• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 819 Views, 63 Comments

Let The Chaos Come - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

A human sings along to "We Will Rise Again" while in Equestria, Discord is being banished. And as the human sings 'Let the chaos come' Discord is banished to earth.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Let The Chaos Come

Written by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Chapter Eight

Discord's P.O.V:

"Why do you think I'm so happy to go with you to your school everyday?" I ask, teasingly.

Lysander blushes and turns away in embarrassment, which makes me blush as well, because Tartarus, he was being so cute...

He clears his throat a few seconds later, jumping as he checks his watch. "I'm gonna go to sleep now… Since I have to get up early …"

Lysander's P.O.V:

I cover my ears as my alarm goes off, and search for my phone to dismiss it. Seriously, the rooster alarm is very effective at waking me up, but it also gives me a big headache.

Groaning, I force myself to get up and abandon all thoughts of sleep, but...it wouldn't matter if I stayed in bed for just a few more minutes, would it?

I wince as the glare of the phone's screen illuminates my face. It's 06:10 AM. Yeah, I could afford to get some more sleep.

After all, I can get ready quickly...

I wake up to the sound of the extremely loud rooster alarm, and get up, yawning. I glance at the time on the alarm.

08:00 AM.

Holy fuck!

That's more than enough to wake me up. I jump out of bed, dash in and out of the bathroom in three minutes and quickly run a comb through my hair.

I dig through the piles of clothes to find my uniform and for once, wish that I kept things tidy. ...That's the first thing I'll do after coming home- tidy up.

But right now I've got no time to drown in sorrow and past regrets so I continue searching and triumphantly pull out a shirt, tie and trousers, all of which are my uniform.

Damn it! It's all creased…

I run out of the bedroom, almost tripping over a pile of clothes, and into the spare room where Discord is sleeping.

That stops me immediately, and I look around for something to cover myself with.

"It's alright, I won't look," he says, making me turn red in embarrassment . "Though, you should start wearing clothes to bed. What will you do if there's an emergency?"

Choosing not to reply, I smash the plug into the socket...which ends up causing it to get pushed in.

"Discord! Help me!"

He laughs and clicks his fingers, causing all the creases to be removed. "I swear, when you're in a rush, things are more chaotic than the kids in your class having an all out attack. Thank me later," he says, noticing me open my mouth.

I realised something. "Hey! Stop looking at me! "

Once I had my uniform on, I rushed through everything else and jumped down the stairs, landing right in front of the door.

"Discord! We've gotta go now! Quick!"

He rolls his eyes as he follows me to the front door, transforms into a bird and sits on my shoulder.

Ladies first, he telepathically tells me..


I whistle as I run to school, and he clutches onto my shoulder tightly.

Falling off while being disguised as a budgerigar isn't on my bucket list.

Luckily, it's only half an hour away, so by running, I manage to reduce the time by half.

As I enter the building, he transforms into a watch, which I secure around my wrist before glancing at the time. Shit...It's 08:25 AM…

Panicking, I run up the stairs…

I dash into the classroom, and thank God, the teacher didn't come yet. "Fuck," I breathe out as I collapse into a fourth row seat. "I should get up earlier or something..."

I hear a giggle from behind me and turn to see Sara. "Hey Lysander," she greets me. "You surely look exhausted."

"I lost track of time in the morning and had to run here," I say.

"You should wake up earlier... Anyways, have you talked to the new student yet?"

"New student?" I look around. "What new student?"

"He's right over there," Sara says, pointing at a corner.

"Oh." I don't really know what to say... The new student has blue eyes and blond hair, as a matter of fact he looks very similar to Luke except that his hair is styled to partly cover one eye.

"Yeah… By the way, those are your new books for the extra subjects. Everyone's got a stack of them on their desks," she says, pointing to a pile of books in front of me.

"Thanks," I say, picking them up and glancing at them. Beginners Guide To German, Beginners Guide To Italian…

I yawn and put them down.


I turn around and nearly jump out of my seat as I see Steve. He's so close that our noses are almost touching.

"What the fuck man- you almost gave me a fucking heart attack! Where were you all those days?!"

"Eh, I just didn't feel bothered to come to school."

"Really? Then why didn't you come to my house? We could've played Fortnite together."

"Yeah, and then you'd prance around and sing that you won."

"When did you get all serious like this?"

"Me? Serious? Never."

"Oh re-"

"Lalalalalalalalala," Steve sings.

"Steve, now isn't the t-"






"Steve, stop right n-"

"La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la~" Is the response I get.

"Steve, s-"

Steve continues singing and does it so loud in such an annoying voice that I cover my ears and growl, "Steve, I fucking swear to God, if you don't stop singing right now, I'll hit you with this book," I point at one of my new beginners guide to learning languages books.

Steve merely shrugs and sings louder.

"Alright, you asked for it..."

BAM! "Ouch, what the fuck bro?!"

"Ah, finally, that terrible singing has stopped." Both of us turn around to see the new student standing there. "It was pretty bad, wasn't it?" he chuckles.

"Yeah, totally," I awkwardly responded, not really knowing what to say.

"Hey! Are you two insulting my singing?!" Steve exclaims in mock offence. "Why, how could anyone ever insult the singing of the great and wonderful Stevio?!"


Steve rolls his eyes and tries to rush forward onto me, but I dodge at the last second and he falls onto my desk. "Ouch... Don't worry, I'll get you, and you!" He points at me and the new student, before getting up and trying to grab the latter, who just moves out of his reach. "That ain't cool, man."

Steve moves forward, and he moves back and this continues until I wave over to Steve to distract him.

The new student takes this chance and runs. I know Steve isn't actually angry, and that he just wants to cause some drama, but I decide to also run for my life.

I ran out of the classroom, screaming like a maniac just for the fun of it, and...straight into something solid.

"Ouch...what the fuck just ha-"

I look up to see Mr Demon- I mean, Mr Schmidt, and gulp in fear.

He glares at me. "Darf ich das Vergnügen haben, zu erfahren, warum du durch den Korridor gerannt bist und geschrien hast, als ob ein Psychopath mit einem Messer hinter dir her wäre?!"

I blink in confusion. "Uh..."

"Don't worry, Lysander. You'll have das chance to learn plenty von German today. Und before you ask, ja, you will get punished. Für running into einen teacher, und für running in das corridors."

With that he walks away.

I stand there, frozen until Steve runs to me and slaps my back. "G'AH! Why'd you do that for?!"

He just laughs. "You insulted my singing, so naturally, I should slap you."

"Your singing?" I scoff. "That sounded more like a dying cow than anything close to singing."

"You've insulted it again?! Just you wait..." he growls playfully. "I'll give you a headstart, oh dear friend of mine. Ten..."

I run as fast as I can and dash down the stairs. However, as my fortune would have it, I tripped over my own shoes and tumbled down the stairs.

...Thankfully I landed on something that was sort of soft while also very hard.

"Ah, fuck! Lysander Walker! Why the hell do you always have to fall onto me?! Honestly, if you love me so much, then you should just come out and say it! There's no need to act like Sara and intentionally collapse into your crushes!!"

I froze just as I was about to begin groaning in pain. I know that voice. Looking down to confirm my suspicion, I see that yes, it is him.

"L-l-luke!" I gasp, and try to get off of him, only for him to swear in pain as I do so.

"Holy fuck! Why did you have to...ouch…"

I blink in confusion, not understanding what I've done. He catches onto my confusion. "My fucking dick, man! Get off!"

After looking at my legs, I realise that my knee is...yes...on his…

I wince and push myself up, and try to run away, only to get pinned to the wall by a very hurt and probably angry Luke.

He glares at me, but a few seconds later he steps back and lets go. "You should count yourself lucky that I find you useful, otherwise I would've killed you already. I mean ja, even if you are my best friend, it's only your usefulness that's keeping you alive."

As he turns away and heads to class, I follow his lead, but my mind doesn't pay attention to anything, as it's filled with confusion.

What the fuck just happened? Normally I would've been dead by now, since it was Luke Sterling of all people that I ran into, but even though I gave him unimaginable pain, he still let me go without a scratch. And since when was I his best friend?

Hey, Discord… Am I dreaming…?

I'm as confused as you. Last time he saw you, he tried to kill you, and now you're suddenly his best friend? Either we're both dreaming… Or he's got some sort of a memory loss...

Author's Note:

I've been working on this for a while. How is it? Let me know in the comments.

Fun fact- The part with Steve singing 'lalalala'? Inspired by a very similar scenario that my friend's sister told me about.