• Published 17th Jul 2022
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A change of fortune - The Wingman

A young man gets sent to Equestria by the means of a fortune cookie. Coming to terms with it, he'll have to brave the new world that may end up being his new home. He isn't completely alone, though. Heck, he may find more here than he thought.

  • ...

Making a big change. And I'm still here too. Fuckkk

"Well, this is boring."

Oh, hello again. Not bored of me yet? I'm honoured. Don't mind me, just currently floating around a white void. Seems I was asleep again. Albeit this was more boring than the last dream that I had. Makes me miss the spider-fortune cookie abominations.

"Can this dream hurry up? I want to get out of this shitty and bland vo..."

I suddenly felt myself falling as my sentence got cut off. I landed in what seemed to be...my room? As in, my actual room back on Earth, not the guest room. I looked around. Yup, everything was exactly the same. If I didn't already figure that it was a dream, what with the seizure inducing void that I just fell through, this would confirm it for me. I may be a pretty awesome dude at times but I'm not superman. Can't just fly to another planet. I sighed, looking at my TV. Still turned on, showing nothing but static. Suppose the reception in dreams is pretty crappy. I turned my head as I heard something behind me. It was...wait, it was the blue pony from earlier.

"Wait...you're Lu..."

She nodded and held a hoof up. "Princess Luna. You are correct, human. We had a talk with our sister...apologies, I had a talk with my sister after you and me crossed paths earlier."

I raised an eyebrow, staring at her for moment. Why did she just correct her weird old English like vocabulary mid sentence?

"Yeah, I remember you. Why did you just talk like that? It reminded me of how my race used to talk in ye olden days."

She looked confused for a moment before audibly saying "ah" outloud as if it wasn't already obvious what I was referring to.

"Ah, yes. I won't go into details as of right now but I will sum it up for you. A long time ago, an evil force which was manifested by my jealousy and anger towards my sister took over me. This entity was named "Nightmare Moon". To skip to the end of it, I was banished to the moon by my sister for over a 1000 years. During those times, the way that our ponies conducted theirselves and spoke had changed significantly. I sometimes still slip up with my words and sentence structure. If you want to hear the full story, I will tell you another time. Hopefully that answers your question?"

Alright, that was a bit fucking whack, even considering everything that had happened in these past few days. Bitch essentially gets yeeted to the moon because she had a tantrum over her sister. Gotcha. I just opted for a nod and continued looking around the room.

"Yeah, that answers it all right. Lot to take in at once but I get the jist of it. Sorry if I upset you earlier?"

Luna looked at me, raising her own eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

She was kidding right? The cold shoulder and the way that she talked to me earlier literally screamed "Get in my way and I'll end you". A bit like your girlfriend when you forgot to do the dishes.

My ex was a very big stereotype, let's just say that much for now.

"When we crossed paths earlier, you seemed like you wanted to eat me alive."

Guess that wasn't the right choice of words as she looked like she was going to vomit all over the place. "We would never do such a disgusting thing! We are a herbivore, the same as all of our subjects!"

Eyy, a slip up there with her structure. Wasn't going to correct it though. Didn't really feel like angering one of the rulers of this land right now. Maybe another time though, heh.

"It was a figure of speech. I was basically saying that it came across like you intensely disliked me."

She did another big "ah" (that was getting annoying now to be honest) and looked at me, chuckling loudly. "Oh! No no, I'm sorry that it came across that way. You see, I hadn't had a good night before you ended up here and well...I guess I can get grumpy sometimes. And not only that, you're from an entirely new species to us. Surely you can understand a bit of mistrust, no?"

I was too busy feeling nostalgic about the room around me to take all of that in but I heard the most important parts. I looked back at her and nodded. "Yeah sure, I get that. No hard feelings ey?"

She nodded, smiling. Was weird seeing her with a smile even if I'd only seen her twice so far. She seemed a lot more rough around the edges than Celestia, so to speak. Then again, with how Celestia had acted towards Chrysalis yesterday during that shortly lived "meeting", it seems both of them have unlikeable sides. Eh well. Problem for another day.

"I appreciate your understanding...Sam, wasn't it?" She walked towards the door. Wait...when was my door coloured blue? I get that this was a dream but what? Weird dream logic.

"Yeah, the name be'ith Sam. But yeah, no worries about our little exchange. I understand that it must be weird for you guys, me basically being an alien and all to you."

Luna smiled, heading out of the door. "Indeed. I will make sure to keep watch over your dreams. Just do me a favour and don't prove my assumptions about you wrong. I'd hate to vapourise you. Despite what I said when we had our first exchange, I can sense your aura and you seem genuine, if not a bit crude. Take care of yourself Sam, we will be observing."

I nodded before realising what she said. Vapourise? Hang on. "Wait just a min..." She was already gone, wasn't she? Fuck sake. What is it with this world and crazy shit? I sat down on my bed, what seemed to now be slowly disappearing. Huh. Guess the dream is nearly finished. Awesome.

"Back to drugged up horse land I supp..."

And with that, everything faded to black. Again.

I felt a sharp jab push against my back. Guess I was awake again. I turned over, looking at what the offending sensation was. It was Chrysalis. Of course it was. She was looking down at me with an amused expression. Wait, down...oh yeah, I forgot that she pushed me out of the bed last night with her space magic. Fucking bug queen.

"Finally up, monkey boy?"

I ignored what she said as I started to sit up and rub my eyes. I looked at my watch that somehow still worked. Not really sure how but whatever. It said 12PM. Jeez, I slept about 12 hours.

I know what you're thinking. Why aren't you questioning the fact that one, your watch still works and two, that time is measured the same here or at least seems to be. To kill two birds with one stone, I don't really give a crap. My brain was still processing the egregious action of waking up. I threw the makeshift cover of my jacket off of me and stood up, stretching my arms and back. "How long have you even been up?"

Bug lord went over to the door and motioned for me to follow. "A few hours, give or take. Celestia wants to talk with me again later to see what we can do about the "situation". If I could get away with it, I'd kill her now. Actually..."

I held my hand up, yawning. "Chrysalis, it's too early for this villian talk. Just see what she has to say. I'm just as curious as you to see what bs she comes up with anyway after yesterday's so called meeting. Actually, tell you what. If she actually starts to try and care about this whole thing or at least show it, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now."

She scoffed, apparently annoyed at that. "If you want to believe that bitch, human, be my..."

I coughed. "Ahem, let me finish."

I expected her to say something snarky in response or get even more annoyed but she simply rolled her eyes and let me continue. Progress. "If she proceeds to bs us again, I will be more inclined to take your side on things 100%. Well, apart from the invasion. It's all fine and dandy overthrowing shitty rulers but there's no need to hurt innocents."

Buggy McDonald looked at me, eyes somewhat wide before an ounce of a smile came onto her face. It quickly disappeared, as expected. Suppose she wasn't used to people actually listening to her side of things, the same as the other day when I took her side on the matter. "Alright, Sam. Deal. And about the ponies, I don't even care to harm them. The only ones that I'm after are the princesses. All of the others can do as they please so long as they don't get in my way. But for now, we will go with your plan."

That honestly shocked me. In the day or so that I've known Chrysalis, I've come to understand that she has quite the temper. However, I've also noticed that she just seems misunderstood and simply did what she needed to do for her people at the time. I completely understand that as I already had said the day before. The only thing I don't agree with is involving innocents. Innocents are already involved enough in wars back on Earth, I really don't need to see a pony and changeling version of it. In anycase, we'll see what Celestia has to say.

"Good enough for me. When are we supposed to be seeing her?"

Before she could reply, I heard the door open. A guard walked in, spear in hand. He scowled at Chrysalis before turning his head to me. Seems they still didn't like having her here. "The princess is ready to see you both now. Follow me." I saw Chrysalis scowl in return but I turned to her and shook my head. Really wasn't worth the trouble. She just looked away and stood up with me. Good. At least she was starting to listen to me a tad bit. Any progress is good progress. I didn't really feel like being completely alone here and Chrysalis was the only creature that I'd had any real conversation with outside of the two princesses and well...that was entirely different. We headed towards the door and followed the guard. I took the time to look around the hallways again as I did when arrived here the other day. I'd already seen the paintings but they were pretty neat, I had to admit. Most of them were paintings of Celestia and Luna (go figure) but some of them were what seemed to be random abstract paintings with mish mashes of colours splashed together. Pretty dang cool.

We eventually made it to the meeting hall. The guard nodded before walking off, giving one last glance at Chrysalis. She snarled when he'd left and looked at me. "That cretin. I should rip his throat out."

Despite the statement, I chuckled. Her way of talking reminded me of how angsty I used to be when I was younger. Could still get like that on video games. Or when my pizza didn't get delivered on time. What, you thought I'd forgotten about pizza? Pfft, there was more chance of me turning into Usain Bolt and doing 50 marathons in one day than that happening.

We opened the door, walking into the room and spotting Celestia at the giant table in the middle of the room. She smiled and nodded at us, pointing at the two chairs that we sat at when we were in here yesterday. Hopefully it went better this time. I sat down and peered at Chrysalis. She was glaring at Celestia, the individual in question seeming rather unfazed. Welp, here we go.

"Are you kidding me?! That's all you can say and offer?! To Tartarus with you!"

Yeah, I figured it'd go down like this. To avoid boring you with the entire two hour long meeting, it started off relatively well. Celestia talked to Chrysalis about what sort of agreement that they could come to where both of their races could prosper and live in "harmony". Yes, she said that, not me.

Chrysalis wanted regular stocks of love for her subjects. Yes, her subjects. Not for her, but for her subjects. She did actually really care for them and I admired that. Alas, Celestia didn't agree to that at all and so, here we are. The reason that she gave was that it would hurt her ponies and/or leave them scarred. I didn't know this originally but apparently, ponies have an adverse reaction to the effects of a changeling sucking the love out of them. Along with the "emotionless husk" comment that buggy made towards me yesterday before I fell asleep, it can scar them mentally for basically the rest of their life. I'm not sure about the hardcore details but to sum it up, it fucks them up. Badly. And to sum it up even faster, Chrysalis won't be getting what she wants and Celestia is essentially letting the changelings die. I can see both sides of the argument. I can see that Celestia doesn't want her ponies harmed and I can respect that and I understand how the depedencies of the changelings could cause harm to said ponies. However, I don't agree with leaving a race to die, nor how Celestia approached it. She was almost cold and quite blunt. It rubbed me the wrong way, especially with how friendly she had been up to me when I arrived here the other day. I completely understood that these two had a past but still.

Okay, up to date now? Right. After Chrysalis had said her piece and commented that she was going to "eat her limbs" (creepy fucker), she stormed out. I was still sat in the room with Celestia. She was looking at me with a saddended expression, her hooves crossed oddly like a human would. "I'm sorry that it had to come to this, Sam. But you must understand, I..."

I cut her off, sighing loudly. "I understand both sides of the argument but honestly, I'm siding with Chrysalis on this one."

This made her stare at me in pure disbelief. "What...why?"

I shrugged. "Because while I understand your view on the matter, her race is suffering. And while they may have caused you harm in the past, I can't fault them for trying to survive. I'm an outsider anyway. It isn't as if I have any loyalty here. Chrysalis is the only creature here that I've had any sort of meaningful conversation with, even if she can be a handful. And no direct offense to you...but I highly doubt you can even send me back to my world. I've seen weird magical shit here sure but that seems like a longshot even considering that fact."

Her expression changed to a darker one. I could see that she was getting annoyed. How fantastic. "You do realise that if you choose to side with her and the changelings and they start another war with us, you'll be seen as an enemy to the ponies. And as for getting you back home, I have been looking. I really have. But I have found nothing."

Of course she hasn't, already figured that was going to be the answer. As for the other things, she made a valid point but at the end of the day, I didn't really care. That may sound assholish considering she'd let me stay in the castle for the past few days but I felt more sympathy for Chrysalis than the ponies. While she came across as hateful and angry, most of it seemed to be bitterness caused by the fact that her race was suffering and she was pinning the blame on the ponies. Now I'll say again, I certainly don't agree with invading them to get what she wanted. It hit me in a way that made me feel sorry for her. If another war starts between these two races, well, I guess I'll have fucked up. Alas, I'd made my decision and I'll reap what I sow.

"I understand." And with that, I nodded and left the room. I honestly felt like I'd said enough.

Should I be concerned that this race of horses will now see me as an enemy to their state because I choose to side with the opposing force? Probably. But was I?

Not in the slightest.

End of the day, I was a stranger to these ponies and everyone else anyway. It's not as if they liked me or held me up on a pedastol. I really had no loyalty to them what so ever. Not saying that I really have any towards Chrysalis but I can at least understand her side more if what's she's told me is indeed the truth.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards the guest room. The guard that took us there earlier was stood at the door. He nodded at me and let me in. Chrysalis was sat on the bed, looking down at the covers. She looked up when she heard the door open and I could see the faintest bit of a tear. Was she crying?

"I hate her. I hate her so fucking much. Why can't she understand?!"

I sighed, closing the door and walking over to her, sitting on the bed. I sucked with this type of emotional shit. I looked at the window before opening my mouth in response. "Both sides have valid points. You want your race to survive, she wants what's best for her ponies. But to be quite honest, I've chosen to side with you on this."

That caused her to shut up for a moment. I turned around and saw pure shock on her face, staring at me. "You...what?"

"I'm siding with you. While I don't hate anyone here considering I've not been here long enough to do so, your race is suffering. The ponies aren't. Not at the moment anyway. I'd feel like I had blood on my hands if I didn't help out. But the same goes for them. I don't want another war or invasion to come out of this."

I felt something on my shoulder as I turned around to the window. Felt like...a hoof? I turned my head back around once again and yup, it was a hoof. Chrysalis's cheese grater like hoof. She was smiling. Jeez, that was creepier than I anticipated it to be. "Thank you. I don't know what to say." She coughed, looking away. "Anyway, the ponies brought this on by denying me my rightful claim."

I rolled my eyes. Here's the Tsundere Chrysalis again. This shit was getting too deep for me. I walked over and sat on the windowsill, looking down at the city streets. I sighed. "Love how I got roped into this and all I want is some pizza." I heard Chrysalis laugh behind me.

"You really are an interesting creature. I'm heading back to my hive, considering what just happened. You are free to join me. Either that or you can stay here with these idiots, either is fine by me."

I chuckled, jumping off of the windowsill. "Guess I don't have much choice. Celestia didn't really like my answer. Highly doubt I'll be welcome here again and even though she acts friendly, I feel like a lot of it is fake. As for Luna...I haven't talked to her enough to put an opinion on her yet. From what I've seen of the ponies so far, they seem very...fake. I might be wrong of course but that's a big reason as to why I'm taking your side on this. I highly doubt she's even really searching for a way to send me back to my home."

I saw Chrysalis ponder for a moment, getting off of the bed. "Tell you what, Sam. You help me with what I need to do and I'll try and get you back to your home. Those bitches aren't the only ones who know ancient magic."

My ears perked up at that. Hm...maybe I should go? I wasn't planning on staying here anymore anyway as I already said but this made it even more appealing. "Alright, deal."

She nodded. "And one more thing."


"If you ever tell anyone that you saw me crying, I'll kill you."

I laughed. "Whatever you say." We opened the door, making sure that the guard wasn't there. I saw Chrysalis channeling her space magic and before I knew it, I was back in a black void. Oh great. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

Author's Note:

Bit of a longer chapter. I have an idea of where I want the story to go but we'll see.