• Published 12th Aug 2022
  • 422 Views, 39 Comments

The Case of the Invaders of Canterlot City: A C.O.P.S. Crossover - Brian Sheil

The Rainbooms and friends band together when criminals from Empire City come to town

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Rarity vs. Koo Koo

Author's Note:

Rarity has another go. This time, it's against a mad bomber.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were both invited to a garden party at the home of Jet Set and Upper Crust. Although that couple are elegant, they are not snobbish. At the enter the property, the sisters talk about their brushes with criminals.

"What was it like to face off against Nightshade, Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Believe me." Rarity replied. "That cat burglar may have been swift. But, I still got the jump on her. Kind of like how you, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo stopped the Small Guy gang."

"You know about that?"

"Indeed. Me and my friends still keep in touch with Timber and Gloriosa."

As they enter the home of their hosts, Rarity and Sweetie were stopped by a butler.

"Sorry, ladies." The butler said. "This could take a moment."

"What ever for?" Rarity asked.

"There was a strange object left in here. So, my masters asked someone to deal with the situation. Follow me."

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were lead to the living room. There, Jet Set and Upper Crust were watching a blond haired man working on a device. He wore a white top with dark blue sleeves and red shoulder pads. He has on steel padding on his legs.

"Rarity!" Jet Set said. "It's good to see you. Could you wait for a moment?"

Seconds later, the uniformed man stood up. He addressed Jet Set. "That's that. The situation is disabled."

"Thank goodness." He then turned to Rarity. "Rarity, my dear, this is Dudley DeFeuze from Washington DC."

Upper Crust joined in on the conversation. "Codename: Powder Keg. Specialty: Bomb Squad Specialist."

"Bomb Squad?!" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"You heard correctly. This strange device looked suspicious. To be safe, we called for help."

"Defusing bombs is what I do." Powder Keg said. "When I saw this device, I acted fast."

Rarity sits down, feeling upset. This could cancel the garden party. Upper Crust came to comfort her.

"Don't worry, Rarity." Upper Crust said. "Once everything is done, the garden party will resume."

"I sure hope so." Rarity replied.

Sweetie Belle was there to help her calm down. Powder Keg went over to talk to the girls.

"Just because there was a little incident," Powder Keg informed, "that doesn't mean the whole day is ruined."

This made Rarity feel a little better. "Thank you, Powder Keg. I need that."

Outside, the garden party is being set up. Rarity and Sweetie Belle talked to their hosts.

"I've been thinking." Rarity said.

"Thinking of what?" Jet Set wondered.

"That device you found was identified as a time delayed bomb. So, I'm thinking Koo Koo had something to do with this."

"Koo Koo?" Upper Crust gasped. "I never heard of a person with that name."

Jet Set had a thought. "I have. Koo Koo is Big Boss's time bomb expert."

"Oh my. So, this Koo Koo person must've set up that device. But what for?"

Suddenly, there was a small BANG! from inside the house.

"What was that?" Sweetie asked.

Suddenly, Jet Set's phone range. He answered. "Go ahead."

"Sir," The voice of his butler said, "Miss Crust's jewels were stolen from a safe in the study."

"NO!" Upper Crust said with fear. "That big bomb was probably a distraction for the real target: MY JEWELS!!"

Jet Set went back to his phone. "Sound the security alarm!"

"Already have, sir." The butler said. "The security team and Officer Power Keg are pursuing the thief. It's definitely Koo Koo, the mad bomber!"

Rarity went to Upper Crust. "Attending this place multiple times will help us out."

"How is that?" Upper Crust wondered.

"I think I know where Koo Koo will exit from."

Rarity went off. Sweetie Belle followed her. Jet Set feels confident. "Don't worry, dear. If Rarity can handle a sticky fingered felon like Nightshade, she can handle this mad bomber."

"I suppose so." Upper Crust replied "And, she does has her sister, Sweetie Belle, to support her. But, that youngster will face someone bigger than Small Guy."

Inside the house, a group of security guards along with Officer Powder Keg left a room. From behind a bookcase, a sneaky looking man with a blond Mohawk and wearing a dark blue outfit with black accents and a clock design on his chest quietly slipped off with a bag in his hand. This man is Koo Koo: The Time Bomb expert.

"Good thing I studied about this place before coming here." Koo Koo said to himself. "I'll make a fortune hocking these jewels."

Seeing that the coast is clear, Koo Koo ran outside to the backyard. Suddenly, he ran into a glittering diamond. He fell down. Then, the diamond vanished. He soon got miffed. "Okay, Rarity! I know you're around here. Come on out!"

Rarity soon stepped from behind a bush. She addresses the crook. "How did you figure out it was me?"

"That big diamond is one of your trademarks." Koo Koo replied. "These diamond projectiles are your main tools of the trade."

"Very true, Koo Koo, darling. And, I brought something else in my fight against you."

Suddenly, Sweetie Belle emerged from a bush near the door and ambushed the burglar with a kick to his stomach. He dropped his bag which Sweetie grabbed and went to be with her sister. Recovering, Koo Koo saw that his bag is in Sweetie's hands.

"You brought your sister, Sweetie Belle, with you?" Koo Koo asked angrily.

"I certainly did." Rarity replied. "She's strong for a youngster her age."

"Your time's up, Koo Koo." Sweetie Belle added.

Hearing the security team coming his way, Koo Koo went another way to leave the property. "Elegant acting broads! You'll pay for this!"

Later, Upper Crust checks the bag. "Excellent. All of my jewels are safe. Now, the garden party will resume."

Meanwhile, Powder Keg talked to Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

"You two did a good job." Powder Keg praised. "Thanks for your help."

"Our pleasure, Powder Keg." Rarity replied.

Sweetie Belle just blushed. This was a good day for everybody.