• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 2,061 Views, 111 Comments

Rag Doll - No one is home

It started with an old man who just wanted a fresh start. He knew what kinda deal he was making. Gloomy Sonnet was just another sad unicorn. Charlie was just her rag doll. And then magic came back... they were NOT ready...

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LaDyBuG, cHaPtEr 12: Dreams Beneath the Sunlit Sky

“Don’t come around here no more.” He hates me. “If Gloomy still wants to hang with you. I support her. She is free of the burden of me.”

“I… understand why you hate me now Charlie.” The judgement in his button eyes rips out what’s left of my heart. “I… I threw you away. When magic faded, I gave you up for dead.”

“I don’t hate you, Diane.” I suddenly wish he would. I feed on hate, fear, rage, even love. I only taste cold. Like a frozen cloud that evaporates in your mouth. He doesn’t have to say he doesn’t care. He’s not even angry enough to tell me he doesn’t care. “I’m a copied soul stolen by a mad unicorn, and stuffed into a rag doll by a mad god. I was tasked to protect a changeling filly from a murderous psychopath. If you move against Ladybug, remember what happened to the one you stole true infinity from.”

“He’s here.”

“You brought him”

“I’m sorry, Charlie.”

“I can keep the guards from seeing you, they think I’m talking to myself.” There is finality. Is that what I came for? “If OC wakes up again, she’ll see you. You should leave, Diane.”

“I can pass on a message to Gloomy?” Is that really what I’m doing? It is as painful as it is awkward.

“She already knows. You should leave. Don’t come back, Anypony. You are Unwanted.” He chose that word specifically. His world is made of words.


“Okay, Gloomster… do not panic.” The dragonfly tapped her hooves and twitched her scorpion tail nervously. The pegasi mare continued speaking. “I really did not plan on still being in this universe at this point in this process… I thought I’d have Charlie back and I only knew you existed as a tangent factor to my goals… Honestly I thought me and Charlie would just bounce…”

“Any,” Onyx inquired, tapping an ominous rhythm with her hooves, “what did you do?”

“Mr. Sunshine… I made a deal with him… it’s a mnemonic entity.” The dirt colored earth pony explained, shuffling in vain between the unicorn mare and the sky itself. “It’s basically a sentient meme. It exists just because we think about it. I’m sorry, I thought we’d have more time to get out.”


“Two of the three of you owe me more than you care to admit.” The goat-like earth pony glared at the Doll as it spoke. “And you can lay off with the cards and hear me out. Shuffle all you want. Tirek’s flabby flank, shuffle more! Shuffle them cards girl. We are bucked and could all use a good shuffling.”

“You fell asleep again, Charlie.” A little human girl riding a giant plush pony giggled. “You’re dreaming.”

“I’m sorry, Lucy… I must have nodded off.” The doll smiled because he always smiled, shaking his head for a moment as they trudged through the snow.

“My name is Luna, silly.” The girl was a pony. Had she always been a pony? Was she always the one carrying the Ragdoll? “Tia hid thee so well even she couldn’t find thee. But I’m the one who found thee! I know thy rules! Ask me the question!”

“What do you want?” The rag doll’s voice isn’t even mine. I do not sound like that…

“I want my sister to understand what this loneliness feels like, right now.” The princess bowed her head in witness of the moon.

“Do you remember what you asked me in the snow, before the Roc Farm?” Ragdoll paddled in the celestial surge of her mane for a longer time than I am comfortable to admit I am enjoying. So obviously I spoiler my own dream. “`You said, ‘If Tina carries you, and you carry me, who carries Tina?’ Remember?”

“I remember the answer.” She is a petulant foal. She is a queen in her own right. “‘No pony carries her. No pony can carry you on the path you chose.’”

“The Text doesn’t guarantee success, it only opens a path. And if you walk hard enough, and if pay a high enough price, it can make the impossible obtainable.” Did this ever really happen? Who can say between the gap of dream and memory. It is as uncertainty as the sincerity of the “love” I feel for my bearer. Of course I loved Ladybug. Just like I loved Gloomy. I like to think it’s real. This is a conversation I at know I wished had happened.

“My sister thinks you are cruel for the hardship you levy against those who will name their price as ‘anything’.” Princess Twilight’s advisor, Luna sips a mug of coffee wafting the heavy scent of almond liqueur. Because why do things progres the way they do in dreams? “But that’s not cruel. Their goals are possible. But what of the ponies who don’t offer to pay enough? The ponies who end up a slave to your schemes, cutting deals with the Text via your bearer. Or worse, the bearers who only paid enough for half of a dead end path, that you lead them down with loving steps until they are so thoroughly lost they will never find the way back where they started? You are cruel, Ragdoll Charlie.”

Author's Note:

The leering sun rises. :unsuresweetie:. Individually can either couple survive Mr. Sunshine? And if they unite and win, what will be left of them? :pinkiecrazy: You thought you had time? Ask the Mayans, no one expects the rising sun! :pinkiecrazy:
If I was a cruel text I would end it with that very question. Luna... :trixieshiftright:
Keep fighting Team Mongoose! Never Give Up! :pinkiehappy:

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