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Chapter 9

(Fair Warning. this is the chapter with an attempt of suicide in it.)

Sunset Shimmer kept running until she arrived at the city bridge. She was overwhelmed with grief and regret.

“I should never have left Equestria!” she cried to no one as she looked at the snowy sky.
“Then, I would never have hurt others and been a thorn in their lives. I’m sorry, Twilight. I’m sorry, Princess Celestia. I’m sorry, Flash. I’m sorry, CMCs. I’m sorry, everyone!”

She then climbed to the other side of the railing. Thinking everyone would be better off without her, Sunset fell to the frozen water below. Because she had her eyes closed, she didn’t see a bright green portal appear and she fell through it. Sunset opened her eyes to find she was back on the bridge. Confused, she tried to fall again, only for that same portal to catch her and put her back on the bridge over and over again. What the pony turned girl didn’t realize was that everytime she went through the portal, everything was starting to look foggy.

“Whoever you are, Leave me alone!” Sunset cried, trying to find the one responsible for the portals. “I’m not worth it!”

After a couple more failed attempts, it got so foggy Sunset couldn’t see what was in front of her. However, she looked to see she was touching not the railing but a tombstone and gasped. Before, she could ask, a giant shadow walked towards her. Sunset could only knowingly point in fear. “I…. I know who are.”

The figure revealed to be a big dark blue robot with fin like arms. His face was covered by a screen and head had two diagems.

“You’re my visitor of Christmas future, aren’t you?” Sunset accused. The robot nodded. “what is your name?”

The robot held up a card with his picture on it to Sunset. On the card labeled ‘Soundwave.’

“Soundwave? That’s your name?” Soundwave nodded before Sunset continued. “Do you not speak? Or just when necessary?”

“Just when necessary.” Soundwave responded with a recording of Sunset’s voice.

Creeped out at first, Sunset then looked around. “So where are we?”

“Christmas future.” Soundwave answered in Sunset’s voice.

Sunset looked around to see they were in a cemetery. “You must have the wrong holiday. This has more of a Halloween feel here.”

Soundwave then pointed to a hilltop.

Sunset looked to see the Rainbooms staring glumly at a tombstone. Rarity placed a wrapped gift on the tombstome as her mascara ran down. Fluttershy was bawling while Rainbow held her, trying to hide her tears. Pinkie’s hair was flat as she stood drooply. Not far from them, the CMCs were watching sadly. Soon, all but Applejack left.

“Why didn’t I listen?” she whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. Then, the cowgirl set a guitar on the tombstone and sulked away.

Sunset worked her way up the hill with Soundwave not far behind. The name on the stone was covered by snow.

“Must’ve been someone close to them.” She said. Soundwave pointed to the stone, as if saying, ‘go to the stone.’

“Let me guess. It’s someone I hurt, isn’t it?” The robot did not move just pointed.

“How can I learn the magic of friendship if I keep hurting people? Whether I wanted to or not?” Sunset slowly walked up to the stone. As she kneeled to it, she continued, “Maybe that’s why I was jumping off the bridge. Did you EVER THOUGHT OF THAT?”

Soundwave just waved his hand, as if saying, ‘just look’. Sunset then started to brush off the snow, revealing the name started with an ‘S’. one by one, she revealed another letter.


“Sunset Shimmer?!” Sunset looked in remorse. Below the name, it also said, ‘a true friend’. She hugged the stone. “They did care!”

At last, Soundwave spoke in his own voice. “Because you rejected their kindness, and denied them forgiveness, this time of year will be the saddest time for them forever.”

Sunset crawled to Soundwave. “No. please! Tell me I can fix this! I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore!” she hugged the robot’s leg while Soundwave remained unfazed. “I wanna live! I wanna live!”

As Sunset pleaded, everything began to grow dark as she closed her eyes.

To be concluded

Author's Note:

- I was down between Megatron or Soundwave for the future visit and Soundwave seemed like the best choice in his 'Transformers Prime' style.
- The space bridge part was inspired by a scene from the animated Dr. Strange movie from Liongate.
- I had the sad theme from Yu Yu Hakusho playing in my head for this scene.

Next Time: Spirit renewed! Mr. Neezer's true identity!