• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 2,063 Views, 111 Comments

Rag Doll - No one is home

It started with an old man who just wanted a fresh start. He knew what kinda deal he was making. Gloomy Sonnet was just another sad unicorn. Charlie was just her rag doll. And then magic came back... they were NOT ready...

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Chapter 14: Four Days - Day Zero

“...and that’s where the situation stands, currently your majesty.” Frank wound down his explanation of his rather unusual patrol.

“Would it kill you to just call me ‘Mom’, Frank?” The huge mantisoid equine rolled her slitted eyes and flipped her mane with one forelimb. “Steve and Ocillia call me mom. The pony princesses don’t call Queen Haven ‘your majesty’, they call her ‘mom’. I know because Ocillia keeps making me watch those Pipsqueak streams. Yet every time you're on duty you have to get all “your majesty” with me.”

Frank heaved a heavy sigh. “Professional protocol is very important in the changeling guard! I have to maintain discipline in the ranks. Just because I’m a prince doesn’t mean I can hold myself to a lower standard, if anything I have to hold myself to a higher standard!”

“This is very concerning, Frank.” The queen's face became serious. “Not so much so as if an actual pony had found their way down here, at least with a magical artifact we have the option to just keep it down here.”

“Ocillia wouldn’t argue, she’s already named him ‘Uncle Cornelius’.” Frank scowled at the thought. “Which is still a better name than Ragdoll.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about giving my teenage daughter a cursed living doll.” The queen grumbled, then heaved a heavy sigh. “Hopefully it won’t come to that. I don’t want to hold any sentient being against their will. But we have the security of the hive to think about. For now we need to establish whether or not this Ragdoll can be trusted. For now I’ll leave him in the care of yourself and your siblings. He is to be treated as an honored guest so long as he behaves, but he is not to leave the hive. Three of you are to monitor him for three days, and then bring him to me and tell me what you learned. I will trust my children's judgment in this.”

“As you command, your majesty!” Frank snapped off a crisp salute.

“Oh, and Frank?” The queen smirked at her departing son. “I am issuing a royal decree that my children have to call me ‘Mom’, off duty or not…”

“Mom!” Frank pranced on the first quarter of his legs in agitation. “Don’t embarrass me in front of the other guards!”

“See, was that so hard?” The underling queen flashed a wicked smile.


“I’m really sorry Uncle Cornelius.” At this point I feel bad. You just can’t stay mad at that face.

“Ocellia, our new friend's name is Ragdoll.” Have I mentioned that Steve is genuinely just the nicest guy. “Calling creatures by names that aren’t the name the chose is rude.”

“It’s okay Steve.” I smile because there is literally a smile sewn onto my face. “Ragdoll’s not my name either. It’s just what most ponies call me. Gloomy actually named me ‘Charlie’... not sure why… but that’s important. The point is, it’s not your fault Ocillia, you didn’t know. Before magic came back I couldn’t sense anything but touch unless I was in contact with Gloomy, then I could see and hear through her. Thing is, when she was little her mom made her keep me a toybox.”

“That’s terrible!” She’s adorable. As uncanny valley terrifying as both her brothers, but the term cute as a bug is a thing for a reason. “And that’s why you freaked out when I bal glomped you?”

“Yeah, I’m kinda claustrophobic.” I flail my head up and down in nodding motions. “Also I have boundary issues. I’m usually smaller than this… or everything else is usually bigger, jury’s still out on that. But I have issues with anypony… er…anyone other than Gloomy handling me, especially treating me like a doll.”

“I have had an audience with the Queen.” Frank sure is walking into this room super serious.

“You mean you talked to mom?” Wait… I feel like this is a detail that no one has let me in on.

“Yes.” I don’t know how you roll compound eyes, but Frank is good at it. “I talked to mom. She says the weird doll is our problem for at least three days. He is a guest of the royal family while we decide whether or not he can be trusted.”

“Wait a minute? Your mom is the Queen?” I need to make sure I heard that right. “Did I hear that right?”

“We try to not make a big deal about it…” Steve stammers around all those teeth. For real that is a lot of too many teeth for a horse mouth.

“You and Frank try not to make a big deal out of it. I on the other hoof am the princess of cuddle-muffins!” Okay that is pure adorable, and she knows what she’s doing with the stubby legs and over sized elytra. 100% Ten of ten cute pose. She is still terrifying.

R:/ I am not going to be taking “buggy back rides” on her back in the next chapter. I see what you’re doing, because you gave me button eyes!

C:/ You say that like it’s true, or even relevant. Will she look for you or won’t she? You two pulled a nice trick on me, for rea,l I didn’t even see that coming. But I told you from the start, you asked for this.

Author's Note:

Another short chapter??? :pinkiecrazy: What foul sorcery is this? :pinkiehappy:
If you want to know what’s happening with Gloomy, Check out Return to Equestria by David Silver and support his work. 

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