• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 564 Views, 17 Comments

Pinkie Pie starts a band - WoomyWobble

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Chapter 2: A Goblin Hello

PWEEEEP! “Wake up losers! We’re going out!”


Many children felt annoyance at the Alfie, Sophie and Pinkie wake up ritual. The older children had trouble dealing with these early birds. Slowly though, they did indeed rise from their slumber. With a happy feeling of anticipation.

The children didn’t go shopping very often. Maybe they could find some cool stuff. Who knows? It was going to be a good day regardless.

Breakfast was a quick affair with pre-made lunches stowed hastily in backpacks for the day to come. Maddie would have her hands full. Though luckily her children were a responsible bunch and could take care of one another.

They took a red double-decker bus to the center of London town. They sang songs along the way to pass the time. The other passengers didn’t really seem to mind. Some even hummed along if you would believe it.

They wasted no time to get to some clothing shops when they arrived to get something nice for the girls. All the boys wanted cool new toys of course, but Maddie wouldn’t hear of it. Important stuff came first. New clothes were plenty exciting in their own right.

“Maddie, Maddie, Maddie! Can I get the green mittens?”

“Alfie, we’re in the middle of summer, sweetie.”

“Yeah, in Brittain.”

Maddie laughed. “When did you get so cheeky?” She grabbed them from the rack to look at the price. Well, at least they were dirt cheap, they were out of season. Maybe she could haggle them down even further…

“Maddie, Maddie, Maddie! Can I get this top?”

“Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, I still need to get my magical supplies!”

“…” Phoebe slowly turned around and put the top that she liked back. The words ‘magical top’ floated through her head and wouldn’t really leave. The mittens that Alfie liked were forgotten as well.

Many of her children put their stuff back where they found it.

“Does everyone want something magical?” She knew it was a redundant question as soon as she asked it. Of course they did. She wouldn’t mind a gander at the magical world as well to be honest.

“Fine but we’ll have to go to that wizarding bank first to exchange all this money.”

A lot of sad faces at the registers, seeing all that good business leave.


Even for wizards it was a strange sight to see a small troupe of children marching two by two. Each with a small backpack, being led by a plump looking lady singing silly walking songs.

There were a few that looked on with disdain when they realized they were muggles, but by and large they were met with waves and smiles.

The children meanwhile, were gawping at all the strange sights. Pointing this way and that exclaiming loudly when one discovered something before anyone else did as they made their way towards the bank.

“Professor Flitwick!” Pinkie gasped suddenly.

Indeed, the short professor was strolling along in front of Gringotts. Flitwick turned around and received a welcoming hug.

“Everyone! This is professor Flitwick. He teaches charms and is the Ravenclaw boss.”

“Oooh.” The crowd went. Maisie took a picture.

Flitwick took it in stride. The facepalm from the only adult of the group made him smile just a little. He knew what it was like having worked in a school most of his life... Geez has it been that long?

“Hello Pinkie. What a coincidence are you heading towards Gringotts as well?”

“Uh huh, let me introduce everyone.”

She did so like everyone was her favourite character in a show.

“Wow, you’re very lucky Pinkie. To have such a big family.”

“I know right? Very exciting!”

Flitwick clapped his hands together. “Come on, let's all go to the bank together. I'm sure it'll be interesting.”


As the children started running towards the crooked looking bank building, Maddie and Fillius started talking.

“Looks like a handful.”

Maddie shrugged. “Sometimes, they're good kids though.”

“I don't doubt it. Pinkie is a treat to teach. Though I hazard to say a bit impatient.”

“Yeah, that sounds like her alright.” She said with a smile. “Is she fitting in well at Hogwarts?”

“Oh yes, she's made a fair few friends and had an adventure or two when she was there.”

“Nothing dangerous I hope?”

“Not for a while.”

An inquisitive eyebrow raised upon Maddie's brow not really sure if he was joking or not. She couldn't really inquire any further. They had arrived at the bank. What a sight it was though it also looked slightly crooked. Maddie could appreciate the humor of it.


There was very little advance warning. Gringotts needed to prepare.

A silent code pink was declared and certain key individuals started to move. To the customers it appeared like nothing had changed. Behind closed doors it was a very different affair.

Frantic shouting, goblins running around with weapons. The fear was palpable.


Fillius Flitwick entered the bank with a gentle smile on his face.

His smile was not reciprocated by the guards at the entrance. The guards were gripping their spears tightly. An aura of anticipation hang over the bank like an oppressive fog.

The calm before the storm.

“Pinkie, why don't you and the other children go down to your vault while me and Maddie handle the boring grown up stuff?”

With a nod of the head Pinkie skipped along. She tried to get the others to follow her. Honestly sometimes it was like herding cats. It made sense of course. It wasn’t every day one laid eyes on a nation within a nation inhabited entirely by magical creatures.

She was completely oblivious to the fearful goblin gazes that followed her from the residents of that nation.

“Hiya Gorefist, it’s been awhile. Gold still flowing like water?” Pinkie asked as she sneakily offered him a cupcake with a pretty edible galleon on top.

Gorefist looked at her shiftily. “Always miss Pie, always.” He pocketed the cupcake hoping nobody saw and swallowed a lump.

“Me and my friends would like a trip to my vault please.”

“Of course miss Pie. Whatever you say…”


“You dare show your face here? With her? Have you no shame?!”

Professor looked at the glorified bean counter with pity. He has been feeling something similar for most of the goblin nation recently. “I’ve had a taste of the good life my friend. What is shame to me?

The teller narrowed his eyes in utter contempt. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t have you executed right on the spot?”

With a casual roll of his sleeve Flitwick’s wand fell in his hand.

“Y-you dare…”

“I dare. Now, I’m sure you wouldn’t be so foolish as to let anything happen to the mine cart of miss Pie now? Her… friends might be very distraught were such a thing to happen.”

The teller looked at Flitwick with utter contempt. For full five seconds he stared, then slowly his hands moved towards the phone on his desk.

“Call of the plunge.” He said defeated into the horn.

“Jolly good.” Flitwick said clapping his hands together, startling the teller. “Now do be a dear and give Maddie here the friendly rate would you?”

“...A pox on you, you filthy half-breed.”


She had no idea what was being said. Maddie had never heard a language quite like that. She was able to piece together that it wasn’t a very pleasant conversation.

Still, the professor smiled when it was her turn. In English he said: “Remember, the friendly rate.” And winked at Maddie.

She felt a little on the spot after all that drama. She didn’t want the teller to think that she was trying to… rip them off or something. Oh well might as well get on with it.

“I would like to exchange these pounds for wizarding money please.”

The goblin glared at them both. “One pound for one galleon.”

Flitwick held up two fingers behind Maddie.

“Fine, two galleons, but that’s it.”


“WHAAAAA ha ha ha ha!” Sophie was having the time of her life. Who knew that visiting a bank could be so much fun?

KASPLOOSH!! They just flew through a waterfall. These Goblins were completely mad! It was awesome. She was completely dry too. How did that work? Who knew?

Alfie looked exactly in the middle of scared and excited. Pinkie looked filled with pride. Happy to be able to show off the magical world in a fun way.

Suddenly a phone started ringing and the goblin that was steering the cart pulled out an old fashioned one from somewhere.

“Yes sir. Understood.” The goblin, Gorefist she thought , wiped his brow and seemed relieved about something. He pulled a lever and that was that. The cart did one more loop-de-loop before it came to a halt in front of a giant door.

“Pie family vault. Watch your step.”


Maddie sat awkwardly next to Fillius on an uncomfortable bench. The atmosphere was tense as they waited for the children. Every goblin on the premises seemed to be glaring towards Fillius.

He seemed to not mind in the slightest, as he was drumming his wand on his knee and humming. Flitwick hoped that his little show would prevent some young fool patriotic goblin from wanting to play the hero and attack him.

Let’s hope he was still quick enough should such a thing come to pass.

The awkwardness was starting to become a little too hard to bare for Maddie. Maybe a really good deal wasn’t worth all this aggravation. Though Fillius had explained that the normal rates were massively exploitative.

Suddenly a gate opened and a goblin decked in the finest of finery came thundering in with four elite looking guards at his side.

Flitwick recognized Ragnuk the goblin king easily enough.

“So…” King Ragnuk said, “you’ve picked a strange hill to die on.”

Flitwick shrugged.

“You know the client. This is treason.”

Tensions rose even further. Young goblins were gripping their spears tightly. Maddie couldn’t help but notice that she was the only human left in the room. She swallowed a lump, mostly because she still had no idea what was going on. They kept talking in that sinister sounding language. Was she being dragged into something? Where were the children? “Uhm… What’s going on?”

The king gave her a look but said nothing more. Maddie started to realize that maybe she should stay quiet...for now.

“Why?” The king asked sternly.

Flitwick took a long time to answer. He had a million thoughts going through his mind. “I suppose… because it gives me meaning.”

“What could possibly have more meaning then serving the nation?” He sighed. “It must be that human weakness in you.”

“Maybe.... Or maybe it’s just a different kind of strength?”

“…” The scowl on Ragnuk’s face set his guards on edge. They lowered their spears menacingly. “You’re making life very difficult for me Fillius.”

Fillius couldn't resist a smirk. “I’ve been doing that for ages.”


You could hear a pin drop. It was like the world itself was holding it's breath...

Kacklunk! The sound of a door banging open and children’s laughter filled the halls. “That was fun wasn’t it Alfie?”

“Yeah! Why don’t all banks have roller-coasters?”

Pinkie pondered Alfie’s question. Why didn’t all businesses have merry-go-rounds? It would make perfect sense. This would open a whole new venue, for fun and profit! She giggled.

“Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, we’ve been on a real mine-cart! It splashed through a waterfall, and there was a big gate thing! An-”

Maddie listened to the children as best she could as they were extolling the virtues of putting theme park rides in places of business. She nodded along keeping a wary eye on the goblin’s weaponry. They’d better not start a fight. Or she’d… well she’d do something.

The children themselves slowly started to realize that something wasn’t right.

“Something wrong?” Pinkie asked the fancy looking goblin. “Maybe I can tempt your tempers with a cupcake with your name on it?” She pulled one from out of her hair that was particularly sparkly.

There was a beat of silence as the goblin’s assessed this threat. Ragnuk looked at the cupcake and had to admit that he was tempted. “… No thank you.”

The guards breathed a sigh of relief as the tension faded at least a little bit.

“Well,” Maddie said, “This was illuminating but we must be off. Good day to you gentlemen.” She nodded her head and herded her children towards the exit. Fillius following along with them in the rear.
“Orders?” one of the guards asked.

Ragnuk clenched his jaw. “… Let them go.”

“But sir, the,-”

“I said let them go!” He turned his back and started walking towards the pits. He had some frustrations to work through.


He would need to talk to Albus about this. They need to find out what the connection is between the goblins, the Pie family and His machinations. It left Fillius feeling deeply unsettled, like standing at the edge of an abyss.

He stared at the grand Gringotts doors for what would probably be the last time in his life.

“Farewell...father.” He whispered, and turned his back. There was work to do.

Comments ( 8 )

Couldve been worse. If Gorefist adnt pulled that lever, then Pinkie and the kids wouldve got a lift back to the Banks lobby, on the back of a particularly upset Dragon?:pinkiegasp:

Well I say, there appears to be a bit of bad blood going around. Quite unfortunate that.

Where the goblins the ones that cuasex the attack on the original pie family compound?

Thanks you for come back, please continue asap!

There seems to be several plots going on at once. Someone deems Pinkie is more dangerous than the Boy-Who-Lived, hmm? Interesting.

Given Pinkie wa there it would end being a particularly entertained Dragon.

This and the previous story are really fun.
Hope there's more to come!

I would have feared for the gobos when flutterpinkie saw the dragons state

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