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Apple Bottoms

Pony got those Apple Bottoms jeans, jeans! Boots with the fur - with the fur!


Sequel to Only A Filly.

Cozy Glow, the filly scourge of Equestria, was snatched from her stone prison mere moments before her destruction. Twilight Velvet tried to recover the innocent filly hiding within the hardened shell of the brutal Cozy Glow, but Cozy Glow cannot change so easily. She's convinced that Twilight Velvet must be using some kind of mind magic to make her feel things that she thought she had repressed long ago.

Now Cozy Glow must contend with the dangers of the forest as well as the dangerous Princess of Friendship who still pursues them. But the most dangerous risk of all may be learning to trust another pony ... and Cozy Glow isn't sure she'll make it out alive.

Written for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest #3, with the same prompt as before - "Cozy Makes an Unusual Friend."

Author's Note: Although this is a sequel, my intention is for it to function as a stand-alone story as well. There is a little bit of catch-up in the first chapter so we can be reminded of some of the events of of the first story, but keep in mind that Cozy Glow is an unreliable narrator! You may prefer to read Only A Filly before this story, but I hope you will enjoy it as a stand-alone as well. A lot of people asked for a sequel, and I really hope you all enjoy it!

Featured September 23-26, 2022

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 34 )

That was a good story. I wonder were they're going next.

It's a mystery! :trixieshiftleft: I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for reading!

I didn't expect getting a sequel to Only a Filly. I am very glad that we did, though. Cozy seems so be back to being closer to her show-self here. I'm guessing the initial shock of her situation wore off, which makes sense.

Fun, though, I'm confused why you "completed" the story a second time when it's yet to actually come to a satisfying conclusion.
If anything, if you ever intend to continue the story, then breaking it up into oneshots just causes the law of diminishing returns to kick in and fewer and fewer people will come back to read the next installment.

With how all bears in the show are in Fluttershy's care, its easy to forget just how dangerous they could be.

Damn, its almost like Cozy's mom was raising her to become a supervillain. I wonder if she was a criminal herself.

Next stop: Kludgetown? The Undiscovered West? Bugbear territory?

Aw, yay! I'm glad you got to see it! :heart: I think if it happened in the show, it would be neatly resolved in 23 minutes with commercials. But in real life progress is rarely linear. So Cozy Glow regressed a little bit, and what small progress they made seems to have vanished. But 'regression' does not mean 'forgotten'! Time will tell for these two!

Maybe so! It seems to be doing alright so far, so I'm very pleased that people are enjoying it! :heart:

So true! I hope I was able to illustrate how scary they would be, especially to a pair of small ponies! :pinkiegasp:

That would be an exciting twist! :pinkiegasp: I suspect that if she had tried to make Cozy Glow more of a mustache-twirling villain, she'd be way more over the top, like Trixie! :trixieshiftright: But childhood neglect is wild, and it can really mess with the development of an otherwise-normal filly. I figured Cozy Glow had to learn to manipulate to get what she wanted, so she never developed the normal attachments that any other filly would.

Oooh, all good locations!! :moustache: Where will they end up?!

Great story overall. I quite enjoyed it! I feel like both Cozy and Velvet here were better then in the prequel. If you end up writing another sequel someday, I'll gladly be awaiting it.

“Mom, she is a dangerous criminal, and at the very least she needs to be held accountable for what she did. Running away with her was - it was bad, Mom, but I told everyone that you just got caught up in the moment because you’re such a loving parent. You simply didn’t realize how bad everything she did was, because she tricked you. So we can go back to Canterlot, put her in the dungeon, figure everything out. Maybe she doesn’t have to be turned to stone, but there has to be some kind of, of, I don’t know. Punishment, Mom.”

Punish Starlight and Discord first, Twilight.

“I’m going to turn her to stone, then use her as gravel to pave my garden,”

Our hero, everyone.

With a swish of her horn and a grunt of effort, a portal opened up in the center of the room; on the other side stood a confused Nurse Redheart and her clinic.

Putting a portal all the way to Ponyville hospital? Velvet is one powerful mage.

I think twilight is a little over reactive when it comes to her hate of cozy.

I do hope that eventually we see a continuation of their run from twilight sparkle

I think she was coming around a little bit, her mom was convincing her ... until the 2x4. :rainbowlaugh:

Wow, high praise indeed, thank you very much! I was so afraid it might fall flat compared to the first! :raritydespair: I think Twilight Sparkle wouldn't have been so powerful if she didn't have some really good magical genes to work with, so I expect that Twilight Velvet is pretty powerful too! :pinkiehappy: Thank you for reading!

I like the writing and the story, but it feels a bit jarring labeling it "Complete" at this point.
However, I do look forward to seeing more of this story in the future.

“I’m going to turn her to stone, then use her as gravel to pave my garden,” Twilight Sparkle growled, her voice thin and reedy. “Just point me at her.”

She's fine 😁.

“Is the point of the punishment to rehabilitate her, Twi? Or is it to make you feel better that the ‘bad guy’ has been made to suffer? Because I don’t think I agree with the latter, and I think if you thought about it, you wouldn’t either.” Twilight Velvet’s voice softened near the end, and she reached out to touch Twilight Sparkle’s shoulder. “You’re under so much pressure, Twi. You don’t have to be the horn of justice all the time. Sometimes, ponies just need a second chance.”

Velvet has a point here. Twilight is just refusing to accept that her mom is smarter than her.

That's a good point about the tag! I'm trying to think of it like a trilogy; the story stands alone, but it's clear there's more to tell, and our heroes aren't quite done with their quest. But I feel (personally) like Cozy Glow would take more than just one story to rehabilitate, so she's gotta go through some life stuff before she reaches her happy ending! Thank you for the kind words! :heart:

It's hard for anyone to hear the harsh truth from their mom! :rainbowlaugh: Especially when they're right! And I imagine it's especially galling when your title is Princess of Friendship to be told that you could use a little more friendship in this situation. :rainbowlaugh:

Really Good Story!!!
Im excited to see where it goes next

Good job, Cozy, she deserved that bonk with a two-by-four. You have my permission to do it again.

I really hope you aren't planning on waiting for the next cozy glow contest to continue this. You have something special here, and I'm excited for it's continuation!

Too bad the old cluebyfour didn't seem to have an immediate effect. perhaps repeated use will have the desired outcome?

Two by six should be more effective.

I think many ponies and many people could really grow and improve from the experience of getting smacked upside the head with a two-by-four. Perhaps doctors and therapists should begin prescribing those instead of medication. That'd sure be an interesting conversation.

In any case, a delightful narrative. I'm always one for Cozy Glow redemption stories, because we see nothing of her backstory or motivations ever in the show. On the one hoof, this makes for a very shallow and rather cheap villain, but on the other hoof, it also allows us fanfic authors to fill in the blanks.

And what blanks you've filled in! Cozy's previous situation is tragic indeed, and explains much. Still, we haven't been given the full story, and I pray that you do not cease working on this third book. I'm intensely interested and invested, and thus will await this grand finale with bated breath.

My only complaint about this story is that these chapters ended quickly.
It deserves a sequel. The author is well done! :twilightsmile:

Argh, rereading this and it's still so good! What a ride.

“You took me to space?!”

Me: yes

sequel sequel sequel

favorite parts of chapter 1: the journal entries and her feeling embarrassed and ashamed and yelling at herself for needing “from her mommmy-wommy” (I apologize if I copied the quote wrong, my short-term memory is poor at times). great start so excited to read the next chapters

woah, my heart. the bear

Twilight Velvet is very good with psychology and children. That makes me happy and gives me more information about potential ways to react in different situations

Authoritative abusive inconsistent and neglectful parenting. Damn.

AH a second segment complete. I can’t write for more (I hope you write more I’d love to read it)

Progress isn’t linear!! Dang it about Twilight they were so cozy in the woods. Well, besides the bear. Suppose those woods weren’t as safe as expected

Excited to see where they go next!

Thank you!! I have been brainstorming, I have a few ideas working! I feel bad making everyone wait so long, but real life can be a real bear (ha ha) sometimes! I'm glad you liked the story! :)

Damn, I want more chapters about her past

I hope you do continue you this in some form someday. Because it left off on a pretty interesting note. With the two going on the run. And their budding relationship is surprisingly wholesome.

It's a bit of a shame how things ended with Twilight Sparkle here. Though I'm sure she'll come around.

I liked the first story but this one just kind of makes Twilight into a giant ooc bitch. She doesn't even give her mother a chance to explain herself..

I know Twilight thinks Cozy has done something to her nothing, but she is ridiculously out of character here. She basically threatened to kill her come on now.. Doesn't help that Cozy is giving her literally zero reason to trust her whatsoever.

I keep forgetting that Twilight Velvet is Twilight Sparkle’s mother 😂😂 I’m like “Who?” And only put it together when she says “My daughter is most definitely looking for you” lol. Boy am I in another realm!!

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