• Published 27th Aug 2022
  • 5,055 Views, 242 Comments

A Walking Chestnut - Netap

A Human finds himself waking up as a Chespin in a magical world, It's kind of simple.

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Chapter 11: A Chestnut that Fainted.

The Town of Ponyville was having a relatively peaceful morning.

The Colts and Fillies were going to school, The Mares and Stallions were heading to work, And a certain pink earth pony was bouncing her way down the street.

"Ooh, It's time to get the flour from the store, the white and fluffy flour to make the fluffy cakes~" She sang as she sprang down the street towards a store to grab Flour for Mr and Ms Cake.

As she was making her way down the street, she saw a large shadow on the ground, Curious as to what could make such a big shadow she looked up and- "DRAGON! DRAGON! A Dragon is Attacking Ponyville! Everybody Run! We're all going to be eaten!!!" She screamed, Alerting everyone of the fire breathing monster flying towards their town.

Looking outside their windows, The Ponies could also see the large dragon that the pony known as Pinkie Pie screamed of. Quickly closing their own windows and locking the door.

Now with the streets empty, The large red dragon landed in the middle of a street, looking around him for anypony to help.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" The Red dragon called out, Receiving no response from the ponies hiding in their houses.

But just because most ponies were hiding, doesn't mean that everybody was.
Exiting the library, A purple and green baby dragon ran towards the big dragon that just landed in the middle of town.

"Hey, You! Big Guy!" Spike shouted as he ran closer to Razer, "What are you doing here?" He asked once he got the larger dragons attention.

Looking down at the tiny baby dragon that approached him, Razer told him what he wanted, "I'm looking for this Chick named Fluttershy, Bro. I like, Really need her help."

Hearing that the big dragon isn't here to, as his name might imply, Raze the town to the ground, Spike offers to take him to Fluttershy's cabin.

"You'll do that Bro? Thanks, But like, I really need to hurry here, Sammy passed out and only Fluttershy can help him or something." Razer told Spike as he opened his closed claw, Revealing the unconscious form of the Chespin.

"Why didn't you say so sooner, Let me climb your back and I'll show you the way, It's way faster than walking." Spike said as he jumped and climbed onto Razer's tail, Which then moved to position him closer to his neck before the big dragon took flight once more.

Seeing the town from up on the dragon's back was way different from being on a hot-air balloon. But Spike didn't have the time to spend thinking about this new experience, A friend of his might be in danger.

Pointing towards the house near the Forest on the very outskirts of town, Razer followed Spike's directions and flew towards Fluttershy's cabin.

Leaving my bed, I did my morning routine before entering the living room and putting on a kids show for Daniel to watch when he wakes up.

Walking to the fridge, I take four eggs and an onion before placing them on the counter.
Grabbing the green plastic cutting board, I cut off half of the onion before dicing it into little cubes.
After I'm done with that I take a pan from the drawer and put it on the stove, I pour a bit of oil onto it before turning the stove on and letting the pan heat.

Cracking two of the eggs, I start to whisk them until I see a few bubbles start to form, That's when I take the fluffy yellow liquid and pour it on the pan.

And The first Omelette is being made I start working on the second one, Whisking the other two eggs before pouring the onion cubes into it.

After a few minutes, Breakfast is served, I take out two plates and present them on the table, One with the basic Omelette, the other with the onion omelette.

While I'm waiting for Daniel to wake up, I place three slices of bread into the toaster.

Soon enough I hear him running down the hallway, His bright innocent face beaming with that gap filled smile.

Almost enough to forget that he isn't with us anymore.

The ghost of the hanged woman behind the walking corpse of the child weeps as I once again wake up from the familiar nightmare.

Landing outside of Fluttershy's cabin, Spike quickly got off of Razer before loudly knocking on the door.
He expected Fluttershy to come out quickly, but instead the door was answered by the white rabbit that she keeps around as a pet.

Angel, Seeing the two dragons outside of his house slowly closes the door before Spike catches it and calls out "Wait, We need Fluttershy, Samuel might be in danger!" That catches Angel's attention, And looking behind Spike at the bigger dragon, He spots an unconscious rodent in his grasp.

Quickly closing the door, he rushes back inside towards the still sleepy Fluttershy who is still in the process of waking up.
"*Yawn* Angel, Who-*Yawn*-Who was at the door?" She blinks a bit of her sleep away as she crawls out of bed.

Squeaking out a few words in a hurry, Angel rushes the now awake and alert Fluttershy outside.
Just as she opens the door to check on Chespin, She notices the large orange eyes above the maw of razor sharp teeth and she freezes.

"Fluttershy, Thank you so much." Spike says as he carries the limp body of the rodent in his arms, "Samuel passed out and he needs help. Only you can help him, Please!" Spike continues as he walks towards the stiff yellow pegasus.

Fluttershy doesn't answer Spike, Looking at the giant, pony eating monster that can burn the entire town in a matter of minutes, She passes out too.

Now with an unconscious Human turned Pokemon and also an unconscious Animal speaking Pony. Spike, Razer and Angel are in a predicament.

They can leave the bodies here while Spike and Razer call for help from someone like Twilight, But that leaves Angel to take care of both bodies, And the ponies might hide away from Razer.
They can leave Razer to stay with Angel to look over the bodies, Leaving Spike to call for help alone, Which might not be the best Idea with how slow Spike runs.
They can't send Angel to call for help since only Fluttershy and Sam can understand him.

They can all go to the town with the bodies, and hope to not cause a misunderstanding. Which seems unlikely with how all the ponies seemed terrified of the Large Dragon.

Which really only leaves Spike to go with Razer back to Ponyville to get Help, Leaving Angel with the bodies. Once the two dragons reach the town, The red giant will fly back to Fluttershy' cabin to help the white bunny while Spike returns later with help on his side.

Telling the plan to the two others and receiving a nod and agreement from Razer and Angel in response, Spike once more climbs up the giant dragon and the two fly back to town.

I woke up in an environment which can only be considered Apocalyptic.

There weren't any zombies or roving gangs of bandits.

It was a special kind of apocalypse.
A world split into three environments of hell.

I was standing on a stone circle a symbol resembling a triangle carved on to it, Most of the symbol seems to have disappeared under the weather of this place, But what I can see is that Each point of the triangle point toward a different zone in this hellscape.

The vertex to my right points towards a flat land, devoid of life entirely, cracks in the dry ground getting filled by an endless pour of rain, Lightning falling from the sky striking the dry earth, creating more crack in the process.
An Apocalypse of Lightning.

The vertex to my left points to a blazing inferno of scorching flames, The fire reaches so high I cannot see the clouds, The earth cannot be seen under the flames. Only a sea of orange, no sky nor ground, Only fire.
An Apocalypse of Fire.

And finally, The head of the triangle, pointing directly behind me towards a sea of white shrouded in freezing mist.
Snow and ice as far as the eye can see, The sky blocked out by a dense layer of fog, The cold is creeping towards me just by standing near it.
An Apocalypse of Cold.

Seeing that I cannot go anywhere, Lest I suffer one of the three kinds of hell in front of me, I decide to lay down on the stone platform I found myself on, And close my eyes once more.

And as I once again wake up from a nightmare, this time one that I never had before, I fail to notice the two bright yellow eyes staring at me from inside the frozen mists of the hell of ice and snow.

"Spike are you alright?" Twilight asks her little brother as he runs into the library, She saw him run outside when he saw that a giant dragon landed in the middle of town and she was too shocked to follow him.

"I'm fine Twilight, But Fluttershy and Samuel need your help, Right now!" Spike yells as he tries to grab on to Twilight and drag her outside only for her to leave his grasp.

"Spike, Slow down, Tell me why you ran outside towards a dragon, what's going on with you today?" She asks the baby dragon.

"This is really not the time right now, We need to get to Fluttershy immediately!" Spike once again tells her, Too much in a hurry to help his friends to explain what's going on to Twilight.

And as Spike tries to get Twilight to follow him outside, He hears a loud swooshing sound before looking outside the window and seeing a rainbow trail in the sky flying towards Fluttershy's cabin.

"Oh no..." Spike says before quickly turning to twilight, "Okay listen, I went outside to see the dragon because he's the first dragon I saw that wasn't myself, but when I got there He explained that he's looking for Fluttershy because Samuel passed out and he was told she could help, So I went with him to Fluttershy's place to get her to help Sam, But when she Saw Razer, That's the dragons name by the way, She also passed out. Now both Sam and Fluttershy are unconscious and Rainbow Dash is on her way to kickRazeroveramisunderstanding Twilight we need to hurry!" Spike explains in one breath before taking a deep gulp of air before turning to Twilight again.

"So can we go now?" The nod from Twilight is all the answer he needs before the horn on her head glows and in a flash of light the two find themselves halfway towards Fluttershy's house, Quickly running the rest of the way there.

As the Unicorn and Dragon get close, they can hear two familiar voices yelling out.

As they turn a bend and see the yellow Pegasus's home, They notice an Orange mare with a cowboy hat and a lasso running around a big red dragon while a blue pegasus with rainbow colored hair flies circles around its head.

"Stop you two, Stop!" Spike shouts at the two ponies attacking his new Dragon friend. But the two ponies can't hear him.

"Twilight, We need to stop them." Spike says and with a determined look on her face, Twilight's horn starts to glow before the hat on the earth pony's head gets yanked backward, pulling the mare along with it.

Seeing that Applejack looked to have been pushed away from the dragon, Rainbow dash starts to get aggressive. Delivering a kick to the nose of the giant dragon.

"Ha, How do you like that?" Rainbow Dash asks cockily as her foot connects with the dragons snout, "Don't you mess with us!" She shouts at the probably injured dragon before realizing.

He didn't flinch, And since when were those eyes so close? And where did his claw go? And what's that sou- With a flick of his finger, Razer launches Rainbow Dash towards the ground, Making her collide with Applejack and push the two ponies into a rolling ball of limbs and yelps.
The two ponies roll down the hill before they're engulfed in a purple aura and levitated apart.

"Oh Twilight, You made it just in time, We're about to teach this big monster a lesson." Rainbow Dash tells the purple Unicorn that just saved her butt.

"No No No! No more fighting," Twilight tells the Pegasus, catching her off guard, "You too Applejack, stop this nonsense." The orange earth pony looks at the big scary dragon which, as she just notices, isn't actually attacking them.

"But Twilight! That Dragon is holding Fluttershy hostage." Rainbow Dash tries to explain to Twilight, But the unicorn cuts her off.
"No Rainbow, The Dragon is looking after Fluttershy. He came here because Samuel passed out and only Spike and Fluttershy can speak with him."

"Who the hay is Samuel?" Rainbow asks, And now Twilight remembers that she never introduced the other elements to the Human turned monster.

"Never mind that Rainbow Dash, Twilight has a point. That Dragon over there never actually attacked us directly until you kicked him in the schnoz. And look over there" Applejack says as she points to a window behind the dragon on the side of the house where she can spot Fluttershy's pet bunny waving them over.

Looking at what her friend is pointing at, Rainbow dash suddenly feels a wave of guilt hit her.
Her friend could have been in danger and instead of helping her out, she attacked a dragon that in reality did nothing wrong.

As the group gets ready to head over to help Fluttershy and Chespin, they hear a series of clops behind them and an old man calling them out.
"Excuse me, Are any of you the Mare known as Miss Fluttershy?" An old man asks in an accent similar to Rarity, If only she was fifty years older and a stallion.

Turning around to see who it is that asked them that question, They're surprised to see a deer with what seems like small bushes instead of antlers.

"Mr Picard, What are you doing here?" The group now looks back at the Dragon that apparently could speak all this time.

"I can speak, Why would he be able to?" Spike grumbles in annoyance at his friends seeming stupidity.

"Oh Razer, my dear, I didn't see you there. My eyesight must be getting worse. Do you know where a mare named Fluttershy is perhaps? I was pointed in this direction but no one answered me for sure. People these days, Absolutely no manners. Can't they help an old man reach his destination?" The Deer says with a small chuckle as he walks past Spike and the ponies and towards Razer.

"Yeah, Chick's inside, She passed out as well. You wouldn't know something about how to treat that do you?" Razer asks the Sawsbuck that's approaching him.

"She also passed out you say? Yes I can deal with that." He says before turning around and pointing at the blue pony, "You there, Bring me some Ethanol." He turns a bit more and points to the orange pony "And you, Bring here some Ammonia and fish oil" As the two ponies run to grab the items the weird deer asked of them, Leaving Twilight and Spike as the only remaining people there other than Razer and the Deer himself.

Turning to point at Spike, "Follow me, I could use another pair of hands, Mine aren't as stable as they used to be." He walks to Fluttershy's cabin, Leaving Twilight alone behind him.

After twenty minutes, Applejack and Rainbow dash return with what the deer asked and enter the Fluttershy's house with the requested chemicals.

Grabbing the bottles and taking them to the kitchen while Twilight and the rest watch over the knocked out Samuel and Fluttershy. Spike carries the bottles to the deer before placing them on the counter.

"Okay, Now I need you to do exactly as I tell you, No more no less. This is the hardest part of an operation, Am I understood?" The Deer with bush antlers asks Spike, who nods in affirmation.

"Good, Now follow my instructions, First you-" And so another hours passed before the strong smelling concoction that Spike made was placed inside the now empty bottle of Fish Oil.

Taking the bottle to the two bodies lying in the living room, Spike holds it under the nose of Fluttershy for a short few seconds before she jumps awake and starts to scratch her nose in irritation.

Seeing as Fluttershy woke up, Spike hovers the bottle under Samuel's nose, Even Angel backs off as he gets close.

After another short few seconds, Sam jumps awake and paws at his nose with tears in his eyes.

Seeing that the two are now awake, If rolling on the floor to try and catch an itch, Spike turns to ask the deer what it was he had him make.

"Oh that? That was just some home-grade Smelling Salts. They wake you right up in a jiffy. Although these ingredients aren't the medical grade I'm used to, so the irritation might be slightly worse" The Sawsbuck answered. "Oh, And I believe I never introduced myself, Did I?" That catches everyone's attention.

The Deer takes a short bow before standing straight and proclaiming, "I am Sir William J Picard, And just like this fellow over here-" He points at Samuel as he says so "-I am a Human."

The silence that came with that reveal was soon broken by the rainbow maned Pegasus asking what was on most of their minds.

"What the hay is going on right now?"

Author's Note:

New Chapter, Tell me what you think.

I finally introduced Sir William J Picard, The Third Human turned Pokemon to be named in this story, And believe me, he won't be the last.

As you might have guessed, He's a Sawsbuck, The Normal/Grass type pokemon from the Black and White games.

Also we got another sneak into a bit of Sam's life back on earth, If you can call it that.

Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading this far :)

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