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Chapter 7

Later that night, Sunset was fast asleep when her alarm clock suddenly went off. She looked at the clock said 2 am. Groaning, she knew this meant the second visitor was expected to show up. She got up and sat on her bed and waited when she heard rustling down by her kitchen area. She crept to it and saw a blue mongoose eating from the plate she threw away earlier. She screamed, getting the mongoose’s attention.

“What? Did you see a spider or something?” he asked with a cookie in his mouth.

“Who or what are you?” Sunset demanded.

“Of course. My mistake.” The mongoose swallowed the cookie. “Hello. My name is Sunil. I’m a Mongoose. And your visitor of Christmas present.” He then held up a cookie. “Cookie?”

“You’re eating something I threw away and you want me to eat it?” Sunset was disgusted.

“In my defense, you had the aluminum still wrapped on.” Sunil huffed.

After huffing knowing the mongoose was right, Sunset took the cookie and took a bite. To her surprise, the cookie was delicious.

“Why would you throw away such delicious cookies?” Sunil asked.

“I….thought it was something offensive.” Sunset sighed.

“Why would anyone do that? And before Christmas?”

“Apparently, all bad people, even former ones, don’t deserve a merry Christmas.” Sunset whimpered.

Sunil held up the envelope that was on the plate. “I believe this is for you.”

Sunset took the envelope and opened it. As she read the letter, Sunil read over her shoulder.

“You are invited to the Sweet Apple Acres Annual Christmas Party. On Christmas eve.”

“Oooo. Sounds like fun!” Sunil gleamed.

“How do I know if this isn’t a trick? They could be using this to lure me out!” Sunset feared.

“Why don’t we take a look and see?” Sunil took out a high silk hat, pulled out a folded piece of paper, folded up, revealing a door.

Sunil opened the door, revealing another portal, and lead Sunset into the portal.


The two entered another room before Sunset spoke.

“Anything I need to know while we’re here?”

“While we’re in the present, we are still invisible so no one can see or hear us.”

“Okay.” Sunset looked around to see they were in Pinkie Pie’s room. The two saw the party
girl sitting on her bed, listening to music that was familiar to Sunset.

“This- this is Post Crush! I love this artist! I didn’t know Pinkie liked them too!” she gasped. As she went near Pinkie, she saw the pink girl was anything but happy. Her hair was deflated.

“I really hope Sunset enjoyed those cookies I baked for her.” She told herself. “if only I made them for her earlier. I should’ve done that to everyone who suffered from Anon-a-miss. I don’t think I can made people smile anymore if this doesn’t work.” She pouted.

“She made those cookies? I should ask for the recipe.” Sunil said.

“Maybe I was a little too hard on Pinkie.” Sunset said.

“What about the others?” Sunil asked.

The two turned to find themselves in Fluttershy’s room. The shy girl shed a couple tears as she stroked her pet bunny, Angel.

“What have I done, Angel?” she asked her bunny. “I turned away from a friend. And on Christmas of all times!” she finished bursting into tears.

“Okay. Maybe Fluttershy too.” Sunset confessed. “But the others were too quick to judge me. It’s obvious they still think I’m Anon-a-miss!”

“Let’s find out.” Sunil said as they turned around to see they’re now in Rarity’s room. There they found Rarity struggling to make a dress. She just couldn’t concentrate. Her sister hasn’t spoken in days and she misjudged her dear friend. She peeked out of her room to see her mother leave Sweetie Belle’s room.

“How’s Sweetie?” she asked.

“Still nothing. The poor thing still hasn’t spoken. Oh sure, She’ll still leave her room to do her chores and extra work. She didn’t even begged when your father took her labtop from her until we can trust her.”

Rarity couldn’t help but shed a tear, which her mother noticed. “There, there, deary, I’m sure things will get better.” As her mother headed back downstairs, Rarity sulked back to her room.

“What’s wrong with Sweetie Belle?” Sunset asked the mongoose.

“She’s been overfilled with guilt from the whole Anon-a-miss incident.”

“and I suppose that was my fault too?” Sunset folded her arms.

“Not entirely. They felt left out when their sisters hung out with you more than them. That was the main reason they started Anon-a-miss page. When you were sleeping at your last sleepover, they took your phone and uploaded the images to the Anon-a-miss page.”

Sunset still didn’t look convinced. But Sunil continued.

“When Applebloom saw the students about to hurt you, that was there she felt this went too far. So they confessed to their sisters and your principals and deleted the account.”

Sunset still felt hurt, but she was still curious. “Are Applebloom and Scootaloo like this as well?”

“I’m afraid so.” Sunil sighed. “Come with me.” They turned to enter Rainbow Dash’s room to find the athlete laying on her bed listening to her phone before she spoke.

“Okay. Thanks, miss Lofty. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” She sighed before hanging up her phone. As she continued to lay there, a slight knock was on her door. It was her father, Bow Hothoof.

“No progress on Scootaloo?” he asked.

“Nope. She still remains silent.” Rainbow then stood up. “how could I have been so stupid?
I’m supposed to be loyal and yet I failed! I'm mad at myself for not being there for Scoots, I’m mad at the squirt for hurting Sunset. I’m mad at Sunset for not forgiving us. I’m mad at…. Not knowing who to be mad at!” she took her pillow and screamed in it as her father patted her back.

“Beating yourself up about it isn’t going to help anything. Just give Sunset and Scoots some space right now. I’ve been where you are. All you can do now is just say you’re sorry, move on, and hope for the best. Some things are just out of our controls.”

Rainbow looked up. “I just hope Sunset does comes to the party tomorrow so I can at least try to apologize to her.”

“That’s my girl. Now get some shut eye. Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve.”

“Kay.” Rainbow breathed as Hothoof left the room. Sunil then talked to Sunset.

“Come on.” The two turned to see they were now in the kitchen of the Apple family. They saw

Granny entering and she and Big Mac watched Applejack who was outside in the snow,
standing in remorse.

“Applejack still outside?” she asked.


“Anyword from Applebloom?”


“I really hope they aint this way at the party tomorrow.” Granny sighed as they walked away from the window. Sunset walked up to the window and saw Applejack outside looking to the sky. Then she turned to Sunil.

“Sunil. Is this how things will be from now on?”

The mongoose sighed. “Hard to tell. All I know is whatever happens is up to you, Sunset Shimmer.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

- I don't know a whole lot of Littlest Pet Shop so I apologize if Sunil is out of character.
- The scene where Sunil unfolds the door is similar to when Homer unfolded his Alaska poster in the Simpson's movie.
- The Post Crush is a reference to the Equestria Girls special 'Sunset Shimmer's backstage pass'.

Next Time: Another chance? or grief?