• Published 16th Aug 2022
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A Purple Pony Princess's Problems on Planet Popstar - ANerdWithASwitch

Ancient magical artifacts and untested spells really shouldn't mix. After a misfired spell on Star Swirl's Mirror ends in Twilight, Sunset, and Spike trapped in a foreign universe, they must find a way back to Equestria.

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Chapter IV: An Equestrian Interlude

The Crystal Empire’s throne room was usually a quiet place, something that Princess Cadance and Prince-Consort Shining Armor greatly appreciated. It allowed the two to perform their duties in peace, even if those duties were mostly paperwork at this point. The two had been debating over how to best go about tax reforms for the better part of two months now, for instance, but that’s beside the point.

Their duties also included holding court, but petitioners were few and far between. The Crystal Ponies were still unused to a benevolent monarchy after Sombra’s reign of terror, so many still avoided the palace despite the doors being open for any to enter and petition the royal couple. Or at least, the doors were usually open to any citizen. Right now, things were a bit different.

The room played host to the reigning princess and her husband, of course, along with the usual smattering of guards, under orders not to reveal anything that was said while the doors were sealed. Also present were the two reigning princesses of Equestria, Celestia and Luna, two alicorns over eleven hundred years old and powerful enough to throw around stars like paperweights. Five sixths of the Elements of Harmony were also present, their emotions a mix of worried, peeved, and downright furious.

Sunburst felt incredibly out of place as nine of the most important ponies on the planet stared directly at him.

When he’d received a summons to the Palace earlier that morning, he had nearly flown into a panic. They knew about his illicit trip through the Mirror; they had to. Oh, how he hoped that Sunset hadn’t done anything rash, but knowing her, she probably did. He knew that hindsight was 20/20, but he still internally berated himself for being so forthcoming with information when she asked him.

Still, he bowed when he entered the room. “Good,” he gulped, “good afternoon, everypony.”

The expressions of the ponies staring at him varied greatly. Princess Celestia was offering him a reassuring smile, giving off the air that she knew everything would turn out alright. Princess Luna maintained a small frown. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Princess Cadance all had worry in their eyes. Applejack and Pinkie Pie were glaring at him, something that seemed antithetical for the latter based on everything he knew about her. Rainbow Dash hovered above them, and she seemed ready to attack him at a moment’s notice.

Absently, as most of his mind was on what he should be putting in his will, he wondered where Princess Twilight was. Shouldn’t she be here if all of her friends were? He blinked. Wait a second.

They knew he knew about the Mirror.

Princess Twilight was missing.


Oh no.

“I’m going to cut to the chase,” said the one pony Sunburst least wanted to talk. Shining Armor looked absolutely livid, and he guessed the only thing stopping him from having Sunburst arrested on the spot was that Princess Celestia had asked him not to. “Princess Celestia knew that you broke into the Palace during yesterday’s Princess Summit, but for some reason,” Shining glared at her, “she elected not to inform us of this until this morning. She also knows that you interacted with something she called Star Swirl’s Dimensional Mirror. A Mirror that my siblings jumped through–chasing after a thief, mind you–before it disintegrated. You are, right now, just about our only lead as to the location of Equestria’s newest princess.” He stood up and rolled his neck. “Start talking.”

Princess Cadance laid a hoof on his back. “Honey, I know you’re upset, but scaring the poor stallion isn’t going to get Twilight back any faster.”

Sunburst gulped as he readjusted his glasses and looked up at the angry unicorn. “The Mirror did what?”

“It broke,” growled Rainbow Dash. “Shattered. Exploded. Whatever you want to call it.”

“It looked more like an implosion to me,” Pinkie added, though her expression didn’t change.

Sunburst shook his head. “But the Mirror breaking shouldn’t even have been possible! That wormhole was one of the most stable things in the universe; I did the measurements on it myself! The only way it could break without inciting vacuum decay is if the destination universe was altered!”

“The destination what?” Shining asked, his voice low.

“Perhaps,” Princess Celestia interjected before the prince could do anything rash, “Sunburst should explain exactly why he knows so much about Star Swirl’s Mirror.”

Sunburst gulped. “Of course, Your Majesty.” He looked out across the room, trying to work out how to best word his story. “Around eight years ago, my sister vanished, and I flunked out of CSGU a few months later. I didn’t know it at the time, but she had run off into the Mirror.”

Shining glanced at Princess Celestia, who nodded with a wistful look in her eyes. “Sunset Shimmer was a personal student of mine before Twilight. She was an incredibly promising young mage, enough so that I had originally planned for her to be a potential wielder of the Element of Magic.” She sighed. “Unfortunately, she eventually grew obsessed with the idea of turning herself into an alicorn. And when I shut down her studies in blood magic, we got into an argument. I…” she drew in a shaky breath. “I said some things that I shouldn’t have. She packed her things and fled that night, and by the time I found out where she had gone, the Mirror had closed for another thirty months.”

“Princess Celestia kept up the official search parties for a few months after that, even though she knew they were pointless,” Sunburst added. “My parents gave up hope of finding her after around half a year, but I never stopped looking. I had to believe that Sunset was still out there, somewhere. And a year or so ago, my search paid off.” He paused to gather his thoughts again. “I found a hoofnote trail that led me to proof of the existence of other universes, and the potential for mirrors connecting them. Once I felt that I had gathered enough evidence for where Sunset might have vanished to, I confronted Princess Celestia with it.”

Everypony’s attention snapped back to Princess Celestia. “It’s true,” she affirmed. “That Sunburst even managed to prove the Mirror existed was impressive, and I allowed him to do his own research on it in the hopes that he might find something that I missed.”

Sunburst nodded. “I was able to prove that the connection between the two universes was stable, at least. Despite my best efforts, though, I couldn’t get it to open outside of its regular three-day window every thirty months.” He sighed. “Princess Celestia shut down the research after a couple months, but she did inform me when the Mirror was moved to the Crystal Empire. I had figured out when its next opening should be, so I moved here, found out where it was being kept, and waited until I could slip through it to try and find Sunset.”

Pinkie Pie leaned forward, her eyes considerably softer than they had been. “Did you get to see your sister again?”

“Yes, but it was weird,” Sunburst said. “Going through the Mirror turns ponies into strange ape-like creatures called humans. Or at least, that’s what Sunset said they called themselves. I still found her pretty quickly, though; I could recognize her anywhere.” He sighed. “I was just so excited to see her again that I answered any questions she had about what was going on in Equestria until she told me to get lost again. I guess she was just using me to figure out how to steal the Element of Magic, huh.”

He looked up as he heard some sniffling and saw Rainbow Dash looking at Rarity incredulously as she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. “Are you crying?” Rainbow asked.

“Of course!” Rarity exclaimed. “This is a story of a student that felt scorned by her teacher, of a brother’s love that transcends time and space, and of a reunion that inevitably went south!” She sniffled again. “It’s positively dramatic!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and dashed over to be right in front of Sunburst. “Telling some sob story doesn’t fix anything! In fact, this whole thing sounds like it’s your fault for telling Sunset everything!”

“Simmer down, Dash!” Applejack shouted. “This ain’t no one’s fault but Sunset’s.”

“No, she’s right,” Sunburst himself said. “I should have realized that the questions Sunset was asking were suspect. And I'll do anything I can to help find everypony who disappeared.”

“Good, now where are my siblings?” Shining asked with venom in his voice.

Sunburst cringed as he adjusted his glasses. “That’s the thing: I don’t know. The only way the Mirror could have broken is if the wormhole was shifted onto an unstable path, so either Sunset or Princess Twilight must have somehow changed the destination matrix.”

The room went so silent one could have heard a pin drop. “Well isn’t that just perfect,” Rainbow growled after a moment as she landed. “She and Spike could be literally anywhere!”

“It…it should still be possible to find her!” Sunburst stammered defensively, taking a step backwards to put some distance between him and the vehement mare. “I know the theory for how the Mirror worked, I just don’t have the power to cast the spells!”

“Great!” Rainbow exclaimed. “So we just get the Princesses to cast the spells and get Twilight back!”

“Unfortunately, it will not be that easy,” Princess Celestia said. “While Luna and I are both powerful, neither of us has the skill with portals that would be required.”

“What if we ask for help?” a quiet voice piped up.

Everypony looked at who spoke, and Flutershy hid behind her mane. “What was that, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“What if we ask for help?” Fluttershy repeated, louder this time.

“The public can not yet know of Princess Twilight’s disappearance,” Princess Luna finally spoke up. “We cannot simply put out an advertisement in the newspapers asking for a powerful magic user to divine her location.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean anything like that,” Fluttershy shook her head. “I was going to ask Discord for help.”

Rainbow Dash gave out a mirthless, obviously fake laugh. “Hilarious, Fluttershy,” she deadpanned. “Maybe he’d look through other universes and come back with an evil version of Twilight.”

Fluttershy frowned. “Now, I know Discord has done some bad things in the past, but-”

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy, but I am afraid that I must agree with Rainbow Dash, for once,” Rarity cut in. “Involving somepony as brutish as Discord in such a delicate situation is only asking for trouble.”

“Agreed,” Applejack said.

Fluttershy looked pleadingly at Pinkie Pie, who herself looked conflicted. Eventually, she sighed. “I think we should give it a shot, girls. We all agreed to be nice to Discord after he reformed.”

“Be that as it may, Discord’s tendencies to overdramatize situations would be unhelpful,” Princess Luna pointed out. “Perhaps we should table this discussion and focus on finding somepony talented in portal spells.”

“The last time I knew of a pony with a cutie mark in portal spells was over four hundred years ago,” Princess Celestia mentioned. “We’ll need somepony like Twilight, whose special talent involves magic as a whole.”

Sunburst frowned. “I might know of a pony like that,” he said, and everpony turned to look at him. He stared up at Princess Celestia. “Would it be possible for me to find the public records for a mare named Starlight Glimmer?”

Fluttershy watched with wide eyes as Rainbow punched the wall in anger for the fifth time in as many minutes. The five remaining Elements were back in Ponyville only a day after Twilight disappeared, told to stick to the cover story that Twilight and Spike were still in the Crystal Empire and would be returning in a week or so. And if the Princesses and Sunburst made any leads on Twilight’s location, they would be informed and back in the Empire shortly.

Currently, the group was in Golden Oaks, skimming the entire library for anything that might help. None of them were content to just sit around and go about their normal lives when one of their closest friends was missing, but Rainbow seemed to be reaching her limit.

“Ah don’ think the wall can take much more of that, Dash,” Applejack pointed out.

Rainbow snorted as she landed, tossing a book on the ever-growing pile of dead ends. “I don’t think my brain can take much more of this.”

Applejack frowned. “That’s soundin’ like quitter talk. And not one of us is gonna quit when Twi might be in danger.”

Pinkie hummed in agreement from where she had her nose in a book.

Rarity pursed her lips. “Applejack, while I appreciate your willingness to help our friend, don’t you think that this,” she gestured at the mostly-empty shelves, “is a bit excessive?”

Applejack snorted. “Ah’m just doin’ what Ah can to help. Not tellin’ anypony what’s goin’ on already rubs me the wrong way, so we gotta do somethin’, y’know?”

“Has anypony told Twilight’s parents?” Pinkie asked, somewhat absently. “I think they deserve to know what’s going on.”

Applejack gestured vaguely in her direction.

Rarity sighed. “We have been here, looking at books, for over half a day. We are not going to be of any help to anypony if we work ourselves half to death figuring out how to get Twilight back! You need a break sometimes, Applejack.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow agreed. “Reading dusty old books isn’t gonna help me. I need to be out training so I can be fast enough to stop something like this from happening again!”

“That is not at all what I said,” Rarity mentioned, but it went unheard by the other two.

Applejack shut the book she was reading and stared up at Rainbow. “What, you’re gonna fly so fast you break into another universe?”

Rainbow landed hard on the floor. “No, but at least I’d be able to stop anypony else from making a stupid mistake like falling into a portal!”

Applejack stood up to face her.

“I really don’t think fighting is going to do us a lick of good, darlings,” Rarity tried to placate.

“What we have here is a rare opportunity to get somepony back before they’re gone for good,” Applejack argued. “Ah ain’t squanderin’ it.”

“You weren’t there!” Rainbow shouted. “You didn’t watch one of your best friends dive headfirst into a swirling vortex! You weren’t too slow to stop her!”

Rarity sighed. “Neither of you are listening to me, are you?”

“You think this is the first time Ah’ve nearly lost somepony?” Applejack snarled lowly, nearly nose-to-nose with Rainbow. “You think Ah didn’t spend months wishin’ my parents would just show up one day none the worse for wear? That Ah didn’t hope beyond all hope that rockslide actually missed ‘em an’ just got the pie cart? You can’t change the past, Rainbow!”

“Oh, so this is about your parents, now?” Rainbow growled. “I didn’t know they had something to do with interdimensional travel.”

Pinkie looked up, concerned. “Uh, girls? You’re both being kinda mean right n-”

“Ah’m tryin’ to say that my parents are gone, but Twilight ain’t yet!” Applejack shouted, throwing her Stetson to the ground for added effect. “So if you’d stop bein’ so damn focused on how fast you were for five seconds-”

“Y’know what? That’s it,” Rainbow interrupted, flaring her wings and taking to the air. “I’m done. You can keep reading your stupid books that get you nowhere, I need to actually do something.” With that, she sped out the door.

Applejack huffed. “The utter nerve on that mare. You agree with me, right Rares?”

Rarity pursed her lips again. “Had you been listening to me as I tried to break up you and Rainbow’s frivolous argument, you would know that I agree with neither of you. I just think we need a break.” She got up and made for the door. “I promised Sweetie Belle that she could stay the night at the Boutique today, so I must be off. I also will not be able to help you tomorrow, as I can only keep Carousel Boutique closed so many days in a row before it takes a hit to my finances. I’m sorry.”

As she left, Applejack turned to Pinkie. “...Pinkie?” she asked.

Pinkie sighed, her mane ever-so-slightly droopy. “You and Dashie were both being big meanie-pants back there.”

“But…you agree with me, right?” Applejack pleaded.

Pinkie went silent for several seconds. Eventually, she got up to leave. “I told the Cakes that I’d watch the twins tonight so that they could go on a date,” she gave a nonanswer.

Applejack turned to the final pony in the room, desperation clear in her eyes.

Fluttershy sighed. This whole situation was tearing her friends apart, and she hated it. “I think you and Rainbow both said some hurtful things, but neither of you were really wrong.”

“Thanks, ‘Shy,” Applejack said. “I just hope we can get Twi back soon.”

Fluttershy steeled her expression. They needed Twilight back, and she only knew of one way they might see her again in a timely manner. Tuesday was only three days away, after all.

“You’re right, we need Twilight to come home as soon as possible,” she said, starting to flutter towards the door. “So I’m getting Discord.”

It was late Monday night–nearly Tuesday morning, even–when Luna landed on her sister’s balcony in Canterlot. It was unlike Celestia to be up so late into the night, but the light pouring out of her window suggested that the elder princess was still awake. “May we ask, dear sister,” she said as she pushed open the door, “what has you awake?”

Celestia smiled. “Ah, Luna! Just the mare I wanted to talk to.” She levitated over a manila folder. “Take a look at this, will you?”

Luna opened the folder as Celestia took another sip out of her coffee mug. “Let’s see here. Starlight Glimmer, unicorn mare born in Sire’s Hollow on the second of May 975 to historian Firelight and stage performer Tophat Tumble. Cutie mark is a four-pointed violet star with a trail of aquamarine magic, likely representing her skill in all magic. Missing pony report filed for her in 991, and declared legally deceased at age seventeen in 992.” She placed the folder back on Celestia’s table. “Well, Tia, it seems fairly cut-and-dried. The mare Sunburst knows of with a talent for magic is dead.”

“I thought so myself at first, but something doesn’t add up,” Celestia countered. “I visited Sire’s Hollow,” she glanced at the clock, “yesterday to confirm the case, but nopony in that town actually believes that she’s dead. Her father claims to have last heard from her in 997 when she sent him a letter.” She held up a few pieces of paper in her magic. “I checked with the local school system and the police department to see if they had any of Starlight’s old assignments to double check that the letter is legitimate. It’s the same horrid hornwriting.”

Luna frowned at the documents. “While this is odd, it could still be a forgery.”

Celestia nodded. “Of course. That’s why I started digging deeper in the records we have stored in Canterlot.” Her horn flared and flipped over a corkboard she had, revealing a large number of newspaper clippings and red string. “I understand that this makes me look a bit crazy, but hear me out here.” She pointed to an image. “This was taken in Baltimare in 993.” Sure enough, in the background of the picture was a mare with the exact look of Starlight Glimmer. “Then another from Fillydelphia in 995. Another from Manehattan in 996.”

“You think she was very slowly moving up the coast?” Luna inquired.

Celestia shook her head. “Sightings of her stopped after 996, so she probably found someplace to settle in when she sent that letter in 997. Based on her trajectory, that’s likely right,” she put a pin in the map on the corkboard, “here, in this rain shadow.”

Luna frowned. “While, again, this is certainly odd, it seems like far more work than necessary to find one mare that doesn’t want to be found.”

“I agree,” Celestia said, “but that’s where it gets concerning.” She gestured towards a few dozen other newspaper clippings with string attaching them to the map. “Double Diamond: reported missing after going on a ski trip in some mountains in our area of interest in 997. Party Favor: went on a soul-searching journey in the area and never came back home in 999. Sugar Belle: vanished from a tour group near Manehattan after she reportedly wandered off towards the area in 998.” She took another sip from her coffee mug. “I’ve read the police reports. Every single one of these ponies was dissatisfied with their lot in life and wanted to get away for a while. Several were ruled to have likely committed suicide, but with all of this, I’m not so sure.”

“Where are you going with this, sister?” Luna asked, her own eyes tracking up and down the corkboard.

“Everypony in Sire’s Hollow–other than her father–had the same thing to say about Starlight. She was aloof, prone to anger, wanted to be in control of everything, and had an irrational hatred for cutie marks,” Celestia explained. “I don’t think this is just a bunch of unrelated missing ponies cases. I think she may have started a cult.”

Luna sighed. She had a long few nights ahead of her. “I assume you want me to try and find their dreams?”

Celestia nodded. “Not tonight, of course. But this is our only potential lead to finding Twilight without inciting mass hysteria or involving Discord, so I would appreciate it.”

Fluttershy involved Discord the next morning.

“Sparklebutt is missing, you say?” he asked, his eyebrows literally flying off of his face. They grew wings and everything. He snapped his talon and an anvil decorated with crayon drawings of the Elements and barely secured by a rope appeared suspended from Fluttershy’s ceiling. “So those little sparkly rocks you have dangling over my head,” he snapped his tail and the anvil vanished, “don’t work?”

Fluttershy glared at him. “Yes, but if you know what’s good for you, you won’t try anything.”

Discord gasped and placed his paw over his chest. “Moi? Try something?” He snapped a halo over his head. “Perish the thought! I'm reformed, remember?”

Fluttershy gave him a flat look.

Discord picked up the halo and took a bite out of it like a donut. “Nothing? I know it wasn’t a full-on visual gag, but usually my sarcasm can at least get a chuckle out of you.”

“Twilight is missing, Discord,” she repeated. “Did I not emphasize that enough the first time?”

The draconequus finished off his ethereal donut with a sigh. “You’re no fun when you’re sad. Alright, how exactly is Purple McBookface missing?”

“We think she’s trapped in another universe,” Fluttershy said. “I thought that you might be able to help.”

Discord stretched his lion’s paw out the window and retrieved his wayward eyebrows so he could properly raise one. With his claw, he stroked his goatee before he snapped and turned himself into a pickle. “Yes, I can see how that might put you in a bit of a pickle.”

Fluttershy continued to give him a deadpan stare. “This is serious, Discord. We don’t have the time for jokes.”

Discord rolled his eyes and they turned into those of a snake as he grew back to his natural form. “Fine, you’re under a lot of stress, so I guess pickle Discord isn’t the funniest crap you’ve ever seen.”

“Can. You. Help?” Fluttershy asked again.

Discord stretched and cracked his knuckles. “Oh, I can. But I can’t promise anything. The multiverse is a big place, so it might take me some time to track her down.”

“But you will?” Fluttershy pleaded, looking up at him as tears started welling up in her eyes.

Discord grinned. “Now how could I say no to that face?”

Fluttershy launched herself across her tea table to tightly embrace him. “Thank you, Discord!”

He laughed and slithered out of her forelegs, leaving her fluttering in midair. “It’s not a problem, my dear. Now,” he manifested a tophat, monocle, and cane, “I do believe I have a princess to track down. Tally-ho!”

Discord hummed to himself as he traversed the In-Between. The space between universes would drive a mortal mad, make them explode, make them implode, violently rip them to shreds, collapse them into a black hole, and cause all other manners of nasty ways to go simultaneously. But for Discord, who breathed chaos and sometimes ate light, existing here was child’s play. Hell, Equus wasn’t even in his home universe–he had long since forgotten his origin in his billions of years of living–he just liked it there.

As he jauntily waved to the Endless Abyss and Cthulhu, he considered his options. He hadn’t lied to Fluttershy when he said it would take some time for him to find Sparklepants. That time was just somewhere in the range of three seconds. This little corner of the omniverse practically ran on chaos, after all, and he was naught but chaos incarnate. If he put his mind to it, he could find just about anything in it as he bent the fabric of unreality to his will. In fact, he had figured out where Twilight was just moments after Fluttershy said she was missing.

There was just one problem with getting her back: which universe she was in. Or, perhaps more accurately, whose universe.

Discord hadn’t spoken with Void in over ten thousand years, well before the latter had locked down Its multiverse and vanished. Nothing could get in or out of the five or so universes It had created. Oh, they could probably interact with each other, of course–he had sensed creatures moving around in there before–but they were completely isolated from the greater omniverse. Even Discord still wasn’t able to break through when he tried to.

Frankly, he was impressed and a bit scared that Sparkle had managed it. Though, he reasoned, if she had managed to get through, the multiversal embargo must be weakening a bit, right? Grinning, he sharpened his claw and pierced through the nothing that comprised the In-Between. It wouldn’t be a deep scratch, but it would be enough to at least view the going-ons in one of Void’s universes.

Sure enough, a yellow, star-shaped planet came into view. Discord moved his arms a bit, widening his window to a 16:9 aspect ratio. Satisfied, he snapped his fingers and summoned the frame of a flatscreen television around it and a recliner. Perhaps he’d tell Fluttershy about this later, he thought as he manifested a bowl of popcorn and leaned back. The other girls too, but only if they thought to ask him. He was petty like that.

For now though, he had a show to watch. It seemed the plot was getting good.

The bridge of the Halberd was a simple design, built for practicality over aesthetics. Consoles displaying all sorts of necessary metrics for a flying battleship were spread across the room, with a massive window displaying the front of the ship and Orange Ocean ahead of them. “Sailor Waddle Dee, status report,” Meta Knight demanded as he entered the bridge.

The Dee whirled around with a salute. “All systems are ready and we’re go to fly, Sir,” she stated.

Meta Knight nodded and turned to Captain Vul. “Captain?”

“The crew’s been ready for this for days,” Vul responded. “It’s time.”

Vul’s communicator crackled to life. “Sir!” Axe Knight shouted over the line. “Kirby’s been sighted coming our way!”

Vul and Sailor Dee turned to their leader. “Your call, Sir,” Vul said.

Meta Knight stared out the window for a moment. “Prepare to launch.”

Sailor moved over to her console. “Output is normal for Reactors One, Two, and Three and holding steady,” she confirmed before pressing a button. “Raising anchor and checking our anti-grav. How are things looking on your end, Vul?”

“Our backup solar battery is at 288 of 300 and all equipment has been cleared from the docks,” he said. “We’re ready to extend our wings.”

“Anti-gravity is at full efficiency!” Sailor happily confirmed as the Halberd’s wings extended to their full glory. “Lift off in T-minus thirty seconds.”

Meta Knight pressed down on his microphone, broadcasting to the entire ship. “Attention all Meta-Knights. Today is the day you all have been training for. Today, we show the world our combined might!”

“Twenty seconds.”

“Today, the time has come to show our power! We will not stand to be ruled over by a lazy, tyrant king! The lazy life of Dreamlanders has come to an end!”

“Ten seconds!”

“Today, we strike! Tomorrow, we rule!”

“Five!” Sailor shouted, and Meta smiled as he heard cheering come from below deck.

“Four!” Sailor shouted, and Vul grinned as he thought of the glory their conquest would bring.

“Three!” Sailor shouted, and her eyes glistened as she dreamed of liberating her kind from Dedede’s rule.

“Two!” Sailor shouted, and Meta Knight pointed his sword forward towards the window, pointing onwards to a new future.

“One!” Sailor shouted, and she pushed the throttle upward. With a shudder, the ship began to rise. “We have lift off!”

Author's Note:

"Well, that was a nice interlude. Probably somewhere around 2,000 words... Oh. Nevermind, then. Five thousand it is." - Me after finishing this chapter.

Equestria hasn't been idle while Twilight and the others muck about in Dreamland. Celestia and Luna are trying to prevent political upheaval, but with Fluttershy getting a barely post-reform Discord involved and Glim Glam happening early, that might not last long. And without Twilight's mediating influence, AJ and RD have already nearly come to blows, complicating matters even further.

On the matter of Sailor Waddle Dee's gender, I've seen conflicting information. The Kirby Wiki and TV Tropes both list it as male, but most fan works I've seen have had Sailor be female. Having just played through Super Star, I didn't see anything that indicated either way, so I went with her being a girl to balance out the ratio a bit in the Meta-Knights.

But for now, let us put Equestria behind us. It's time to return to Popstar for next time's Revenge of Meta Knight!

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