• Published 16th Aug 2022
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A Purple Pony Princess's Problems on Planet Popstar - ANerdWithASwitch

Ancient magical artifacts and untested spells really shouldn't mix. After a misfired spell on Star Swirl's Mirror ends in Twilight, Sunset, and Spike trapped in a foreign universe, they must find a way back to Equestria.

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Chapter VI: Havoc Aboard the Halberd

The Halberd’s interior had a far more Spartan design than its hull. Where its exterior was an extravagant display of the Meta-Knights' power, the inside was gray hallway after gray hallway. The labyrinthine corridors would have been nearly unnavigable, but thankfully it seemed that the crew needed a map to get around as much as the boarding party did. A massive map adorned the wall near where they had entered.

Bandana Dee pointed his spear at a part of it. “It looks like we’re here. What’s the plan now that we’re inside?”

Twilight frowned at the display of the ship. “Ideally we could just head up to the bridge, but I don’t think any of us can safely land this thing. We’re going to have to force a crash and get out of here.”

Sunset squinted at the map. “Looks like the closest vital structure to us is the left wing-”

“Port wing,” Twilight corrected.

“I don’t think we have time for semantics,” Sunset countered before getting back on topic. “I’m not sure how we’ll destroy it, though. Destroying the twin cannon took a lot out of me and I don’t think I can pull off something like that for the entire wing.”

Kirby grinned and pointed to himself.

Twilight pursed her lips. “You sure about that, little guy? I can probably help out with that with my magic.”

Kirby huffed, seemingly offended.

Sunset shivered. She would forever associate that expression with her nose being broken. “I wouldn’t doubt him,” She warned. “He can probably do it.”

Twilight frowned, but relented. “Alright, then.” She looked back at the map. “After that, we should probably take out the starboard wing and then the reactor. I should be able to levitate us back to shore as soon as we’re back outside.”

“You do realize that we can still hear you, right?” Sailor Waddle Dee asked over the PA.

Sunset responded by staring directly at the nearest camera and sticking her tongue out at it. Sure, it was unprofessional, but hearing Vul’s indignant screeches of rage was worth it.

With that, the quartet began advancing. Strangely, they encountered very little resistance for the first few minutes of their travel, only being impeded by a single Poppy Bros Junior that fell to Kirby in seconds. Sunset had to wonder just where everyone was. Perhaps they had exhausted their troops on the deck?

“Soldiers near the port wing, prepare yourselves,” Meta Knight’s voice echoed around them. “Kirby and his companions are approaching your position.”

Ah, they were just waiting for them to get closer. She probably should have expected that.

Almost immediately, a few dozen troops rushed around the corner and charged at them. Sunset thought she could make out what looked like a couple Poppy Bros, a few Trident Knights, at least one Waddle Doo, and several others, but the exact makeup of the attack force hardly mattered. They had a fight to win.

The first thing to reach them was a bomb lobbed by one of the Poppy Bros, but Bandana Dee batted it aside with his spear easily enough. The fact that it detonated without so much as denting the wall it hit, though, did speak to the structural integrity of the ship. Sunset decided that she would have to ask about what this Fountain of Dreams thing was after this was over; clearly its magical properties were useful.

A cutter blade lashed out at them, and Sunset was drawn back into battle. A quick application of telekinesis later, and the Sir Kibble that threw it was slammed unconscious into the wall. As she ducked under a Trident Knight’s strike and shot a jet of flame at him, she took in what her allies were doing.

Bandee had made short work of most of his opponents based on the trail of three knocked-out bodies behind him. Really, what two Gims and a Sir Kibble thought they were going to do against him was beyond her. Currently, he was stalled by another Poppy Bros Junior. The two were engaged in a deadly game of tennis, slapping a lit bomb back and forth between them. Bandana, though, gained the upper hand when he slapped it back down at the Poppy Bros’s feet and it detonated, launching the unfortunate enemy into the wall and knocking him unconscious.

She spun around a shot from a Plasma Wisp, which spilled off the ground and dispersed. Sunset responded by shooting a cooling charm its way, rendering its plasma-based attacks useless and forcing it to retreat. Sparing a glance at Kirby, her jaw dropped.

He was like a force of nature, tearing through enemy after enemy. Even in this confined space where his bird-like ability couldn’t be used to its full effect, nothing could even land a hit on him! As she watched, a Trident Knight, at this point the thirteenth enemy Kirby had faced in the thirty or so seconds since the fight began, tried to get close enough to stab him. Kirby, in response, grabbed him, took to the air, and slammed the knight into the ceiling.

He landed at the same time as the Trident Knight hit the floor, ready to move on to his next target, when a voice shouted something that stalled pretty much the entire battle.

“Beam attack!”

Everyone turned to the Waddle Doo that had shouted. He had attempted to use his species’ signature attack on Kirby, but apparently misjudged the distance. Instead, his beam hit the floor just short of his target.

“Oh, I missed,” he stated the obvious. “I’ll get you next time, Kirby! Beam attack!”

He hadn’t moved, so the attack went wide again. At this point even some of his compatriots were snickering. Sunset just thought it was kind of sad.

The Waddle Doo laughed nervously. “Maybe this one’ll hit you! Beam atta- GAH!”

Before he could make a third pitiful attempt at an attack, Kirby struck. A veritable wave of feathers spilled out from the wings around him, forcing the Waddle Doo to close his eye and swat at them until Kirby just walked up and punched him.

A facepalm resounded through the PA system. “That’s who you were planning on promoting?” Vul exasperatedly said.

“He’s enthusiastic!” Axe Knight defended, but Sunset could hear that he didn’t really believe what he was saying.

Discord snapped a photo of the passed out Waddle Doo on his screen. “Yep, that’s going in my cringe compilation.”

A javelin nearly speared Sunset while she was distracted, and she was drawn back into the fight. As she made quick work of the Javelin Knight that had attempted to take her out, she finally glanced back at Twilight. Her face fell.

The princess hadn’t even moved since the fight started, her eyes flicking around in a mixture of horror and disappointment. Sunset supposed that it shouldn’t really surprise her, though. Equestria hadn’t been involved in any international conflicts in over six hundred years to her knowledge, so most ponies were rather averse to fighting in anything more than self-defense. The Halberd may have been on its way to attack Dreamland, but they were still essentially preemptively striking against it. It must not have meshed well with Twilight's sensibilities.

Still, though, Sunset had to break her out of her stupor somehow. “Hey, Twilight!” she called. “You gonna do something or what?”

She didn’t respond, her eyes locked onto the utter carnage that Kirby was dishing out. Another five enemies had fallen to his fury in the time since the Waddle Doo went down.

“Is she a pacifist or something?” Axe Knight speculated over the PA.

“With how she took down that Capsule J2’s fighter?” Sailor added. “Not likely. Must be a psychological thing.”

“I have seen reactions like this before,” Meta Knight said. “No matter. This only makes defending the Halberd easier.”

As Sunset watched, a Knuckle Joe inched towards Twilight. She was about to open her mouth to warn the princess as he got within striking distance, but it turned out to be unnecessary. Twilight had apparently felt the air move as the fighter prepared to strike and reacted on instinct. She whirled around to face him and sent a right hook his way with what Sunset assumed was some earth pony magic behind it. Considering that his body hit the wall hard enough to actually dent it, it was likely.

Twilight stared down at her hoof with wide eyes, horrified. She looked up at the unmoving form of the Knuckle Joe, seemingly too stunned to move. Her mouth moved, but no sound came out as she processed what had just happened.

Sunset winced. Yeah, that Joe was dead and Twilight had some trauma to work through. There was no way anything was surviving a blow from an alicorn like tha-

Oh, never mind. He was still breathing. The hell?

Alright, that’s another thing to put on my list of “reasons to get the fuck off this planet,” Sunset thought. Apparently this kind of insane durability isn’t just limited to Kirby and Dedede.

She glanced back at the unconscious forms of the Meta-Knights littering the hallway. Bandee and Kirby seemed to have taken care of the rest of them in the meantime, the latter having exchanged his feathered hat for a red headband at some point. Sunset looked back to Twilight and sighed.

Lighting her horn, she picked up the stunned alicorn in her telekinesis. Twilight cried out in surprise and immediately broke out of it, but the action still accomplished what Sunset had intended it to. “Alright, Twilight,” she stated as it seemed the princess was lucid again. “The dude’s alive, so don’t worry about that. But we need to move.”

“I…” Twilight took a deep breath. “Sorry. I just haven’t hurt something that bad since the Changelings attacked Canterlot and at that point they were already attacking civilians in the city and-”

“Hey, I get it,” Bandana Dee comforted. “Fighting other sapient beings is hard on the soul. But we can worry about it later, because right now we need to stop this ship from reaching Dreamland!”

Twilight took another deep breath, fluffed her wings a bit, and steeled her expression. “You’re right. We have more important things to worry about right now than ponies’ natural tendency towards pacifism. Let’s take out the wing.”

They were able to move unhindered through the next section of the Halberd, the mooks on the ship’s left side apparently depleted. Within a minute, they came upon an exterior door and went through, reaching the platform underneath the left wing. The wind’s roar once more overtook Sunset’s ears as she looked over the edge. From this vantage point, she could see almost all of Dreamland. It felt strange to be fighting in defense of a nation instead of trying to take it over, but she supposed that she could get used to it.

She blinked. Where had that thought come from?

Bandana Dee shouting at them pulled her out of her musings before she could properly start psychoanalyzing herself, though. “How are we gonna destroy this thing?” he shouted, staring up at the massive form of the wing.

Before they could start tossing out ideas, however, the door they just came through flung open. “Stop right there!” shouted a Mister Frosty.

Joining him were a Poppy Bros Senior and a Jukid. “You’re not gonna even be able to touch that wing!” the latter claimed.

Kirby rushed into the fray, targeting the Jukid with a spinning kick that he just barely blocked with one of his hands. “Twilight, focus on charging up something powerful enough to take out the wing!” Sunset shouted before lighting her horn and sending a jet of flame towards Frosty. “We’ll protect you in the meantime!”

Bandee sighed, shifted his spear so he was holding it like a baseball bat, and turned to the Poppy Bros. “Guess I’m doing this again.”

Sunset’s flame met the massive snowball Frosty had sent Kirby’s way, melting it into an ineffectual puddle in mere moments. Infuriated, Frosty turned to her and charged. She twirled out of the way as magic sparked around her horn, and she shot a fireball. It caught him in the back as he ran by her, sending him crashing to the ground with ice spikes forming around him.

She sent another flamethrower spell at him while he was down, but he was able to react fast enough to roll over and counter it with his ice breath. Sunset’s horn sparked brighter and her face contorted in concentration as Frosty pushed himself to his feet, her flamethrower doubling in brightness. The icy being’s eyes widened, and he stopped trying to fight her spell. Rather, he dove out of the way as a stream of fire passed straight through his former position. As he forced himself back up, Sunset glanced at how the others were doing.

The Jukid was knocked out, Kirby dusting off the ends of his arms. Bandee looked to be winning his baseball match of doom, with every bomb the Poppy Bros threw being knocked off the side of the ship as he advanced. Eventually, he got close enough that he hit the bomb right back at its thrower, sending his adversary straight back through the door they came from.

Sunset’s attention soon snapped back to Frosty as he got back up, but he didn’t attack her.

Instead, he simply stared up in shock as Twilight unleashed the magic she had been gathering. The laser she fired was at least a meter in diameter and such a bright violet it hurt to look at. Despite the Halberd’s apparently magic-resistant steel plating, the sheer power behind the attack punched clean through the wing’s support structure and continued out into the sky.

Kirby took advantage of Frosty’s distraction while it was going on and punched him straight through the wall and back into the ship.

With an unholy screeching sound that forced everyone awake to cover their ears, the damaged wing began to bend where Twilight had struck it. As they stared upward, the force of the wind caught the high surface area of the bending wing. An incredibly loud sound echoed out as the metal tore along the sudden stress line and the wing broke in half, the detached portion falling towards the ocean.

The entire Halberd shuddered and began to list to the left as the lift force on that side of the ship vanished. Sunset applied a sticking charm to her hooves and grabbed hold of Bandee before either could fall off as the banking hit an extreme. Kirby, thankfully, seemed like he could float by himself, and Twilight had grabbed the unconscious Jukid in her telekinesis.

“Major damage to the left wing!” Axe Knight shouted over the PA.

There was a crashing sound as something moved around on the bridge. “We’re losing balance!” Mace Knight pointed out.

“Redirect power to the anti-gravity engines and lower the starboard wing,” Meta Knight commanded, calm as ever. “We need to rebalance the ship.”

“It’ll take a bit of time, but it’ll work,” Sailor Dee added.

Sunset reached the door, which had closed when gravity forced it to do so, with the ship at a 45-degree angle and Bandee clinging on to her mane for dear life. She fiddled with it for a bit. “Shit! Something’s blocking the door!” She tried one last time to open it, with no avail. “Why the hell doesn’t this open outward? Isn’t that a fire safety violation of some sort?”

“I don’t think there’s really anything flammable on this ship!” Bandee shouted over the wind.

A shout from Kirby diverted everyone’s attention to him. He was floating back into the ship through the hole he’d punched Frosty through.

Glancing at each other, the other three followed.

It seemed that Kirby had punched Frosty into an air duct. They passed his sleeping body shortly into their ascent up the now-tilted passageway, and Twilight deposited the Jukid next to him. It was a tight fit, both for the two Meta-Knights and for the group trying to sneak through. Twilight and Sunset both had to uncomfortably crouch as they moved, and Bandee and Kirby were slower because of the duct's tilt forcing them to climb.

Soon, they came across a strange electrified block, and Twilight had to wonder why it existed. Well, other than to discourage people from trying to sneak around in air vents, she supposed. As the group cleared it (something that the Halberd’s tilt actually made a bit easier), they could hear the muffled messages from the bridge through the walls.

“They’re in the ducts!” Axe Knight noted.

“What are they trying to do in there?” Vul asked.

“Are they lost?” Sailor pondered.

“Hold on a moment,” Vul said with a chuckle. “I have an idea for when they get closer to the wing.”

With that ominous statement, it clicked off.

The group continued on in silence, giving Twilight a moment to actually process everything that had been going on. In the last half an hour or so, she’d barely survived distracting the most heavily fortified battleship she’d ever seen. She had broken into said battleship with the help of a giant bird, a pink puffball of mass destruction, an attempted thief, and a guy with a spear. And then she’d ripped off one of its wings. Frankly, this was mostly blurring together for her. But if conflict in this world was as common as Dedede made it seem, she would likely have to get used to it.

Eventually, after carefully avoiding a few more electrified areas, Kirby kicked open one of the vents. Said vent seemed to be in an elevator shaft, so Kirby floated down to the nearest door with Twilight following, the others in her telekinesis. She forced the doors open with her magic, and thankfully there was another map nearby that they flocked to.

Twilight tilted her head so that her line of sight matched the tilt of the ship. “Alright, so it looks like the starboard wing is that way,” she pointed down the hall. “After we take it out, we can backtrack through here and go down to the reactor.”

The group climbed forward, going through the hallways in eerie silence. “Where is everyone?” Bandee asked.

“I think we already took out pretty much all of the crew,” Sunset pointed out as they passed through a mess hall. The tables had all fallen out of place, piled up against the now lower wall. Soon enough though, they reached the exterior door to the starboard wing, but everyone jumped when the bridge patched back through.


WHAT?” Sailor Dee, Axe Knight, and Mace Knight shouted back.

“No!” Meta Knight vetoed. “The Lobster can’t be used when the ship is listing like this!”

Vul grumbled about it, but he relented, much to Twilight’s relief. She wasn’t sure what this Heavy Lobster was, but it sounded intimidating. As they entered the platform under the wing, the bridge kept discussing what to do.

“If we can’t use the Lobster yet, what do you suggest, Sir?” Vul asked.

Meta Knight hummed for a moment as Twilight gathered power. “Axe Knight, direct all starboard cannons to fire under the wing.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She canceled her laser and quickly erected the most powerful shield she could around the group. A cacophonous roar, overpowering that of the wind, sounded as the Halberd opened fire. Her shield held, fortunately, but the ground they were standing on started to worryingly warp.

Bandee was cringing, his arms over his ears. Sunset wasn’t much better, though she did have her own horn lit with a second shield inside of Twilight’s in case hers broke. Kirby, though, had a determined glint in his eye. He, much to Twilight’s horror, slammed through the shields from the inside (which quickly reformed) and began sprinting up the side of the ship.

The Halberd’s considerable defenses quickly trained on him, of course, but the little puffball was surprisingly agile. Reaching the joint where the wing met the rest of the hull with little to no issue, he drew back his arm and punched the wing. The metal around the hit notably deformed, but it wasn’t enough to rend it from the hull. The Halberd’s own weapons, though, were more than enough to finish the job. As Kirby slid back under the shield, the massive metal structure tore itself apart and collapsed.

Unfortunately, with the angle the ship was at, the wing didn’t just fall right down to the water below. It instead impacted the massive platform underneath it which, having already taken damage from the sustained artillery barrage, separated from the main body of the ship as well. Twilight and the others were suddenly forced to improvise as their floor disappeared.

The lift on either side of the ship equalized, the Halberd began to stabilize. Had they been inside, that would have been a good thing, but as it was the sloped side of the ship they were using to stand on was now quickly becoming vertical. They dropped the shields and started running, continually being forced further and further down the hull by gravity. “There!” Bandee shouted, pointing with his spear. “A service door!”

Twilight yanked it open in her magic as Bandee and Sunset dove for it, successfully getting back inside the Halberd. Kirby and Twilight followed soon after, entering and slamming the door behind them as the ship finally returned to being upright. The group sat there panting for a moment. That was far too close.

“What…” Sunset took a breath, “what now?”

Bandee got up and pointed his spear forward. “Well, there’s only one way to go. We still need to take down the reactor so the anti-gravity stops.”

With a series of nods, the group started down the hallway as they listened to the bridge descend into chaos again.

“THE RIGHT WING IS GONE!” Sailor Dee shouted.

“At least we’re rebalanced,” Vul tried.

“Where are they now?” Axe Knight asked.

“It looks like they’re headed towards the reactor!” Mace Knight answered. There was a pause as Kirby seemed to smell something and made a beeline for a side door. Mace Knight seemed to start panicking. “Wait a second, don’t go in there!”

Inside was a crate full of what looked like tomatoes with the letter M on them. Twilight blinked. “What?”

Kirby happily picked one up and shoved it in his mouth before tossing another three to his companions. Shrugging, Twilight tried it. She blinked in surprise as her wings stopped aching. Right, food heals here. She still needed to get used to that.

“They found my secret tomato stash!” Mace Knight wailed as the group exited the room and continued towards the reactor.

“You were hoarding Maxim Tomatoes and didn’t tell us?” Axe Knight asked in disbelief.

“Sir, it looks like they’ve made it to the reactor!” Sailor exclaimed.

Sure enough, the group had entered a massive, blueish room with three strange pedestals in it. All three had a glowing octahedron floating above them, with columns above those reaching to the ceiling. Surrounding the reactor cores were shimmering force fields, presumably to protect them. And in the background…

Twilight looked around angrily. “Wheelies? You have slaves?” she shouted.

“Of course not!” Meta Knight defensively responded, seeming to lose his cool for just one moment. “The Wheelies are compensated generously for their work!”

“Sir, we need to defend the reactor!” Vul stated. “May I?”

Meta Knight took a moment to respond. “Go ahead, Captain.”

Vul cackled, and Twilight could hear the grin on his face. “Prepare to meet your doom, you four!”

A series of clanking sounds alerted them to something else entering the room, and they whirled around. A massive golden robot crustacean bore down on them, its claws revving up what Twilight assumed would be flamethrowers. Its green eyes were cold and lifeless, simply built to calculate the most efficient way to eliminate all in its path.

“This is the Heavy Lobster! It comes equipped with every weapon in the book! Its armor is completely magic-resistant, heat-resistant, and made of some of the strongest stuff in the universe! Over two tons of pure asskicking power!” Vul gloated. “Good luck!”

The Lobster moved, and the battle began.

Twilight immediately took to the air, but the Lobster moved far faster than she had expected. It sent a jet of flame her way, forcing her onto the defensive as she raised a shield. Sunset had managed to fare slightly better, opting to try and counter the Lobster’s flame with ice spells. Twilight could see that she was running on fumes, though, having spent nearly the last hour constantly using magic. It seemed that these Maxim Tomatoes didn't heal mana burn. Kirby ran up and punched the thing, which did seem to stagger it slightly, but he had to swiftly dodge the Lobster’s counterattack.

The claw it was using to fire at Twilight finally stopped, allowing her to drop her shield. Unfortunately, though, it was just switching to a new attack. The Heavy Lobster jumped nearly to the ceiling of the room before slamming down, coming close to stomping on Bandana Dee. The general did manage to avoid it, rolling out of the way, but wasn’t able to actually hit the thing.

Twilight charged up a magical laser and fired, which just bounced off the Lobster’s armor and drilled a smoking hole in the floor. It responded by opening its claw and sending a barrage of miniature missiles her way, which were thankfully easy enough to shoot down. It tried shooting fire at her again, but it seemed Sunset put a stop to that soon enough with a cryokinetic spell of some sort.

“Kirby punching it seemed to do something!” Twilight shouted. “Maybe he can do that more!”

He didn’t get the chance just yet, though, as the Lobster targeted Bandana Dee once again. It shot out a glob of something that looked like paint, for some reason, which he easily swatted away with his spear.

“Why does it still have that attack?” Vul shouted. “We added that in as a joke!”

“S…sorry, Sir!” Axe Knight stammered. “I must’ve forgotten to take it out.”

Vul raged over the sound system, but the battle continued with the Lobster activating some jets behind it and trying to ram Bandee at full speed. The spearman, not being able to dodge to the side quick enough, planted his spear on the ground and vaulted over the robot, accidentally flicking leftover paint into its eyes in the process. It whirled around as soon as it missed, opening its claw and firing some missiles. Instead of targeting any of the group, however, they hit the base of the middle reactor.

“Target its eyes!” Bandee shouted. “Maybe we can get it to destroy the reactor!”

Unfortunately, the paint was still dripping, and the Lobster’s vision cleared in only moments. Now, though, they had a plan. Sunset cast a spell directing a cloud of smoke to settle around the Lobster’s eyes, and Kirby rushed in. He punched one of its legs, forcing it back a bit, but a claw moved to target him despite the cloud of smoke. Twilight frowned. Perhaps it had ways other than vision to determine where a target was?

She sent another laser its way. It wouldn’t physically harm it, and like its predecessor it was just deflected through the floor, but if she was right about it detecting pressure…yes! Combined with the smoke, it seemed to disorient the Lobster for a moment, letting Kirby get another few strikes in.

Bandee swung his spear, flicking more of the remnants of paint onto the golden robot. Just as they expected, its next shot–this time a flamethrower–went wide. Instead of hitting any of them, it once again blasted into the middle reactor, damaging it even further.

The force field began to flicker.

“Just a bit more!” Twilight called out.

With one last punch, Kirby retreated back to where Sunset and Bandee were waiting as the smoke and paint cleared. The robot was now between those three and the reactor, with Twilight hovering above it. The Lobster staggered–actually staggered, Kirby must have hit something important–forward and charged up another attack, but it didn’t get the chance to use it.

Sunset grinned and sent a mote of light under the Lobster, and Twilight’s eyes widened as she recognized the spell. That was Naught Bell’s Explosion, the strongest explosion spell that didn’t require an absurd prep time! The Lobster would still probably be able to take it, but it looked like that wasn’t what Sunset was aiming for.

The much abused floor was what gave way from the ensuing blast. A hole was rent open in the hull, and the middle reactor seemed to take critical damage from the spell as well. All two tons of Heavy Lobster lived up to its name as its footing suddenly vanished, and it plummeted into the water below.

However, with how much fire had been thrown around during the fight, the pressure in the reactor room had increased by quite a bit. Enough that the pressure difference between it and the outside air caused noticeable suction. And since Twilight was flying, it left her especially vulnerable to shifts in air currents.

The sudden downdraft caught her off guard, and before she knew it, she was tumbling out of the Halberd, ejected from its keel. She regained her balance quickly enough, but before she shot back into the reactor room, a thought crossed her mind. The whole ship was about to come down, but how many unconscious bodies were on it? She looked down at the ocean. How many would drown?

She gathered up her pegasus magic, shot around to the bow of the ship, and started scanning the deck. Luckily, the Halberd’s main deck was equipped with guard rails, so it didn’t look like any of the crew had fallen off when the ship was listing. Still, that was a lot of bodies to gather up and bring to shore, and she knew there were more inside.

I’ll be back for you three, she thought, and I know they tried to kill us, but I couldn’t live with myself if I let all these people die!

She shot towards the deck, beginning her impromptu search and rescue.

“TWILIGHT!” the three remaining in the reactor room, even Kirby, shouted at the hole in the floor, but she was well out of earshot by this point. Sunset looked at the pink ball oddly. Was that the first time she’d heard him speak?

“She was our ride out of here!” Bandee exclaimed over the rushing air. “What do we do now?”

Sunset looked at the reactor. The force field had gone down, leaving the core exposed to any sort of potential attack. For the first time in well over a decade, Sunset felt an actual feeling of heroic spirit well up within her, but she squashed down that thought. Surely staying on Kirby’s good side was the right play here, it was just practical! She was still going to eventually return to Equestria and overthrow Celestia, since that was the whole reason she was in this mess in the first place!

She wasn’t going to make this call just because it felt good to be good, that would be madness!



Her internal struggle solved for the time being, she nodded at Bandee. “We’ll destroy the reactor and get to the bridge. They definitely have an emergency way out of here.”

Bandee looked at her expectantly. “Are you gonna shoot it?”

Sunset shook her head. “That explosion took a lot out of me, so I don’t think I can manage something to actually destroy it, and Kirby still is stuck on melee attacks or something,” she explained, gesturing to the headband Kirby still wore. She smiled at the Waddle Dee. “You’re the one with a ranged attack.”

Bandee stared over the hole separating them from the reactor and exhaled. He steeled himself, drew his arm back, and hurled his weapon.

It was a perfect shot. The spear pierced directly into the octahedral core, and for a second, nothing happened. Sunset still used a bit of her remaining mana to erect a shield, though. Just in case.

It turned out to be justified when the core exploded.

The world went white.

Author's Note:

Make sure you keep your seatbelts buckled, folks! The Halberd's coming in for a rough landing!

Oh Sunset, you can deny it all you want, but you're one of the good guys now! You just don't know it yet. And Twilight's still on her "save everyone" mindset, even at detriment to herself, but I'm sure Meta Knight will appreciate her saving his crew!

Also, I know that the Beam Attack meme is probably dead at this point, but I still find it hilarious. And I saw an opportunity for both it and a cringe compilation joke there, which was just too good to pass up.

Next up, we still have the final boss of Revenge of Meta Knight to get to: the man himself! Stay tuned for chapter seven: Friends Under the Setting Sun!

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