• Published 27th Aug 2022
  • 5,055 Views, 242 Comments

A Walking Chestnut - Netap

A Human finds himself waking up as a Chespin in a magical world, It's kind of simple.

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Chapter 16: A Bunny and a Bug meet in a forest.

Sometime during the third night of the sail towards Caninia, A white rabbit woke up in Ponyville.

The Sun hasn't risen, All the ponies were asleep. And that night, Angel had a dream.

It wasn't his Usual dream of his mother leaving him on Fluttershy's doorstep as a baby, It wasn't even the dream he started seeing recently of Fluttershy and her friends entering the Everfree Forest to fight Nightmare Moon, never to return.

No, This dream was new, It was unique.
In the dream, Angel saw a monster.
A monster so large its form towered over the horizon, Its massive arms moving through the skies, the winds created shaping the land like a painter with a brush.
Its blue fur singed with flames that burned a dark yellow, and its glowing red eyes looking down at all living things in its sight.
It could be nothing more than a dream, Angel knew.
A monster like that could never exist in the real world, It would collapse under it's own weight, only the most powerful of magics could sustain it, and Angel knew that nothing like that existed.

But the monster wasn't the thing that woke him up, It was the voice.
"The Pontiff has awoken, Soon the saint shall be freed" Angel doesn't know what a Pontiff is, but it must be important if he dreamed of it together with such a monster.

But the thing about the voice that woke him up, wasn't the strangeness of it's context, or that he didn't know what one of the words means, But how it sounded like a whisper coming from outside.
Outside of his dream, somewhere in the real world.

And the Idea that something out there would whisper in his ear while he slept was scarier than any dream he ever had.

Jumping out of his small bed, he hopped up the stairs to check if Fluttershy heard it too, but when he reached her room, she was still fast asleep.

Going back down the stairs, Angel figured that it was just a scary dream and he was overthinking things.

Snuggling under his tiny blanket, Angel closed his eyes and just before he could fall back to sleep, he opened them.
"The Pontiff has awoken, Soon the saint shall be freed" He heard it again, but this time he was awake.

Looking outside a window to see if he could spot any pony creeping around the house, he is shocked to instead see groups of animals sleep walking towards the Everfree Forest.

Quickly going outside, Angel runs towards them to try and wake them up.
After nudging, pushing and even yelling at some of the animals to wake up, he reaches the outskirts of the Everfree.

A few more hops and he will be in the most dangerous situation of his life.

He could go back and try to wake up Fluttershy, but by the time they get back, all the animals will be long gone.
Angel will need to follow them into the forest.

Entering the Everfree forest for the first time is terrifying for Angel, the trees and leaves are so thick he can't make out the sky, and the hordes of sleepwalking creatures aren't really helping calm him down.

Seeing that he is in an undoubtedly dangerous situation, Angel asks himself one question, "What would Fluttershy do?"

After thinking over that question for a short bit, He reaches the conclusion that she would go ask for help, but right now is too late for that, so the second thing she would do is stiffen in fear before fainting, which won't help anyone right now.

So seeing as thinking like Fluttershy won't help anyone, He asks himself a different question, "What would Samuel do?"

According to Sam, he is part of the army from where he's from, and Angel knows that in the army they are trained to fight and protect each other, Seeing as Angel doesn't have the training that Chespin obviously has, He thinks of what else he would do.

Ignore the problem and hope it will go away? Angel can't do that! These creatures could be in danger, He doesn't know where they're headed.

There must be something he can think of that can help!

And as he starts to rack his brain for ideas, he bumps into the back of a snoring squirrel.
Looking around him, and seeing that the animals have stopped moving, Angel takes a peek ahead to see what going on.

He knew the Everfree was dangerous, but he didn't expect to see an insect the height of a tall colt to crawl weakly towards one of the sleeping animals. Open its beak like mouth and suck into it a pink and purple mist that's coming out of the sleeping creature.

He also didn't expect the creature to have the purple mist sucked out of it to collapse on the ground as it's legs gave out beneath it.

Walking to the next sleeping animal, the large bug does the same thing. It eats the weird pink mist, the animal gets weak and collapses, and the bug moves on to the next meal.

Knowing that he needs to get out of there, Angel quickly hops back in the direction he came from.

As he exits the group of sleeping animals, he suddenly finds himself floating backwards in a purple aura.
Floating towards the bug.

"And What have we here? A small bunny who couldn't sleep?" Angel hears an aged voice in his mind. Looking at the bug, he notices the orange tips of it's antennae glowing with a purplish-pink color.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" Angel shouts at the creepy bug, Hoping it will release him from the magical hold it has on him.

"And why should I do that?" The orange bug asks, looking at the floating rabbit with a scrutinizing eye. "You know of my doings in this here forest, for what reason should I let you go? So you could run and tell all the other animals and men to steer clear of the woods?" The large moth leans down to look at Angel, "How will I get my food then?"

Swallowing the saliva that's been forming in his throat, Angel quickly thinks of an excuse to be let go, but before he can give it, the bug continues.

"Let us two strike a deal, I ask you a question and if you can give me an adequate answer, I will let you go." The Moth tells Angel, and without waiting for his answer, it asks.

"Do you know a human?" Angel pauses, he knows human, he actually knows two of them.

Nodding his head upside down in the telekinetic grasp, Angel gives his answer. "I know a human, yes."

Seeing the eyes on the bug squint at him make Angel feel all the more smaller than he already is compared to the bug.
Knowing that his life might end at any moment because this Moth decided to do away with him.

"And who is this human?" The bug now asks, Now The easy answer is to give away Samuel. He knows he's a human and if he ever wanted to throw someone under the bus, He would be an easy target.

But Angel isn't the type of bunny to throw away a friend like Sam just to save his skin, and luckily for Angel, he knows another human.

"His name is William J Picard, He looks like a weird deer" Angel feels sorry for throwing out the old man like that, but it was either him or Sam, and Angel wasn't going to throw his Rodent buddy out like that.

"Sorry Mr Picard, But I'm not throwing Sam away, not like this at least", Angel thought to himself as the orange bug releases him from his telekinetic hold.

"Go Home, Little Rabbit. I am releasing you as I have ordained to." The Moth says as Angel picks himself up and start hopping away quickly, leaving behind him the still sleeping animals and the orange moth, but not before hearing the voice of the Orange Moth echo in his head once more.

The Pontiff has Awoken, Soon the Saint shall be released.

Beware, Little Rabbit, Of those who hide between your fleece.

Author's Note:

Another Short chapter, Next chapter will be back to Sam on the boat.

This chapter was from Angel's view point, and we are introduced to a mysterious new character (Wow i'm doing that alot lately)

The Pontiff, Another Pokehuman who seems to know more than he lets on.

Is he good? Is he evil? Is he not even a human in the first place? Or worst of all, is he french?

He will be a very important character in a later arc, so don't forget about him.

P.S - No cartoon creatures were harmed in the making of this chapter, The Pontiff used the move Dream Eater to restore some power to his injured body, that is all.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Thank you for reading this far :)

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