring Sunny Dimples.

"Where did you come from?!" he shouted at them.

"We were here this whole time," Candy said. "You just didn't notice because you were so fixated on the torso with stilts for legs."

A painfully loud screeching flew through the air, causing everyone but the alicorn to cringe and lay their ears flat atop their skulls.

The mayor saw the gate had been lifted by the mare's magic and frowned. "That's not fair. I had a key for the side doors. No pony ever lifted it up because it was too rusty."

The alicorn passed the threshold into the overgrown courtyard. "Hmmm. I'll have a tower placed there and one for my sorcerers over there." Nightmare Moon's eyes narrowed. "Or give them their own mini-keep just outside the walls. Towers don't have enough space and can't be expanded."

She kicked a shard of brick away and looked around. It was just weeds and lumps of collapsed wall as far as the alicorn could see. She felt a twinge of satisfaction in her. It wasn't her old castle, but it was at least a castle, and a beautiful one at that! Nightmare Moon could finally rebuild her old home into the mighty fortress she always wanted, without it being her original home, of course. A castle is a castle. She shielded herself with a wing from the cold winds that blasted over the walls and crashed into the courtyard. It's here that the alicorn realized she hadn't seen her wings this whole time.

They were much larger than before, and while they were still shaped like moon crescents, their outer edges gradually went from a faint, almost indistinguishable blue from the bend to a blinding white at the very tip of her outer feather. They seemed to leave a thin wispy trail of white light behind that gradually faded into multiple tiny white lights. The alicorn was visibly disgusted.

"I could handle the wispy cloud around me and the cracks on my body. Those only serve to improve and amplify my... promises," she shouted angrily. "But this. This is absurd. Why do I need to create trails of light with my wings?" She tapped the ground angrily with a hoof and retracted her wing. "When I get some armor again I'll cover the edges of my wings. Some enchantments and I'll be flying better than before." She chuckled. "Not like that isn't already possible."

Broken from her disgust, Moon took in the courtyard. It was a mess of weeds and remains of the buildings and walls. She needed to rebuild, but where to start, and where to get the same materials? She ignored the soldiers dispersing, taking in the scenery as well. Moon had bigger plans for this place.

"I think she likes it," the mayor noted.

"I hope you're right," Sunny worried.

Candy looked at the mountains. "And to think that this old castle was just one of a few dozen around here," he said. "Which one was this? The griffin's or the minotaur's?"

"Or maybe the hippogryphs? They tried expanding here too," Candy supposed.

"No. One of our own," the mayor corrected. "One of the few that are our own. Was held by a knightly order sent here that helped win a war and establish the current royal family and Equestria a few hundred years ago." He smiled. "You remember that war, right?"

The three nodded in tandem. The mayor was approached by a pegasus that saluted him.

"The officers say that they have a communications orb if needed. You'll be able to use it when they're done, as per your request."

The elder swung his foreleg in victory. "Fantastic! They accepted my request. Now we just have to wait that they finish."

The officers in question had set up in what were once kitchens. The refurbishments had all been left to rot after the castle was abandoned by the city, so many gaps in its walls led to the mountain outside. The roof let in a cold, chilly breeze through its many rotted holes, and thick layers of dust and dirt rested on everything. An orb had been laid atop multiple filthy rags that had been taken from around and bunched up on a table that was on the verge of crumbling.

"Yes sir," the pegasus officer replied. "It's a genuine alicorn."

On the other side was a grizzled mare with scar tissue covering the entirety of her head, rendering her bald. Some green fuzz had grown back over, at the very least, but the scars were still visible. Her pale, yellow eyes showed signs of extreme fatigue, but she remained at her post. "Are you absolutely certain of this claim? Alicorns are the things of legends and a playtime subject for the nobles and royal family."

The earth pony officer stepped in. "We used a dispelling orb. The strongest we had on hoof to get rid of any transmogrification magic." He started tapping on his hooves as if he had fingers. "It would have dispelled a regular spell, a group spell, combined spells, binding spells, spells held by simple items, potions, comb--"

"I know what it does!" the mare shouted. She caused the three officers to jump when her face bent around the contours of the sphere. The soldier back away and cleared her throat. "I trust you were at least able to subdue her?"

The pegasus hesitated to answer, but it was better to rip off the bandage than leave it to fester what was underneath. "Well, that's the thing, general. We couldn't. Even with the antimagic spears employed, she could still use her magic."

The general's stoic expression faded. "What?" she murmured.

Now it was the unicorn's turn. "I can confirm that they were properly employed, and over twenty had been planted into her...erm...magical shadow."

She was getting to her wit's end. "Her what?"

"She's enveloped in some kind of shadow. The spears...hit her?" he said in doubt.

"They damaged whatever spell she was casting, then about the number my colleague mentioned pulled it down," the pegasus said. He slowly started to realize the absurdity. "The spears stayed stuck in some...shadow attached to her." He whimpered.

The mare shook her head and let it drop. A long exhale preceded her speech. "What a day. All that in...where did she even come from?"

"Eyewitnesses said that she just...appeared, in a pillar of blue light and fire," the earth pony announced. He had waved his forelegs in the air to accentuate the 'aw' in the concept.

"Well, that's not helpful. Why appear now all of a sudden? There were no significant magical events occurring." The general patted her chin. "You're authorized to install a retinue in that castle. I trust you got the authority of the mayor?" The officers nodded. "Good. Don't want to cause an incident with the civilians, and keeping this under wraps is key." She pointed at the sphere. "Contact me when you have everything in place. You'll get reinforcements in equipment, supplies, weaponry, anything you think will serve to help you keep that creature contained."

"Why are you giving us such resources," the pegasus asked. "Wouldn't such a large influx of troops and equipment cause some issues not just here, but...next door?" the stallion whispered.

"If that alicorn is truly the real deal and has the powers you mentioned, then I hope for all our sakes that she can be kept on our side. That's the hoof I'm gambling with." She leaned back and sighed. "I need a spicy rockpin drink, and make sure no pony learns of this. No pony outside the city, none of your neighbors regardless of your good relationships with them, and do not, under any circumstance, tell the nobles and royal family." The general's eyes rolled back in her head and she dropped onto her desk. "Oh, the nightmares are starting. If they learn of her..."

"Ah yes, is this the line of the royal family?" the mayor asked.

The mayor's group was informed of keeping everything confidential. An oddity that the mayor would then be allowed to use the sphere, but with some convincing and proof-in-paperwork, he managed to convince the soldiers that he had no intention of doing such. Plus, after amassing quite a bit of experience with the local military, he was seen as a very upstanding citizen. For the mayor, his irreproachable, professional attitude stemmed from gradual boredom. Oh, at first he was earnest, but he was getting on in years and tired of the same, repetitive humdrum. A golden opportunity presented itself before him, and he was damned if he didn't take advantage of every bit of his reputation grown so diligently over these few years.

"It is indeed. May I ask who is speaking, and if you have a reservation?"

The pony speaking was draped in thick, purple cloth decorated with silver-colored patterns laced into the fabric. The patterns were all along the back and collar of the wearer, and sometimes the ankles. Of course, that was just the standard decorative method. It looked like a dress or robe, but it had holes in the bottom that served as leg holes. It was like a thick gambeson for the whole body. The mayor always found it to be ridiculous clothing, but they were at least easier to get in and out of and were fairly comfortable in the winter.

"I am the mayor of the city of Snowfege. We are about to host the Winterdrop Turning festival," the mayor explained nervously.

"Ah, the city in the mountains." The stallion looked down while flipping through paper off-screen. "I'm sorry, but you aren't on a priority list to speak with the royal family. I'm sure that, in a few years, you could--"

"Who is it, Pumpkin?" a male voice asked.

The stallion somehow physically groaned. "It is the mayor of the city of Snowfege, your highness," the stallion announced.

There was a long moment of silence before the stallion backed away with a bow and a pony strapped in jewelry and red silver stepped in. Their outfit was far more appealing to the eyes: Yellow velvet cloth with heavy red silver alloys woven into the fabric. Between every opening there was a purple jewel that melded almost perfectly into the color scheme. The mayor couldn't help but think that the colors were another absurd demand by the royals.

"Greetings, mayor," the king saluted.

The mayor bowed. "Your lordship. This is an honor."

The king's face deformed when he moved closer to the orb to look around. "You seem to be in quite a tawdry place. Why did you call on my personal communi-sphere?"

Every word they said made the chains of their headgear shake around. Their crown sat like a tower on their skull. It was made of silver with the peaks plated in red silver and green jewels. However, to prevent it from falling due to its weight, or being stolen, it had been wrapped up in golden chains which draped off of it and lead to a brace that wrapped around the king's neck. The queen had similar security measures.

"Because I have a proposal for you, my king." This was it. The beginning of his plan. "My city is known for having a very...well, as per our tourists: Beautiful Festival. Many nobles come around for it as well."

"I am not interested in the whims of my brown muzzlers," he stated. The king was getting more annoyed. "Get to the point or I'll cut the line. Many other cities vie for my visits, you know."

"W-well, I don't want to spoil the surprise, but something has appeared here that caused quite a stir," the mayor was quick to say. "Right now it's staying in this castle, but I would like it to be the place where the nobility and, of course, your majesties, to sojourn here during the evening of the festivities." The mayor couldn't help but look away shamefully. "Unfortunately, the castle is in dire states as it has been abandoned, and, not bearing any of our own nobility, we will most likely not have the best reception for you."

The king had leaned their head into their clothing, pushing up the shoulder into a mound. He looked incredibly bored, and the mayor could feel his heart beating a mile a second in his chest. Sweat started matting his fur as he nervously awaited the pony's response.

"A party in a dilapidated castle with a more rustic decorum?" The king paused. "Sure. I think that will be a welcome diversion to the usual, but you'll need help in fixing it up for our arrival before the holiday starts. At least, we need the keep sturdy enough to welcome us."

"Oh no, it's alright, King Gallant," the mayor quickly blurted out. "We already have stonemasons here and the material needed to fix the castle up."

The king raised a brow. "Except you have no architects specialized in castles." The mayor opened their mouth, but the king continued. "And you need more than a few stonemasons to shape the stone, and you need excavators for the quarry, and the equipment for restoration, and you'll need funds."

The mayor realized he had completely underestimated what fixing the castle would be like. Why couldn't it just have been like the houses they live in? "B-but, that's money paying for something so pithy--"

"I decide how Equestria's funds are spent, and I have decided to fund the restoration of that castle. Cease opposing my actions," the king threatened.

"Y-yes, sir, I mean, your lordship!" the mayor hastily spat out.

"Besides, I think this will be entertaining anyways, provided this surprise is worth it."

The elder smiled and rose their hoof. "Oh, it will be. It will especially be a treat for the nobles. I'm sure you'll find them eating each other over it," he cackled.

The king rose up, his lavender eyes brightened from the dull luster they had earlier. "Something to rile up the nobility?" He looked up pensively then chuckled quietly. "Then it will be a night to remember."

"Oh, it certainly will be."

Nightmare Moon stared at the podium in the throne room where a throne should be and looked at the tall walls. "I wonder if I should make a throne from the bones of ponies who defy me," she wondered aloud as her voice echoed around the chamber.