• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 824 Views, 63 Comments

Let The Chaos Come - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

A human sings along to "We Will Rise Again" while in Equestria, Discord is being banished. And as the human sings 'Let the chaos come' Discord is banished to earth.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Let The Chaos Come

Written by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Chapter Eleven

Lysander's P.O.V:

I woke up and spent a few hours in the bath to enjoy my free morning, which thankfully didn't begin at the ungodly hour of 06AM.

The fact that I'd have relaxing mornings like this for a month, or for however long it takes to get the Principal to loosen up is comforting.

Once I finished my bath, I headed downstairs to play a few games on my PS5, but when I got to the living room, Sara was waiting for me.

"I guess you feel better now?" I ask, remembering her shenanigans from last night.

She's about to nod, but then pouts. "Not yet..."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"Well... there's one thing that always makes me a hundred percent better, and that's baking a cake."

"Baking a cake?" I ask, surprised.

"Time for mixing!" says Sara cheerfully as she turns the hand mixer on. I duck as cake batter flies everywhere, covering most of the unfortunate objects on the counter, and I swear a drop splatters onto my hair.

Or maybe that's one of the pancakes from that time I made it with Discord. Long story short, he made them come alive and dance, and then they got themselves stuck to the ceiling.

Within seconds the pristine white kitchen is a literally a warzone, just without all the fighting, dead bodies, weapons, blood and whatever else is present at one.

"I'm sorry!" Sara apologizes as she witnessed the destruction caused by the mixer.

"It's ok," I say, knowing that I could easily ask Discord to zap it all away. "The mixer's to blame, not you."

She guiltily says, "But I still turned it on..."

"Like I told you, it's fine. Even if the hand mixer creates a mess while in cooking videos, there's hardly any mess, it doesn't matter."

After a while, she says, "You're so lucky."

Taken aback by her statement, I ask, "Huh?"

"You live alone, so you won't have to hear anyone complain about the mess. And as you don't live with your parents, you can literally do whatever you want."

I hold back the bitterness in my voice as I say, "Everyone says that."

"But it's true," she says as she turns the mixer off and offers me one of the batter covered whisks attached to it.

As I lick it, I wonder if I can truly be called lucky.

After Sara leaves, I remember the vow I took of tidying up my house so I'd never have to be caught nude in the morning by Discord again.

I decide to start with my room, and groan as I realize just how messy it is. Well, there's no time like the present...

A week passes, and I'm just going down the stairs to spend the whole day on my PS5 when I hear a knock on the door.

I don't worry, because it's probably Sara, coming with some strange excuse just so that she could see me. So when I open the door, to come face to face with a policeman, no, two policemen, I'm as confused as hell.

And maybe, a little terrified.

I hope they aren't using the police to get me back now.

I force a smile onto my face and ask, "Sir, how can I help you?"

"Are you Lysander Walker, a student of Brooksville High School?"

I nod, feeling extremely confused as he grabs my wrists and handcuffs them before I can even blink. "You're under arrest for skipping school for a week," he informs me.

"But-" I begin, only to be interuppted.

"You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can or will be used against you in court!" exclaims the second policeman.

The one arresting me facepalms. "We're taking the boy to school, not to court!"

"Uh...I need to wear my uniform," I say quietly.

"Oh, right. But come within five minutes or we'll drag you out," he tells me, unlocking the handcuffs.

I run inside and put my creased but thankfully washed uniform on within a few seconds, unwilling to be dragged out. The stairs would really hurt...

"What's got you in such a rush?" Discord asks as I struggle to pull my bag down from the top of my wardrobe, where I had tidied it away in the hopes of skipping school forever.

His sudden appearance distracts me as it finally comes down, crushing my foot. "Oh FUCK!" I curse as I hop on one foot.

"Did that hurt?" he asks in mock concern.


"Ok, ok, no need to shout. But I did tell you not to put it there," he preaches.

"Whatever," I scowl as I lift it up and see that no, my foot isn't crushed into millions of tiny little pieces. I limp out of the bedroom, dragging my bag with me, before I get an idea.

My bag is pretty heavy...It couldn't hurt to leave a few books behind, right?

After taking out all the books that looked huge, my bag weighed like nothing, and I happily slid down the railing and went out the door.

The policeman handcuffed me again and pushed me into the police car while his partner got into the driver's seat.

I'm ready to collapse once I've reached the tenth floor, and wish that I asked Discord to give me wings, or magic or at least fix my foot.

Sadly, he's not with me.

I hop to my classroom and chuck my bag into a random seat and fall into it.

The rest of my classmates are also there, talking unhappily.

"What should we do now?"

"They got the damn police to bring us to school..."

"Ugh, why's the Principal so tight? He's too strict..."

"Fucking hate him..."

Suddenly, I feel a sneeze coming and in panic, grab a tissue out of my pocket, but damn it, it's my phone. Phones aren't allowed at school and I don't want it to be confiscated either, so I stuff it back in my pocket and turn my head to the sides accidentally sneezing on Jake Miller, who gives me a dirty look.

"Sorry!" I tell him, but he just scoffs and looks away.

Everyone is still complaining, and I'm sort of getting a headache from it, so I decide to share my miracle solution.

I say, "I've got a solution," and everyone looks at me. "The books are so heavy, and that's bad for our bones, so if we just ditch them, we'll be saving ourselves as well as making the teachers so angry that they'll give up."

"That's actually a good idea," someone says.

And just like that, everyone's happy again and it's all thanks to me.

Author's Note:

The mixer always makes a mess unless you stir the mixture beforehand, but that's it's job .

Since my Maths B book is so heavy, I leave it on purpose. Besides, the teacher just writes the questions on the board, so there's no need to take it.

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