• Published 27th May 2022
  • 1,342 Views, 24 Comments

A Different Kind of Magic. - KarmaSentinal

An unexpected encounter sparks an unexpected change.

  • ...

Chapter 3


Entering, the mare strolled into the room and stopped just two pony lengths way in front of his desk, and clipped her hooves together as per tradition bred into her family since the early tribes days of Equestria.

Blueblood the 16th looked up from the small stack of parchments to address the unicorn that always found himself in his office- 7:30am sharp. The mare shared a matching white coat just like her lord, but differentiated herself by tying her mane back into a similar fashion some of the nobles tied their tails, this recent trend of ‘ponytails’ as they are referred to have taken a life of their own that remind the prince heir of hats!

She even integrated a silk ribbon into her mane in a modest display of her own station. Yet, it mattered very little to Blueblood on the condition she continued doing her assignment as required.

“My liege! There was another attack by the southern wall last night around the changing of the guard. No other section reported an attack all night except on the southern wall where they were seen for the last two days. Me lord, if I'm so bold to suggest something?”

“You may.” Blueblood agreed, a little eager to hear what the mare had to say.

“My liege, I suspect the timberwolf packs are choosing their targets. They remember. They’re not the mindless beasts we’d assumed, and it might not just be them. It could be the whole forest!”

She would have continued, but stopped at the raised hoof of her lord, and with restraint forced herself to stop and stand at attention until he dismissed her.

“It would appear so Bright Sheet, and that is to be expected unfortunately. Up the guard change by an hour for the next two days. We’ll see what the wild packs do before randomly choosing which section will be relieved first until further notice.” Blueblood instructed, and waited to see if the mare would try to argue with him, and nearly smiled when she bit her tongue and nodded.

“Yes, me lord. Shall we start today or wait until nightfall to implement the changes?”

“Tonight. We shall let the nightshift grab their sleep for now, but start waking them around 4pm. That will allow them plenty of time to make what preparation they feel needed.”

“Yes, me lord.” The mare nodded once more.

Her rising anger was increasingly becoming difficult to control, and the prince knew this by prior warning before interviewing the aggressive mare for the position. She was blinded with pride, but excelled with punctuality and her ability to gather the data in a manageable report. Thankfully, there already was an understanding between the two about what would happen if she failed this assignment as well, keeping her from ‘speaking her mind’ as often.

“And Bright Sheet? What of the common folk? Are they adjusting to the Everfree Forest?” The mare stood taller and recounted what the prince had known all along. Satisfied with the report he dismissed his assistant for the next few hours, or until it came time for the evening report, whichever came first.

Once she had closed the door and her hoofsteps could be heard growing dimmer, did he lean back into the wooden chair that had been crafted and enchanted from several of the felled trees from forest fire many months back, and slumped into it with exhaustion. Every morning started out with Blueblood waking up with the morning sunrise in preparation to start the day by reading several papers from Equestria, followed by any written concerns, letters of gratitude, or his personal favorite- yesterday's reports in written form of course.

With Bright Sheet gone for the time being, it was only a matter of time another pony would seek his time, and no sooner had he thought it, did a lite knocking chimed through his chamber, ending what little will he had to rest. Maybe tomorrow.

“Enter” he gave the command, and was happily surprised when saw who it was.

Slipping through the obscenely large wooden door strolled a mare he recognized all too well carrying a small thermos by a strap, and when she noticed the prince watching, the stripped beauty gave a wink and a warm giggle. Blueblood rose to meet her half way, taking the offered thermos with his magic, setting it carefully on the desk.

“You don’t need to worry about me, not that I don’t appreciate it, but won’t you sleep in for once?”

“The trip wasn’t necessary as long as I have four hooves, but the gesture is more than enough for one willing to move.”

“And I will also restate that you don’t have to do this every morning Zecora.” The prince said as he plucked a spare chair by the wall closest to them and placed it in front of the desk.

“I will stress it is of no issue. A promise is a promise, and one I intend to never miss, unless of course your taste grows stale. In that case, how about an ale?”

She was joking of course, poking fun at the unicorn’s expense who still found mild embarrassment from the attention, but that was a loving trait of his. For a stallion of his position (as he referred to himself), Cardinal would display his more loving side when they were alone, and the understanding he allowed only her this glimpse sent her heart fluttering! Thoughts and actions were the foundation they were building on and to her word, the zebra had continued to make that special 'forest blend' of tea, just as Cardinal kept his promise to hold her hoof when time allowed.

It was the little signs of affection that Zecora appreciated the most because they are gestures she never considered experiencing.

"Ale is acceptable love, but I would sorely miss this wonderous scented brew." To emphasize the point Blueblood/Cardinal grabbed the thermos, and in one motion removed the cap before taking a hearty gulp.

His eyes went wide. Zecora giggled. The thermos was swiftly returned to the desk.

"Is it good? My new apprentices were sure it would set the mood. My doubts are high, but never enough to tell them goodbye."

"Apprentices? Zecora, it tastes like dirt and leaves, and in fact..." Cardinal retrieved his handkerchief from the top left drawer of the desk with the intent of spitting the gunk he felt infesting his mouth. " It is! Look at it!"

He tried showing the mare who in turn swatted the handkerchief from her sight as she averted her gaze. He acted astonished while she acted disgusted before they gave up their parts in favor of more hoofholding. Cardinal began asking more about her mysterious apprentices when a loud cry from outside caught their attention, and grew louder as it morphed into the clops of multiple hooves running. He couldn't even stand up when the door flew open to reveal an orange filly standing on her rear legs with two other fillies standing behind her.

"THAT'S HOW YOU OPEN A DOOR!" The pegasus filly shouted while her companions congratulated her.

"Ya'l been practicing Scootaloo!"

"Where did you learn to do that?"

The three fillies excitedly chatted amongst themselves as Cardinal and Zecora watched with a mixture of feelings: the stallion feeling mostly shock and confusion while the zebra radiated with pride. Cardinal leaned in to whisper something to Zecora, who listened with keen interest, and grew more excited as she listened much to her partner’s concern.

“This home of stone and mortar is understaffed on a good day, so who would watch them as they play?”

“Zecora...” Cardinal began already knowing where this was leading to as he unintentionally gave birth to the idea, and now looked toward the laughing fillies with trepidation. “...what of their parents? We can’t just take fillies on a whim.”

Zecora’s joy turned into full on laughter quickly catching the fillies attention who quickly galloped over to the pair with various expressions etched into their muzzles. The yellow earth filly appeared the most level headed as she seemed to be considering the stallion with a critical eye as the unicorn and pegasus sought Zecora attention.

“Miss Zecora!”

The two fillies happily cried as the zebra leaned to give them a quick nuzzle, and while they were occupied, it left Cardinal alone to deal with the questioning earth filly who appeared no closer to making up her mind on the stallion. They might have remained in this stalemate if the feminine coughing from their right hadn’t grabbed their attention in that moment.

“Fillies. May I introduce sompony dear me, and that is no jest I hope you can see. This is Cardinal Rose.”

The three fillies turned to the stallion who now felt himself straightening out as they judged the poor unicorn with a new sense of uncertainty, but with years of practice he kept his proper pose and waited for them to make the first move. He didn’t have to wait long before the earth filly from before voiced her concern.

“Are you sure he's al’ight? He looks…”

“...like a mare and not a stallion.” the unicorn filly interjected, and her statement actually stung a little bit, but Cardinal remained stoic as he let them continue.

“Rainbow Dash looks more like a stallion than his guy!” The pegasus yelled, earning weird looks from her friends, and a bemused smile from Zecora who seemed to be enjoying this exchange.

“Excuse me fillies, but wouldn’t that kind of talk be considered very rude?” Cardinal decided to approach this situation delicately more because of his own inexperience with foals than any other factor.

The fillies were caught off guard by his sudden question, and all three even turned to Zecora looking for guidance on what to do. He was a bit insulted, but that feeling was quickly forgotten as he watched her interact with the rambunctious foals in a way that left him feeling..happy.

“So who is the pretty colt teacher? He seems like the real stuck up ones Rarity likes so much.”

“That’s my sister Scootaloo!”

“And you can keep her Sweetie Belle, I can’t help it if she has bad taste when it comes to colts.”

“Ya know Scoots, I feel like your taste ain't much better if you get my meaning.” The earth filly leaned in with a smirk on her muzzle, and this made the brash pegasus recoil.


“One time what? What colt are you talking about?”

“Her gamer coltfriend of course.”

“HE’S NOT MY COLTFRIEND!” The one named Scootaloo cried in desperation, but only further encouraged her friends to tease their friend.


The two mares began chanting as they skipped in a circle around their friend who grew increasingly charged and tried her best to get them, but her failure only spurred them on. Blueblood the 16th, or Cardinal Rose as he’d been increasingly using rose from his seat and trotted over to the three fillies who stopped the moment they saw the unusually large unicorn moving toward them, and used this to speak.

“Ladies, please refrain from this needless chastising if not for yourselves, then out of respect for the sanctity of my office.”

“Maybe we should take this elsewhere, hun? Preferably, somewhere with less dull and more fun?”

“Hun?” The three fillies parroted the word when the unicorn filly, Sweetie Belle, if he heard correctly screeched excitedly while jumping in place.

“Are you Mister Zecora!?” Everypony stopped. Most with shock on their muzzles while the only mare softly giggled at the question, but that didn’t stop her from moving close to nuzzle Cardinal’s cheek.

This sent the fillies into another round of excited bouncing before they rushed him with a flurry of questions they wanted answers to. He was unprepared to deal with their levels of energy, and needed a moment to gather himself before answering any questions which were many. The small herd left the room, and into one of the only completed wings of the old castle, making their way to the room that served as their cafeteria for the time being. Something about these fillies left the prince heir feeling relaxed, and in a rare public display even wrapped his tail around Zecora’s tail earning himself another nuzzle from the mare. The fillies were none the wiser as they asked their questions and marveled at the previously restricted areas, made open by the princes’ command.

Comments ( 14 )

OK, this was a sweet story and a ship I was not expecting.

I had the thought when they first announced the contest, and after finishing them found myself really enjoying the ship. Definitely one I might come back to later!

my only regret is we didn't see rarity reacting to this paring

To this day Blueblood doesn't even know who Rarity is. XD

that would piss her off so much :rainbowlaugh:

I think he briefly mentioned it in the story that he eventually realized she was an Element after the gala had concluded, and might have given her a chance since she was generosity. But lol, hindsight is hindsight, uh?

i always liked the idea that blue blood is used to gold diggers and just assumed she was one, or she just ticked him off so he self-destructed on purpose to get rid of her, then later when he found out he like oh no anyway just moved on

Well I got to say this is a pretty nice story so it looks like blue blood have return to Canterlot and things looks like are back to normal but he got a visitor which he was very happy to see it was Zecora has he been doing after he returned back and she's been visiting him a couple of days and it looks like she's not alone the Cutie Mark Crusaders or with her as well and once again it was a pretty sweet story and I really like the chemistry between those two this was a pretty good story again keep up the good

I should have clarified it a bit more, he mentioned in the first chapter the Everfree Forest was his family ancestral domain. After Tirek's defeat, he basically got permission to reoccupy his lands by declaring he'll rebuild and use the Castle of the Two Sisters as his home if able. They agreed, and he managed to find ponies willingly wanting to go with him, and since then have been rebuilding the old Castle. Zecora visits so often she practically lives there, and her connection with the CMC... it felt like a natural step for her to teach them if they wished.

I didn't do a good enough job of it, but with Zecora I was trying to sprinkle in details about her past to suggest (using Lauren Faust's idea) of Zecora being from our world. Its why he mentions 'This zebra' because he's never heard of one, and Zecora mentions being raised by her mentor because she got separated from her mother as a foal. Its not mentioned in the story, but I envisioned her mentor being an actual witch of the forest who found Zecora and raised her like her own child.

I might peruse more with these two in the future because I actually grew to enjoy this pairing a lot.

A Zecora and Blueblood pairing is more than a little unusual, but there's some potential here!

Some interesting worldbuilding, I'd like to see more of it. The fillies calling Blueblood Mister Zecora tickles me; I love this idea that he's Blueblood Son of Blueblood Son of Blueblood going back 16 generations, and it's the witch doctor zebra who lives by their town who gets first billing.

The little tidbits of lore we're getting are nice, you think you'll do more in this setting?

I mentioned in another comment, but the pairing grew on me enough that I might write more about this pair once I finish several others stories including my spin off of your story, a League of Legends Diana story, and another one that is being in the works.

That was a good story.

Hey buddy, glad to see you're enjoying the stories.

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