• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 1,721 Views, 48 Comments

A change of fortune - The Wingman

A young man gets sent to Equestria by the means of a fortune cookie. Coming to terms with it, he'll have to brave the new world that may end up being his new home. He isn't completely alone, though. Heck, he may find more here than he thought.

  • ...

Answers, questions and the thought of pizza

"Welp, this is boring." I sit there, sighing as I looked outside through the fairly tall window what adorned this giant ass guest room. If the guest rooms were this big, god knows how big Celestia's bedroom was.

"It isn't meant to be fun, human." I looked over to the guard who just spoke up, glaring at him for a moment before looking down at Chrysalis. She was still zonked out on the bed. The two guards, a female and a male, were stationed at both sides of the bed. Both had spears and the general armor that I'd seen these guards wear so far. At least they started calling me human now instead of just creature. It wasn't exactly ideal but it was a start, I suppose.

"Celestia said that she invaded this place?" I pointed at Chrysalis for a moment, the guards nodding in affirmation.

"That she did. Her and her army caused a lot of havoc in Canterlot."

Fucking Canterlot. I don't think I'd ever get over that name. I looked back out of the window without giving a reply to him. I was sat in deep thought all of a sudden. I wonder why she invaded? Was she just an evil tyrant or did she have a motive? If she did have one, was it an understandable one or was it just a bullshit excuse?


I turned my head around fast enough to nearly snap my neck. She was waking up. The guards steeled theirselves, tightening their grip on their spears. Chrysalis sat up and turned her head to me, it taking a moment to register who exactly I was. She then turned her head to the guards. I saw her eyes turn from confused and annoyed to outright fuming in an instant. She snarled at the two guards before they raised their spears. The male one narrowed his eyes.

I know, saying "the female" and "the male" was getting annoying for me too. Alas, I didn't know their names, nor did I honestly give a shit.

He raised his spear and pointed it at her. "Pipe down, changeling. This is your only warning. I'm sure we could give the princess a valid reason as to why we had to dispatch of you so I suggest you play nice."

Chrysalis grumbled, turning her head towards me. "What are you doing here, ape? I figured that you wouldn't have made it out of the Everfree."

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "I'll have you know that I carried you out. If it wasn't for me and the guards that escorted me towards the end, you'd probably be dead. And as for why I'm here, Celestia offered me to stay here with you while you recover. She apparently wanted to question you about some invasion. Not sure what went off but..."

Before I could even hope to react (and considering how crappy my reaction speed usually when it came to anything but video games), she jumped up and lunged at me, my back hitting the window. Thank god it didn't break because it was a long way down. I grunted slightly, feeling the pain in my back as the guards jumped on her and dragged her off, keeping her restrained. Her horn started glowing again and from what I saw in the forest, this wouldn't be good.

She blasted the two guards with the same green energy that she'd used before against that thing in the forest, knocking them out clean. She then turned her head towards me, aiming her horn at me. I raised my hands defensively and slowly stood up. "Look, I have nothing to do with any of this. I don't even know what's going on. All I know is what I've told you so far. I dragged you out of the forest, these guards found me and brought me here. Celestia wanted to question you. All I know about her is that she's some sort of ruler here and that there was an invasion of sorts on your end. I honestly have no fucking clue what any of this means. I figured there was two sides to every story and I stayed because I wanted to hear what yours was."

That last part seemed to at least stop her from frying me with her weird voodoo snot colored magic. She raised an eyebrow, the green aura slowly fading around her horn. "You...you wanted to hear my side? Why? You're an unknown creature what has no place being here."

I shrugged casually, fully standing up now and dusting myself off, stretching my back and groaning.

Fuck, that was going to leave a bruise in the morning. Goddamn bug horse.

"Because I got raised with the mentality that everything isn't black and white and usually has a 2nd side to it. When she told me about your invasion, I believed that happened but I figured that you had your own side to it. Not only that, despite you trying to kill me when we met earlier, where else could I possibly go? I'm stranded in an unknown land and I thought you might have known the way out of the forest but you didn't wake up in time. I saved you because I needed to."

That last part could have been phrased better but I was never a guru at speaking well. I was an introvert who liked his own company. Words were never my thing but dangit, I was trying!

The green aura completed faded from her horn. Seems I wasn't dying just yet. She was still looking at me, clearly highly skeptical of what I'd just said.

"Fine. If you're telling the truth...human?"

I nodded. It'll do for now. I couldn't be bothered to start another argument with her over something like that. I valued my life right now, thank you very much.

"Right. If you are indeed telling the truth, I will think twice of eradicating you. But if you're lying to me and to put it bluntly, I think you are, I will kill you. Understood?"

I was quite frankly getting bored and rather tired of her "tough" attitude but I really didn't have much choice right now. I simply nodded and she seemed content with that.

"Good. Now, I'm going to find that bitch Celestia and..."

I put my hand up, stopping her from heading to the door. She raised her eyebrow at me again. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Your best bet is probably just to stay here and wait for..."

Andddddd in mere seconds, she was shoving her snout in my face. Great. She opened her mouth and bared her fangs. Yes, fangs. Forgot about those. "Listen human, you do not dictate what I do. I am the queen of the changelings. If I want to destroy that prissy princess for what she..."

Before the oh so "lovely" queen of the freak bugs could finish her tantrum, the door opened. Celestia walked in. I gulped, looking at the two still unconcious guards.

"Oh fuck, here we go."

Chrysalis turned around and growled. Her horn started lighting up again. Ah crap. Celestia's horn started lighting up in a yellow color. I looked around, thinking about dipping under the bed for cover. Meanwhile, Celestia spoke up with her voice sounding a LOT more stern this time around.

"Chrysalis! What have you done to my guards?"

The bug queen scoffed, still holding her stance. "They are merely sleeping. See? Even I can be merciful, Celestia. But when they wake, I will....I...." I looked as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she started to slowly fall over. Out of instinct, I grabbed her just like earlier and stopped her fall. Celestia lowered her horn voodoo and looked at her with a somewhat...concerned expression?

"It seems she has still not recovered fully. Put her back on the bed, Sam." I nodded, laying her down gently. Why was I still helping this bug? I wasn't even sure myself anymore. I looked at Celestia as she walked over to me and nodded.

"I'm...sorry that it escalated to this. I wish she would let her past go and embrace a quieter life. Alas, it seems that'll take work. I shall come back later to question her properly. Hopefully she has had time to calm down by then. Judging by how she's been though...."

She looked at her guards, their bodies glowing the same color as her horn was a moment ago. In a sheer moment, they were opening their eyes as if nothing had happened and slowly stood up. I looked at her curiously.

"How'd you do that? Is it similiar to whatever Chrysalis did to them and that creature back in the Everfree?"

She wasn't there at the Everfree obviously but she could probably assume what I meant. She nodded in confirmation. "Indeed. It is called magic. The ponies of Equestia use magic in all sorts of ways. It is a story for another time. Right now, let us focus on making sure that we get the answers that we need. I shall try and look for answers as to how you got here. I know someone who could help."

I looked at her quizzically. "Oh...and who would that be?" Or perhaps I should have said what. With the creatures that I'd seen already, I wasn't sure what else was around here. A flying pizza monster maybe?

Jesus. I have a real issue huh? Eh well.

She smiled, walking off before turning her head to me as she walked out of the room. "Just someone whom I trust with my life." The door closed, leaving me with an unconcious Chrysalis. The guards walked with her, I imagine to get checked out. She did fuck them up, I suppose.

So, the beings of this place used magic, eh? Magic was real here? It was seeming more like a weird fever dream than anything else at this point.

And yes, before you say it, I noted that she said someone instead of somepony. Progress my people, progress.

I looked at the unconcious form of the bug that had nearly chomped me two times now. I sighed. "You better have a good reason as to why you're such an aggressive little shitstain."

I looked outside again, sitting on the windowsill as I contemplated what I did to deserve this. "Maybe I ate too much pizza."

Author's Note:

Here's the 3rd chapter. Sorry that it's rather late. Hope you enjoy it, everyone.