• Member Since 27th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen May 22nd



All she knew was the lab. But now, She's free. In a new world with infinite choices.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 23 )

Ill give you a follow.

Excellent work

I haven't read it but all I know is that every time I read a wolf story it gets cancelled or it's collecting dust

I'd like to know what you liked about the story.

Personally I just like the concept and the way it’s written.
I hate to agree but this is very true.

Well Twilight just fucked up.

when ponies magic didnt goes exactly peaceful as expected

Well, isn't Twilight being a bossy bitch!:applejackunsure:
Go Void Powers!:moustache:
Please continue.:pinkiehappy:

Woo..just found this story btw...is this going to continue or no..??

It is alive!

Perhaps you could remake it one day, or at least put it up for adoption for other authors to remake and finish it?

It wont be permanently cancelled. Its not up for adoption and will be remade once I finish with something else.

and i was getting into it


<-< YAY!

So why not set the status as hiatus instead of cancelled?

Sad to sit cancelled, but happy that it's not permanent. Hope to see it back soon.

I will need some ideas of how I used to type. So I kinda need reminders. Im not good at analysis thats why i need the help

I was just getting into this, and now it's been cancelled. 😟

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